At this moment, Xiao Zhi's face couldn't help but change.

Standing on the floating airship, his figure disappeared into nothingness.

"Bastard!" Lord Greedy Wolf shouted loudly.

The flying palace of Tanlang Xingjun shattered into pieces, and a large shadow emerged out of thin air, rushing towards the huge black halberd like a tide!

Lord Greedy Wolf Star made a move, but it was still a step too late.

The slash of the black giant halberd hit several Nascent Soul cultivators of the Xingyao Empire one after another.

The Nascent Soul cultivators who were swept away trembled violently and were swept away.

A weak player at the beginning of the Nascent Soul, when he was swept, his body exploded on the spot, and even the Nascent Soul was shattered, and he died on the spot!

The body of another Nascent Soul player was also shattered. Fortunately, Nascent Soul escaped from the remains, with dim light and weak breath.

The rest of the Nascent Soul cultivators were either seriously or slightly injured.

As the core of the formation, the Nascent Soul cultivator was either killed or injured, and the army formations on the ground that formed the joint attack formation were affected by this, and it was not easy.

After the early Nascent Soul player died, at least half of the sergeants fell down without a sound after forming the combined attack formation below him.

Among the other army formations, many sergeants also fell silently.

On the chaotic battlefield, an electric snake and a flying sword attacked the weakened Nascent Soul with a weak breath.

Seeing that the weak Nascent Soul was about to be hit, and his mind and soul were completely wiped out, Xiao Zhi's figure appeared in front of the Nascent Soul out of thin air, and with a light wave of his hand, the attacking electric snake was eliminated invisible.

The flying sword that hit was directly shattered into powder.

In front of the god-level Xiao Zhi, the Lingbao-level flying sword was as crisp as a wafer.

At this time, Tanlang Xingjun had already made a move, defeating the huge black halberd and the huge arm holding the black halberd.

According to the information obtained by Xiao Zhi, that is one of the three gods of the Mu Dynasty - Xiaowu God General, the weapon he uses is a black halberd.

The person who made the move this time was most likely the heroic general of the Jimu Dynasty.

No, to be precise, it should be a divine avatar of General Xiaowu!

What Lord Greedy Wolf Star defeated this time was just a clone of the God of Valor.

"Xiao Zhi... No, Zhishen, thank you for saving me..." Nascent Soul, who was rescued by Xiao Zhi, said weakly.

Xiao Zhi smiled when he heard this.

After all, his current status is an ally of the Xingyao Empire. If an accident happened, if he just watched the show and didn't do anything, it wouldn't make sense.

So he made a move and rescued the Xingyao Empire Nascent Soul player whose body was broken and only Nascent Soul was left.

With a light wave of his hand, Xiao Zhi sent the weak Nascent Soul beside him who had lost his body to a relatively safe zone thousands of feet away.

Xiao Zhi's gaze has been falling on Tanlang Xingjun intentionally or unintentionally, observing every move of this god-level powerhouse in Xingyao Empire, collecting relevant information about Tanlang Xingjun in this way, and evaluating his strength. strength.

The Xingyao Empire only provided information about the three god-level gods of the Jimu Dynasty to Xiao Zhi's world, but they would not inform Xiao Zhi's world about the four great star kings.

Under Xiao Zhi's gaze from the corner of his eye, the Greedy Wolf star soon made a new move.

Seeing that the Greedy Wolf Star Lord wiped out all the attacks attacking him with his divine power, his body swelled in the wind, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a huge shadow giant. The height of this shadow giant exceeded a thousand feet. The huge trident, which was also shadowed, stabbed at the thick golden light curtain above Xinning City.

Lord Greedy Wolf's intentions are obvious.

He was going to break the formation, in order to avenge the halberd that Xiaowushen used to split the god's body.

Xiao Zhi hesitated for a moment, then took out his Excalibur of Protecting the Nation, and pointed at the golden eight-pole protective formation above Xinning City.

As a thug, he still has to make a difference, so as not to be gossiped.

The two gods entered the arena, even though Xiao Zhi retained his strength and did not go all out, the golden eight-pole formation over Xinning City was quickly blown away.

"Let's retreat." After the protective formation was breached, the voice belonging to Lord Greedy Wolf rang in Xiao Zhi's ears.

Xiao Zhi heard that Dang even followed Tanlang Xingjun and retreated back.

A group of Nascent Soul cultivators from Xingyao Empire pressed on immediately.

The tens of thousands of troops forming a combined attack formation also continued to press forward at a slow speed.

Losing the support of the city defense formation, the people of the Mu Dynasty in Xinning City were directly exposed to the Xingyao Empire's army.

The sudden attack of the two gods and the collapse of the protective formation had dealt a huge blow to the morale of the army of the Jimu Dynasty.

Xiao Zhi saw that quite a few monks from the Jimu Dynasty completely lost their fighting spirit and began to flee backwards.

There are also many warriors and support personnel fleeing, but the warriors cannot escape in the air, and the speed of escape is far inferior to those of the Taoist monks.

Where there are those who run away, there are those who rise up and resist.

The monks of the Xingyao Empire who entered the city fought with the army of the Mu Dynasty who chose to resist.

The fighting was fierce and brutal.

A large number of monks and warriors from the Jimu Dynasty were killed, but a small number of monks from the Xingyao Empire died under the counterattack of those monks from the Jimu Dynasty, and the number of victims was even greater.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Finally, the war is over.

In Xinning City, floating corpses are everywhere, devastated everywhere.

Tens of thousands of people knelt in the ruins of the building, looking dejected, and there were patches of people kneeling outside the city.

These are all captives. Among the captives, not only ordinary people, warriors, and low-level monks, but also a few Nascent Soul monks who had no time to escape, were also captured.

"Take a rest first, and we will continue to set off in an hour!" The voice belonging to Tanlang Xingjun said loudly, and his voice resounded in everyone's ears.

Xiao Zhi returned to his floating airship, looking down at the almost ruined Xinning City below, with a serious expression on his face.

He suddenly thought of another intention of Xingyao Empire to let him participate in the war.

Let him come to fight, not just let him come to be a thug.

After he came to participate in the war this time, even if he had formed a grudge with the Jimu Dynasty, if he turned against the Xingyao Empire in the future, and then wanted to unite with the Jimu Dynasty to deal with the Xingyao Empire, it would be impossible.

Thinking about it this way, the Xingyao Empire is really insidious enough.

However, even if he knew the intention of Xingyao Empire, what could he do?

The situation is weaker than others, so he can only submit obediently and follow the Xingyao Empire's wishes.

Time is still passing by.

These captives of the Mu Dynasty were driven onto floating airships and escorted to Dashicheng of the Xingyao Empire.

In the Xingyao Empire's army, warriors are resting and eating, swallowing and refining those elixirs that replenish true energy.

The monks are absorbing with spirit stones, using spirit stones to supplement the true energy consumed during the battle.

Xiao Zhi still stayed on his floating airship, chatting with Lu Qi, the Nascent Soul player who was his entourage.

Although this Lu Qi was very polite, his tone was very strict. When Xiao Zhi chatted with him, he could only ask some common-sense things. Once the secrets of Xingyao Empire were involved, this Lu Qi would always I don't know about the third question.

Xiao Zhi was not upset about this, because he had no hope for it.

"This attack is the Mu Dynasty, and you Xingyao Empire, only the god-level Tanlang Xingjun came?" Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged on the floating spaceship, and asked again.

Lu Qi said apologetically, "Mr. Xiao Zhi, I have no right to know the whereabouts of the Xingjun."

Xiao Zhi nodded noncommittally, and when he was about to say a few more words, he seemed to sense something, turned his head slightly, his eyes suddenly lit up with a bright golden light, and looked towards the southeast.

As far as his eyes could see, there was a black spot coming towards this side at an extremely fast speed!

It is a halberd!

It is a black magic halberd!

The air around Xiao Zhi fluctuated like water, and the figure of the demon Li Kuo emerged from the air, and he was also looking at the black magic halberd flying from far away!

"It's Martial God General Xiao who is coming, please ask Fellow Daoist Xiao to intercept him." The voice belonging to Lord Greedy Wolf rang in Xiao Zhi's ear.

"It's time to come, but it's still here." Xiao Zhi took a deep breath and stood up from the floating boat. The next moment, his figure shattered like a bubble and disappeared into the air.

In the next second, Xiao Zhi's figure appeared in the sky thousands of meters away.

At this time, he cast [Wishful Body], his height reached a hundred feet, holding a huge golden sword, he slashed out at the incoming demon halberd.

The Divine Sword of Protecting the Nation hit the demon halberd, and there was a loud clang. The terrifying shock wave spread in all directions, and dispersed all the clouds in the sky.

The magic halberd flew hundreds of feet away in a swirling motion, then stopped suddenly, and a figure appeared behind him. It was a handsome young man in black armor, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes. Valkyrie!

Xiaowu God General waved the magic halberd, then pointed the magic halberd in his hand at Xiao Zhi, and said sharply: "Where are you sacred, you want to help the evildoers and become my enemy?"

Before Xiao Zhi could speak, a voice belonging to Tanlang Xingjun came over: "He is from Dachang Kingdom, and he is an ally of Xingyao Empire."

Xiao Wushen looked coldly at Xiao Zhi and said, "So he is Xingyao's lackey, he should be killed!"

Xiao Zhi's face darkened, and he rushed towards the Valiant General with the Sword of Protecting the Nation in his hand.

Xiaowu Shenjian shouted angrily, and a dark red light bloomed all over his body. This dark red light permeated his whole body, dyeing a large area of ​​the sky red.

This is his domain of the gods, a domain of the gods condensed by the laws of war.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi also opened up his own domain, the sound of water flowing faintly appeared in the sky, and a water-like light blue brilliance emerged, like a river hanging upside down, colliding with the domain of the Valkyrie general!

The collision of the two divine domains caused a rumbling sound in the sky.

If this war of gods had been held in the world of the two kingdoms, Xiao Zhi was probably already planning a surprise attack by Dawei Tianwang Faxiang to destroy the opponent's god domain.

As long as the opponent's God Domain can be destroyed, then there is almost no suspense in this battle of Gods.

But here, Xiao Zhi didn't intend to do this, he wanted to hide his clumsiness.

The collision of the two great realms changed the color of the entire world, the space fluctuated violently like water, and the rumbling sound never stopped.

On the ground below, the Xingyao Empire's army, which was resting, didn't even form a formation, and they were all desperately retreating, wanting to leave this place of right and wrong.

This is a battle of gods, and it is not something that warriors like them can participate in, even forming an formation.

The monks and players were also retreating. They were flying in the air, and while retreating, they shouted to let the warriors running on the ground run faster.

Even the powerful star officials are retreating.

Everyone is retreating, except for one person, and he is Lord Greedy Wolf.

Greedy Wolf Star Lord is also at the god level. The aftermath of the battle between the two gods is like a catastrophe for ordinary warriors and monks. They will die when they touch it, and they will die when they touch it. But to him, it is like a spring breeze. Face, not worth mentioning.

At this time, Lord Greedy Wolf was standing on the dilapidated city wall of Xinning City. He was standing with his hands behind his back and was watching the battle between Xiao Zhi and Xiaowu God General. He wanted to pass this god-level battle. , to make an assessment of Xiao Zhi's strength.

Just looking at it, his brows frowned slightly.

High above the sky, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Wushen, the two great gods, are still engaged in a contest between the gods.

The result of the collision between God's Domains is that they are all the same, and no one can do anything to anyone.

Xiao Zhicai has just become a god not long ago, so he can be regarded as a new god, but he is a player, and his cultivation speed is dozens of times faster than that of the aborigines in the world of sentient beings. In addition, his current bone value is extremely high, and his cultivation aptitude is excellent. In such a short period of time, the stability of his domain of gods has greatly increased, and it is not weaker than Xiaowushen Jiang, the aborigine god who has been a god for decades.

Of course, among the aborigine gods in the world of sentient beings, gods like Xiaowushen who have been gods for decades are actually considered new gods.

Seeing that Xiao Zhi couldn't do anything about the God's Domain's attack, Valkyrie General immediately changed his tactics. He chose to retreat voluntarily.

Suddenly, the dark red light representing the realm of the gods flocked towards the magic halberd, causing the black magic halberd to quickly turn into a dark red halberd!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi couldn't help showing surprise on his face.

Integrating God's Domain into the weapon to enhance the power of the weapon is even possible.

This is worth learning and imitating.

The Valkyrie General was preparing for his ultimate move, and Xiao Zhi couldn't say anything. He raised the Divine Sword of Protecting the Nation in his hand, pointing the tip at the Valkyrie General.

In the next moment, a thick ink-like shadow covered the Sword of Protecting the Country like ink. This is the vision presented by Xiao Zhi's perfect ultimate move [Mie Shen Dao].

A biting cold wind suddenly blew in the air, Li Kuo, the demon, appeared beside Xiao Zhi holding an ice sword condensed by divine power.

Behind Xiao Zhi, the three-headed and eight-armed Dawei Tianwang Dharma also emerged from the void.

Thanks to book friends 20181215174749152, for being an old 6 for rewarding.

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