This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1238 Voldemort

Not long after, Luo Yiyi left, quietly.

She also possesses hidden magical powers.

In fact, all monks, especially high-ranking monks, generally possessed hidden magical powers.

The difference is that some monks mastered the hidden magical powers, which are relatively advanced and are not easy to be seen through, while the invisibility skills mastered by some monks are very rough, and can deceive warriors and ordinary people.

The hidden magical powers that Luo Yiyi has mastered are naturally impossibly rough. Once she hides her figure, no one in this Dachang Kingdom can perceive her existence except for a few gods.

After seeing off Luo Yiyi, Xiao Zhi returned to the bottom of the sea, thinking about something.

When crossing the divine catastrophe, there is neither the heavenly tribulation formation nor the thunder fire pill. If there is no god-level catastrophe, the success rate of crossing the catastrophe is actually very low, and once the catastrophe fails, either the body and soul will be destroyed. To be completely erased from this world, or to recover a life and become a loose immortal with neither embarrassment nor embarrassment...

It's not just Luo Yiyi who needs god-level tribulation items.

Hei Jiao Hei Chang also needs a god-level tribulation item.

Now that the big black dragon has turned to Xiao Zhi and worked his life for him, Xiao Zhi felt that if he had the ability and the opportunity, he would also have to create a god-level robber for this big black dragon.

But this matter is not urgent, and there is a priority.

If he is lucky and really gets a god-level tribulation item, if there is only one, it must be given priority to Luo Yiyi...

Xiao Zhi sat quietly on the bottom of the sea, and after thinking for a while, he put aside distracting thoughts, calmed down his mind, and continued his cultivation.

Cultivation depends on the accumulation of time and time. Even if he is a god and wants to become stronger, he can't fish for three days and dry the net for two days.

Cultivation does not know the years, and several months have passed in a flash.

And every other month, in the real world, there will be small disasters and catastrophes coming on time.

However, these small disasters that came were all under the command of the disaster command center, and they were extinguished with little or no danger, and Xiao Zhi was not disturbed at all.

Whenever a catastrophe strikes, losses are inevitable, either economic losses or population losses. However, these losses are not particularly large, and are still within the acceptable range of Dachang World where Xiao Zhi lives.

The general situation of these catastrophes was reported to Xiao Zhi by Xiao Zhi's information specialist after the disasters were dealt with.

According to the situation reported by the information commissioner, every time Zhao Yan dealt with disasters and disasters, he was proactive, always rushed to the front line, and contributed a lot.

This made Xiao Zhi feel quite relieved. He felt that he had not misjudged the person. Zhao Yan was quite trustworthy.

On this day, when Xiao Zhi was practicing, his heart suddenly moved, and he sensed someone calling him.

It was his information commissioner who called him.

With a thought in Xiao Zhi's mind, the sound transmission jade talisman that belonged to him appeared out of thin air and floated in front of his eyes, emitting a faint light.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Zhi asked.

The voice belonging to his information specialist said: "Zhishen, just now, Qingyuan World and Qingyuan Empire were blocked by the sentient beings system again."

Xiao Zhi said: "It seems that the task of guarding the heavens has started again."

"Yes, that's what Ambassador Qingyuan told us." The voice of the Information Commissioner said.

Xiao Zhi said: "When the blockade is lifted, you can just let me know."


After finishing the communication, Xiao Zhi received the sound transmission jade talisman and continued his cultivation with a calm expression.

This mission of guarding the heavens has been carried out wave after wave, and now he is used to it.

Besides, it wasn't him who was going to carry out the guardian mission, but the five kings of Qingyuan, so why should he be excited?

More than ten days passed in a flash, Xiao Zhi's information specialist contacted Xiao Zhi again.

The sound transmission jade talisman floated in the dark deep water, emitting a faint light.

Xiao Zhi calmly said to the sound transmission jade talisman, "Has the blockade of Qingyuan World been lifted?"

"Yes, it has been lifted." The voice belonging to the information commissioner said: "The information we obtained from the Qingyuan ambassador's place is: this time, the five kings of Qingyuan have not suffered any damage and returned safely."

"I see." Xiao Zhi said, he was not surprised by this.

After all, as time goes by, not only he is getting stronger, but the five kings of Qingyuan are also getting stronger.

As the regional hegemony of Qingyuan World, the five kings of Qingyuan can participate in the mission of guarding the heavens. Participating in the mission of guarding can get sky points, which can be used to exchange for various rare treasures including fairy arts. With these With the blessing of things, the Qingyuan Five Kings will undoubtedly enter a fast lane of strength growth.

Xiao Zhi could clearly feel that the strength of the five kings of Qingyuan had already made a very obvious improvement compared to when they participated in the regional supremacy competition.

And the stronger the strength, the safer it will be when performing system tasks.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, when the five kings of Qingyuan carry out the task of guarding the heavens in the future, it will only become easier and safer.

Of course, there is a premise, that is, the difficulty of the mission of guarding the heavens remains unchanged at the current level. If the difficulty suddenly increases, it is easy to cause casualties, and even lead to the destruction of the group.

The original Tianqi World, which dominated the Chentian District all the year round, probably disappeared like this.

Xiao Zhi thought for a while, and asked, "Have you gathered all the materials for laying out the formation?"

"Not yet." The voice belonging to the information commissioner said: "We have gathered most of the materials needed to arrange the array, but there are more than ten kinds that we can't find anyway. The Cangqing Demon God swears that these things do exist, they are not made up by him, but they are extremely rare, and few people know about them, so they are not easy to find."

Xiao Zhi thought for a while and said, "Keep looking. If we still can't find it after a while, we'll think of other ways."

"Okay." The voice of the Information Commissioner said.

After finishing the communication, Xiao Zhi put aside distracting thoughts in his mind, calmed down, and continued his cultivation.

Two days later, in the dangerous land of Lingyun Mountain in Dayan Kingdom, Xiao Zhi used his mind to control his divine avatar stationed here, and met King Gai of Qingyuan World.

To be precise, it was seeing a divine avatar of King Gai.

The quicksand king's avatar is not there, and it is said that he is currently practicing in seclusion.

Not long after, Xiao Zhi withdrew his consciousness from the avatar.

According to King Gai, this time the mission of guarding the heavens went without any disturbances. The monsters that invaded this time were relatively average in strength and did not pose any threat to them.

When the task time is up, they will return.

According to the usual practice, Xiao Zhi reported the information he obtained from King Gai's place to the All Living Army, and then he calmed down and continued his cultivation.

In a flash, dozens of days passed.

On this day, Xiao Zhi was comprehending the law of the movement of water in the sea, when suddenly his heart moved and he temporarily stopped practicing.

In Dayan Kingdom, deep in the perilous land of Lingyun Mountain, among the dense forests, ripples suddenly appeared on the water surface of a deep pool, and a transparent human figure emerged from the pool, quickly taking on color. The humanoid figure was Xiao Zhi.

To be precise, it is Xiao Zhi's avatar of a god who resides in the dangerous land of Lingyun Mountain.

The avatar Xiao Zhi stood on the surface of the water, bowed slightly towards the front, and said, "King Quicksand, what are you calling me for?"

In front of him, there was a figure standing quietly at this time, it was the Quicksand King.

To be precise, it is the god clone of the Quicksand King who is resident here.

The Quicksand King clone stared at Xiao Zhi, and said, "Brother Xiao Zhi, three days later, there will be seven-colored treasures in the Sumeru Realm of all living beings."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he really thought so, and it really was because of this incident.

Xiao Zhi nodded at the Quicksand King, and said, "I will arrive in time in three days. Where is the meeting place this time?"

Quicksand King was quite satisfied with Xiao Zhi's attitude, he said: "The location is..."

Not long after, Xiao Zhi withdrew his ray of consciousness from a distance, and sat cross-legged in the deep water, looking a little silent.

When he went over this time, he acted as another free thug.

But there is no way around this. Qingyuan World provides shelter for his Dachang World and provides scientific and technological support. Every time a disaster strikes his Dachang World, Qingyuan World will send an information support team to provide support. These seem to be free, but they are not free.

The price is that he will do something for Qingyuan World as a free thug or a free healer.

In this regard, Xiao Zhi chose to accept it, and he didn't think there was anything wrong, nor did he feel disgusted.

After all, there is no free lunch in this world.

The relationship between Qingyuan World and him, to put it bluntly, is an exchange of interests, and he should pay some price.

After sitting in silence for a while, Xiao Zhi put aside distracting thoughts, calmed down, and continued his cultivation.

After practicing for a period of time, Xiao Zhi paused his cultivation, and his consciousness entered the Sumeru Realm of all beings. With the blessing of the [Shen Yin Technique], he flew towards the place designated by the Quicksand King.

Xiao Zhi was flying at three times the speed. While flying, he used the supernatural power of [Vajra Dazzling] to look around at will.

All the monsters encountered along the way were killed by him, and turned into sentient beings points under his name.

Although almost all the monsters encountered along the way are small monsters, and the sentient points you can get by killing them are not many, which is better than nothing, but no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it's still meat, isn't it?

While flying, Xiao Zhi's eyes suddenly fixed.

On the front left, he saw a little golden light!

It's Campbell!

On the front left, there is Jinbao!

Xiao Zhi hesitated for a moment, but decided to go over and take a look.

Because, he entered the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings a period of time earlier, and there is still a long time before the birth of the seven-colored treasure, so he still has plenty of time.

After making a decision in his heart, Xiao Zhi immediately changed his flight direction, and flew towards the direction where the golden light was!

That point of golden light continued to magnify in Xiao Zhi's eyes, and soon, the black mist receded like a tide, and the place where it was was reflected in Xiao Zhi's field of vision.

At this time, in the place where Jin Bao was born, a battle had already broken out.

There are several Nascent Soul players fighting fiercely around Jinbao, all kinds of visions are transpiring, rumbling sounds can be heard endlessly, and the scene seems a bit chaotic.

Xiao Zhi flew closer, and suddenly let out a light snort.

He saw that there was a vague shadow lurking outside the battlefield, and if he didn't look carefully, he couldn't find it at all.

"It tripled his eyesight!" said a vast voice that only Xiao Zhi could hear.

Immediately, the golden light that burst out from Xiao Zhi's eyes was several times brighter than before!

'It turned out to be Roy! ’ Xiao Zhi snorted again, with a hint of surprise on his face.

Can't tell, this Luo Yiyi is actually a Voldemort, and also has the potential to become an old silver coin.

"Improved his eyesight tenfold!" A vast voice that only Xiao Zhi could hear sounded.

The golden light shining from Xiao Zhi's eyes instantly became extremely dazzling.

After turning on his eyesight ten times, Xiao Zhi turned his head and quickly scanned in all directions.

After scanning around, the light in his eyes suddenly dimmed, and he sent a voice transmission to Luo Yiyi, who was hiding and dormant at the edge of the battlefield: "I just showed it to you, within a radius of tens of thousands of miles , there are no god-level players and demigods, you can rest assured to kill and seize treasures boldly."

The first time Luo Yiyi heard Xiao Zhi's voice, she seemed to be frightened and almost jumped up, but soon, she realized that it was Xiao Zhi's voice, and the expression of surprise and uncertainty on her face suddenly disappeared. Disappeared, turned into a look of surprise.

Her pupils suddenly turned into pure black, and she began to look around in all directions.

"Don't worry about it, I'm just passing by and I'm leaving soon." Xiao Zhi's voice rang in Luo Yiyi's ear again.

Luo Yiyi couldn't help showing a disappointed expression on his face.

But soon, the disappointed expression on her face disappeared, and a black mist gushed out from her body, which soon turned into a pair of black armor, covering her whole body.

Only this time, a pair of heavy armor covered her whole body, making Luo Yiyi, who was originally petite and slender, look like a strong man in armor, mighty and majestic.

'Nice disguise. ’ Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi couldn't help applauding in his heart.

After putting on the armor, Luo Yiyi dragged the magic iron epee backwards, appeared, and rushed into the battlefield with a fierce look!

Luo Yiyi's strength is absolutely unique among the demigods. His overall strength is not inferior to some weaker gods, and his attack power even exceeds that of a considerable number of Chugods.

She rushed into this battlefield of Nascent Soul players, like a wolf entering a flock of chickens, slashing with an epee, one sword at a time, after a few strikes, all the Nascent Soul cultivators present were killed by her .

In a breath, the battle is over.

And Xiao Zhi also left here quietly at this moment, and disappeared into the black mist through the air.

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