This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1095 The Credentials of the Star Empire

It is very necessary to establish a good relationship with Dachang Zhenjun and the others, and to enhance their relationship.

After all, when the one-month safety period passes, Dachang Kingdom still needs Dachang Zhenjun and the others to protect it.

Relying on Xiao Zhi's god level alone, it is still too reluctant to protect this land.

On this day, Xiao Zhi was sitting cross-legged on the ice field, strengthening himself little by little with the primordial water. Suddenly, his heart moved slightly, and he felt that his Yuanlong avatar was calling him.

With a thought in Xiao Zhi's mind, his consciousness completed the leap in an instant and entered the body of Yuanlong's avatar.

At this time, his Yuanlong avatar was soaring high above the sky, above his head was a round of bright sun, and below was a vast sea of ​​clouds.

"Huyang, what are you calling me for?" Yuan Long's avatar hovered in the air, uttering words.

Hu Yang jumped down from the back of Yuanlong's avatar, flashed to the front of Yuanlong's avatar, and said with a dignified expression: "Brother Zhi, the All Living Army asked me to inform you that just now, a player brought Xingyao The credential of the empire is back."

"Statement?" Yuan Long's avatar couldn't help squinting his eyes.

"Yes, it's the credential, a very formal one." Hu Yang said.

Yuan Long's avatar spit out words: "What does this book say?"

Hu Yang said: "Xingyao Empire formally invited us to join his alliance, saying that as long as we join the Xingyao Alliance, we will be friends in the future, and we will be our own people. They will provide us with shelter. If other countries bully us, As allies, they will come to our aid as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help frowning and fell silent. After a moment of silence, Xiao Zhi manipulated Yuanlong's avatar and said, "That's all?"

Hu Yang glanced at Xiao Zhi, and said: "More than that, the Xingyao Empire said that if we agree to join the Xingyao Alliance, as allies, we are obliged to send troops to aid them and help them attack the Jimu Dynasty. The Xingyao Empire directly clicks When you get your name, Brother Zhi, I would like to congratulate you for becoming a god, and then I hope you can help them attack the Jimu Dynasty."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help sneering in his heart. He manipulated the Yuanlong avatar and said: "I knew that this Xingyao Empire was a weasel giving a New Year greeting to a chicken. I didn't have a good intention. After knowing the news that I became a god, I will be sent to you. Treated as a free thug."

For Xingyao Empire, the country of players, Xiao Zhi has never had a good impression of it.

Before, when Li Pingfeng was still fighting the national war, when Li Pingfeng relied on the boundary breaking stone to cross the border air wall to explore the outside world and collect information, the nineteenth star official of the Xingyao Empire once invited him with a superior attitude. After the national war, they joined the Xingyao Empire camp.

What the nineteenth star official said at that time was very similar to the current credential, saying that they would provide shelter to them as allies, and as a price, they needed to send a team of five The Nascent Soul Squad is for them to dispatch and fight on the battlefield for them.

Xiao Zhi remembered very clearly that the Nineteenth Star Officer at that time also called his name, saying that Xiao Zhi must be present in this five-member Nascent Soul Squad.

But this time, he, Xiao Zhi, was also named.

"Yes, they just don't have good intentions." Hu Yang nodded, and said angrily: "They just think that we are easy to bully, and they think they can eat us. After all, we only have one god-level player, and their Xingyao Empire, There are four star kings, one fights four, brother Zhi, you will definitely not be their opponent, you can only choose to submit."

Yuanlong's avatar nodded, and said: "Yes, I just think we are easy to bully."

Hu Yang said: "In our Dachang country, now you are not only a god-level brother Zhi, but also Dachang Zhenjun. If nothing happens to Yu Xuzi, he will also have a god-level combat power, and Li Kuo, a demon god, is here. There are also four god-level combat powers here, fighting for top-level combat power, we are not in vain at all, we are afraid of them..."

The Yuanlong avatar said: "I'm afraid that the battle will spread to the real world. Dachang Zhenjun and Yu Xuzi can only fight in the world of sentient beings, and cannot enter the real world and the Xumi Realm of living beings to fight. This is their responsibility." Limitations are also our greatest weakness."

"Yes, that's it." Hu Yang nodded.

Xiao Zhi pondered for a moment, then manipulated Yuanlong's avatar with his mind to spit out words: "What do the soldiers of all living beings think?"

Hu Yang said: "Our country Xia is currently holding a meeting with other countries in the world, discussing this matter secretly, and there is no result yet."

After a pause, Hu Yang continued: "The Army of All Living Things asked me to ask Brother Zhi for your opinion first, saying that your opinion is very important and important."

Yuanlong's avatar said: "Is there a time limit in this credential of Xingyao Empire?"

Hu Yang said: "Yes, the Xingyao Empire gave us three days to think about it. After three days, they will see the result. If we agree to join this Xingyao Alliance, then we have to let Brother Zhi go out and go Help them attack the Jimu Dynasty, if we refuse..."

"What happens if you refuse?"

Hu Yang said: "Xingyao Empire said that in this world, everyone is either a friend or an enemy, and they will not show mercy to the enemy."

Yuanlong's avatar was silent for a while, and said: "Okay, I understand, I need some time to think about it, and I will contact you in two days at the latest to give the All Living Army an answer."

"Okay." Hu Yang nodded and said.

After a slight trance, Xiao Zhi withdrew his consciousness, allowing his consciousness to return to his body.

Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged on the ice field, opened his eyes, and his face looked a little ugly.

"Friend Daoist Xiao, what's the matter with you?" Dachang Zhenjun who was not far away saw that Xiao Zhi's expression was a little strange, and asked with some concern.

Yu Xuzi also opened his eyes at this time, and looked at Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi shook his head and said, "I'm fine."

The Xingyao Empire matter involved players, so he couldn't talk to Zhenjun Dachang and the others.

Next, Xiao Zhi continued to strengthen himself with the primordial water, while thinking about things about the Xingyao Empire in his heart.

He was thinking, should he and the world he lives in submit to the Xingyao Empire and join the so-called Xingyao Alliance?

As far as he himself is concerned, he is definitely unwilling to join this so-called Shining Star Alliance.

Once he joins this so-called star alliance, he is a thug, a cannon fodder. In this so-called alliance, it is impossible for him to get any fair and just treatment.

So, according to Xiao Zhi's temperament, he must be very resistant to joining the Star Alliance.

But he is not just alone, behind him is a whole world, billions of fresh lives!

If they don't join this so-called Shining Star Alliance, and after the security period is over, the Shining Star Empire really launches an attack on his world, so what should we do?

At that time, the world he lives in is likely to be turned into scorched earth, countless innocent people will be killed, and it will turn into Shura Hell...

Just thinking about it makes Xiao Zhi shudder!

He will never allow this to happen!

However, he was also unwilling to just be reduced to Xingyao's enemy country's thugs, cannon fodder.

He has worked so hard to become a god to control his own destiny, to protect the world he lives in, and to protect the people he cherishes, not to serve as thugs and cannon fodder for the Star Empire.

After he became a god, he had a sense of arrogance in his heart.

What kind of thing is that Xingyao Empire? Why should it dominate his destiny with a high-ranking attitude?

Xiao Zhi was very unwilling, really very unwilling.

So, is there any way to save him from the fate of becoming cannon fodder of the Star Empire, and also prevent the real world he lives in from being attacked by the Star Empire, turning into scorched earth, and turning into Shura Hell?

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Time continued to pass by every minute and every second.

Xiao Zhi suddenly felt something and opened his eyes.

In front of his eyes, a line of golden words appeared like flowing water:

Congratulations! After a long time of study and comprehension, if you realize something, you will get started with the fairy art [All Thoughts Returning to One]!

Finally, the celestial art [All Thoughts Returning to One] was introduced, and Xiao Zhi couldn't help but let out a soft breath.

It takes several times longer to get started with the immortal technique [All Thoughts Returning to One] than to get started with the high-level supernatural power [Ruyi Body].

But this is normal, after all, this is a fairy art.

As soon as Xiao Zhi thought about it, he established a connection with Yuanshen Xiao Zhi in an instant, realizing the sharing of memory and thinking.

In this way, in a very short period of time, Xiao Zhi mastered the entry-level knowledge about [All thoughts return to one].

'It turns out that this is the unity of all thoughts...' Xiao Zhi couldn't help showing a thoughtful expression on his face.

The entry-level [All Thoughts Returning to One] can not do many things, and it can even be regarded as a 'passive skill', just like the two-star fairy art [Condensation Art].

[All thoughts return to one] The current effect is that it can significantly improve the deity's control over the incarnation outside the body, that is, the avatar,

No, it's not just clones, Xiao Zhi's three contemplations are also listed here.

Even the water body condensed by Xiao Zhi, or water knives and water swords, as long as there is a trace of Xiao Zhi's thoughts attached to them, then Xiao Zhi's ability to control these things can be clearly demonstrated. promote.

As for how obvious this improvement is, this will not be known until after the experiment.

As a four-star immortal technique, the effect of [All Thoughts Returning to One] is of course not the only one.

[All thoughts return to one] In addition to improving the deity's control over the incarnation outside the body, it can also strengthen the soul of the practitioner to a certain extent, making the soul of the practitioner more tenacious.

In addition, [All thoughts return to one] can also reduce the side effects of the gods when they are cloned...

After gaining a certain understanding of this [All Thoughts Returning to One], generally speaking, Xiao Zhi is quite satisfied with this four-star fairy art.

This [All Thoughts Returning to One] is definitely not comparable to the five-star celestial art [Dawei Tianwang Faxiang], but as a four-star celestial art, Xiao Zhi thinks it is still qualified.

After sitting cross-legged for a while, Xiao Zhizhi had a thought, and as far as his eyes could see, a ball of black water gushed out of nowhere, and this ball of black water quickly turned into the appearance of a young man. Be exactly the same!

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Zhi condensed a Nascent Soul clone.

The speed at which he condenses his avatar is obviously much faster than before.

As soon as the clone was condensed, it walked outside the restriction imposed by Zhenjun Dachang.

The clone ran, and soon passed through the restriction, and disappeared from Xiao Zhi's sight.

At this time, Yu Xuzi was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, while Dachang Zhenjun gave Xiao Zhi a puzzled expression.

Xiao Zhi smiled, and casually found an excuse and said, "I'm a bit bored, let's go and relax."

Yuxuzi nodded at Xiao Zhi, showing an understanding expression.

Xiao Zhi closed his eyes, sensing the real-time situation of the clone.

The result of this experiment is that his control over the avatar is indeed much stronger than before.

After about a quarter of an hour passed, the avatar returned, bumped into Xiao Zhi's body, and merged with Xiao Zhi again.

At this moment, a thought suddenly appeared in Xiao Zhi's heart, a somewhat crazy idea!

As soon as this crazy idea came to mind, it unstoppably took root in Xiao Zhi's mind, and it grew into a towering tree in the blink of an eye!

With the victory of the national war, the sentient beings system gave him and his world a one-month safety period.

During the safety period, the air wall will still exist at the border of his two-nation world. Players in his world can freely enter and exit the air wall, while outside players cannot pass through the air wall to enter his two-nation world. .

During the safety period, people from the Xingyao Empire cannot enter the world of the two countries, nor can they come to the real world where he is, and cannot attack the real world where he is.

This may be an opportunity...

If all the four gods of the Xingyao Empire can be eliminated within the safe time given by the sentient beings system, then, wouldn't all the troubles that plagued him now be solved easily! ?

The idea is crazy! Very very crazy!

He is only a god-level player. As for Li Kuo, he is only a weak god-level player. Compared with the real god-level players, there is still a gap. However, the Xingyao Empire has four god-level players!

Even though he is quite conceited about his current strength, Xiao Zhi is not sure that he can kill the four god-level star kings of the Xingyao Empire with one against four!

No! He is not alone, that is, the three gods of the Mu Dynasty can all be his help!

If he could persuade the three god-level players of the Mu Dynasty to help him deal with the four god-level players of the Xingyao Empire, then it would not be one against four, but four against four.

Beside him, there is Dachang Zhenjun, a god-level powerhouse, Yuxuzi will also have god-level combat power in the near future, and Zhen Lan, who is now also a god-level power.

If they could follow him through the air wall and go to the outside world, then it would not be four against four, but seven against four!

There is also the god-level primordial dragon that exists in the Nine Nether Absolute Territory.

This god-level primordial dragon can communicate.

If it can be persuaded and invited to come out, then seven against four will become eight against four.

Eight against four, this is simply crushing!

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