This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1008 The spirit and baby unite, and the soul is out of the body

Xiao Zhi took a deep breath and said, "Let's get started, what should I do now?"

The handsome man's face said: "First, call out your Dharma image of the Dawei Heavenly King."

"Okay." Xiao Zhi nodded and chose to follow suit.

Immediately, a cloud of golden mist floated out of Xiao Zhi's body, and in the blink of an eye, it condensed into a terrifying figure with three heads and eight arms, which was the Dharma face of King Dawei!

Dawei Heavenly King Dharma Phase is huge in size, even if it has been shrunk down as much as possible by Xiao Zhi, it still fills up this small piece of pure land that exists in Dutian Xuansha Furnace.

Venerable Kui and others had to use laws and energy to double the area of ​​this pure land, which made it less crowded, but in this way, the consumption of true energy would also increase a lot.

As soon as Xiao Zhi summoned the Dharma Aspect of the Dawei Heavenly King, the handsome man's face opened his mouth and said: "Let it make a wish, and your willpower will be doubled!"

Xiao Zhi nodded.

Dawei Tianwang Dharma Immediately raised one of its red arms, pointed at Xiao Zhi, and said in a vast voice: "Make his willpower double!"

Immediately, a rule-like force acted on Xiao Zhi's body!

At the same time, the true energy in Xiao Zhi's body was like an avalanche, and it bottomed out all at once.

Xiao Zhi was so frightened that he quickly took out the spirit stone from the storage ring and began to absorb it.

The handsome man said with a face: "This time you make a wish, your true energy should be consumed a lot, first replenish your true energy."

"Okay." Xiao Zhi nodded and said, "Next, what else do you wish for?"

"No need." The handsome man said, "You can take it away."

"Okay." Xiao Zhi nodded, and looked at the Dharma Aspect of the Dawei Heavenly King floating beside him. Under Xiao Zhi's gaze, the terrifying appearance of the Dharma Aspect of the Dawei Heavenly King suddenly collapsed into a ball of golden mist, and floated back to the direction. Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi silently absorbed the spirit stone. While absorbing the spirit stone, he performed [Whale Swallow Skill] and ate several large pieces of jerky ink dragon meat one after another.

Not long after, Xiao Zhi said, "Okay."

The handsome man's face said: "The next thing you need to do is to unite the spirit baby and get out of the body."

"The spirit baby unites, and the soul is out of the body?" Xiao Zhi frowned slightly.

The handsome man's face transmitted voice and explained: "The integration of the soul and the Nascent Soul is to temporarily fuse your soul and Nascent Soul into one. You should know that when a monk transforms into a Nascent Soul, the soul is divided into two parts by the laws of heaven. One part is the soul of our original deity, and the other part is turned into the Nascent Soul. Although the existence of the Nascent Soul has all kinds of supernatural powers, it is very unfavorable for us to kill our souls and become gods. On the road to becoming a god, there is a secret card set up, this secret card, I don’t know how many genius monks on the road to becoming a god have died.”

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he couldn't help showing a thoughtful expression on his face. After thinking for a while, he said, "What should I do so that the soul and baby can become one?"

The handsome man's face transmitted voice: "I have a secret method, which can make your soul and baby become one. You just need to do what I say, and you will be fine."

"Okay." Xiao Zhi nodded without hesitation.

Now that he has chosen to believe in Zhenlan Cannian, he will no longer be half-hearted, but will stick to his choice and implement every request that Zhenlan Cannian said to the letter.

With a handsome man's face, he immediately sent a long message to Xiao Zhi, telling Xiao Zhi what to do.

Xiao Zhi did it step by step, and then, a miraculous scene happened. In the inner space of the Nascent Soul deep in Xiao Zhi's sea of ​​consciousness, the Nascent Soul Xiao Zhi disappeared without a trace. As if it never existed.

Disappearing along with Nascent Soul Xiao Zhi, there are also the visualization object Qinglong, visualization object Kunyu, and visualization object Yuanlong that also exist in the inner space of Yuanying.

These conceived objects embodied in the inner space of the Nascent Soul were actually transformed by a strand of Xiao Zhi's soul, and now, along with the Nascent Soul Xiao Zhi, they have returned to the real body and merged with the real body.

And with their disappearance, in Xiao Zhi's Nascent Soul inner space, there were no living things for a while, it became silent, and it seemed more desolate than before.

The feeling that Yuan Ying and Ben Zunxin have merged into one is amazing. Xiao Zhi felt that some new thoughts, ideas and memories had appeared in his mind. At the same time, there was a feeling of being completed. My thinking became sharper and clearer.

After a few seconds, Xiao Zhi slowly opened his eyes, looked at the handsome man's face floating in front of his eyes, and said, "Okay, I have achieved the unity of the soul and baby, what should I do next?"

Venerable Kui and others sitting in the four corners of the 'Pure Land' all looked at this handsome man's face.

They worked hard to maintain the existence of this 'pure land', acted as the background board without saying a word, and tried their best to create a fairly good environment for Xiao Zhi to kill the soul.

The handsome man's face transmitted voice to Xiao Zhi: "After the integration of the soul and baby is completed, the next step is to go out of the body. This step is relatively simple, you only need to..."

Xiao Zhi listened carefully, and after the handsome man's face finished speaking, he nodded and said, "Okay, I understand."

Next, he began to try to get out of his body.

This step was indeed relatively simple. Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged and closed his eyes. Less than three seconds later, a cloud of golden mist floated out of Xiao Zhi's body.

In the blink of an eye, the golden mist turned into Xiao Zhi's appearance, floating in mid-air.

Xiao Zhi, who was floating in mid-air, seemed to be composed of countless golden dots, which seemed a little illusory.

This is Xiao Zhi's first out of body experience. After his out of body experience, he felt that his body became light and weightless. This feeling of losing body and weight was like a dream. .

The difference from dreaming is that the person in the dream often has a hazy perception of the surroundings, and the state is generally muddled, but at this time, he is abnormally lucid, with an ethereal feeling in his thinking.

At the same time, his perception of the outside world is also exceptionally clear!

Xiao Zhi, who was in a state of mind and soul, came to his physical body sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed.

He is examining his own body, looking at himself, this feeling makes him feel a little weird.

Ten seconds passed, and after getting used to the feeling of being out of body, Xiao Zhi said, "The out of body is over, what should I do next?"

His voice seemed a little ethereal and ethereal, giving people an unreal feeling.

The handsome man stared at Xiao Zhi who was in a state of mind and soul, and said via voice transmission: "The next thing is to kill the soul."

It was finally time to start killing the soul, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but shudder in his heart!

The handsome man's face transmitted the sound transmission: "Slaying the soul is actually very simple..."

Xiao Zhi listened carefully.

Not long after, the handsome man finished speaking and floated back a certain distance.

Xiao Zhi, who was in a state of mind and soul, took a deep breath, bowed to Venerable Kui, Yang Xu, Li Kuo, and Shi Chong who were sitting cross-legged in the four corners of the "Pure Land", and said: "Soul killing requires Not a short while, please, everyone."

Venerable Kui said in a cold voice: "You just do it, don't worry about the outside situation."

Shi Chong also opened his mouth and said: "There are a few of us outside, so it is absolutely impossible for anything to go wrong."

At this time, Yang Xu also said in a muffled voice: "Brother Zhi, you can do it, you will definitely succeed in killing your soul, I want to see you become a god with my own eyes!"

Xiao Zhi nodded at them one by one.

As for the demon Li Kuo, he didn't say a word at this time, he was communicating with Xiao Zhi through his thoughts.

Through his mind, Xiao Zhi told Li Kuo some things: "Brother Li, your power comes from my physical power. When I kill my soul, my physical power cannot be replenished. You can control my physical body at that time." Eat."

"Okay, master."

"Most of the meat is stored in the storage ring on my left middle finger. I have cleared the restrictions on it, and my remaining spirit stones are also stored in this storage ring. If I The time of soul slaying is too long, and they don't have enough spirit stones, so you take them out and distribute them to them."

"Okay, master..."

The speed of consciousness communication is extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, Xiao Zhi has already given instructions.

During this period, neither Xiao Zhi, Li Kuo, nor Venerable Kui mentioned what would happen if the soul slaying failed, and what to do.

Because everyone is a smart person, and they all know the consequences of Xiao Zhi's failure to kill the soul.

Once Xiao Zhi fails to kill the soul, not only he will die, but all the monsters present will die, which is the difference between early death and late death.

Although Taixuzi's main target is Xiao Zhi, it is impossible for Taixuzi to let them go.

It can be said that Xiao Zhi's soul slaying this time is not only related to his own life, but also the lives of everyone present and the demon.

"It's started." Xiao Zhi, who was in a state of mind and soul, said softly.

Hearing this, Li Kuo, the demon, lightly raised his hand, and a frost barrier formed, covering Xiao Zhi in a state of mind and soul and the handsome man's face floating in front of Xiao Zhi, separating the inside and outside.

In the frost barrier, in front of Xiao Zhi, who was in a state of mind and soul, a tiny golden short blade was quickly condensed.

This golden dagger was transformed by a trace of Xiao Zhi's spiritual substance, and it looked as if it was real.

As a creature of this world, Xiao Zhi is inextricably linked with this world.

Next, Xiao Zhi will use this golden dagger to cut off all his connections with this world!

Following Zhen Lan Cannian's guidance, Xiao Zhi used the purest power of the soul to carefully sense his whole body. Soon, he 'saw' that there were dense lines around his body.

These lines are thick and thin, extending from all parts of his body, extending outward for a distance of about three feet, and then disappearing into the void.

"Have you sensed those lines?" asked the handsome man floating next to Xiao Zhi's soul.

"I sensed it." Xiao Zhi, who was in a state of ecstasy, said, his voice seemed ethereal, giving people an unreal feeling.

"These lines are thick and thin. The thicker the lines, the deeper the connection with you and the harder it is to let go. The thinner the lines, the shallower the connection with you and the easier it is to cut off. When you After cutting off all the lines extending from your body, you are considered to have completed the soul beheading." The handsome man said: "I can't see these lines, you can choose a thinner line and try it first. Test the waters."

"Okay." Xiao Zhi nodded.

thinner lines...

Xiao Zhi turned his 'eyes' and quickly identified the target.

This is a line thinner than a hair, not only thin, but also very illusory, almost invisible.

That's it.

Under the control of Xiao Zhi's mind, the golden scalpel-like Soul Slashing Knife came to the side of this thin line in an instant, and cut it off with one slash!

This illusory line, which was thinner than a hair, was cut off immediately, and then collapsed into nothingness without a sound.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi only felt that he seemed to have lost something, but when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't remember what he had lost.

At the same time, he also felt a slight pain.

"How do you feel?" The handsome man asked.

Xiao Zhi expressed his feeling.

The handsome man said calmly: "Yes, this is the feeling. Next, you will lose more and become more and more painful. In the end, you will not know me at all, and you will forget why you want to Slaying the soul requires an extremely tenacious will to continue, well, I won't talk nonsense anymore, you can continue."

"Okay." Xiao Zhi, who was in a state of mind and soul, nodded and continued to kill the soul.

He started with the tiny threads all over his body.

Then I saw that under the control of Xiao Zhi's thoughts, the Soul Slashing Knife shuttled around Xiao Zhi's body like a tiny golden lightning, cutting off lines thinner than a hair.

In just one breath, dozens of silk threads were cut off by Xiao with the Zhanhundao.

Xiao Zhi continued to cut off these fluttering silk threads with the Zhanhundao.

Every time a silk thread is cut off, Xiao Zhi will feel like he has lost something, and at the same time, deep in his soul, he will also feel a little pain.

At the beginning, Xiao Zhi didn't think there was anything wrong, but as time passed, when the number of severed silk threads on his body reached thousands, he already felt a sense of emptiness in his heart. The tingling feeling deep in his soul, like being pricked by a needle, became more and more intense.

Fortunately, for Xiao Zhi, who has been trained in willpower, these negative feelings are completely tolerable.

Not long after, the tens of thousands of tiny lines around Xiao Zhi's body have been completely chopped off by Xiao Zhi with the Soul Slaying Knife!

At this time, Xiao Zhi's complexion looked a little painful.

He looked inside himself, and he could easily find that there were already countless needle-like marks in his soul.

These traces are very subtle, if you don't look carefully, you can't see them at all.

They couldn't heal, and after accumulating, the pain they gave Xiao Zhi had become very intense.

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