This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1241 Nothing is incompatible

Not only was the body of this monster, who was used as a guinea pig for experimentation, melted by the terrible spring water until there was no dregs left, its soul was also eliminated into nothingness.

The soul of the Yaozun is extremely powerful, even if it is separated from the body, it can survive for a long time, but it was melted away silently in this spring.

This means that this spring water can not only dissolve matter, but also dissolve soul and soul!

At this moment, Hu Yang can basically confirm that this is the different water!

"Does this strange water have a name?" Hu Yang asked.

"Not before." The Nascent Soul Loose Cultivator said, "But I gave it a name."

"What kind of name did you give it?" Hu Yang showed a hint of interest on his face.

"This spring water is too overbearing, it shouldn't exist in this world, it should only exist in the Netherworld, so I call it the water of the Nether Spring..."

"The water of the secluded spring..." Yuan Long spit out the words, and repeated the words 'water of the secluded spring' again.

After reading the memory, Xiao Zhi manipulated Yuanlong's avatar with his mind and said, "Let's go, let's go there again, and I'll go over there to confirm. If it is confirmed that it is a different water, it is not a mere thing that prolongs life. Just give him the problem."

"Okay." Hu Yang naturally had no objection to this.

Immediately, Yuanlong's avatar carrying Hu Yang swam high in the sky, and at an unbelievable speed, rushed towards the area shrouded in gray-black mist in front like lightning.

That is the absolute domain of Yingchuan.

Soon, the figure of Yuanlong's avatar entered the area shrouded in gray-black mist and disappeared.

After a short while, the world in front of me has become completely different from before.

As far as the eye can see, it is a gray world.

The sky is gray, and the sun, moon, and stars cannot be seen, and the ground is also gray, but there are vegetation growing, which can even be described as deep forest and dense grass, but these vegetation are dark gray, even black, and cannot be seen. A little bit of greenery looks lifeless.

On the contrary, the water quality of the rivers, lakes, and creeks here is quite good. It looks clear and transparent without any turbidity.

Xiao Zhi watched all this through the eyes of Yuanlong's avatar, without any disturbance in his heart.

Because, by reading the memory of Yuanlong's avatar, he has a certain understanding of the Yingchuan Absolute Territory in front of him.

According to legend, this Yingchuan Absolute Territory used to be a divine kingdom called Yingchuan Divine Kingdom. This divine kingdom was established by relying on a god's divine realm.

This god is the God Lord of this kingdom of God.

Afterwards, some unknown thing happened, the Divine Lord fell, and the Yingchuan Divine Kingdom also perished along with it, and all the people of the Divine Kingdom died.

However, some citizens of the Kingdom of God were unwilling to die, and turned into ghosts and ghosts, wandering in this dilapidated God Realm, and their ghosts lingered!

After a long time, the broken God Realm of the Lord Yingchuan has gradually evolved into the current Yingchuan Absolute Territory...

The above is the "formation history" of the Yingchuan Absolute Territory that Hu Yang has inquired about from the outside world.

If the formation history of the Yingchuan Absolute Territory is true, then there are some similarities between it and the formation process of the Shanhan Absolute Territory.

The Absolute Cold Mountain Territory was also gradually evolved from the God Realm after the fall of the god and demon Liang Sheng, after a long period of time.

Under the control of Xiao Zhinian, Yuanlong's avatar turned its huge head and looked towards a certain place ahead.

As far as it can see, there is a city, covering an area of ​​more than ten miles, neither too small nor too big. The city has been destroyed, and a large area of ​​the city wall in the southwest direction has even collapsed. Most of the houses were destroyed, but in it, some figures could be seen moving in the shadows.

These are ghosts and ghosts, which are said to be transformed after the death of the people of the Kingdom of God.

These citizens of the Kingdom of God have been dead for countless years, and their resentful spirits have not yet dissipated. With the precipitation of time, they have become extremely powerful, far beyond what those lonely ghosts from the outside world can compare.

This city seems to have become a ghost town.

And ghost towns like this, in the Yingchuan Absolute Territory, are of course not the only one, but many exist.

It is said that in these ghost cities, there are not only resentful spirits and fierce ghosts, but also many opportunities.

According to the legend, before the Kingdom of God was destroyed, Yingchuan Kingdom was a country of cultivators, with numerous sects, orthodoxy everywhere, and as many monks as crucian carp crossing the river. After the Kingdom of God was destroyed, many good things were buried in the Among these ghost towns.

Therefore, even though this is an absolute territory and extremely dangerous, it still attracts many monks to take risks in search of opportunities.

A small number of cultivators have found opportunities, and since then their strength has risen sharply, and they have returned with full rewards.

But most of the monks are not so lucky. It is considered good to be able to recover a life. Many monks even buried their lives here. Their storage rings, spirit treasures Things like that are also left here.

These things they left behind may be acquired by those who come here to venture, or they may never be acquired.

As an absolute domain, ghost towns are not the only ones that are dangerous, and other places outside ghost towns may also be in danger.

After the Yuanlong avatar entered the Yingchuan Absolute Territory, it only paused in the air for a few seconds before several faint blue transparent human figures emerged from the air and floated towards the Yuanlong avatar!

These faint blue transparent human figures are all wandering souls.

The Wandering Soul is a relatively weak monster in the Yingchuan Absolute Territory.

But weakness is also relative.

The appearance of several wandering spirits at the same time was enough to kill a Golden Core cultivator and flee.

Before Yuanlong's avatar could make a move, Hu Yang let out a low shout, and unfolded his gravity domain, covering all the wandering souls approaching in his own domain.

Then, I saw him holding a brilliant dagger, his figure flickered one after another, like chopping melons and vegetables, he eliminated all these wandering souls, his movements were crisp and neat, showing quite a strong fighting power.

The eyes of Yuanlong's avatar burst into bright golden light at this time, and he glanced around, saying: "There are a lot of wandering souls. It seems that it is better to hide in this kind of place."

As he said that, the figure of Yuanlong's avatar fluctuated for a while, and soon turned into a bubble and disappeared into the air.

It's not that Xiao Zhi is cowardly. A wandering soul like this is no threat to his Yuanlong avatar at all, and he can kill as many as he comes.

The main reason is that he is afraid of trouble and doesn't want to entangle with the mobs here.

After being invisible, the target was lost, and those raging wandering souls turned into headless flies, and then dispersed.

The Yuanlong avatar in the hidden state didn't need Hu Yang to point out its direction at all. With a flick of the dragon's tail, it swam straight to the depths of the Nine Nether Absolute Territory.

Hu Yang sat on the back of the Yuanlong avatar, and said in surprise: "Brother Zhi, you are too powerful now, this Yuanlong avatar of yours can display the detection and concealment supernatural powers, but it couldn't be used before. Out of these."

The Yuanlong avatar said: "It's been so long, isn't it normal to make some progress? Isn't your progress more? The law of gravity at the Xiaocheng level, many of the laws of Nascent Soul cultivators, don't have it. You understand so deeply."

"No, what am I? In front of you, Brother Zhi, these things of mine are not worth mentioning at all." Hu Yang hurriedly said modestly.

Although the speed of the Yuanlong avatar is far less than that of the main body, Xiao Zhi, it is still at the level of a weak god. Compared with ordinary Yuanying and Yaozun, its speed is still unbelievably fast.

Not long after, Yuanlong avatar carried Hu Yang to the area where the water of Youquan was located.

This place is far away from the city, and the black forest is dense, so even if monks come in, there are very few people who come here to take risks.

Soon, Yuanlong's avatar hovered over a spring.

This is a mountain spring that is not very eye-catching.

The water from the mountain spring gushes out, clear and transparent, forming a small pool below.

The water in the small pool is also clear and transparent, and there are no energy fluctuations. From the outside, there is no abnormality at all.

Under the control of Xiao Zhi's thoughts, Yuanlong's avatar stretched out its dragon claws, and reached for the water of the secluded spring below.

"Don't!" Seeing this scene, Hu Yang couldn't help being startled.

Yuan Long's avatar said: "Don't panic, I have a measure."

While speaking, the dragon claw stretched out by Yuanlong's avatar had already touched the water of the secluded spring.

At the beginning, the dragon claws of Yuanlong's avatar remained unchanged, but slowly, there were some signs of corrosion on the dragon claws.

‘Even Yuanlong’s claws can be corroded. ’ At this moment, even Xiao Zhi was a little startled.

Under the control of Xiao Zhi's thoughts, Yuanlong's avatar retracted its dragon claws and released divine power.

Immediately, a ball of water from the secluded spring floated in the air and floated in front of Yuanlong's avatar.

Yuanlong's avatar opened a pair of big golden eyes, staring at the ball of water in front of him.

Afterwards, the Yuanlong avatar opened up its divine realm, and wrapped the pool of water from the secluded spring with the divine realm.

Not long after, Yuanlong's avatar said: "This is indeed a strange water. It can even corrode my divine power and divine domain. The corrosive power of this secluded spring water is really terrifying."

Xiao Zhi could feel through Yuanlong's avatar that the divine power and domain of Yuanlong's avatar were being continuously eroded by the water of this secluded spring. Although the erosion was very slight, it was also very terrifying.

Compared with the original water with mild attributes, this secluded spring water is simply a demon with teeth and claws, extremely aggressive!

"It's really scary." Hu Yang nodded and said, "I've tried it before, and my true energy and domain will be eroded by it."

Yuanlong's avatar looked down at the water of the secluded spring below, and said: "The water of this secluded spring is not a rootless duckweed. And why? Could it be that the earth and rocks around it are not ordinary things?"

In an instant, a pebble soaked in the spring broke through the water and floated in front of Yuanlong's avatar.

Yuanlong's avatar began to use all the means of detection it could use to investigate the cobblestone in front of it.

From the outside, this cobblestone did not look unusual, but it didn't take long for Xiao Zhi to discover its mystery.

This cobblestone is not a real cobblestone, it is completely simulated by the water of the deep spring!

Just like he can simulate all kinds of things with primordial water or ordinary water, so did this cobblestone.

Hearing a bang, the cobblestone exploded into a ball of clear water, which fell from midair.

Next, under the control of Xiao Zhi's thoughts, Yuanlong's avatar took some earth and rocks below to the sky.

Not only the earth and rocks near the spring and the pool, but also the earth and rocks farther away, as well as those gray-black and black plants, were also captured by Yuanlong's avatar with divine power, and violence was carried out one by one in order to make the test more accurate. Dismantling'.

The sound of bang bang was endless, some earth and rocks were directly blasted into water, and some earth and rocks were not.

Through this round of experiments, Xiao Zhi came to the conclusion that the earth and rocks near the Youquan are all transformed by the water of the Youquan, while the earth, rocks and vegetation farther away from the water of the Youquan are normal. , It is not transformed by the water of the secluded spring.

So, these earth and rocks condensed from the water of the secluded spring, are they formed naturally? Or is it man-made?

It's fine if it's formed naturally. If these things are condensed artificially, or condensed by some kind of monster, then this matter is not so simple.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi used his thoughts to control Yuanlong's avatar to send a voice transmission to Huyang: "Huyang, I will send you outside first, and some things I will do next may cause some danger. If it affects you , that would be bad."

Hu Yang frowned and said to Yuanlong's avatar via sound transmission: "Brother Zhi, do you think that the earth and rocks around the Youquan formed by the water from the Youquan were not formed naturally, but were formed by some terrible existence? , what is condensed?"

Hu Yang saw what Yuanlong's avatar did just now, he and Xiao Zhi wanted to go together.

"It's possible." The Yuanlong avatar said via voice transmission: "My Yuanlong avatar is not strong enough. If any danger is caused, I may not be able to protect myself, let alone protect you. So, you It’s better to leave here for a while, it’s safer.”

"Okay, I'll follow Brother Zhi's arrangement." On this matter, Hu Yang didn't try to be brave, and simply nodded and agreed.

After the discussion, Yuanlong's avatar carried Hu Yang into the sky immediately, and his figure swam through the sky, before disappearing into the distant sky.

A moment later, Yuanlong's avatar reappeared above the secluded spring.

'It has been confirmed that the water of this secluded spring is exactly the strange water I need, so, in this huge Yingchuan Absolute Territory, is there only one water source that is abnormal and can spit out the water of the secluded spring? what? ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

‘You can go to other places in Yingchuan Absolute Region to see if there is similar secluded spring water in other places. ’ While thinking about it, Xiao Zhi quickly made a decision in his mind.

He decided to conduct a blanket search of this Yingchuan Absolute Territory first, and then proceed with the follow-up actions.

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