This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1231 The Eternal Field after the War

As time passed, the vision in the sky dissipated a little more, and the visibility became higher.

Xiao Zhi's surviving Nascent Soul clones were all looking up at the sky and looking around.

After the war of gods, the scene like the end of the world is dissipating little by little.

In the Heavenly Grotto Absolute Territory, in that minefield, inside the huge hollow ice ball, Xiao Zhi, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes.

"Zhishen, how is the situation over there?" Luo Yiyi asked.

Xiao Zhi didn't answer Luo Yiyi's question for the time being, but looked at Luo Yiyi and asked, "How much do you know about that Kunshan devil?"

Luo Yiyi couldn't help being startled when he heard the words, and said after thinking: "Out of curiosity, I once asked the Demon Palace about the Kunshan Demon Lord, and the Demon Palace said that he is the greatest and most powerful god and demon in the world. As for the other things, the Demon Palace is unwilling to mention it to me, saying that my strength is too weak and I am not qualified to know about the Demon Lord. asked……"

Luo Yiyi paused, and continued: "Since the Kunshan Demon Lord left his inheritance, he should have already fallen, Zhishen, why do you ask this?"

Xiao Zhi was silent for a while, and said: "You are wrong. It is not the gods and demons who left behind the inheritance. They must have fallen. The Kunshan Demon Lord did not fall. Just now, he returned and broke out with Emperor Siyu. A big battle almost broke the Eternal Field."

When Luo Yiyi heard this, he couldn't help showing a surprised expression on his face.

It wasn't just Luo Yiyi, the young man transformed by the green snake also showed a look of surprise on his face, obviously, he was also a little surprised by this.

"My lord, what happened just now?" The young man transformed into the green snake asked with his unique cold voice.

Xiao Zhi said: "Emperor Siyu was attracted by the Kunshan Demon Palace after he destroyed the Heavenly Killing Formation. He destroyed the Kunshan Demon Palace. As a result, after the Kunshan Demon Palace was destroyed, it reappeared. , then destroyed again, reappeared again, then destroyed for the third time, and reappeared for the third time, it should be the continuous destruction of the Demon Palace, which alarmed the Kunshan Demon Lord, and as a result, the Kunshan Demon Lord broke into the void and came with Si Emperor Yu fought together..."

Xiao Zhi succinctly told a series of things that happened in that eternal field, Luo Yiyi and Cang Qing Snake were dumbfounded!

The young man transformed into the green snake showed a lingering fear expression on his face, and said: "At that time, I asked the Kunshan Demon Palace about some things about the Heavenly Killing Formation, so that I could better study the Heavenly Killing Formation. The lore formation, this Kunshan Demon Palace refused to reveal it life and death. I was so angry that I wanted to destroy it at the time. Fortunately, I held back at that time. If I didn’t hold back at the time, I accidentally attracted the Kunshan Demon Lord , I might be gone."

Xiao Zhi glanced at him, and thought to himself: "With your small body, you don't need the Kunshan Demon Lord to take action at all. You can't even handle the self-destruction of the Kunshan Demon Palace, and it's gone in an instant." '

Time passed by every minute and every second.

In the eternal field where the Kunshan Demon Palace is located, Emperor Siyu never appeared, nor did the Kunshan Demon Monarch.

In this way, a quarter of an hour passed, and an hour passed.

Xiao Zhi's Yuanying-level avatar, under the control of his own mind, finally stopped hiding and dormant, but transformed into a golden-winged roc, flapping its wings and flying to the sky.

The golden-winged roc had just flown upwards for more than a hundred zhang when it let out a scream, a dazzling golden light burst out from its body, and staggered towards one side.

It has encountered a hidden and unstable space turbulence.

Before, in this eternal field, there was no such thing, but now there is, and it is everywhere.

The golden-winged roc that Xiao Zhi transformed into a Nascent Soul-level avatar had to slow down his flying speed, and flew up cautiously at a speed comparable to that of a snail crawling. It dare not continue to fly up, because if it flies up again, as the unstable space turbulence appears more and more frequently, other unknown dangers will also become more and more, and the risk of its fall will be Straight up.

Fortunately, this distance is almost enough.

The golden-winged roc spread its wings and hovered in the air, with a bright golden light blooming in its eyes, looking down at the earth below.

As far as the eye can see, there is devastation everywhere, the whole land, almost no complete place can be seen.

It's the Kunshan Demon Palace!

Xiao Zhi saw the Kunshan Demon Palace again through the eyes of this Nascent Soul clone.

At this time, the Kunshan Demon Palace quietly existed on a piece of scorched earth, and there was a black magic mist lingering around it, making it seem faintly visible.

Through the perspective ability of [King Kong Dazzling Eyes], Xiao Zhi could see that there were still a large number of corpses buried in the scorched earth below the demon hall. These corpses were densely packed in a large area underground, and the number was countless.

Seeing the Kunshan Demon Palace again, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in his heart.

This demon palace still looks the same as before, but in Xiao Zhi's feeling, it has become different from before.

For a moment, many thoughts flooded Xiao Zhi's mind.

He actually thought that the Kunshan Demon Lord had fallen for a long time before, but he was still alive and kicking now.

He thought that the Kunshan Demon Lord inheritance was just an ordinary god-devil inheritance, and the Kunshan Demon Lord who left the inheritance was at best a middle-level god, and he might not even be able to beat him. In the end, this Kunshan Demon Lord was a strong It was a mess, even a high-ranking god like Emperor Siyu couldn't beat this Kunshan Demon Lord.

This Kunshan Demon Lord is extremely powerful, and its appearance was completely beyond Xiao Zhi's expectation, but at the same time, it also caused many doubts in Xiao Zhi's heart.

One: When the Kunshan Demon Palace was attacked, the speed of the Kunshan Demon Lord was too fast. It gave him the feeling that the Kunshan Demon Lord should be hovering nearby, so he came to the rescue so quickly. .

Second: When the war of gods broke out, why did the Kunshan Demon Lord hide his head and show his tail, never showing his whole face, only showing his two black hands?

Is it inconvenient for him to enter the eternal field? Or is it good at fighting in a chaotic space, and when fighting in a chaotic and broken space, has a home court advantage?

Third: Since the Kunshan Demon Lord is still alive, what is the purpose of leaving the Demon Lord inheritance? Is it purely for cultivating inheritors? Or is it to train younger servants? Or is there some kind of ulterior secret?

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi, who was sitting in the ice hockey puck in the minefield of the Heavenly Cave Absolute Territory, couldn't help but slightly turned his head and glanced at Luo Yiyi.

There is a saying: There is no free lunch in this world, and Luo Yiyi does not know if it is a blessing or a curse to get the inheritance of the Kunshan Demon Lord...

"Zhishen, what are you staring at me for?" Roy Yi seemed to have realized something, and asked a little uneasy.

"It's nothing." Xiao Zhi shook his head, and looked away from Luo Yiyi.

‘Should I go to see that Kunshan Demon Palace and ask it about the situation? ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

There are too many doubts in his heart now.

It's just that he hesitated.

Before, he felt that the Kunshan Demon Palace was not a threat to him, so he came into contact with the Kunshan Demon Palace very casually, and even acted a bit aggressive when he was in contact with the Kunshan Demon Palace.

But now, he is somewhat unwilling to face this Kunshan Demon Palace.

'Forget it, let's meet in the past, if I don't ask some things clearly, I feel uneasy, and I always feel that my heart is not at ease! ’ Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth and made a decision in his heart.

In the eternal field where the Kunshan Demon Palace is located, Xiao Zhi's Nascent Soul-level avatar transformed into a Garuda, under the control of Xiao Zhi's thoughts, slowly flew towards the Kunshan Demon Palace.

He didn't dare to fly too fast, for he was afraid that he would accidentally bump into a certain dangerous area, and he would be injured at least, or die on the spot.

While flying slowly, Garuda turned its head and glanced somewhere to the left.

As far as it could see, there was a piece of scorched earth, and the ground was still steaming with black mist.

Before this piece of scorched earth was actually a mountain peak, and there was a pool at the foot of the mountain peak, and Hei Chang hid in this pool to kill his soul.

From Xiao Zhi's point of view, it was actually very difficult for Hei Chang to get through this time of soul slaying safely.

Although when he entered the Dutianxuan Fiend Furnace to behead his soul, Xiao Zhi compressed his soul beheading place—the Dutian Xuan Fiend Furnace to the limit, shrunk it down to the size of a ping pong ball, and sank it at the bottom of the pool , and made a certain camouflage to make it look inconspicuous, but how can a high-level god's detection be so easy to avoid?

Not to mention that Emperor Siyu, even he, as long as he expands the domain of the gods, spends more time, and conducts a carpet search of this eternal field, he can also find out the sinking Dutian Xuansha furnace.

Unless, Emperor Siyu is not planning to conduct a comprehensive search of this eternal field.

But even thinking about it, it seems impossible.

As a high-level deity, Emperor Siyu has a larger coverage area and higher detection efficiency. Even if he conducts an extremely comprehensive search of this eternal field, it will not take him too long.

As a result, this black flood dragon was very lucky. Emperor Siyu was first attracted by the sky-killing formation set up by the Cangqing snake avatar and Xiao Zhi avatar. A series of subsequent things happened, and I was involved in it all.

Because of this, Hei Chang's first-line vitality has become a huge vitality, and the threat from the outside world no longer exists. The next step is up to him. As long as he can successfully kill his soul, he will be a demigod.

Slaying souls takes a relatively long time, and it has only just started, and the results are not yet visible.

This flight, the golden-winged roc flew for a full hour before arriving at the sky above the Kunshan Demon Palace.

Even though it was already so cautious, he still encountered several dangers during the period, his wings and claws were injured, and he almost burped.

Soon after, Xiao Zhi's Nascent Soul-level avatar reappeared in human form in front of the Kunshan Demon Palace.

"It's you." From the Kunshan Demon Palace, there came a voice like a magic howl.

"That's right, it's me." The avatar Xiao Zhi said with a polite smile on his face.

"What are you doing here?" said a voice like a magic howl.

Xiao Zhi said: "I just had the honor to meet your lord Kunshan Demon Lord, who is invincible in the world, and the battle of gods that broke out just now made my blood boil. That invading enemy! I found that I have become an admirer of the Demon Lord, and I have a strong interest in everything about the Demon Lord, so I couldn't help but come here, and I want to ask you about the Demon Lord. Glorious deed."

These words were made up by Xiao Zhi after careful consideration.

As the saying goes, if you reach out and don't hit a smiling person, everyone loves to hear flattery. He is a god, and he puts his posture so low. Presumably this Kunshan Demon Palace should be able to confide something?

The result was a little disappointing for him.

After a moment of silence, the spirit of the Kunshan Demon Palace said, "My master is the greatest and most powerful demon god in the world."

Xiao Zhi still had a polite smile on his face, as if listening attentively.

As a result, after waiting for a while, he didn't see the Kunshan Demon Palace and continued to talk.

After waiting patiently for a while, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but ask, "And then?"

The spirit of the Kunshan Demon Temple was silent again, and said, "My master is the greatest and most powerful demon god in the world."

Xiao Zhi: "..."

Xiao Zhi was also silent for a while, and said: "You can talk about the proud achievements of the Kunshan Demon Lord in detail, as well as his proud achievements when he fought against powerful enemies."

The spirit of Kunshan Demon Lord was silent for a few more breaths, and said: "My master's greatness and his strength cannot be described in words. He is the greatest, greatest and most powerful demon god in the world. .”

Xiao Zhi: "..."

It's no wonder that Luo Yiyi has cultivated in this demon palace for so long, and his understanding of the Kunshan Demon Lord is pitifully small, almost zero.

This is mainly because, on the issue of the Kunshan Demon Lord, the spirit of the Demon Palace has no way to communicate...

Xiao Zhi resisted the urge to demolish the building, and decided to save the country with a wave of curves: "I have great admiration for your master, can I see him?"

Meeting a demon god of Kunshan Demon Lord's level can be very dangerous, so he is going to fight it out.

In the end, the spirit of the Kunshan Demon Monarch simply refused, saying: "The master is enlightening, and I don't see anyone."

At this moment, Xiao Zhi really wanted to say: "If I destroy you, will your master who sees no one rush out to see me the first time?"

But he held back.

Because the current him is not an opponent of the Kunshan Demon Lord at all, and he does not want to have an enmity with the Kunshan Demon Lord.

Under the mind control of Xiao Zhi's deity, Xiao Zhi's Nascent Soul-level avatar squeezed out a polite smile and said, "Farewell."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Zhi turned around and left without hesitation.

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