This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1021 Evil Monk

Through his mind, Xiao Zhi sent a voice transmission to Li Kuo, the demon: "After the situation in the imperial city is completely stabilized, I will send someone to bring Xueniang and Li Teng back to reunite with you. Brother Li, how are you doing?" ?”

"Thank you, master." Li Kuo said gratefully.

Xiao Zhi smiled and said: "With me, there is no need to be so polite."

Xiao Zhi and Li Kuo said a few words, and suddenly his mind moved, his identity jade badge appeared out of thin air, emitting a faint light, and the voice of Venerable Ji Shi came out from it: "Friend Xiao Daoist, Qing Xuzi just now Send me a voice transmission, he wants to talk to you, and Master Sen Luo of the sect alliance, he also wants to talk to you."

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help frowning slightly, and said, "What do they want to talk about?"

The voice belonging to Venerable Ji Shi said in a deep voice: "Qing Xuzi is on his way here, he will come over and talk to you in person, as for Master Sen Luo, it is the same."

"Okay, then I'll talk to them." Xiao Zhi said.

Those Taixu lineage venerables who are like bereaved dogs want to see him, but he can choose not to see him, but Qingxuzi is different from Master Senluo.

These are two big bosses.

He needs to go out in person to frighten these two big bosses and make them afraid of him and not dare to act rashly. Only in this way will the situation in the imperial city be completely stabilized, otherwise there will be no peace!

After finishing the call with Venerable Ji Shi, Xiao Zhi took out his sound transmission jade talisman specially used to contact the army of sentient beings, and tried to contact the army of sentient beings.

Soon, the sound transmission jade talisman shimmered, and a calm man's voice came out from it: "Mr. Xiao Zhi, what can I do for you?"

Xiao Zhi said what happened just now, and also said his own thoughts.

The calm man's voice pondered for a while, and said: "I personally think that Mr. Xiao Zhi, you are doing the right thing. Both Qingxuzi and Master Senluo should meet each other. As for how to talk to them after the meeting, that's the question. I am not qualified to say more, I will report this matter to the All Living Army."

"It's troublesome." Xiao Zhi said.

After finishing the call, Xiao Zhi pondered in silence for a while, and then he stopped thinking about it, but calmed down and began to visualize his [Dharma Aspect of the Great Powerful Heavenly King].

After a slight trance feeling, when Xiao Zhi was able to see things, he was already in the illusion of the Buddhist kingdom.

Xiao Zhi completed his transformation in an instant, turning into a terrifying figure with three heads and eight arms!

Following Xiao Zhi's transformation, the color of the sky and the earth suddenly changed. The golden Buddha's light that had been shining all over the earth disappeared, and it became densely covered with lead clouds, and the wind howled!

The surrounding monks and believers also immediately revealed their true faces, turning into black mist monsters and monsters like walking land, a dense mass of monsters, roaring and screaming at Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi didn't care about these low-level monsters rushing towards him, roaring and screaming. He was feeling his current situation.

His guess was not wrong. After the completion of the soul slaying, his soul changed. Not only did his strength become stronger in the world of sentient beings, but he also became much stronger in the illusion of the Buddha Kingdom!

He could feel that his current situation was better and stronger than ever!

Xiao Zhi just stood there without moving, until the black mist monster charging in the front was about to touch his face, and he finally made a move.

Seeing Xiao Zhi raised his arm high, he slammed a large black seal in his hand forward!

Suddenly, an invisible force field spread out, suppressing all directions!

All around Xiao Zhi, the figures of the black mist monsters and line monsters rushing towards him were all suppressed in place by the invisible force field, unable to move!

In the next moment, the bodies of these suppressed black mist monsters and land-based monsters exploded into balls of black mist.

When Xiao Zhi withdrew the suppressive pressure field, the frozen black mist spread out and then drifted away with the wind.

When the Dawei Tianwang Dharma that Xiao Zhi transformed into before unfolded the invisible force field with the black seal, he could freeze these black mist monsters and monsters like walking and land in midair, unable to move, but that's all.

Now, after relying on the big black seal to expand the invisible force field, what he can do is not only to suppress and imprison these black mist monsters and monsters, but he can even rely on this suppressing pressure field to drive these black monsters away. Kill the fog monsters and land monsters forcibly!

So strong!

After achieving this point, even Xiao Zhi himself was a little surprised.

Although doing so consumes a lot of true energy, it is indeed very strong...

After staying on the ground for a few more seconds, Xiao Zhi's figure soared into the sky and flew into the sky!

As Xiao Zhi's figure soared into the sky, two flying monsters rushed out from the thick lead cloud. They flapped their wings and rushed towards Xiao Zhi with ghostly roars.

"Good time!" Xiao Zhi raised his arm, and slammed the big black seal in his hand forward again!

Immediately, the invisible suppressive pressure field reappeared, sweeping in all directions!

The two flying monsters that were attacking Xiao Zhi were instantly affected by this invisible suppressive force, and their speed dropped sharply!

Among them, the weaker flying Yaksha was frozen in mid-air, unable to move, unable to move forward.

The slightly stronger Flying Rakshasa was not completely suppressed and could still fly forward, but in Xiao Zhi's eyes, its flying speed was as slow as a snail crawling.

Xiao Zhi was shocked again!

Too strong, the current him is really too strong!

When the Flying Rakshasa slowly crawled in front of Xiao Zhi at a snail's speed, Xiao Zhi just held the black sword, swung it forward lightly, and sliced ​​the Flying Rakshasa into pieces. Two cuts, and then another light swing of the sword, which also killed the demon soul that had just emerged from the Flying Rakshasa.

After killing the Flying Rakshasa, Xiao Zhi walked forward like a leisurely stroll, and in a flash came to the Flying Yasha who was completely imprisoned in mid-air, and swung his sword lightly, and it easily ended It took the life of this flying Yaksha.

Soon, another flying monster rushed out of the dark clouds above the sky, spread its wings, and rushed towards Xiao Zhi with a howling ghost.

Xiao Zhi started fighting one after another.

At the beginning, there were only single-digit flying monsters.

Gradually, the number of flying monsters that appeared reached a dozen, then twenty, thirty, and even an unprecedented forty!

Even though the number of monsters reached an unprecedented forty or so, Xiao Zhi still behaved extremely calmly when fighting these flying monsters. He lightly waved the sword and pestle in his hand, killing these flying monsters like It's like chopping melons and vegetables.

Even if the terrifying evil Buddha passed by his side like a flying bat and roared at him, he didn't feel too uncomfortable.

After the evil Buddha flew away, Xiao Zhi continued to fight with the flying monster.

After killing this wave of flying-level monsters, a large number of flying-level monsters flew out of the thick lead cloud and rushed towards Xiao Zhi!

This time, the number of flying monsters exceeded fifty!

Xiao Zhi began to change his fighting style, because after a long fight, there was not much real energy left in his body.

Ka Ka Ka... Xiao Zhi turned his head, aimed his angry face at a flying Yaksha that was attacking him, and let out a thunderous roar!

Under his roar, the flying yaksha felt as if it had been struck by lightning, and then began to attack other monsters around it like a madman.

With a flash, Xiao Zhi dodged a epee attack from a flying Asura, his grinning face turned, and he turned to another flying Yaksha, and let out a roar like thunder!

Immediately, another flying monster went berserk and began to attack the surrounding flying monsters indiscriminately.

Xiao Zhi followed suit and continued to attack other flying monsters with a scowling look.

Not long after, the flying-level monsters who were originally unanimous to the outside world started a large-scale civil war and scuffle. The ghosts screamed again and again, and the dog's brain was about to come out.

On the contrary, their enemy, Xiao Zhi, became a bystander watching the show, watching them fight each other, and from time to time would make up a roar for a certain flying monster so that they could continue to kill each other .

In this way, Xiao Zhi killed another wave of flying monsters.

There are even more flying monsters flying out of the thick clouds and culling towards Xiao Zhi!

This time, the number of flying-level monsters culled to Xiao Zhi became even more, reaching more than sixty!

At this time, Xiao Zhi's head also began to ache and humming.

This is a side effect of casting a rage attack.

Unleashing this kind of angry attack does not consume the real energy in his body, but consumes the power of his soul. Once the soul power is consumed too much, the person's head will tingle and his spirit will become listless.

Fortunately, for Xiao Zhi, who has experienced willpower training, this discomfort is just a child's disease, and he can fully bear it.

He wants to see, to see when this wave of flying monsters will be big.


Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth and continued!

Soon, these more than 60 flying monsters were also wiped out one by one by Xiao Zhi through angry attacks again and again.

Next, more than seventy flying monsters appeared in front of Xiao Zhi. Xiao Zhi resisted the increasingly intense tingling sensation in his head, and while he was walking, he gave these seventy flying monsters to him. They were wiped out one by one.

Then, more than 80 flying monsters appeared in front of Xiao Zhi!

"Continue!" Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth.

This time, it took almost half an hour for Xiao Zhi to finally kill all the eighty or so flying monsters.

Then, more than ninety flying monsters flew out of the heavy lead cloud, and rushed towards Xiao Zhi with a howling ghost!

These more than ninety flying monsters gathered together, forming a vast expanse, making people feel their scalps go numb just looking at them!

Xiao Zhi could tell at a glance that the number of flying monsters that appeared this time was ninety-nine in total!

"Continue!" Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth.

This time, it took Xiao Zhi a full half an hour to exhaust all means to kill the ninety-nine flying monsters one by one.

"Next, there should be more than a hundred of them..."

At this time, Xiao Zhi only felt that his head was about to explode, and the stinging pain was unbelievable. He could feel that he was almost at his limit.

His current state is very bad, and he should not be far away from being kicked out of this Buddhist world.

After a short while, in Xiao Zhi's field of vision, a cloud of lead as thick as ink suddenly began to collapse inward, turning into a human figure in the blink of an eye!

This figure was as tall as an ordinary person, wearing a black monk robe, with a pale face and a somewhat indifferent expression.

This should be a monk. He looks very ordinary, but his whole body exudes a terrifying aura!

There are no more flying monsters, which burst out from the lead cloud.

In the gloomy sky, only Xiao Zhi and the monk were left looking at each other thousands of feet away.

"This should be considered a small boss." Xiao Zhixin said.

Higher up in the sky, the evil Buddha sat back on the black lotus platform again, gloomyly looking down at Xiao Zhi, and glared like a diamond: "Kill him!"

"Yes!" The monk clasped his hands together and bowed to the evil Buddha. When he finished saluting and looked at Xiao Zhi again, he was already glaring like a vajra!

On both sides of his head, flesh and blood squirmed, and two new heads grew out, one happy and the other sad!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi couldn't help staring!

Three heads, could it be...

When Xiao Zhi was thinking about this, the evil monk had already rushed towards him!

The evil monk aimed at Xiao Zhi with an angry face, and let out a terrifying roar at Xiao Zhi!

Under his roar, Xiao Zhi could only feel his head buzzing, and a fire of ignorance ignited in his heart, and it went straight to his forehead, almost making him lose his mind!

Fortunately, Xiao Zhi has been baptized by the roar of the evil Buddha for a long time, and has more or less immunity to this kind of angry attack. With his tenacious spirit, he forced this sudden anger Pressed back.

After regaining his sanity, Xiao Zhi also turned his head and turned his angry face at the evil monk, and also let out a loud roar!

Under Xiao Zhi's roar, the evil monk's body trembled, and the figure rushing towards Xiao Zhi abruptly stopped in mid-air, his grimace distorted, as if he was enduring something.

"Although this little boss is stronger than those flying monsters, it's nothing more than that..." Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi couldn't help thinking to himself.

However, as soon as this idea came to mind, the evil monk turned his head, pointed his smiling face at Xiao Zhi, and then let out a creepy and weird laugh!

Xiao Zhi didn't feel anything at first, but soon he felt in a trance, feeling like sleepwalking!

Just in this trance, the evil monk approached Xiao Zhi like lightning, and a black sword appeared out of thin air in his hand, stabbing directly at Xiao Zhi's forehead!

At the critical moment, Xiao Zhi suddenly woke up, he quickly waved the black sword in his hand to parry, and at the same time tilted his head back.

However, a sad face appeared in front of his eyes, almost touching his face!

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