This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1029: Great Achievement!

Li Kuo said, "Master, what should we do now?"

Xiao Zhi said in a deep voice: "If you find Zhenlan, you must find Zhenlan."

While speaking, a crystal clear snow lotus petal appeared out of thin air and floated in front of his eyes.

Xiao Zhi stared at the snow lotus petal as a keepsake, hoping that there would be a faint light on it. As a result, he waited for several minutes, but there was still no vision on the snow lotus petal.

Xiao Zhi sighed softly, took the snow lotus petal, and said in a deep voice: "If nothing else happens, Zhenlan should be hiding near the mountain cold absolute domain, but the god and demon Liangsheng sent a god clone to search for him His traces made him dare not show his head easily, so we have to go back again... to kill the divine spirit clone of Shenmao Liangsheng!"

Li Kuo said, "Go back now?"

Xiao Zhi shook his head slightly, and said: "Wait a minute, I will find a place to retreat for a while, I can feel it, my [Dawei Tianwang Dharma] is about to break through, wait for [Dawei Tianwang Dharma] After the breakthrough, we will fight back."

Li Kuo nodded, and said: "The god and demon Liang Sheng can incarnate into tens of millions, and we can't tell where its body is. Let Yang Xu come over, and he may be able to perceive the body of the god and demon Liang Sheng."

Xiao Zhilue pondered for a while, and said, "We'll talk about this later."

What he needs to face this time is Liang Sheng, a god and demon, and the danger in it is self-evident.

Although Yang Xu is already a demon venerable, he is still too weak in a battle of this level. He may not be able to protect Yang Xu comprehensively.

So, unless it was absolutely necessary, he didn't want Yang Xu to come and take risks.

Not long after, among the vast mountains, Li Kuo, the demon, has set up a hidden barrier here, and Xiao Zhi is in this barrier, sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, imagining and cultivating his [Dawei] Heavenly King's Faxiang].

In the illusion of the Buddha Kingdom, the Dharma Form of the Dawei Heavenly King transformed by Xiao Zhi was missing two arms, the arm holding the black umbrella and the arm holding the black ring.

The lack of the black umbrella is nothing, but the lack of the black ring has greatly weakened Xiao Zhi's ability to withstand mental attacks, which made Xiao Zhi appear very passive in the first dozen rounds of the battle.

Fortunately, this lack is only temporary. Slowly, the two missing arms of Dawei Tianwang Faxiang grew back again, and Xiao Zhi's combat power also returned to normal, and he was able to suppress the evil spirit in the battle. Monk.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and before you knew it, the night had turned into day.

Xiao Zhi, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, and his face looked a little pale.

Li Kuo stood by his side and said, "Master, how is your cultivation going?"

"It's not close." Xiao Zhi said in a deep voice.

He began to sit cross-legged to rest, and after resting, he closed his eyes again, and continued to practice and visualize his [Dawei Tianwang Faxiang].

Before you know it, it's the evening of the day again.

Xiao Zhi was still sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, imagining and practicing his [Dawei Tianwang Faxiang].

Time and time again, he imagined entering the illusion of the Buddha Kingdom, fighting with that evil monk in the illusion of the Buddha Kingdom, and then was killed and kicked out of the game.

The evil monk who existed in the illusion of the Buddhist kingdom was actually not particularly strong.

Several times, Xiao Zhi killed this evil monk in the illusion of the Buddhist kingdom, and then another evil monk appeared.

The newly appeared evil monk not only has three heads, but also has eight arms, and each arm holds a weapon or magic weapon. Yes, generally the same!

The strength of the second evil monk is obviously much stronger than the first evil monk. Xiao Zhi is not his opponent. When fighting against him, he will often lose quickly, and there is no time to fight. Visualize those three faces carefully.

Comparing the two, Xiao Zhi felt that the first evil monk was more suitable for meditation practice, as for the second evil monk... we will talk about it later.

During the period, when his strength was close to exhaustion, Xiao Zhi also tried to attack the evil Buddha.

In the end, he was still stabbed to death by the evil Buddha's finger, and he was still killed in seconds.

'It seems that before I become a god, I cannot avoid the fate of being instantly killed. ’ After being instantly killed several times by the evil Buddha, Xiao Zhixin said.

Dusk passed, and it was night.

Xiao Zhi is still visualizing and cultivating his [Dawei Tianwang Faxiang].

In the illusion of the Buddhist kingdom, Xiao Zhi, transformed into the Dharma image of the mighty king, is fighting fiercely with the three evil monks.

Today's Xiao Zhi can easily switch between angry, smiling, and sad faces when fighting. Even if he is not suppressed by the suppressive pressure field and the clean bottle of liquid, but simply competes in mental attacks, he can still fight with these three evil monks.

The reason why he was killed and kicked out in the illusion of the Buddha Kingdom was not that he couldn't beat this evil monk, but that this evil monk possessed endless energy, but his energy was used a little less.

He was consumed alive in the end.

This time in the fantasy world of the Buddha Kingdom, Xiao Zhi had been fighting fiercely with the three evil monks for more than a quarter of an hour. More than half of the true energy in his body had been consumed, and a lot of mental power had been consumed, and his fighting state gradually began to decline.

"Roar!" The evil monk pointed his angry face at Xiao Zhi, and let out a loud roar!

Under the roar of the evil monk, Xiao Zhi immediately burst into anger, but in the next moment, the anger that went straight to his forehead was suppressed by him.

In the next moment, Xiao Zhi also aimed his angry face at the three evil monks, and also let out a loud roar, and roared back!

Then, almost at the same time, Xiao Zhi and the three evil monks all turned their heads, pointed their smiling faces at each other, and let out bursts of weird laughter.

Amidst the laughter, Xiao Zhi felt as if he was sleepwalking, and his head was in a trance for a while.

The three evil monks who were tens of feet away from him also seemed to be drunk, their bodies swayed in mid-air, unable to cross the distance of tens of feet, and swung their swords at Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi, on the other hand, resisted the bouts of trance, and rushed towards the evil monk in front of him instead of retreating!

Now, whether it is an angry face, a smiling face or a sad face, he has already used it perfectly, and he is no less inferior to the evil monk in front of him.

He could feel that he was only one step away from breaking through, but he was unable to make it through this step.

He has encountered a bottleneck.

Previously, when he broke through from the entry level to the Xiaocheng level in his [Dawei Tianwang Faxiang], he also encountered a bottleneck.

The bottleneck of the [Dawei Tianwang Dharma] is a bit weird, and it can even be said to be inexplicable.

For example, the bottleneck that Xiao Zhi encountered when breaking through from entry level to elementary level.

At that time, Xiao Zhi was stuck in a bottleneck, and tried almost everything, but was unable to break through to the Xiaocheng level. In the end, he used the ability of "Speaking the Dharma" of Dawei Tianwang Dharma Xiang, and shouted: "My Dawei Heavenly King Dharma Aspect, Xiao Cheng!"

Then, his [Dawei Tianwang Faxiang] became a small one.

However, this time, he also used the ability of "Speaking the Dharma" of Dawei Tianwang Dharma, and yelled again, but it was useless, nothing happened...

Because of the experience from the previous breakthrough, Xiao Zhi started to make various attempts when he encountered a bottleneck this time, hoping to find the correct way to break through.

In the previous round, Xiao Zhi killed the first evil monk as quickly as possible, and then fought against the second evil monk. He felt that as long as he could kill the second evil monk, he might be able to break through. , As a result, he tried his best, but failed to kill the second evil monk, but was quickly killed by the other side.

He didn't believe in evil, so he tried again, but in the last round, he still died at the hands of the second evil monk.

He continued not to believe in evil, and in the previous round, he still died at the hands of the second evil monk.

This way was blocked, so Xiao Zhi changed his thinking in the last game, and began to focus on the first evil monk.

He tried to kill the first evil monk by relying solely on the spiritual attack he had mastered without any other means of attack.

However, it is too difficult to kill the evil monk with a mental attack alone, almost impossible.

After all, none of the three mental attack methods he has mastered can directly injure people. He lacks an effective method of killing people. In the illusion of the Buddha Kingdom, he spent more than half an hour with the evil monk, and the final state was serious. He slipped down and was stabbed to death with a black sword after being approached by an evil monk.

Xiao Zhi, who had learned the lessons from the previous game, made some adjustments after thinking for a while.

The three evil monks have a black sword as a weapon, so he only uses one black sword as a weapon. In this way, he and the three evil monks are on the same starting line in terms of 'hardware conditions' alone Come on, defeating the three evil monks in this way may allow him to break through the bottleneck of the [Dawei Tianwang Dharma] and enter a new stage.

As a result, with only one black sword, although Xiao Zhi could have a slight advantage in the battle, it was difficult for him to kill the three evil monks in front of him.

But as time passed, Xiao Zhi's state declined little by little, and the slight advantages he occupied gradually disappeared, and then turned into disadvantages, which continued to expand, and finally he was killed!

Xiao Zhi, who was killed after being killed, did not believe in evil. After resting for a while and recovering his spirit, he visualized entering the fantasy land of the Buddhist kingdom, continued to hold a black sword, and fought against the evil monk.

Xiao Zhi entered the illusion of the Buddha Kingdom time and time again, and was killed out again and again.

In this way, time passed, and before you knew it, the night passed and it was day again.

In the depths of the vast mountain forest, in the hidden enchantment arranged by the demon Li Kuo, Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, still practicing and visualizing his [Dawei Tianwang Faxiang]

After another night of fighting like this, he still gained something.

His angry face attack, smiling face attack, and sad face attack have improved a little compared to before.

Although this kind of improvement is not obvious, it also enabled Xiao Zhi to accumulate more advantages in the battle with the three evil monks.

When the time came to noon of the day, these small advantages were finally transformed into victory!

Xiao Zhi finally used a black sword to severely injure the three evil monks before his condition declined, and then killed the three evil monks in one go!

In the end, he managed to kill the three evil monks, but his realm still hadn't broken through.

Seeing that the second evil monk was about to manifest, Xiao Zhi, in a hurry, used the ability of 'Speaking the Dharma', and shouted in a vast voice: "My Dawei Tianwang Dharma, Dacheng ! Dacheng!"

The moment these words blurted out, Xiao Zhi only felt a buzzing sound in his head, as if a thunderbolt had exploded!

The world in front of him suddenly lost its color at this moment.

Then, the world began to collapse, and Xiao Zhi fell into a trance.

This trance feeling only lasted for a moment, and then disappeared. When Xiao Zhi opened his eyes, what he saw was no longer the gloomy Buddhist world, but a dense forest.

The moment he opened his eyes, a line of golden words appeared in front of his eyes like flowing water:

"Congratulations! After a long period of visualization and comprehension, your [Dharma Aspect of Dawei Tianwang] has been upgraded from a small to a high level!"

Looking across the line of golden words, Xiao Zhi couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Finally upgraded, it's not easy...

The demon Li Kuo silently guarded Xiao Zhi's side. Seeing that Xiao Zhi opened his eyes with a smile on his face this time, he tentatively asked, "Master, have you made a breakthrough?"

"Well, we have made a breakthrough." Xiao Zhi nodded with a smile, and gave Li Kuo a very positive answer.

"That's great!" Li Kuo said happily.

"I'll get used to it, and then we'll head to Shanhan Road." Xiao Zhi said.

The mountain forest he was in now belonged to the territory of Cangzhou Road, and he had to go forward for more than a hundred miles to reach the cold mountain road.

"Okay." Li Kuo nodded and agreed.

Xiao Zhi stopped talking, but closed his eyes, and visualized [Dawei Tianwang Dharma Image] again.

He wants to adapt to his newly acquired ability after breaking through in the fantasy land of the Buddha Kingdom.

In this way, after a quarter of an hour passed, Xiao Zhi opened his eyes, and his face looked a little pale.

"Master, how are you getting used to it?" Li Kuo, who was standing by the side, asked.

Xiao Zhi said, "I'll get used to it."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Zhi closed his eyes again.

Not long after, when he opened his eyes again, he stood up slowly and said, "Let's go."

Before he finished speaking, his figure soared into the sky, turned into a streak of light, and began to fly north.

In the mountain cold road, above the extremely high sky, the cold wind is blowing, and a golden roc is flying forward with spread its wings.

This golden bird was transformed by Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi, who turned into a golden bird, not only maintained his state of being invisible, but also held a black umbrella above him.

However, the one holding the umbrella is not Dawei Tianwang Dharma, but a somewhat illusory red arm stretched out from the golden feathers on the back of the golden roc!

When the golden roc was flying forward at high speed, his claws, one by one, were holding a spirit stone and absorbing it.

King Kong dazzles!

Xiao Zhi displayed the supernatural power of [Vajra Dazzling], and a dazzling golden light burst out of his eyes immediately!

As he flew, another red arm stretched out from under his wings, and in this red arm was holding a black jade ruyi.

Immediately afterwards, another hideous and terrifying big head emerged from Pengniao's back.

Merry Christmas everyone, today’s chapter will be posted early~

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