This Game is Unusual

Chapter 105 One vs. Five

"Please, Xie Ke." Liu Jie whispered again.

It's not easy to refuse a beautiful woman, Xie Ke is in a dilemma.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi said: "Xie Ke, Liu Jie, and Zhou Xiaowang, you guys don't just watch, come here, let's go together, so that we can accumulate some combat experience and make preparations for tomorrow's action." Prepare."

Xie Ke and another player, Zhou Xiaowang, didn't say anything.

Liu Jie said, "Pingfeng, Brother Zhi's suggestion..."

"Come here, let's go together! Beat that bastard!" Li Pingfeng said angrily, "I've already been kicked by him several times. If I don't kick back, I won't feel comfortable!"

"Don't use the real strength of a warrior, do anything else." Duan Yi added with his hand, wiping away the blood from the corner of his mouth.

After Li Pingfeng had spoken, Xie Ke and the other three stopped being spectators, but approached Xiao Zhi slowly.

"Brother." Yang Xi stood up from the stool, with a worried expression on her little face.

"Don't worry, it's nothing, it's just a discussion." Xiao Zhi felt warm and responded with a smile.

Next, one against two became one against five.

Even if it becomes one against five, Xiao Zhi still has the absolute upper hand in this duel.

Whether it is Li Pingfeng and Duan Yi whose consciousness has entered the world of sentient beings, or Xie Ke, Liu Jie, and Zhou Xiaowang who control the characters through mobile phones, when Xiao Zhi faces them, he punches them one by one, kicks one kick, and there is no need to use them at all. The second trick.

Xie Ke is worthy of being a professional e-sports player, and his manipulation is very sharp. Under his control, his character's movements are even more flexible than Li Pingfeng and Duan Yi, whose consciousness has entered the world of sentient beings.

But that's all.

To the current Xiao Zhi, he is not a big threat at all. In every round of sparring, the first one to be knocked away is Xie Ke.

When facing Liu Jie, a beautiful player, Xiao Zhi didn't choose to hold back either. Every punch and kick was as heavy as a thousand pounds, and he played very smoothly.

After several rounds of fighting, Xiao Zhi was unscathed, Li Pingfeng and the five of them, not only Li Pingfeng and Duan Yi, but the other three players were also beaten miserably, their clothes were covered with dust, and the corners of their mouths were bleeding.

It's not that Xiao Zhi's actual combat ability completely surpassed Li Pingfeng and the others.

Actual combat ability is only one aspect, the most important thing is that today's Xiao Zhi is innately at the fifth stage, and his three basic attributes such as physique, strength, and agility have steadily surpassed Li Pingfeng, who is born at the first stage.

Duan Yi, who takes the physique route, may have a higher physique than Xiao Zhi's in terms of physique, but a high physique attribute is not a high agility attribute. Besides, what's the use?

This is the complete crushing of strength.

Under the pressure of this kind of strength, the so-called operation is just floating clouds.

If Xie Ke, who took the agility route, broke through to the acquired limit and entered the world of sentient beings with his super high agility attribute, he might be able to pose a certain threat to Xiao Zhi during the sparring, but unfortunately he did not.

When manipulating a character in front of a mobile phone, the reaction speed of the brain is that of an ordinary person, and the agility advantage of the character cannot be brought into play at all.

In this way, after a few more rounds of sparring, Li Pingfeng shouted: "No more fights, no more fights, the basic attributes are a bit worse, this is wool."

Obviously, Li Pingfeng was somewhat aware of this.

After saying this, Li Pingfeng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, and gave Xiao Zhi a hard look: "Xiao Zhi, don't be too arrogant, kid, when you reach the ninth stage of innate cultivation, and I also cultivate to the ninth stage of innate talent, when At that time, our attribute values ​​are the same, let's see how I deal with you!"

Xiao Zhi was in the Houtian stage. In order to hit the acquired limit, he stayed in the acquired ninth stage for a long time. At that time, Li Pingfeng's realm had caught up with Xiao Zhi for a while, and he also reached the acquired ninth stage, which was the same as Xiao Zhiping at that time class.

Judging from the experience of the Acquired Realm period, when Xiao Zhi hits the innate limit from the innate ninth stage, he should also need to stay for a long time.

At that time, Li Pingfeng should also be able to cultivate to the Ninth Stage of Xiantian, and then at the same level, he will have a fair fight with Xiao Zhi!

"Same level? I'm not afraid of the same level, I'll beat you up as well!" Xiao Zhi laughed loudly.

First, one against two, and then one against five. After learning from each other, Xiao Zhi has gradually recovered the state he was in when he was fighting.

The purpose of the sparring has been achieved.

Therefore, Li Pingfeng was unwilling to continue the fight, and Xiao Zhi didn't force it anymore.

Next, Xiao Zhi's consciousness returned to reality, and he began to manipulate the character, practicing his innate skill "Ten Elephant True Power Jue".

Li Pingfeng and Duan Yi continued their discussion.

The two of them, one is the innate level, and the other is the acquired limit. In the three basic attributes, there is almost no difference except for the focus.

The two competed, but they were evenly matched.

"Xiao Zhi, when I break through to the acquired limit, I will come to you for a discussion. I hope you don't refuse." Xie Ke said in a low voice when passing by Xiao Zhi.

In today's sparring match, with five opponents and one, they failed to defeat Xiao Zhi. This dealt a severe blow to Xie Ke's self-esteem, who had always been arrogant.

"I will accompany you when the time comes." Xiao Zhi responded lightly.

After Xie Ke and the player named Zhou Xiaowang left together, Liu Jie also came over at this time.

"Xiao Zhi, you are really ruthless when you attack women." Liu Jie lowered her voice.

Xiao Zhi switched his field of view slightly, looked at her, and said calmly: "Gender equality, Liu Jie, I didn't deliberately target you, even if it was Li Pingfeng, I didn't hold back. If you have any dissatisfaction with me, just Go find Li Pingfeng."

"You..." Liu Jie choked a little.

Since she was a child, because she is a girl and she is beautiful, she has always had a natural sense of superiority in front of the opposite sex, and she feels that boys should let her, accommodate her, and surround her.

It was the first time she met a man like Xiao Zhi.

Liu Jie left without saying a word, Xiao Zhi didn't care, and continued to practice his innate skill "Ten Elephant True Power Jue".

While manipulating the character to practice innate skills, he was thinking about something.

Tomorrow, he, Li Pingfeng and the others will leave Linwu County to carry out the reward mission.

I don't know if this mission will be successful.

This mission should delay him for some time. During the mission, he must try to kill Ji Fang, the innate leader of Heiyan Village!

Only in this way can his trip be considered rewarding, and he didn't make a trip in vain.

What's more, these days have passed, and I don't know if the little monk behind the blood-eyed crow is still staring at him, staring at Yang Xi.

During his trip this time, will the other party find his tracks and attack him?

Although this possibility is unlikely, but still have to pay attention to.

Thanks to Si Hongyu, Junji Molu 22, Midnight "ghost, surname Tong Mingyi I agree, magical orange peel, don't let me forget her tip.

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