This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1172 The Final Winner

The person who was killed and returned was indeed the demigod Sudish.

Su Dishi, who was killed and came back, gritted his teeth and looked ugly.

After Su Dishi was killed and came back, less than a second passed, another Master of Law in Qingyuan World was also killed.

Immediately afterwards, another Nascent Soul player from Qingyuan World and a Nascent Soul player from Breaking Dawn World were killed.

Since then, almost all of the 40 players from Qingyuan World who entered the Nascent Soul Battlefield have been wiped out!

The reason why it is used to describe it is because there is still a player who is still stubbornly existing on the field and has not been killed. This player is Zhao Yan!

Zhao Yan of Dachang World!

Tiger King looked at Xiao Zhi, and said via voice transmission: "Brother Xiao Zhi, out of the forty players in our Nascent Soul team, thirty-nine players have been eliminated, and the remaining one should be you, Dachang." The Zhao Yan of the world, right?"

"Yes." Xiao Zhi replied through voice transmission: "What he has mastered is the law of space, so he can run better..."

What Zhao Yan mastered was the law of space, and his mobility was extremely strong. He was good at running away or chasing down the enemy, but his combat power was mediocre. It would be impossible for him to turn the tables on his own.

Tiger King nodded upon hearing this, and said no more.

He had read the profiles of all the contestants, including Zhao Yan's profile, so he naturally knew this.

In this way, more than ten seconds passed, and a light flashed, and a figure appeared out of thin air, it was Zhao Yan.

Zhao Yan was also killed.

"How's the battle going now?" King Yan asked impatiently as soon as Zhao Yan's figure appeared.

After Zhao Yan came to his senses, he bowed to King Yan and said, "After I was killed, there were only players from Jialan Country and players from Xiong Country left on the field. Soon, the game will be decided. Out."

"How many people are left in Jialan Country? How many people are left in Xiong Country?" Tiger King asked.

Zhao Yan said respectfully: "There are still 27 people left in Jialan Country, and as for Xiong Country, there are only 5 people left."

"There are still 27 people left? So many?" All the gods, including Xiao Zhi, showed expressions of surprise.

"Yes." Zhao Yan nodded very positively: "When I was killed, the number of players left in Jialan Kingdom was 27. I will never count this wrong."

The Nascent Soul Arena had already confirmed that the entire army was wiped out, and the gods of Qingyuan World turned their attention to the Golden Core Arena.

At this time, most of the Golden Core players sent by Qingyuan World to participate in the competition have already been killed.

Compared with the gods group and Yuanying group, the players in Qingyuan World participating in the Jindan group competition are the weakest, and the number is the largest, reaching 300 people. Now, there are already 295 people present. There are only 5 Jindan players left, and they are still fighting bloody battles on the field.

According to the situation reported by Jindan players, there is no such a strong person who is particularly against the sky, nor is there a situation where a single family dominates the Jindan field. Relatively speaking, the battle situation is also the most chaotic. , the fighting is also the most tragic.

Tens of seconds later, the last Golden Elixir player in Qingyuan World was killed, and this also declared that after the Nascent Soul group, the Jindan group in Qingyuan World had also been wiped out.

Whether it was the Nascent Soul player or the Golden Core player present, they all looked a little downcast.

The gods of the Qingyuan world, such as the Quicksand King and the Tiger King, held their breath and waited for that moment with some trepidation.

In this way, after another few minutes passed, the ethereal voice belonging to the sentient beings system sounded on this virtual land:

"This round of competition for regional supremacy has come to a successful conclusion!"

"The final winner of the god group is Qingyuan World, the total number of survivors is 3 people, and 300 points are accumulated!"

"The final winner of the Yuanying group is Jialan World, with a total of 26 survivors and 260 points!"

"The final winner of the Jindan group is Bear World, with a total of 9 survivors and 9 points!"

"Comprehensive judgment, in this round of competition, the one with the highest points will be Qingyuan World!"

"Congratulations to Qingyuan World for becoming the new regional overlord of Chentian District!"

When the vast voice belonging to the system of sentient beings announced that Qingyuan World was the new regional overlord of Chentian District, including Quicksand King, the faces of the four kings of Qingyuan World showed joyful expressions of relief.

As for the Nascent Soul players and Golden Core players present, they all cheered excitedly after sweeping away their previous decadence.

Victory! They won!

From now on, their Qingyuan World will be the regional overlord of this Chentian District!

At least for the next 10 years, their Qingyuan World will be able to survive without any disasters!

Yan Wang was overjoyed, showing a look of fear, and said: "It's dangerous, but fortunately, we are in the god group, and finally 3 people survived. If only 2 people survived, the position of regional overlord will be surrendered." Give it to Jialan World."

"Our Qingyuan World can become the regional overlord this time, Brother Xiao Zhi, you have contributed a lot!" Tiger King looked at Xiao Zhi with a smile.

"Great credit!" Quicksand King nodded, giving Xiao Zhi a higher evaluation.

Xiao Zhi didn't take any credit for this, but said modestly: "Don't dare, the reason why we won this competition is mainly due to the absolute strength of King Quicksand and the concerted efforts of everyone. Dare to take credit."

"Brother Xiao Zhi, you are fine with everything else, but you are too modest." Yan Wang walked over, patted Xiao Zhi's shoulder, and smiled.

With the end of this round of the regional supremacy competition, the virtual space where everyone is located has gradually become unreal. After a countdown of ten seconds, it will completely collapse and disappear. At that time, everyone will also leave here. Consciousness returns to the world of sentient beings.

At this moment, the Quicksand King waved his hands and formed a barrier, which isolated the Nascent Soul cultivators and Golden Core cultivators from the outside.

Inside the barrier are the Four Kings of Qingyuan World and Xiao Zhi.

After setting up the barrier, Quicksand King looked at Xiao Zhi and said, "Brother Xiao Zhi, you have contributed a lot to this competition, and I, Qingyuan World, will naturally not forget your contribution. I hereby promise you that as long as you If you and your Dachang World don’t take the initiative to turn your back on my Qingyuan World, then, brother Xiao Zhi, you and your Dachang World will always be my allies in the Qingyuan World!”

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he couldn't help but look serious. Before he could speak, King Yan clapped his hands and laughed happily: "Hahaha, that's very good! Brother Xiao Zhi, I also hope that our two worlds can be together forever. It's an ally, after I get out, I'll come looking for you, but I told you, I want to buy you a drink! It just so happened that I got a tank of good wine a while ago, and I just invited you to taste it together!"

King Tiger and King Wu also looked at Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi glanced at King Yan, who was full of joy, and then King Quicksand, King Tiger, and King Wu. He could feel the kindness that these kings of Qingyuan World showed towards him.

Especially Yan Wang, he was full of kindness towards him!

From this point of view, the little worry in his heart is unnecessary, Qingyuan World has no intention of crossing the river and tearing down the bridge.

At least for now.

The thinking speed of a god-level player is as fast as lightning. Xiao Zhi thought about this, and the expression on his face became solemn, saying: "King Quicksand, I think so too. As long as Qingyuan World does not abandon Dachang World, then, We will always be allies."

Before King Quicksand could speak, King Yan smiled and said, "Very good, this is very good, hahaha, after I get out, brother Xiao Zhi, I'll come to look for you and have a drink with you!"

A smile appeared on Xiao Zhi's face, he nodded and said, "Okay, King Yan, I'll wait for you to come over."

Tiger King said at this time: "Brother Xiao Zhi, your Dachang World has just entered the Great World of All Beings, and there will be a period of safe development. During this period, your Dachang World will be free from disasters and troubles. After this period of development, we will begin to experience disasters. My Qingyuan World is now the regional hegemony world. As an ally of the regional hegemony world, although the intensity of the disasters experienced will be weakened by half, it cannot be ignored. , especially your Dachang World, has never had the experience of resisting these catastrophes. When the time comes, the catastrophe will come. Brother Xiao Zhi, if you need it, our Qingyuan World can send people to help and make suggestions."

"Thank you." Xiao Zhi thanked earnestly: "If there is a need, I will definitely not be polite."

After chatting for a few more words, the world in front of me became more and more illusory.

The countdown is about to reach zero.

Xiao Zhi began to say goodbye to King Liusha, King Tiger, King Wu, and King Yan.

When Xiao Zhi said goodbye to Yan Wang, Yan Wang said again: "Brother Xiao Zhi, you wait for me, I will come to find you after I go out, please drink my new tank of good wine, you and I will not Get drunk!"

The first time Yan Wang said such words to Xiao Zhi, Xiao Zhi only regarded them as polite words and didn't care about it.

When King Yan said this for the second time, Xiao Zhi believed it a little.

When Yan Wang uttered such words for the third time, Xiao Zhi already believed them very much.

Xiao Zhi nodded with a smile, and said, "Okay, then I will be in Dachang Kingdom, waiting for your presence, King Yan!"

In the next second, the countdown went to zero, and the virtual world became completely illusory, shattered and collapsed.

A slight sense of trance struck, and when Xiao Zhi regained consciousness, he was already in the headquarters of Dachang Shenmen, the hall that belonged to him.

Everyone in the hall also regained their sobriety from the state of 'entering concentration'.

"Zhishen." Seeing Xiao Zhi waking up, the representatives sent by Qingyuan World respectfully saluted Xiao.

Xiao Zhi nodded slightly.

"Zhishen, we didn't fight well and failed to achieve any good results in the competition. It's a shame for you and Dachang World." A Jindan peak player said with some shame.

Quite a few of the participating players also showed shame expressions on their faces after hearing this, and lowered their heads one after another.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi couldn't help smiling, and said: "Everyone has tried their best, and it's good to do their best. Besides, in this competition, didn't we help Qingyuan World to win the regional hegemony position successfully?" ?”

When Xiao Zhi said this, the players in the hall smiled.

Xiao Zhi is not the kind of person who likes to talk nonsense, he waved his hand and said, "Okay, everyone should be tired after this game, let's all go to rest."

The players responded one after another, and after saying goodbye to Xiao Zhi, they all walked towards the gate of the palace.

Xiao Zhi thought for a while, and then said: "King Yan told me that he will come to Dachang Kingdom once and ask me for a drink. Please help me report this matter to the real world."

After hearing this, the players were startled.

Some players with wide brains thought of some things, and couldn't help showing joyful expressions on their faces.

Yan Wang will come here from a long distance to find Zhishen to drink, which means that the relationship between Yan Wang and Zhishen is already extraordinary.

Zhishen must have fought side by side with King Yan in this match, and they have accumulated a deep friendship under the like-mindedness.

It is a great thing for the entire Dachang World that Zhishen can establish a good relationship with the god-level players in Qingyuan World!

After some players figured this out, the joy on their faces became more intense.

Even the representatives of the players sent by Qingyuan World had strange expressions on their faces after hearing this, and they looked more respectful and polite in front of Xiao Zhi.

After the players left, Xiao Zhi also left the hall that belonged to him not long after.

About half an hour later, after meeting with Dachang Zhenjun, Yuxuzi and other gods, and meeting with his acquaintances such as Venerable Ji Shi and Venerable Li Yuan, Xiao Zhi took Li Kuo, the demon, in the quiet He left Dachang Imperial City without a sound and flew towards Cangzhou Road.

He is about to start practicing again.

Today, he is used to cultivating in the sea.

Under the blessing of triple speed, Xiao Zhi quickly entered the territory of Cangzhou Dao with the demon Li Kuo, and then landed in the sky above Canghai.

Just like before, Li Kuo was pondering his original supernatural power on the ice surface, while Xiao Zhi stayed in the deep water, practicing and visualizing his [Dawei Tianwang Dharma], and continued to optimize his original source Supernatural power [Xuan Shui Knife].

The Qingyuan Empire is quite far away from the Dachang Kingdom. Even after Yan Wang returned to the world of sentient beings, he rushed to this side immediately. It would take a long time to rush to the Dachang Kingdom.

He just took advantage of this time to practice hard. After all, strength is accumulated over time.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Xiao Zhigang fought against the third evil monk in the fantasy land of the Buddhist kingdom. When he was resting in the water, he suddenly had a thought, and saw a sound transmission jade talisman appear out of thin air In front of his eyes, there was a faint light.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Zhi asked.

"Zhishen, King Yan has come to our Dachang Kingdom. Our people are in charge of receiving him, but he seems very impatient and refused the grand banquet we arranged for him. He said that he came this time only to see Zhishen. Yours, he just wants to see Zhishen you quickly." The voice belonging to the Information Commissioner said.

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