This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1110 Calculation and Ultimate Escape

"Fellow Daoist Xiao, go and block Liu Jinglong, don't let them join up." Tanlang Xingjun replied via voice transmission: "Persist a little longer, Taibai and the others are coming soon!"

When Xiao Zhi heard this, his heart sank.

He was actually asked to resist a mid-level god!

If given a choice, Xiao Zhi would never face a terrifying mid-level god.

The problem is, in this case, he has no choice at all!

If he runs away now regardless of everything, then the alliance between his world and the Xingyao Empire is likely to break down. Once the alliance breaks down, the consequences will be unimaginable!

If such a result was caused because of him, then he might become a sinner in the world he lives in.

Damn it, I can only fight!

Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth, and rushed towards the green light approaching from far and near with a knife!

On his left was Li Kuo, a demon with a solemn expression, holding a long frosty sword.

On his right is the Dharma image of King Dawei with three heads and eight arms.

During the flight, the black clean bottle in the hand of Dawei Tianwang Faxiang tilted, and poured the black liquid inside on Xiao Zhi's body, Li Kuo's body, and finally poured a little on himself.

This was the first time that Xiao Zhi poured a clean bottle of liquid on himself after he walked out of the border air wall and came to the outside world.

And it can also be seen that he attaches great importance to the opponent, Emperor Jimu Taishang.

"Brother Li, I'll go up first later, don't try to be brave." Xiao Zhi said through voice transmission to the demon Li Kuo beside him through his thoughts.

Li Kuo is only a weak god level, it's okay when he meets the first-level gods, and he won't be killed in seconds, but when he meets the middle-level gods, it's not necessarily so.

On Li Kuo's face, there was a touch of emotion, and he nodded: "Okay."

Soon, the distance between Xiao Zhi and Jimu Taishang Emperor himself was less than a hundred miles!

At this moment, a dazzling turquoise light suddenly lit up on the body of Emperor Mutai who came from Yukong, which made people unable to open their eyes!

This is not a pure green light, it is also the domain of Emperor Ji Mutai!

They were still separated by hundreds of miles, and even the emperor Mu Tai pressed his own god domain over!

For a moment, Xiao Zhi felt that his eyes were filled with dazzling turquoise light, and this dazzling turquoise light seemed to be oppressing him from the whole world, like the sky was falling!

Xiao Zhi's heart shuddered, his figure suddenly hovered in mid-air, and then his figure exploded back!

The moment he made this move, below him, thick turquoise vines like buckets sprang out from the dense forest, entangled towards him at an incredible speed!

This vine is covered with sharp green spikes, which makes people feel scalp numb just looking at it.

Xiao Zhi dodged to avoid the entanglement of the blue vines, and continued to retreat backwards.

This is not the only vine that sprang out from the dense forest.

While breathing, wherever Xiao Zhi passed, there were countless green vines shooting towards Xiao Zhi like terrifying tentacles, trying to wrap Xiao Zhi around.

Dawei Tianwang Dharma retreated with Xiao Zhi, it let out a low growl, and smashed the big black seal in its hand forward, and immediately, an invisible pressure field of suppression spread, sweeping in all directions!

With the suppressive pressure field, it can more or less slow down the attacking speed of these blue vines.

Li Kuo created ice and snow barriers in the air to resist these cyan vines.

The Dawei Heavenly King Dharma Aspect has three heads, and these three heads are distributed in a three-legged manner, which can probe in all directions at 360 degrees without dead ends.

Xiao Zhi saw through the head behind Dawei Tianwang Faxiang that the shadow giant transformed into Lord Tanlangxing was approaching him.

The shadow giant wolf of Tanlang Xingjun also broke away from the contact with the Valiant General, and followed its master, approaching this side.

Almost at the same time, Xiao Zhi received a voice transmission from Tanlang Xingjun: "Let's join up first, and fight Liu Jinglong and the others together!"

"Okay." Xiao Zhi nodded in response.

If he and Tanlang Xingjun meet together, they can also take care of each other.

However, in the next instant, Xiao Zhi's expression changed!

Greedy Wolf Star Lord, who was flying towards him, became blurred and transparent at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The figure of the giant shadow wolf is also becoming blurred and transparent.

When their figures became blurred and transparent, Xiao Zhi's perception of them also faded rapidly.

At this moment, a bad premonition emerged from the bottom of Xiao Zhi's heart!

The figure of Tanlang Xingjun is fading and disappearing, this is running away!

Greedy Wolf Star Lord rushed over to him, not to join him and fight side by side with him, but to attract Du Tianshen and Xiaowushen to come here!

In this way, he will face the joint siege of the three gods of the Mu Dynasty!

His premonition before was not wrong, Lord Greedy Wolf is really plotting against him!

At this moment, Xiao Zhi's body seemed to be electrified, and his body suddenly hovered in mid-air.

damn it! He was calculated! He was betrayed!

After the astonishment passed, an uncontrollable anger surged from the bottom of Xiao Zhi's heart, and rushed straight to his forehead!

But in the next moment, Xiao Zhi forcibly suppressed this anger and regained his sanity.

In this situation, anger can't solve any problems, it will only make him into a desperate situation!

What he needs to do now is not to be incompetent and furious, but to escape from here as soon as possible!

The biggest characteristic of Xiao Zhi is that the more critical he is, the calmer he will be. This characteristic has saved his life several times.

"Increase his speed by ten times!" A vast voice said.

At this moment, Dawei Tianwang Dharma Xiang finally used the ability of "Speaking the Dharma Sui" to increase his speed.

Not three times, not five times, but ten times!

Suddenly, an inexplicable force descended from the sky and acted on Xiao Zhi's body.

Xiao Zhi's speed suddenly soared, reaching an incredible level!

Lord Greedy Wolf and his giant shadow wolf had completely disappeared into the air at this moment.

With the blessing of ten times the speed, Xiao Zhi's speed reached an unbelievable level. He avoided Du Tian Shen and Xiao Wu Shen, fled to the left, and fled to the sky!

"Where to escape?" A voice sounded, it was the voice of the Emperor Jimu Tai.

"Leave it to me!"

In front of Xiao Zhi, green light spots like fireflies appeared out of thin air. These green light spots turned into green shoots in an instant, and the green shoots grew into towering trees in an instant. The branches and roots of the towering tree were entangled with each other, forming a thick tree net, lying in front of Xiao Zhi!

Not only did dense tree nets appear in front of Xiao Zhi, but dense tree nets also appeared in other directions.

This dense network of trees quickly became one piece, forming a big net covering the sky!

Xiao Zhi's expression changed suddenly.

He slashed out like lightning, with a dazzling golden light.

The sword glow chopped down a big tree in front of it, but behind the big tree, there were more densely packed big trees, so densely packed that they were too numerous to count.

The broken branches of the big tree that had been cut by the knife light were quickly repaired, and it returned to its original state in the blink of an eye.

Green vines with dense thorns, like terrifying tentacles, jumped out of the tree net and attacked Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi's figure backed up like lightning, avoiding the stabbing of these green vines.

His face was extremely ugly.

With the existence of this tree net, his escape route has been blocked.

The big trees that make up the tree network are still growing rapidly inward, constantly compressing his movement space. If this continues, his movement space will be compressed to zero in a short time. At that time, no matter how fast his speed is , what's the use?

what to do?

At this moment, Xiao Zhi was extremely calm, and he frantically thought about ways to escape in his heart.

Soon, he thought of another way to escape.

Space Rift!

He can also escape from the tree net covering the sky through the space crack!

As soon as he thought of it, Xiao Zhi immediately held the Excalibur of Protecting the Nation and slashed at the air in front of him.

When he slashed out with the knife, he only created a space ripple visible to the naked eye in the air. It didn't tear the space apart and create a space crack as he imagined.

Xiao Zhi's expression couldn't help changing.

He is a god, and he can tear the space and create space cracks with a wave of his hand.

But now, with all his strength, he couldn't tear the void, it just caused ripples in the space.

Obviously, the space here is blocked.

Xiao Wushen general laughed and said: "Xingyao's lackeys want to escape by tearing apart the space? You are dreaming! Your Majesty has already expected this, and has already sealed this space firmly with great power! Now you are so hard to fly with your wings, why don't you just obediently grab it with nothing?!"

While speaking, the Valkyrie General brandished the magic halberd in his hand and rushed towards Xiao Zhi with overwhelming fighting intent!

Du Tianshen general also held a sword and shield, and rushed towards Xiao Zhi!

Xiao Zhi frowned, did not answer, but raised the Excalibur of Protecting the Nation in his hand.

At this moment, the Dharma Image of Dawei Heavenly King floating beside him spoke again, and he heard it say in a vast voice: "Make the power of this sword increase tenfold!"

As soon as Dawei Tianwang Faxiang said this, the sword of protecting the country held in Xiao Zhi's hand suddenly became radiant, even more dazzling than the round of tomorrow in the sky!

After blessing the Excalibur of Protecting the Nation with ten times its power, Xiao held the sword in both hands, and slashed at the air in front of him without hesitation!

There was a tearing sound, and the space in front of him was directly torn out by the knife with a huge black hole.

It's done!

After all, this space blocked by Emperor Jimu Taishang couldn't defend against his ten times powerful knife!

The moment the crack in the pitch-black space appeared, Xiao Zhi flickered and rushed towards the crack in the pitch-black space in front of him.

When Xiao Zhi charged towards the crack in the pitch-black space, an inexplicable light shone on his body, and his size shrank sharply.

Li Kuo quickly blurred and possessed Xiao Zhi.

Dawei Tianwang Dharma also turned into a little colorful light, which escaped into Xiao Zhi's eyebrows.

In an instant, Xiao Zhi's rapidly shrinking figure had disappeared into the pitch-black space crack.

Seeing this scene, General Xiaowushen and General Dutian couldn't help but change their expressions, and there were incredible expressions on their faces.

They never expected that Xiao Zhi would be able to escape under the net of heaven and earth.

"Chasing!" The figure of Valkyrie General shrunk sharply, rushing towards the unhealed crack in space.

The figure of the God General Dutian is also shrinking rapidly.

What should be done to survive in the cracks in space? The outside gods basically know it, and they all practice magical powers to reduce their size. Only Xiao Zhi, who had just entered the god level, didn't know this.

"Xiaowu, Dutian, you all stay here, I'll just go in." A gentle elderly voice said, it was the voice of Emperor Jimu Tai.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Xiao Wushen General and Du Tianshen General both stopped and bowed in response.

The chaotic space in the space rift is extremely dangerous. It would be too much for them elementary gods to enter the space rift to chase the enemy.

The middle-level gods are different. The strength of the middle-level gods far exceeds that of the first-level gods, and they can already walk in the chaotic space with relative ease.

With a flash of green light, Emperor Mu Tai stepped into the space crack.

As Emperor Jimu entered the space crack, the tree net that covered the sky stopped growing immediately.

Du Tianshenjiang and Xiaowushenjiang hovered in mid-air, maintaining the existence of this space crack with divine power, and waited.

A moment later, a little green light burst out from the crack in the space, rose against the wind, and turned into a pale old man in a green robe, who was the Emperor Jimu.

"Your Majesty." General Dutian and General Xiaowu bowed together.

"Your Majesty, the lackey of the Xingyao Empire should have been executed, right?" General Valkyrie asked.

Emperor Jimu Tai shook his head slowly, and said: "I failed to catch up with him, so he escaped."

"Let him escape?" General Xiaowu and General Dutian had surprised expressions on their faces.

Emperor Mu Tai was silent for a while, and said: "This son is extraordinary, when he fought against you, Xiao Wu, he obviously retained his strength, so he was suppressed by you."

"I can see it." General Xiaowushen nodded, with a dignified expression on his face.

But at this time, thousands of miles away from here.

This is a big river, the big river is rough, deep in the river, a figure floating here, it is Xiao Zhi!

After escaping from birth, Xiao Zhi's body was covered with large and small blood cuts, and these blood cuts were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His face covered with scars did not have the kind of rejoicing of surviving after the catastrophe, but looked extremely gloomy.

Just now, he had already informed Hu Yang of the series of things that happened to him through his Yuanlong avatar, and had him tell the sentient beings army.

‘Right now, the Army of All Living Beings and even the high-level leaders of all major countries are probably already on the run…’ Xiao Zhi thought silently in his heart.

At this moment, aggrieved, puzzled, angry, and helpless, all kinds of emotions filled Xiao Zhi's heart.

During this period of contact with Xingyao Empire, he felt that he was patient enough and obedient enough, but what did he get in exchange for his obedience?

In exchange for being tricked and betrayed!

What Xingyao Empire wants is to put him to death!

This book has entered the late stage, and I will slowly fill in the missing chapters and the addition of me and the leader of the wind and the wind in the next month, and I will definitely finish it before the end.

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