This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1064 Target, Xuanming Imperial City!

"Destroy!" The transparent humanoid figure that came out of the water roared up to the sky.

Its voice contained a terrifying power, and it resounded thousands of miles south in an instant!

After shouting out the word 'Mie', the transparent human figure collapsed into a splash of water, falling from the sky.

At this moment, including Ji Yuanrong, many aborigines in the world of sentient beings showed puzzled expressions on their faces.

They didn't understand what the word 'mie' meant.

Some players scattered around here, after hearing this 'Mie' self, their faces changed!

The aborigines didn't know what the word 'mie' meant, but they did!

In the battle of the gods just now, didn't Zhishen have the upper hand and was fighting against the Emperor Xuanming? how come……

No matter what, you must hurry up and notify the above!

Immediately, in this vast sea, at least dozens of players chose to 'go offline', their consciousness returned to the real world, and they went to report the situation.

Soon after, the real world.

"Leader, what should we do?" At the headquarters of the Xia Kingdom's All Life Army, all the big figures gathered together, and everyone looked at the leader of the Xia Kingdom who was sitting on the main seat.

This is an old man in a suit, sitting on a chair, with a rather calm demeanor.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, the old man calmly said, "Follow the plan and detonate those nuclear bombs."

"Yes!" The staff responded immediately and began to convey the leader's order.

This scene not only happened in Xia Kingdom, but also happened in Canada, India, UAE and other major countries at the same time.

At this time, all countries in the world have shown amazing execution efficiency!

In less than half a minute, all countries in the world reached a consensus and started a large-scale nuclear bomb detonation plan!

Less than half a minute later, Xuanming World, near South America, the first nuclear bomb was detonated!

Suddenly, the earth shook, the thick clouds were torn apart, and a huge mushroom cloud rose tens of thousands of meters high!

Immediately afterwards, the second nuclear bomb was detonated in southern Africa, followed by the third, fourth, and fifth...

For a moment, dazzling flames erupted from all parts of the earth, and the entire earth trembled violently at this moment!

The human beings in Xuanming World and the creatures here, at this moment, ushered in a catastrophe!

At this moment, the world of sentient beings exists in various parts of Xuanming Kingdom, and many Xuanming World players who are taking risks or practicing cultivation fell to the ground without saying a word, becoming a state similar to a vegetative state.

At this moment, Emperor Xuanming had already flown out of the sea area, and he was still flying towards the north at an incredible speed.

While flying, he turned his head and said backwards: "Xiaozhi! I'm already returning to Xuanming Kingdom, why are you still chasing me?"

Xiao Zhi flew more than a hundred miles away from him. After hearing this, Xiao Zhi said coldly: "I will personally send you out of the country, so that I can feel at ease!"

Emperor Xuanming frowned when he heard the words, he stopped talking and continued to fly north!

The flying speed of the gods is extremely fast.

Seeing below, the rivers and lakes, the mountains and forests, the villages and cities are all moving backwards at an incredible speed, and they are quickly thrown away by Emperor Xuanming and Xiao Zhi. behind.

Soon, Emperor Xuanming flew out of the boundary of Cangzhou Road and entered the boundary of Beilan Road.

Xiao Zhi was still more than a hundred miles away from Emperor Xuanming, following him leisurely.

He is still continuously replenishing his divine power.

It's just a supplementary way.

Before, he ingested free water elements from the water of the sea to replenish his consumed divine power.

Now, he uses the water stored in the God Realm to replenish his divine power.

In Xiao Zhi's God Realm, there is a large amount of water stored, like a vast ocean, with no end in sight!

At this moment, the vast ocean in the God Realm seemed to be boiled by high temperature, boiling violently!

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Soon, Emperor Xuanming crossed Beilan Road and entered the boundary of Xuanming Kingdom.

call! The figure of Emperor Xuanming hovered above the sky, turned to face Xiao Zhi, and said in a deep voice: "I have left the border of Chang Kingdom, are you satisfied now?"

However, Xiao Zhi didn't intend to stop, and continued to fly forward. While flying, he said coldly: "Before you entered the territory of our Dachang country, you treated the national border as nothing, and went all the way to Cangzhou Road. You are extremely arrogant! Today, I also want to go deep into the territory of your Xuanming country, and manifest my holiness on your land, so that the people of your Xuanming country will also know how powerful I am!"

When Emperor Xuanming heard the words, his expression became extremely gloomy.

"You will regret it!" Emperor Xuanming said coldly in his heart.

He didn't say much, turned into a streamer, and continued to fly north!

Xiao Zhi followed closely behind, and soon flew over the border buffer zone and entered the territory of Xuanming Kingdom!

Pieces of mountains and forests were left behind by Xiao Zhi.

It has not been a short time for Xiao Zhi to enter the world of sentient beings, and this is the first time he has entered the territory of Xuanming Kingdom!

Xuanming Kingdom is located in the north of Dachang Kingdom. Compared with Dachang Kingdom, the environment here is generally colder, and the population density is similar to that of Dachang Kingdom. Before players intervene, the overall strength of these two aboriginal countries should be is almost the same.

However, although the national power is similar, within the territory of Dachang Kingdom, the major powers are vying for power, and they are in a state of disunity. On the other hand, Xuanming Kingdom has a strong central government.

If no players from the two worlds participated in this national war, the final winner would most likely be the Xuanming country...

Time passed by every minute and every second.

When Emperor Xuanming flew past a big city, a figure soared into the sky thousands of feet high, and bowed respectfully towards the direction Xuanming Emperor flew past: "Emperor!"

This is a Nascent Soul cultivator, wearing a gold embroidered court dress unique to Xuanming Kingdom.

Emperor Xuanming ignored him and flew straight past.

When Xiao Zhi flew over the big city, he ignored him.

The demon Li Kuo was instantly sent to the sky above the big city by Xiao Zhi's God's Domain unfolded by him!

The Great City's protective array was activated immediately, and a huge pale golden light curtain was seen, like an egg shell, covering the entire Great City!

However, before the protective formation was fully manifested, Li Kuo condensed a long sword with his divine power, and slashed down fiercely with the long sword in his hand!

The golden light array was shattered immediately, and shattered into golden light spots floating all over the sky!

The Nascent Soul cultivator wearing gold embroidered court clothes showed a look of horror on his face, and his face suddenly turned pale!

He thought that the demon Li Kuo would kill him with a single sword. Facing such a terrifying strong man, he had no power to resist at all, so he could only close his eyes and wait for death!

But he didn't want to, this terrifying strong man who broke the formation with one sword ignored him, and disappeared into nothingness.

Flying all the way forward, Xiao Zhi will choose to break the formation whenever he encounters a city.

For him today, the defensive formations down to the county level, up to the county level and Daocheng level, are all like paper, and can be shattered with a random move.

The demon Li Kuo is slightly weaker, but it can also do this.

Xiao Zhi was leaving a way for himself to retreat, preparing for the retreat later.

Emperor Xuanming saw this scene in his eyes and didn't say much, just sneered in his heart.

Xiao Zhi seemed expressionless, but he was actually thinking about something.

At the end of the battle of gods, when he expelled Emperor Xuanming, he left behind a stream of water and detonated it at regular intervals, allowing it to shout the word 'destroy' for him not long after he left.

He was reminding the All Living Army to let them carry out Plan A.

No matter what, let’s win this national war first, otherwise, with Emperor Xuanming’s time bomb, no, the timed nuclear bomb is here, Dachang Imperial City may be breached by him at any time, if he loses the national war because of this , that would be funny.

Since he couldn't kill Emperor Xuanming in the battle of gods, in order to win this national war, he could only choose Plan A and Plan B suggested by the Army of All Beings before.

Plan A and Plan B do not conflict with each other and can be carried out simultaneously.

Plan A will be carried out by the All Living Army and the others, and he will personally execute Plan B!

Up to now, the time that has passed is not too short. In the real world, the army of sentient beings should have taken action, right? But why has there been no movement?

Could it be that Plan A is invalid, even if Xuanming World is completely destroyed, is it still impossible to win this national war?

Or maybe it was because the nuclear bombs were not enough to wash the land, even after the nuclear bombs, there are still players in Xuanming World who survived?

Xiao Zhi thought about this in his heart, and he didn't know what went wrong.

In this way, they flew tens of thousands of miles forward.

At this time, the distance to Xuanming Imperial City is less than 20,000 li!

call! The figure of Emperor Xuanming suddenly hovered in mid-air!

After running away for such a long time and enduring for such a long time, his Golden Walking God Realm was finally condensed by him again!

Suddenly, a dazzling golden light burst out from Emperor Xuanming's body, sweeping in all directions!

This dazzling golden light is the Golden God Realm that he re-condensed!

After re-condensing the God Realm, Emperor Xuanming changed his previous aggrieved appearance, as if he had changed himself, his voice was like thunder, with a strong heavy metal sound, and his majesty reached the extreme: "Since you are here, don't Want to leave! Just stay with me!"

Before he finished speaking, his Jinxingshenyu surged towards Xiao Zhi like a golden ocean!

At the same time, Emperor Xuanming also transformed himself into a huge five-clawed golden dragon. With infinite power and endless dazzling golden light, he rushed towards Xiao Zhi who was hundreds of miles away with his teeth and claws open!

Many members of the Xuanming royal family can transform into dragons.

Emperor Xuanming, as the ancestor of the Xuanming royal family, can of course transform into a dragon. The golden dragon he incarnates has a length of over a thousand feet, and his whole body is as if carved out of gold. His majesty shakes the sky, and his speed is extremely fast!

The golden dragon transformed by Emperor Xuanming wraps around the Golden God Realm, and swims in the air at such a fast speed that it seems to be teleporting!

In the blink of an eye, the golden dragon covered a distance of a hundred miles and appeared in front of Xiao Zhi!

At this moment, Xiao Zhi, seeing this scene, had obvious astonishment and an expression of disbelief on his face!

"Die to me!" The golden dragon roared, raised its claws and slapped Xiao Zhi fiercely!

Xiao Zhi didn't even have time to open the God's Domain, but was slapped hard by the claw of the golden dragon!

The dragon claw continued to shoot down.

With a bang, under the claws of the golden dragon, a mountain hundreds of feet high was directly smashed into powder!

The ground collapsed, the vegetation was destroyed, and everyone within a radius of tens of miles became a Jedi!

There is a terrifying energy storm raging in this area.

Most of the ground turned into gold, and some places turned into silver, and its surface was visible to the naked eye, showing a hint of metallic luster!

Large areas of the ground have been metallized.

And the instigator of all this, the golden dragon transformed by Emperor Xuanming, is winding and entrenched high above the sky, and his voice is like thunder: "Xiaozhi! Get out of here!"

It is impossible for the real Xiaozhi to be slapped to death so easily. When the dragon claw fell on Xiaozhi, Emperor Xuanming felt that something was wrong.

What he captured was not the real Xiaozhi, but a ball of water!

"Get out!" The golden dragon roared angrily again, and endless golden light burst out from him, sweeping in all directions!

He is probing around with God's Domain!

However, Xiao Zhi seemed to have evaporated and disappeared without a trace!

At this time, a dragon-shaped big seal emerged out of thin air, exuding a brilliant golden glow, and a somewhat frightened voice came out of it: "Emperor! Our city formation has sensed an astonishing aura, and it is heading straight for the imperial city!" Go in the direction! God level, this is the breath of God level!"

After hearing this voice, Emperor Xuanming immediately realized something, and said in a low voice: "Damn it! What is he trying to do?"

The figure of the huge golden dragon entrenched in the sky suddenly became blurred and disappeared into the air. When it reappeared, it was already thousands of miles away.

The golden dragon meanders above the sky, rushing to the Xuanming Imperial City at an incredible speed!

At this time, Xiao Zhizheng turned into a golden-winged roc, and flew towards Xuanming Imperial City at a speed several times faster than the golden dragon. The defensive formations of the city, Daocheng, and even those sect gates were all blown up by Xiao Zhi in an instant, blooming like fireworks!

He is leaving a retreat for himself!

What Emperor Xuanming captured at that time was only a streak of water.

This is a game that Xiao Zhi laid out after careful consideration all the way.

Logically speaking, Emperor Xuanming is a veteran god with a mere body of water, so it is impossible to fool Emperor Xuanming.

However, when Xiao Zhi swapped himself with the water body, Emperor Xuanming's divine domain had not yet recovered. Without the divine domain, Emperor Xuanming's detection ability was greatly reduced, and he could not perceive the authenticity of the water body.

At that time, as soon as Emperor Xuanming stopped, Xiao Zhi realized that Emperor Xuanming's god domain had probably recovered.

At that time, he was holding a small black umbrella and following behind the water body, he decisively started to act!

After teleporting hundreds of miles to one side by relying on the domain of the gods, he used the ability of 'speaking the law to follow' to give himself 5 times the speed, and flew straight to Xuanming Imperial City!

Thanks to book friends 20190616212629640 for the reward.

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