This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1103 Departure, Dayan Kingdom

For a moment, Xiao Zhi became full of fighting spirit!

He can feel that as long as he can learn the arm fusion technique of the third evil monk, his combat effectiveness will usher in another great improvement!

At that time, among his peers, he might be able to fight two with one!

After he completes the transformation and upgrade of himself with the water of the beginning, his combat power can be improved by another wave. At that time, he should be able to fight one against three, or even one against four, it should be no problem!

The road to becoming stronger is smooth, which makes Xiao Zhi feel very good.

After only resting for a short while, Xiao Zhi visualized the [Dawei Tianwang Dharma Image] again, and his consciousness entered the illusion of the Buddhist kingdom, and started a new round of fighting with the third evil monk.

However, his purpose of fighting has changed.

In the past, he fought against the third evil monk in order to defeat and kill the third evil monk.

Now, he regards the third evil monk as a learning target, as a whetstone, trying hard to learn the arm fusion technique of the third evil monk.

At the beginning, Xiao Zhi always couldn't understand, couldn't learn, and was tortured miserably by the third evil monk.

But the hard work paid off, and gradually, Xiao Zhi gradually saw some ways in the fight after fight.

Time passed day by day.

Xiao Zhi devoted himself to cultivating the [Dharma Physique of the Great Powerful Heavenly King], and spent almost all his time in the illusion of the Buddhist kingdom condensed by the [Dharma Physique of the Great Powerful Heavenly King].

Finally, in the afternoon of a certain day, Xiao Zhi successfully achieved the fusion of arms for the first time in the illusion of the Buddha Kingdom!

He successfully fused the arm holding the black umbrella and the arm holding the black sword into a brand new arm!

This brand new arm looks stronger and more powerful, holding a black and deep black sword!

After this battle, Xiao Zhi still lost, but Xiao Zhi was very excited.

It's done! He finally made it!

After only resting for a while, Xiao Zhi immediately threw himself into a new round of training.

When I settled down to practice, time passed quickly.

Before I knew it, two days passed, and the time came to October 31, 2022.

On this day, Xiao Zhi was fighting in the illusion of the Buddha Kingdom, when suddenly, his heart moved, and he sensed that someone was calling him through the sound transmission jade talisman.

Xiao Zhi didn't pay attention to this matter for the time being, and continued to fight with the third evil monk in the illusion of the Buddhist kingdom.

It wasn't until he was defeated and killed and withdrew from the illusion of the Buddhist kingdom that he had a thought and took out his sound transmission jade talisman.

This sound transmission jade talisman floated in front of Xiao Zhi's eyes, and soon shimmered, and from it came the voice of the information specialist of the All Living Army: "Zhishen."

Xiao Zhi said, "What's the matter?"

The voice belonging to the information commissioner said: "Zhishen, just now, we successfully signed a treaty of friendship and alliance with Xingyao Empire. From then on, we and Xingyao Empire have been allies."

There was a hint of a smile in the Information Commissioner's voice when he said this.

Xiao Zhi said calmly: "Since the alliance treaty has been successfully signed, I am relieved."

The voice belonging to the information commissioner continued: "Zhishen, the treaty of friendship and alliance signed between us and the Xingyao Empire is not a dead letter, but has been recognized by the system of all living beings."

"Recognized by the sentient beings system? How do you say this?" Xiao Zhi said.

The voice belonging to the information commissioner explained: "Just after we successfully signed this alliance treaty with Xingyao Empire, our people discovered that in our eyes, the player of Xingyao Empire who was faintly glowing red , the light emitted from their bodies has changed, from a faint red light to a faint blue light."

Xiao Zhi said: "In other words, the red light represents the enemy, while the blue light represents the friendly army?"

"Yes, that's it." The voice of the Information Commissioner said.

Xiao Zhi exhaled lightly, and said, "Since this alliance has been certified by the system, I feel more at ease."

At this moment, he really breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Since their alliance with Xingyao Empire has been certified by the sentient beings system, it should be considered reliable...

Just when Xiao Zhixin was thinking about this, the voice belonging to the information commissioner continued: "Zhishen, the Xingyao Empire will launch an attack on the Jimu Dynasty again tomorrow. As an ally, they hope that you can be there to help Together they attacked the Jimu Dynasty."

The request made by Xingyao Empire was within Xiao Zhi's expectation.

Therefore, Xiao Zhi was not surprised when the information commissioner said these words. He said calmly, "Besides asking for reinforcements from me, has the Xingyao Empire asked for reinforcements from other players?"

"No more." The voice belonging to the information commissioner said: "On the part of Xingyao Empire, only you, Zhishen, were named. As for the other players in our world, it may be that in the eyes of Xingyao Empire, their strength is too weak. Well, it’s still not in their eyes.”

Xiao Zhi was silent for a while, and said, "I see, I will go there."

"Okay." The voice belonging to the information commissioner was obviously relieved.

He continued: "Xingyao Empire has sent a third star official, waiting for you at the border between us and Dayan Country. His specific location is Yuxiang City on the border of Dayan Country."

In Xiao Zhi's mind, a topographic map of Dayan Kingdom instantly appeared. This is the map of Dayan Kingdom that Li Pingfeng obtained when he went out to explore with the Boundary Breaker Stone. It is stored in the database of the world of sentient beings, and all Taoist players can view it for free.

When Xiao Zhi looked up the information in the real world, with his amazing memory, he remembered it in his mind, and this time he finally used it.

"Okay, I'll go find him." Xiao Zhi said.

The voice belonging to the Information Commissioner said: "Do you need to send someone to follow you?"

Xiao Zhi thought for a while, and said: "No need, I went here to fight, not to travel, and there should be a battle of gods. I can only protect myself at most, but I can't guarantee the safety of my entourage. Safety."

"Okay, then please keep yourself safe, you must know that you are the patron saint of our world, and you must not have any accidents." The voice belonging to the information commissioner said solemnly.

After a pause, the voice belonging to the information commissioner said again: "If something cannot be done, Zhishen, you must not be brave."

Xiao Zhi laughed, and said, "Am I the kind of person who will be brave? Don't worry, I have a lot of cards to save my life. Even if a god wants to kill me, it's not that easy."

After finishing the communication with the information commissioner, Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged in the courtyard, and continued to practice and visualize his [Dawei Tianwang Faxiang].

A few hours later, Xiao Zhi opened his eyes, and his face was a little unhappy.

In the past few hours of cultivation, he was obviously out of shape. In the illusion of the Buddhist kingdom, he was pressed to the ground by the third evil monk and beat N times.

Forget it, if you continue to cultivate so forcefully, there will be no effect, since that's the case...

Xiao Zhi stood up slowly, and communicated a few words with the demon Li Kuo through his thoughts.

Soon, beside Xiao Zhi, the air fluctuated like water, and a figure emerged from the air, it was Li Kuo, the demon.

Xiao Zhi nodded at the demon Li Kuo, took out his identity jade badge, and contacted Venerable Ji Shi.

After giving some instructions to Venerable Ji Shi, Xiao Zhi took the identity jade badge, turned to Li Kuo and said, "Brother Li, let's go."

"Okay." Li Kuo nodded upon hearing this.

Immediately, Xiao Zhi's body shone with an inexplicable light, and his figure began to shrink sharply, shrinking to the size of a pencil in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Zhi, the size of a pencil, and Li Kuo, the demon, soared into the sky, left the Dachang Imperial City, and flew towards the southwest.

On this trip to the Dayan Kingdom, Xiao Zhi displayed the supernatural power of [Divine Hidden Art], which hardly alarmed anyone, appearing extremely low-key.

As he said to the information commissioner before, he went to the world outside the air wall this time to fight in the past, and it was almost destined to break out. He could only protect himself, but he could not guarantee the safety of his entourage .

So...he can go there alone, there is no need for others to follow him on the adventure.

The magnificent and prosperous Dachang Imperial City was quickly left behind by him.

High above the sky, the pencil-sized Xiao Zhi turned into a pencil-sized golden roc bird, spreading his wings and flying forward, while looking down at the land below, admiring the mountains, rivers and other scenery below.

The sky is high and the earth is wide, and a round of tomorrow hangs high above the sky.

Flying and flying, Xiao Zhi's mood gradually became more comfortable, and he was no longer as irritable as before.

After flying in the southwest direction for a while, a point of colorful light appeared between Xiao Zhi's brows. Soon, this point of colorful light turned into a terrifying statue with three heads and eight arms beside him. The dharma face is exactly the dharma face of King Dawei.

Dawei Tianwang Faxiang floated beside Xiao Zhi, and began to try to fuse his arms.

Xiao Zhi couldn't let go of this arm fusion technology in the end, because once he fully mastered this arm fusion technology, it would greatly enhance his combat effectiveness.

Dawei Tianwang Faxiang wants to integrate these arms. The process is actually very complicated and difficult. It needs a little bit of exploration and summarization of its laws.

Xiao Zhi is now in the groping stage, and has already achieved considerable results.

Today, he can already fuse the arm holding the black umbrella with the arm holding the black sword to form a brand new and stronger arm. What is held in this brand new arm can be either a black umbrella or a black umbrella. It can also be a black sword, and whether it is a black umbrella or a black sword, the power contained in it is stronger than before.

In doing so, the benefits are obvious.

For example, when fighting with people, the black umbrella is useless and can be temporarily discarded. It just happens to integrate it with other weapons or magic weapons, so as to enhance the power of other weapons or magic weapons, and let everyone Wei Tian Wang Dharma Xiang can have stronger fighting power when fighting.

For another example, when fleeing for life, the black umbrella becomes a very important thing. You can also use other weapons or magic weapons such as the black sword to enhance its power, which can greatly improve Xiao Zhi's life-saving or escape. ability……

Time passed by, and I don't know how long it had passed, a gray wall reaching the sky appeared in Xiao Zhi's field of vision, and there was no end in sight.

This is the border air wall located at the border of Dachang Kingdom. This border air wall looks like it is composed of groups of flowing gray fog. It stretches across the front, covering the sky and blocking out the sun. It is like a moat and has a great visual impact. .

It was this border air wall that separated Dachang Kingdom and the original Xuanming Kingdom from the world of sentient beings, ensuring that the national war between Dachang Kingdom and Xuanming Kingdom would not be disturbed by external factors, and also blocked The footsteps of players in the two-country world exploring outwards.

Unless there is such a strange thing as the Boundary Breaking Stone, otherwise, even if it is as powerful as a god, it will rest and break through this layer of confinement, and go to the outside world to explore.

After the war between the two countries, players in the world of the two countries can finally explore the outside world through this border air wall. However, this air wall still blocks any exploration and invasion from the outside world. It has completely become a A security wall gave Xiao Zhi and the others a one-month safe development period.

It's just that the one-month safe development period is about to come to an end.

In a few days, this border air wall will disappear, and Xiao Zhi's world will also completely leave Xinshou Village, enter a brand new world, and enter a brand new era!

This is the first time that Xiao Zhi has witnessed this air wall on the border.

Xiao Zhi only stayed here for a moment, and then turned into an afterimage, crashing headlong into the border air wall in front of him.

It felt like hitting a ball of soft cotton, Xiao Zhi's eyes were immediately filled with gray mist.

Even though he is a god and still has the magical power of [Vajra Dazzling], he still cannot see through the gray fog in front of him and see the world behind the gray fog.

Soon, the gray fog in front of Xiao Zhi's eyes disappeared, and Xiao Zhi passed through the border air wall smoothly, and came to the world outside the air wall.

Behind him is the border air wall like a moat, and in front of him is the territory of Dayan Kingdom.

Dayan Kingdom is a neighboring country of Dachang Kingdom, and its ruler is True Lord Dayan, who is a god-level powerhouse whose strength is comparable to that of True Lord Dachang.

Three years ago, two terrifying gods and demons appeared in the territory of Dayan Kingdom, and a terrifying battle broke out here, and the sky was about to split open. The capital of the country was destroyed, and True Monarch Dayan, who was a god-level powerhouse, also suffered a catastrophe and died in the capital of Dayan.

After that, the two gods disappeared, and the Dayan Kingdom lost the True Lord Dayan, and its social order completely collapsed. All kinds of monsters, ghosts, ghosts and snakes appeared, and the entire Dayan Kingdom fell into dire straits .

Up to now, three years have passed, and the territory of Dayan Kingdom is still full of chaos, all kinds of monsters and ghosts are rampant, and there is no order at all.

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