This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1081 Dzogchen-level Yuanlong Clone

"Your [Nine Nether Yuanlong Visualization Map] has completed the Great Consummation? That's great!" The voice belonging to the information officer said happily.

Xiao Zhidao: "At that time, I will leave my Yuanlong avatar here. With it, the All Living Army can better control the situation here."

The voice belonging to the information commissioner said: "Okay, since your [Jiuyou Yuanlong Visualization Map] has been cultivated to the Dzogchen level, then the Yuanlong avatar that you condensed can exist as a kindling seed, and the Yuanlong avatar can be used as fire. Keeping the avatar in the territory of the original Xuanming Kingdom can be regarded as an extra card to save your life, Zhishen, you are considered a seasoned move to seek the country."

Xiao Zhi said: "You even know about Tinder, it seems that you know about me very well."

The voice belonging to the information commissioner said with a smile: "Zhishen, as your information commissioner, I must know enough about you, this is my duty."

Xiao Zhi thought for a while, and said, "There is nothing wrong with you saying that, so besides you, are there other information specialists?"

The voice belonging to the information commissioner said: "Of course there are. In the All Life Army, there are more than a dozen information commissioners like me. Mr. Zhao Yan, Mr. Lu Zhong, and Mr. Yang Bin all have their own information commissioners. of."

"I see." Xiao Zhi said.

The nature of this information specialist is actually similar to that of the dedicated correspondents assigned to top players by the All Living Army.

Exclusive correspondents only exist in the real world and have relatively large limitations. Therefore, in order to adapt to the development of the times, this information specialist who is resident in the world of sentient beings came into being...

When Xiao Zhi was thinking about this, the voice belonging to the information commissioner said: "Zhishen, the current intelligence information about Shanhan Road is being compiled, and you can return to the real world to check the intelligence information later, or you can contact I, let me report these intelligence information to you."

Xiao Zhi was not surprised when he heard this, he said: "How many people did the All Life Army send to Shanhan Road to investigate information this time?"

The voice belonging to the information commissioner said: "It's not too many. A total of more than 10,000 people were sent there. Most of them were just warrior players, and only a few were monk players."

"More than 10,000 people? Isn't that too many?" Xiao Zhi said.

The voice belonging to the Information Commissioner said: "It's really not that many. The area of ​​the Shanhan Road is too large. After more than 10,000 people enter, it is estimated that the waves will not be able to lift half of it."

"If you say that, more than 10,000 people are not too many." Xiao Zhi said with a smile: "Okay, after the information is collected, remember to contact me, and I will wait for you to report to me."

"Okay, Zhishen." The voice of the Information Commissioner said.

After finishing the call with the information specialist, Xiao Zhi thought for a while, then contacted Zhenjun Dachang through his identity jade card, and informed Zhenjun Dachang of his upcoming trip to Shanhan Road, so that Zhenjun Dachang Get ready to come and join him when the time comes.

"Okay, I will come over when the time comes." The voice belonging to Dachang Zhenjun said.

Xiao Zhi said: "Zhenjun, how is your recovery?"

The voice belonging to Dachang Zhenjun said with a light smile: "Thank you for your concern, fellow daoist, my strength has almost recovered."

"That's good." Xiao Zhi said with a smile: "At that time, the two of us will work together to defeat the god and demon Liang Sheng and rescue Yu Xuzi."

"I hope so." The voice belonging to Dachang Zhenjun said.

After a pause, the voice that belonged to Dachang Zhenjun said again: "In the past few days, I have sent disciples to investigate the situation near the Mountain and Cold Absolute Territory, and the situation seems to be a little bad."

Xiao Zhi was startled, and said, "I would like to hear the details."

The voice belonging to Dachang Zhenjun said: "Ghosts are raging near the cold mountain region, and all living things are extinct."

Xiao Zhi said: "A ghost? Is it the kind of monster with a human face, an illusory and transparent body, and a blue ice mist around its feet?"

Dachang Zhenjun said: "It is this kind of monster."

Xiao Zhi exhaled, and said, "This is an ice disaster. Wherever the ice disaster passes, everything dies, even Nascent Soul and Yao Zun are not spared."

After a pause, he continued: "Before the ice disaster would only wreak havoc within the Absolute Cold Mountain Territory, but now it has appeared outside the Absolute Cold Mountain Territory. From this point of view, the situation is indeed a bit bad..."

The ice catastrophe appeared outside the Mountain Cold Territory. It should be that the god and demon Liangsheng was looking for the traces of Zhenlan's remnants, but this also means that the power of the god and demon Liangsheng is getting stronger little by little. recovery.

This is not a good thing.

From this point of view, it is necessary to deal with this god and demon Liang Sheng as soon as possible, otherwise, there will be endless disasters!

Not long after finishing the call with Dachang Zhenjun, Xiao Zhi had a thought, and his sound transmission jade talisman appeared out of thin air and floated in front of his eyes.

The sound transmission jade talisman lit up dimly, and the voice of the information specialist of the All Living Army came out from it: "Zhishen, the intelligence information has been compiled, and I will report it to you now."

The information collected by the All Living Army in the territory of Shanhan Road is similar to the information collected by Zhenjun Dachang, but it needs to be more detailed.

After all, once the disciples sent by True Monarch Dachang die in danger, they are really dead.

Players are different. Even if they encounter danger and die in the mountain cold road, they can still be resurrected in the real world and report precious information to the army of sentient beings.

According to the information provided by the All Living Army, the ice disaster is breaking out on a large scale near the Mountain Cold Absolute Territory.

The range of thousands of miles outside the mountain cold absolute domain has almost become a new absolute domain. No matter if it is human, monster or beast, under the raging ice disaster, they cannot survive and are all killed.

Fortunately, this area is extremely cold and desolate, so not many people died.

On Shanhan Road, nearby people are being evacuated urgently.

The evacuation of some cities was relatively smooth without encountering any danger, while another part of the city was on the way to evacuate and encountered ice disasters. The entire city died, and no one survived.

The ice disaster is really terrible, not to mention ordinary people, even if they are as powerful as Nascent Soul monks, the chance of surviving the ice disaster is very slim.

In addition to the ice disaster, some Dao players relied on the hidden magical powers they had practiced to venture close to the mountain and cold mountains, and also witnessed a huge ice and snow dragon and a huge ice bear.

After he died and returned to the real world, people from the All Living Army Staff Group analyzed that there was a high probability that this was a demon master who came out of the cold mountains.

The god and demon Liang Sheng seems to be subduing the demon masters in the Absolute Mountain and Cold Territory, and letting them be used by him.

This is also not a good phenomenon.

After finishing the call with the information commissioner, Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged on the deck of the floating airship, with a serious expression on his face.

'After condensing the Yuanlong avatar of the Dzogchen level, I will set off for the mountain cold absolute domain, and I can't delay any longer! ’ Xiao Zhi secretly said in his heart.

Through his thoughts, he contacted his Yuanlong avatar and ordered him to speed up.

This Yuanlong avatar of his has the strength of a weak god, and once he is running at full speed, the speed is unimaginably fast.

Before making Xiao Zhi wait long, a small black spot appeared in the distant sky.

The small black dot grew rapidly, and within a few breaths, Yuanlong's avatar took Hu Yang across the last hundred miles, and appeared in front of Xiao Zhi with a whoosh.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi, who was standing on the deck of the floating airship with his hands behind his back, was several feet away from his Yuanlong avatar, and they looked at each other.

Looking at each other like this, Yuanlong's avatar collapsed immediately, and collapsed into a huge ball of black water, which fell on the deck and flowed in all directions.

Yuanlong's avatar collapsed, and Hu Yang, who was caught in the claws of Yuanlong's avatar, immediately fell on the deck of the floating airship, making a whooping sound.

Xiao Zhi ignored the injured Hu Yang on the deck, and saw him wave his hand, and a light blue light flashed, and the black water was gathered into a huge black water polo, which was then compressed into a small one. He held the black ball in his hand and played with it.

What the Yuanlong avatar possesses is an extremely vast power. It would be a pity if this power was wasted like this. Since it can be recovered, it is better to recover it.

Xiao Zhi closed his eyes and began to condense the new Yuanlong avatar.

Soon, in the sky not far from him, the air fluctuated like water, and a vague long snake-like figure emerged from it, gradually becoming clear from blur.

During this process, there were terrifying energy fluctuations that swept away in all directions.

With a wave of his hand, Li Kuo radiated divine power to form a barrier of ice and snow, which blocked the energy fluctuations, and his face changed slightly: "It's such a strong breath."

Hu Yang had already hid behind Li Kuo at this time, his face was a little pale due to the pressure of this terrifying aura, but he seemed very excited: "So strong!"

The new Yuanlong avatar is still changing from blurred to clear at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just when it was about to be completely condensed, it was a little stuck like the pause button of a movie was pressed.

Seeing this scene, Li Kuo who was standing beside him couldn't help frowning slightly.

Hu Yang poked his head out from behind Li Kuo, looked at this scene, and whispered, "What's going on here? Could something be wrong?"

His eyeballs rolled around in his sockets, as if thinking of something, he said to himself: "It should be that he has no energy, I heard Brother Zhi said before that if he breaks through the [Nine Nether Yuanlong Visualization Picture] At the Dzogchen level, the Yuanlong avatar he condenses will have 100% of the strength of the deity. Since it is 100% of the strength, then if you want to condense this Yuanlong avatar, the energy in Brother Zhi's body may be exhausted ..."

Although he was talking to himself, he made some sounds after all.

Li Kuo turned his head and couldn't help but take another look at Hu Yang.

Facts have proved that Hu Yang's guess is correct, the black ball held by Xiao Zhi is melting little by little.

And as the black ball gradually melted in Xiao Zhi's hands, Yuanlong's avatar, which was stuck like a movie scene, was becoming clear and solid little by little.

After a while, this Dzogchen-level Yuanlong avatar was finally completely condensed by Xiao Zhige.

It wasn't until this time that Xiao Zhi opened his eyes and let out a breath of foul air slowly.

At this time, even if he got some energy supplements in the later stage, the divine power stored in his body was almost exhausted.

For Xiao Zhi, if there is not much energy left in his body, he will feel very insecure.

He held the black ball and continued to absorb the huge energy contained in it. At the same time, the sea water stored in Xiao Zhi's God Realm also began to boil, providing him with a steady stream of divine power.

At the same time, with a thought in Xiao Zhi's mind, the Yuanlong avatar he had just condensed suddenly blurred, disappeared in front of his eyes like a teleportation, and flew towards the far sky in a meandering manner.

Not long after, this Yuanlong avatar returned, and reappeared in front of Xiao Zhi with a whoosh.

Xiao Zhi was taking a test just now, testing the general strength of this Yuanlong avatar.

The test results were pretty much what he expected.

His primordial dragon avatar has the same amount of energy as his real body, but the attack method is relatively simple, and the god domain that can be expanded is relatively fragile. Generally speaking, it should have weak god-level strength, It's almost the same as the demon Li Kuo.

This is still without the fusion of the Wuyuanlong. Once it is fused with the Wuyuanlong, its strength can be significantly improved.

But this time, Xiao Zhi didn't intend to let it merge with the visualization object Yuanlong.

Long before, he had already made up his mind to keep Yuanlong clone here as his life-saving trump card. As for the visualization object Yuanlong, he would take it away and join him in the battle later.

Simple visualization of Wuyuanlong only has quasi-god-level combat power, and its strength is not strong, but Xiao Zhi thinks that one more combat power is one.

Xiao Zhi withdrew his gaze from the Yuanlong avatar, looked at Hu Yang, and said, "Huyang, next, I will hand over my Yuanlong avatar to you, please take it easy and don't let it died."

Hearing this, Hu Yang said with joy, "Don't worry, Brother Zhi, your Yuanlong avatar is already strong enough to sweep the entire Xuanming Kingdom. It's so strong, even if I want it to die, it won't die."

Xiao Zhi instructed: "Don't go to Absolute Territory, and don't go to dangerous places."

Hu Yang said: "I know, I know, don't worry, Brother Zhi, I know how to measure, and I won't take risks in those places."

Xiao Zhi nodded, and when he was about to say something more, his heart suddenly moved, and he said, "Why is this boy Yang Xu here?"

At this moment, in the Xuanming Imperial City below the floating airship, there is a figure soaring into the sky!

The figure that soared into the sky was none other than Yang Xu.

Yang Xu quickly flew onto the floating airship.

"Xiao Xu, why are you here?" Xiao Zhi said with a smile.

Yang Xu stared at him, and said in a muffled voice: "I heard that you are going to Shan Han Dao to deal with that god and demon Liang Sheng, and I will go with you too. I can sense vitality and death. Ability should be useful to you."

Xiao Zhi frowned and said, "Who told you? It was him?"

Saying that, Xiao Zhi stretched out his finger and pointed to Hu Yang.

"No, I don't." Hu Yang hurriedly shook his head like a rattle.

"It's me." Li Kuo said.

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