This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1207 One after another disaster

Of course Xiao Zhi didn't see this scene.

If he could see this scene, he would definitely feel a little surprised in his heart.

When the sentient beings system carries out space transmission, the slight space fluctuations that appear can be noticed unexpectedly. There is still something about Zhao Yan's small-scale space law...

After the divine body returned to the world of sentient beings, Xiao Zhi's consciousness returned to the real world again.

In the real world, in the disaster command center, after sending away the information support team from Qingyuan World, Xiao Zhi said: "I think we should focus on our sea area and put more detectors in the ocean. , after all, the ocean accounts for most of the surface area of ​​our planet, so we have to guard against it."

"Yes, I also think so. This ocean, especially the deep sea, is now a vacuum area for exploration. This area is really too large. Once there is any disaster brewing in it, and it has been brewing for a long enough time, then The consequences are simply unimaginable." Zhao Yan stood aside and echoed.

Lu Zhong, Zhu Changwu, Yang Bin and other players also nodded in agreement.

Several staff members standing aside, as well as representatives from several countries, also nodded, deeply appreciating this.

"I remember that our detection satellites were jointly designed and manufactured by Bonnard Company in Canada and Kanda Company in Xia State. The relevant person in charge is now in the command center. I will call him over. "A Canadian representative said, and after finishing speaking, he trotted away from here.

Soon, an old white man with gray hair and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses was brought here by the Canadian representative.

Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, the problem of visual impairment has been overcome on a global scale, but many people still wear glasses.

One is because of poverty and cannot afford relatively expensive vision restoration surgery, and the other is that glasses are regarded as a functional ornament.

This old white man obviously belongs to the latter category, because Xiao Zhi can tell at a glance that he is wearing a pair of plain glasses.

In front of Xiao Zhi and other players, the white old man said with a sad face: "Gentlemen, we have actually thought of what you have thought of, but with our current technology, we have not yet been able to develop a There are still many technical difficulties to be overcome for underwater high-quality detectors, we need time, please give us some time.”

"How long will it take?" Zhao Yan asked.

The old white man raised his gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, thought for a while, and said, "One year, as long as we give us another year, we should be able to develop a relatively high-quality underwater detector..."

Soon, the headquarters of the All Living Army, the confidential archives room.

Xiao Zhi stepped into the confidential archives room under the watchful eyes of several All Living Army staff.

About half a quarter of an hour later, the heavy door of the secret file room opened with a click, and Xiao Zhi walked out from inside with a calm expression.

Luo Yiyi's current cultivation level is still at the peak of the Nascent Soul, and has not yet reached the semi-god level.

The good news is that it is said that she is already preparing to hit the demigod realm, and it won't be long before she can try to hit the demigod realm.

The green snake still stayed in that eternal field, immersing itself in the study of the heavenly killing formation, obsessed with it, unable to extricate itself.

The aboriginal gods in the world of sentient beings, whether they are human gods or demon gods, are no better than god-level players like Xiao Zhi, and their "pace of life" is relatively much slower.

For them, it is commonplace for them to retreat for several years or even decades in order to practice or study something.

Relatively speaking, the "pace of life" of god-level players is much faster.

For players, a few months of training time is considered a very, very long time.

In the past few decades, there have been many vicissitudes, and many things have happened.

Soon after, the world of sentient beings, the sea, the depths of the sea.

Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged, ready to continue his cultivation.

Cultivation does not know the years, especially now that Xiao Zhi is in deep water, even more so.

In a flash, another month passed.

The once-a-month minor calamity once again befalls Xiao Zhi's Dachang World.

This catastrophe is no longer invaded by monsters from another world, but a meteorite from the sky!

To be precise, it is an asteroid hitting the earth.

This is an asteroid with a diameter of 20 kilometers, which appeared out of thin air at a distance of about 500,000 kilometers from the earth, and hit the earth at a terrifying speed of 49 kilometers per second!

If this asteroid that hit the earth is left alone, once it comes into close contact with the earth, it will be a catastrophe for both the earth and the human beings on the earth!

You know, in the history of the earth, the asteroid that exterminated the dinosaurs was only 10 kilometers in diameter, and its impact speed was only half of the asteroid in this catastrophe...

If this asteroid hits at this speed, it will take less than three hours for it to make zero-distance contact with the earth.

This time when the catastrophe came, the United World Government did not notify Xiao Zhi, but asked Zhao Yan to take action to solve the catastrophe this time.

As the second person in the world in the minds of countless people, Zhao Yan did not disappoint. After the Dao Body came to the real world, he solved this catastrophe relatively easily.

Zhao Yan's way of solving this asteroid is different from Xiao Zhi's. What he uses is very violent.

Zhao Yan, who has a small success in the law of space, is among the strongest players of the same level in speed, and can be called the best in the world.

After flying out of the atmosphere and approaching the asteroid, Zhao Yan directly used the laws of space to dismember the asteroid bit by bit in the way of space cutting, dismembering it into countless tiny pieces .

A complete asteroid poses a great threat to the earth.

Once the asteroid is dismembered, its threat to the earth will drop sharply.

This asteroid that was completely dismembered by Zhao Yan was like that.

Although its trajectory has not been changed, it is no longer something to fear.

After entering the earth's atmosphere, the fragments of this asteroid rubbed violently with the air particles in the atmosphere, consuming mass and emitting intense light and heat.

Seen from the earth, this is a large-scale meteor shower, beautiful and suitable for wishing.

Before the fragments of these asteroids approached the ground, their mass was consumed in the violent friction with the atmosphere.

Zhao Yan perfectly solved this catastrophe, which made his prestige and prestige in the world rise a lot!

Especially those female fans of his, who are clamoring all over the world to marry him, just like crazy, much more crazy than the little fans of the star-chasing group back then.

The main reason is that Zhao Yan is handsome, the kind who is prettier than a woman. In terms of appearance alone, he is a well-deserved number one among the top players in Dachang World.

Handsome, powerful, and rich, most women are helpless in front of this kind of man.

If it weren't for the existence of a more powerful Xiao Zhi on his head, Zhao Yan's life can definitely be called a standard protagonist template.

It's a pity that this handsome and powerful Zhao Yan is indifferent to those female fans all over the world clamoring to marry him.

His original words were: "Brother Zhi is a few years older than me, he is not in a hurry to find a partner, why am I anxious? After Brother Zhi gets married, I will think about the major issues in my life."

This is dragging Xiao Zhi out as a shield.

Xiao Zhi, who was pulled out by Zhao Yan and used as a shield, had many suitors before he became a god, and there were also many female fans clamoring to marry him and give birth to monkeys for him. He was trampled to death by those matchmakers, but ever since he became a god, the number of female fans who dare to shout at him like this has become less and less, and the number of matchmakers who came to him has also become less and less. It's gone.

This is mainly because, in the current world of Dachang, the image of Xiao Zhi has almost been mythological, and in some places he has even been equated with a god, enshrined and worshiped like traditional gods .

Under such circumstances, few girls dare to shout to marry him...

After this catastrophe was handled by Zhao Yan without any surprises, Xiao Zhi's information specialist contacted Xiao Zhi and reported to Xiao Zhi about the catastrophe.

After listening to the report, Xiao Zhi said quite satisfied: "Not bad, you did a good job, so I feel relieved."

After a pause, he continued: "After the catastrophe strikes, if you can deal with it, you can deal with it. Just tell me afterwards. If you really can't deal with it, don't force it. You must tell me before the situation gets out of control." Me, I'll take care of it."

"Okay, Zhishen." The voice belonging to the information commissioner said: "I will truthfully report what you said to the All Living Army."

"Hmm." Xiao Zhi hummed.

After finishing the call, Xiao Zhi calmed down and continued to comprehend his law of water movement.

He found that his water movement law and his original supernatural power [Xuan Shui Knife] complement each other. If he understands the water movement law, then his original supernatural power [Xuan Shui Knife], There will also be some progress.

For him, this can be regarded as a pleasant surprise.

Cultivation does not know the years, and in the blink of an eye, another month has passed.

There was another minor calamity, which arrived on time in Dachang World where Xiao Zhi was.

Compared with the previous "asteroid hitting the earth", the disaster that occurred this time is much more hidden.

What broke out this time was a plague of locusts.

In the wee hours of the morning of the catastrophe day, there was sudden lightning and thunder in the western part of Canada, and it rained heavily. At the beginning, Xiao Zhi’s Dachang World didn’t think it was anything special, just thought it was an ordinary event. All kinds of satellites and detectors of Dachang World are still looking at the earth and outer space carefully, trying to find the abnormality.

It wasn't until the rain stopped and the thunder and lightning subsided, and the locusts that covered the sky and shone with lightning were observed by the people in the defense circle with their naked eyes, that people suddenly realized that this disaster turned out to be this.

This kind of mutated locusts with lightning flashes covered the sky, and the number was desperate. They attacked the two defensive circles in Canada almost at the same time.

The Heaven and Earth Nine Condensation Formation in the defense circle was opened immediately, but it was useless, and it couldn't stop the invasion of these lightning locusts at all!

And these lightning locusts are not only desperately large in number, but also have a body like copper skin and iron bones, with an attack power thousands of times higher than that of ordinary locusts, and the ability of lightning, with its own ten thousand volts of current, Amazing destructive power!

Ordinary locusts can only eat crops. After these mutated locusts invaded the defensive circle, they would bite anyone, let alone people, even those high-rise buildings with reinforced concrete, cars parked on the street, factories, advertisements, etc. All these cards have become the targets of these lightning locusts!

Wherever these lightning locusts passed, the buildings were completely destroyed, and not a single blade of grass grew!

Traditional firearms and weapons can't do much damage to these lightning locusts at all.

Some powerful artillery shells and missiles, newly developed laser weapons, Gauss weapons, and electromagnetic weapons can cause certain damage to these lightning locusts, but they also seem a little pale in front of the overwhelming lightning locusts.

Only players can effectively deal with them!

Soon, some players descended into the real world, cast supernatural powers, and launched an attack on these lightning locusts.

The number of players whose Dao body has descended into the real world has become more and more.

Lightning locusts can easily kill ordinary people, but in front of these players whose Dao body has descended into the real world, they are extremely vulnerable.

After all, if their strength is placed in the world of sentient beings, at best, they are at the level of ordinary monsters, and there is a very big gap between them and big monsters, and the weakest players who can descend into the real world with Dao bodies have the realm of golden core Xiuwei.

These invading lightning locusts were wiped out in large swaths, and were wiped out by the players in just a few minutes.

Some players continued to search for the remaining lightning locusts in the defensive circle.

The other part of the players flew into the wild and ruthlessly slaughtered the lightning locusts in the wild.

After that, other players in the defensive circle also came to support them.

An hour later, the catastrophe was completely quelled. Whether it was the lightning locusts that invaded the defensive circle or the lightning locusts that were scurrying in the wild, they were all ruthlessly wiped out.

This catastrophe still did not cause a catastrophe, and none of the Golden Core players died. However, according to post-disaster statistics, in this locust plague, Canada lost a total of more than one million people, and a large number of urban buildings and infrastructure Destroyed, the loss is very large.

During the catastrophe of Dachang World, it was the first time that there were casualties, and once there were casualties, they were in the millions.

This can be regarded as a reminder to the people of Dachang World that disasters and catastrophes are cruel, and they must be brave enough to face them.

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