This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1100 Regional Overlord

Yuan Long's avatar said: "This King Gai is powerful, sensible enough, and vigilant enough. This kind of person is the most terrifying."

Hu Yang nodded, agreeing to what Xiao Zhi said.

Yuanlong's avatar stopped mentioning King Gai, but stared at Hu Yang and said, "Next, are you going to continue investigating in the outside world, or?"

Hu Yang thought for a while, and said: "I'd better go back, the outside world is too scary, Brother Zhi, your Yuanlong avatar is strong, but it doesn't have the ability to hide, it's too easy to be targeted by the gods outside .”

Yuanlong clone nodded its huge head, and said: "You can go back, go back and continue to sit in the area of ​​the original Xuanming country, with this credit, your cultivation resources, the army of sentient beings must be indispensable your."

Hu Yang nodded, and said: "Okay, I'll go back now, and report our encounter with King Gai to the All Living Army."

"Well, then I'm leaving." After Yuan Long's avatar finished speaking, it fell silent and said no more.

After a slight trance, Xiao Zhi, who was sitting cross-legged in the courtyard of the mansion, slowly opened his eyes.

He seemed a little silent, his mind was full of thoughts about what King Gai said just now.

The matter of the system of sentient beings is too far away from him, it is useless for him to think about it, and it will only make him feel depressed.

What he is thinking now is the regional overlord that King Gai just mentioned.

What is known so far is that both the Xingyao Empire and the Qingyuan Empire where King Gai is located want to become the overlord of this area, that is, the so-called regional overlord.

Becoming the regional overlord recognized by the sentient beings system will gain many benefits. As for what kind of benefits, it is not yet known.

The position of the overlord of this area is rotated every ten years, the strong will be promoted, and the weak will be eliminated. The rules for competing for the position of the overlord are not yet known.

What he knows now is that the Xingyao Empire and the Qingyuan Empire both want to compete for the supremacy of this area. The Xingyao Empire has four god-level players, and the Qingyuan Empire has five god-level players. In his opinion, both It is an extremely powerful country of players, and the Qingyuan Empire regards the Xingyao Empire as a competitor, and specially sent the god-level King Gai to destroy it, trying to destroy the Xingyao Empire.

It can be seen from this that if one wants to compete for the supremacy of this region, strength is definitely a hard indicator.

At least, King Gai never regarded the Dachang Kingdom where Xiao Zhi lived as a threat or as a competitor, because they were not worthy...

After thinking like this for a while, Xiao Zhi exhaled lightly, calmed down, and continued to practice his celestial arts and supernatural powers.

In any case, in this world of mighty power, strength is the last word.

In order to protect himself and the real world he lives in, he has to continue to work hard and continue to grow stronger...

With a thought in Xiao Zhi's mind, another large piece of black water gushed out, condensing into dozens of clones. Some of these clones were in the form of humans, and some were in the form of insects and beasts, fighting each other endlessly.

Xiao Zhi himself also transformed into the form of Lilliputian, in order to cultivate [Ruyi Body] and add some experience points to it.

While cultivating, Xiao Zhi's heart skipped a beat, and his identity jade badge appeared out of thin air, with a faint light on it.

It was his Information Commissioner.

As the representative of the All Living Army, the Information Commissioner asked him about King Gai, and Xiao Zhi answered them all.

Soon, the call ended, and Xiao Zhi continued his practice.

Another moment passed, before Xiao Zhi's eyes, a line of golden words appeared in front of his eyes like flowing water:

‘Congratulations, after a lot of hard work, your supernatural power [Ruyi Body] has been upgraded from entry level to elementary level! '

With the appearance of this line of system text, Xiao Zhiruo realized something, and felt like he was enlightened.

In the next second, an inexplicable light burst out from Xiao Zhi's body, and his figure began to shrink, until it finally became only the size of a bottle of mineral water, and then stopped.

Xiao Zhi, whose body is only the size of mineral water, glanced at everything around him, only to feel that everything around him became much larger, and the stool under his feet also became bigger, which could no longer be described as a table. It's like a small platform.

"With my current body shape, if I enter the chaotic space, I don't know if I can withstand the terrible space turbulence inside..." Xiao Zhixin said.

He wanted to experiment, but held back.

"Forget it, let's wait a little longer. After I have cultivated [Ruyi Body] to the Dacheng level, and my body size has become smaller, I will try it again." Xiao Zhixin said.

He is now at the god level, and his speed of cultivating supernatural powers is much faster than before, and his root value increased by two waves of 5 points at the end of the national war, which is 10 points of root value. This bone value also increases the speed of cultivation and comprehension, which can be said to be accelerated.

As long as he continues to practice, I believe it won't be long before his [Ruyi Body] can reach the Dacheng level.

Although it was only the supernatural power [Ruyi Body] that was upgraded, not the fairy art [All Thoughts Returning to One], Xiao Zhi still felt quite happy, and his mood became a little more comfortable.

Xiao Zhi calmed down and continued to practice.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

While cultivating, Xiao Zhi had a thought, and his identity jade badge appeared out of thin air, emitting a faint light, and a voice belonging to Yang Xi came out from it: "Brother, I'm almost there."

Xiao Zhi smiled and said, "Okay, I'll come and pick you up."

Not long after, Xiao Zhi saw Yang Xi outside the Dachang Imperial City.

When he saw Yang Xi this time, Xiao Zhi couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

The changes in Yang Xi's body are a bit big, and he can't even recognize them.

Back then, when he first saw Yang Xi, Yang Xi was just a little girl, following behind her brother, thin and small.

Now it has grown, and the height has also grown upwards, reaching more than 1.6 meters by visual inspection. From the little girl at the beginning, it has grown into a slim girl with a green dress and skirt. Although her appearance is not very beautiful, she is still beautiful. Has a kind of extraordinary temperament, not eating fireworks.

These years of cultivation have caused earth-shaking changes in her temperament.

"Greetings to Zhishen." The two Qingxu Yuanying monks who were in charge of escorting Yang Xi bowed together and saluted Xiao Zhi respectfully.

Xiao Zhi nodded slightly.

"Brother." Yang Xi walked over naturally with a joyful expression on his face, and immediately hugged Xiao Zhi.

When Xiao Zhi was hugged by Yang Xi, his body froze slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable.

After all, she is not the skinny little girl she was before.

"Brother, they all said that you have become a god?" Yang Xi asked.

"Yes, I'm a god now." Xiao Zhi smiled.

"They said that my brother is also very powerful, he has already become a Yaozun." Yang Xi said.

"Yes, he is already a Yaozun." Xiao Zhi nodded.

"My master said that my cultivation aptitude is excellent, and I am a rare cultivation genius once in a hundred years. I listened to his words and practiced very hard. In the end, I was the last one among the three of us to reach the Nascent Soul Realm. Yes." When she said this, Yang Xi seemed a little disappointed.

Xiao Zhi stretched out his hands and rubbed Yang Xi's flowing hair, and said with a smile: "Xiao Xi, you are already very good, look, you are only fourteen years old and already a Nascent Soul Daxiu, you are our big Changguo, the youngest Nascent Soul Daxiu."

"Zhishen is right, fellow Daoist Fuxi, you are the youngest Nascent Soul Daxiu in our Dachang Kingdom. You have been a Nascent Soul Daxiu since you were fourteen years old. When I was fourteen years old, I just entered the foundation building stage , compared to you, fellow Taoist Fuxi, that’s far behind.” A Nascent Soul cultivator from the Qingxu lineage said with a flattering smile.

Fuxi is the Taoist name of Yangxi.

Another Nascent Soul cultivator from the Qingxu lineage also smiled and said: "I am even more unbearable when I am old. When I was fourteen years old, I was just a little monk in the Qi training period. It was not until I was twenty-five that I stepped into the Compared with fellow Daoist Fu Xi, you are simply ashamed."

While talking, Yang Xu came over.

As a corpse demon, Yang Xu's face was pale, and his age seemed to be fixed. He looked like a young man of fourteen or fifteen years old.

Now, Yang Xi and Yang Xu are standing together, they look like they are the same age, there is no age difference anymore.

"Brother." Yang Xi pounced on Yang Xu, and also gave Yang Xu a hug, her eyes were filled with mist, a little red.

At this moment, Yang Xu also seemed a little moved, but his eyes could no longer shed tears. All he could do was to stretch out his hands a little stiffly, hugging his sister in his arms, and then tried his best to restrain himself. Try to make yourself look like a normal person.

Xiao Zhi smiled, and the two Nascent Soul cultivators of the Qingxu lineage standing next to him were speaking all kinds of nice things in front of the brother and sister Yang Xiyangxu, trying their best to please them.

Tangtang Yuanying Daxiu looked like two servants at this moment, which made Xiao Zhi feel a little funny.

"I have seen Zhishen." A voice came from afar.

Xiao Zhi turned his head and found that Venerable Li Yuan was saluting him from afar.

"There's no need to be too polite." Xiao Zhi nodded to Venerable Li Yuan.

"Master!" Seeing Venerable Li Yuan coming, Yang Xi respectfully bowed to Venerable Li Yuan.

Yang Xi came to Dachang Imperial City this time, almost shaking the entire Dachang Imperial City, not only Venerable Li Yuan came, but also Venerable Ji Shi, Venerable Kui, Taoist Master Cao Shaoyang of Zhongchang, Venerable Shenmu and other Nascent Soul cultivators, They all came one after another.

In the Dachang Imperial City, almost all the Nascent Soul cultivators came, and together with Xiao Zhi and the others, they welcomed the arrival of the sun.

Of course, there is Yang Xi's young genius who has achieved Nascent Soul Realm at a young age and has an unlimited future. The most important thing is that her elder brother Xiao Zhi is a god!

With the god Xiao Zhi present, the status of the brother and sister Yang Xuyangxi in Dachang Kingdom is by no means comparable to that of ordinary Nascent Soul monks, and they are already comparable to those big men like Venerable Ji Shi and Qing Xuzi.

There are three disciples under Zhenjun Dachang, namely Taixuzi, Qingxuzi and Yuxuzi.

Tai Xuzi's fate was miserable. In the process of confronting Xiao Zhi, his body was destroyed, leaving only his soul. He was tortured to death by Venerable Kui's soul refining method. If it wasn't for his For the sake of Zhenjun Dachang's disciple, Xiao Zhi had killed him long ago. After Zhenjun Dachang returned, he also hated his big disciple, who was as weak as iron, and directly threw him into the prison of Dachang Shenmen , Let him shut the door and think about his mistakes.

The second disciple, Qingxuzi, is better than Taixuzi, but he also offended Xiao Zhi. Now he is curving to save the country, trying to please the people around Xiao Zhi, but he is shrunk in the Holy Land of Dachang, not daring to come and talk to him. Xiao Zhi met.

Yu Xuzi's fate has come to a complete reversal. Originally, his fate should be the most miserable, being swallowed up and devoured by the remnant soul of the god and demon is almost a certainty, but because of the existence of Xiao Zhi , his fate was changed. After going through a series of things, not only was he not swallowed by the god and demon Liangsheng, but he was blessed by misfortune and successfully captured the god and demon Liangsheng!

Once his state is completely stabilized, Yu Xuzi can inherit the power of the god and demon Liang Sheng, and become a god for nothing!

At that time, his master Dachang Zhenjun will probably not be his opponent...

After placing Yang Xi in the headquarters of Dachang Shenmen, all the Nascent Souls dispersed, and after a while, Xiao Zhi also left, and returned to his mansion in the inner city to continue his cultivation.

During the cultivation, time passed by every minute and every second.

Next, his information specialist will report to him every once in a while.

The delegations from various countries in the world where Xiao Zhi lived successfully joined the Ninth Star Official, and then under the guidance of the Ninth Star Official, they took a floating spaceship to the Xingyao Empire.

After coming to the Xingyao Empire, accompanied by the ninth star official and the eleventh star official, the delegation of Xiao Zhi's world took a floating airship and visited the Xingyao Empire for a day. have a basic understanding of the situation.

A day later, the delegation from Xiao Zhi's world went to the capital of the Xingyao Empire in a floating spaceship.

In the capital city, Taibai Xingjun, one of the four great stars of the Xingyao Empire, personally received the delegation from Xiao Zhi's world, which made the members of the delegation feel a little flattered.

This also shows that the Star Empire attaches great importance to this alliance.

Afterwards, the Shining Star Empire sent personnel to start discussions with the delegation in the world where Xiao Zhi lived on some matters concerning joining the Shining Star Alliance.

Discussions went well.

In just one day, the two sides negotiated the general framework and began to discuss some details.

And at this moment, a line of golden words appeared in front of Xiao Zhi like flowing water:

'Congratulations! In your unremitting cultivation and comprehension, your celestial art [All Thoughts Returning to One] has been upgraded from the entry level to the small achievement level! '

Under Xiao Zhi's unremitting efforts to practice, his four-star fairy art [All Thoughts Returning to One] has finally been upgraded to the Xiaocheng level!

From then on, Xiao Zhi's ability to control the avatar will undoubtedly be improved to a higher level.

Not long after, another line of golden text appeared in front of his eyes like flowing water:

'Congratulations! With your persistent practice, your supernatural power [Ruyi Body] has been upgraded from a small Cheng level to a Dacheng level! '

Thanks for the reward of the title Book Saint.

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