This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1035 Eternal Field

In the hall, in front of the white mist, a foundation player looked at Fan Xun and said, "Brother Fan, you are really hiding something. I didn't expect you to be the brother-in-law of the holding god."

Fan Xun couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said, "I'm hiding a hammer. I told you that I'm Xiao Zhi's brother-in-law. You don't believe me. Can you blame me?"

The foundation builder smiled and said, "You only told them about this, but never told me. It's because they don't believe it, but it's not that I don't believe it."

"Fan Xun, no, Brother Fan, I didn't believe it before. It was because I was blind, but now I believe it. As an apology, after the garrison mission is over, I will invite you to Nancheng County for a drink. How about you?" Li Kai, the foundation cultivator who was stationed in the temple with Fan Xun, said with a smile.

"Invite my Brother Fan to drink in the county seat? How insincere that is, why should we invite Brother Fan to drink wine in the county seat a few times!" A foundation builder booed.

"No, I don't want to drink flower wine. If my wife finds out, she will beat me to death." Fan Xun said hastily.

"Brother Fan, so you are still a strict wife." A Jindan player laughed.

The class order of the world of sentient beings will have some influence on the players living here. In the past, even if the Golden Core players here were younger than Fan Xun, they usually called Fan Xun by his name. Now However, this Jindan player naturally changed his name to Fan Xun, and began to call Fan Xun Brother Fan.

Everyone laughed.

"Brother Fan, Zhishen whispered to you just now, did he secretly give you a lot of good things?" A foundation builder asked curiously.

Fan Xun said with a smile: "Of course, he saw that I was in short supply and couldn't even make up the expenses required for the breakthrough, so he gave me a thousand spirit stones, and if there wasn't enough, he would ask him for more."

As soon as Fan Xun said this, there was a sudden gasp in the hall.

"Wow, with a thousand spirit stones, it's really magnanimous to hold on to the gods!"

"If I have such a brother-in-law, I can wake up from my dreams laughing!"

This is not irony, but a real surprise.

A thousand spirit stones may not be a big deal to a Nascent Soul cultivator, but to a Foundation Establishment cultivator, this is definitely a huge fortune.

Even the few Golden Core players present cast envious glances at Fan Xun.

Fan Xun laughed and said nothing.

He only talked about the spirit stones, he didn't mention the three spirit treasures, the high-level storage ring, and the one hundred spirit marrow that Xiao Zhi gave him.

The value of these things, no matter which one it is, is worth more than the thousand spirit stones he just mentioned.

He didn't plan to talk about these things for the time being.

He still knows the reason why money is not revealed.

At this time, Xiao Zhi, who was being discussed by the players, was already in the absolute realm of the Heavenly Cave.

He was in a wasteland.

Above his head was a gray sky, and when he looked around, there was an endless wasteland.

‘Well, the gravity here is about twice that of the world of sentient beings. ’ Xiao Zhilue felt it, and thought.

If ordinary people are exposed to double gravity, it will be difficult even to walk. However, this is only for ordinary people. Once they have cultivated to the level of innate warriors, they can live relatively easily in this situation, even run Like flying.

‘The air here is very thin and the oxygen content is even lower. ’ Xiao Zhi took a deep breath and thought.

Thin air and extremely low oxygen content are even more terrifying than twice the gravity to ordinary people, but not so scary to innate warriors, because innate warriors can master the method of fetal breathing. With the method of fetal breathing, before the true energy in the body is exhausted, the innate warriors will not suffocate at all.

If you enter the Dao with martial arts, step into the Dao realm, and become a foundation-building monk, the true energy will form an internal cycle, so you don't have to worry about it.

And at Xiao Zhi's level of cultivation, as long as the environment is not too extreme, he can ignore it.

After arriving in a new environment, the first thing Xiao Zhi needs to do is to find out the surrounding situation and see if there is any danger, and then explore other places.

Even though the surrounding area was desolate and there were no creatures to be seen, Xiao Zhi, who was cautious by nature, still habitually used the supernatural power of [Divine Stealth Art] to enter the state of divine concealment.

In the hidden state, he soared into the air as if weightless, and in the blink of an eye, he floated in the sky more than a thousand feet above the ground.

As the saying goes, you can see far when you stand tall. Xiao Zhi is in the sky more than a thousand feet above the ground. Without any obstacles, he has used the supernatural power of [Vajra Dazzling], and he can already see a radius of more than a thousand miles. The range can be easily seen.

As far as the eye can see, apart from the wasteland, it is still a wasteland, and farther away, there is a gray mist.

If it were a congenital warrior, in this harsh illusion, he would trek over thousands of miles to the place where the gray mist was, even if he had supplies, he would probably lose most of his life. No matter how many supplies, they may not be able to go so far, and they will be killed in this wasteland.

It took Xiao Zhi only a very short time to fly across the wasteland and arrive at the gray mist.

He was very cautious, and did not touch the gray fog in front of him, but displayed the magical power of [Vajra Dazzling], staring at the gray fog in front of him.

"Master, I'll go find the way for you." The figure of Li Kuo, the demon, emerged from the air, holding the cold mist sword, and said.

"No need." Xiao Zhi shook his head.

He slightly expanded his water domain, and a cloud of black water appeared out of nowhere in front of him, and it took his appearance in the blink of an eye.

The moment the water body was condensed, his figure flickered and turned into an afterimage, rushing towards the gray mist ahead, and disappeared in the gray mist in the blink of an eye.

A few seconds later, Xiao Zhi, who was floating in front of the gray fog, said, "Let's go."

As he said that, he swayed and floated towards the gray mist in front of him, and his figure was instantly engulfed by the gray mist.

This gray mist stretches for hundreds of feet, and it is non-toxic, but it is slightly corrosive. This level of corrosion can be resisted by innate warriors with their true energy...

After passing through this gray fog, what Xiao Zhi presented was a desert that could not be seen at a glance.

The air became thinner, and the temperature rose rapidly to nearly 80 degrees.

A yellow sand giant composed entirely of yellow sand, about ten feet high, was walking in the desert at a slow speed.

Xiao Zhi, who was in a hidden state, stared at the yellow sand giant dozens of miles away.

This yellow sand giant, in terms of energy strength alone, is actually not strong, it is only at the level of a big demon, but Xiao Zhi can vaguely feel some fluctuations in the law of the earth on its body!

If this is left to the outside world, it is simply an incredible thing.

With a thought in Xiao Zhi's mind, his body of water turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the yellow sand giant!

Facing the invading enemy, the yellow sand giant turned around and let out a dull roar!

Under its roar, all the sand and soil around him were rolled up, forming a sandstorm that covered the sky and the sun, rushing towards Xiao Zhi's body of water!

Xiao Zhi's water body has Nascent Soul-level combat power, so it's impossible for the Yellow Sand Giant's attack to hurt the water body.

In the blink of an eye, the yellow sand giant was beaten to pieces by the body of water.

However, one after another, large or small figures emerged from the endless yellow sand and rushed towards the body of water.

These figures condensed from the yellow sand are not only in the form of humans, but also in the form of animals and insects, and more of them are in messy and irregular shapes.

Their energy fluctuations are weak, not even the innate warriors are weak, but the energy fluctuations emitted by the powerful ones are terrifyingly high, reaching the level of a demon king or even a demon master!

For a moment, the originally peaceful desert turned into a mess, with yellow sand all over the sky, and the yellow sand on the ground was boiling like boiled water.

The poor water body, under this kind of battle, only persisted for less than ten seconds before being killed by a giant-level sand monster.

Tens of seconds later, the sand monsters dived back into the sand one after another, and the yellow sand floating in the sky was also falling down, and the world was gradually returning to calm.

Xiao Zhi, who was in a hidden state, watched this scene in silence.

Li Kuo, the demon floating beside him, sent a voice transmission to him through his thoughts: "It's terrible... Who would have thought that there are so many sand monsters lurking under this long yellow sand."

Xiao Zhi replied through his thoughts: "This is the battlefield in the Absolute Territory of the Heavenly Cave."

The so-called battlefield is actually a small world.

The former wasteland was actually a small world.

There are many such small worlds in this Heavenly Cave Absolute Territory.

Some small worlds are relatively safe as a whole, and even innate warriors can barely survive, just like the wasteland before.

Some small worlds seem to be safe, but actually hide great horrors. They are as strong as Nascent Soul monks, and they may be killed if they are not careful, such as the battlefield in front of them.

There is also a small world that is dangerous at first glance, violent and terrifying.

These small worlds cannot last for a long time. They are born and extinguished in the Heavenly Cave Absolute Territory. Every once in a while, new small worlds will be born, and old small worlds will also be shattered.

However, this time scale is relatively long, and it is calculated in thousands or tens of thousands of years. Therefore, in the eyes of ordinary people, the existence of these small worlds is relatively stable.

After hovering in mid-air for a few seconds, Xiao Zhi turned into a streak of light and continued to fly forward.

Not long after, he had come to the fringe area of ​​this yellow sand world, and it was still the same kind of gray fog that filled the front, blocking his sight.

Xiao Zhi used the supernatural power of [Vajra Dazzling Eyes], trying to penetrate the gray fog with his eyesight, but failed.

He thought for a while, and began to use the ability of "Speaking the law to follow" to enhance his vision.

Double, triple, five times, eight times!

With the blessing of eight times the eyesight, Xiao Zhi's eyes still couldn't penetrate the gray fog in front of him.

In the end, Xiao Zhi gave up and wiped away the dark golden blood flowing from the corners of his eyes with his hands.

Eight times the eyesight is already his limit, and if it goes any higher, the little true energy in his body will not be able to bear the consumption.

Xiao Zhi, who had consumed a lot of true energy, habitually took out a few pieces of spirit stones from the storage ring, held them in his hands and absorbed them.

While absorbing the spirit stone, he expanded the water field, and condensed a body of water.

The moment the water body was condensed, it rushed towards the gray mist in front of it, and quickly disappeared into the gray mist.

After a few seconds, Xiao Zhi said, "Let's go."

As he spoke, Xiao Zhi swayed and crashed into the gray fog in front of him.

After passing through this gray fog, what the eyes can see is an extremely hot world.

The ground is full of magma flowing freely, and above the sky, there are groups of tumbling fire clouds.

Such a world full of magma and extremely high temperature is called a fire place by Zhen Lan Cannian.

The air temperature in this fire scene is at least hundreds of degrees, far exceeding the boiling point of water. It is impossible for ordinary people to survive in this environment. Innate warriors can barely resist this high temperature with their body protection. However, once the true energy is exhausted, the innate warriors will be burned to death soon.

If you want to survive under such high temperature for a long time, you must be at least a foundation-building cultivator in the Dao realm.

No, it would be difficult for foundation-builder cultivators to survive here. After all, there are not only pure high temperatures here, but also some flame creatures.

The flame creatures living here look like fire elves in film and television games. They generally exist in the hottest area of ​​ground magma, where the temperature is at least thousands of degrees Celsius, but they swim happily in it , From time to time, it will jump into the sky like a flying fish, and then fall into the magma again, splashing a little bit of magma.

A small number of fire elves live in the tumbling fire clouds in the sky, where the temperature is also very high, which is very suitable for them to survive.

"This is the first time I've seen a flame creature like this, and it looks amazing." Li Kuo said in a voice.

"It's also the first time I've seen this kind of thing." Xiao Zhi replied via voice transmission.

"Let's go, let's go to the next world."

Such a small world is not Xiao Zhi's goal, his goal is an eternal field where you can see the sky when you look up!

Eternal field, this is also what Zhenlan Cannian said.

According to his description, small worlds come and go, and only the eternal field can exist forever.

It is said that the formation of the eternal field is related to the floating continent suspended above the sky.

Before the endless years, the floating continent shattered, and some of the matter of the floating continent scattered and fell to the ground. Those places where the matter of the floating continent existed formed eternal fields one by one!

These eternal fields are somewhat different from other small worlds. They have a very obvious feature, that is, when you are in the eternal field, you can see the sky and the floating sky above the sky as long as you look up. Empty continent!

And the creation fruit buried and sealed by the god and demon Zhenlan was sealed in an eternal field by him!

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