This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1275 Quicksand King VS Fire Feather Lord

Not only the Quicksand King, but the other four kings of the Qingyuan world also appeared in the Qingyuan Imperial Capital.

This time, the victim, Yan Wang, dragged his seriously injured body, presented his most miserable appearance in front of the public, and publicly scolded Jialan World for its despicability and shamelessness, to create momentum for the declaration of war on Jialan World.

The ambassador of Jialan World stationed in Qingyuan Imperial Capital was frightened and rushed out to explain. As a result, before he could speak, he was beheaded in public.

The one who killed him was the demigod Lei Zun of Qingyuan World...

After listening to the report from the staff of the All Living Army through the clone of Yuanlong, Xiao Zhi was a little speechless.

It's this routine of smacking east and west again.

In Qingyuan Emperor Capital, whether it is the Quicksand King or the other four kings, there is no doubt that they are fake, they are all fake bodies condensed by the quicksand king with the power of water.

Although it's a fake body, it's enough to confuse the real one.

After all, the place where the Quicksand King and the others manifested their holiness was the Qingyuan Imperial Capital, his Qingyuan World territory.

It is impossible for god-level players from other worlds to come here.

And below the gods, who can tell the authenticity of these fake bodies?

This will give Jialan World a false impression that even if Qingyuan World has declared war on itself, it will take a long time to come to them because of the distance. After declaring war, they still have at least a few hours Time to prepare for...

How could the Jialan World have thought that at this moment, the Qingyuan World was already overwhelmed by soldiers!

Quicksand King stood on the deck of the floating airship, staring coldly at the vast land in front of him, and said: "I have sent people to test it just now, and the protection of Jialan's real world has not been activated. They sent people to intercept and kill the old man." Yan, it's really a big deal not to activate the world protection in advance."

The protection of the world mentioned by King Liusand refers to a function of the Order of All Beings.

Sentient Tokens are extremely precious. God-level players need to consume Sentient Tokens when they come to the world of other players. God-level players also need to consume Sentient Tokens to "raise funds". In addition, Sentient Tokens can also be used to exchange for safe time. A Sentient Token The safe time that tokens can be redeemed is 3 days, during this safe time, the real world will not be invaded by other worlds.

The protection of the world that the King of Quicksand refers to is the third function possessed by the Order of All Living Beings.

However, there are some restrictions on exchanging the sentient beings order for safe time.

This restriction is: the safe time exchanged with the order of sentient beings cannot take effect immediately, and it will take 3 hours to take effect.

Therefore, this safe time needs to be redeemed in advance in order to have the desired effect.

However, this limitation can also be circumvented.

The way to circumvent it is also very simple, that is to consume 10 sentient beings tokens at one time and exchange them for 30 days of safety time at one go. In this case, the world protection can be activated instantly.

Simple is simple, but there are not many players in the world who can do this.

The tokens of sentient beings are extremely precious. In the general player world, if you can have one or two pieces of tokens of sentient beings, it is already very good.

Even if some players have a profound background in the world and have more than ten sentient beings tokens, basically they will not spend ten sentient beings tokens in such a arrogant manner...

Xiao Zhixin said: "If the world protection was not activated in advance, it may not be that the Jialan World is entrusted with it, and it is more likely that it is not the Jialan World that intercepted King Yan. That's why the Jialan World feels overwhelmed by Qingyuan World's sudden declaration of war." I was caught off guard and failed to respond in time...'

There is also a possibility that Jialan World does not have a reserve of sentient beings tokens, so it cannot be exchanged for safe time, but this possibility is extremely small, almost negligible.

King Gai sneered and said, "If they had activated the world protection in advance, it would be difficult for us to deal with them. Now, even if they exchanged the security time with the Token of All Beings, it would be too late. Three hours is enough for us to do a lot. thing."

"Who is coming?" King Gai looked at the other kings of Qingyuan World.

"I'll go." Tiger King said.

"I'll go." The Dragon King also said.

The Quicksand King said: "I'll go, I can go alone. After I go, you will all obey the Tiger King's orders and launch an attack on Jialan Country."

Among the kings of Qingyuan, Quicksand King has the absolute right to speak, his words are unquestionable, it can be regarded as the final word.

"Yes!" The four kings, including Tiger King, all nodded yes.

Xiao Zhi and Po Xiao also nodded.

Xiao Zhi originally thought that the quicksand king would let him go with him, but after the quicksand king gave the order, he jumped up from the deck of the airship, and his figure quickly turned into a cloud of cloudy bubbles and disappeared. In the vision of the gods.

The Quicksand King simply left, ready to come to the Jialan World, and went to the Jialan World to wreak havoc.

After the Quicksand King left, the Tiger King took over the command of this god-level team, and said in a deep voice, "I'm going to go directly to Jialan Capital, do you have any opinions?"

King Yan said with a pale face: "I have no objection, Mr. Liusha said, after he leaves, we will all be at your disposal."

King Gai and Dragon King also shook their heads, expressing that they had no objections.

As outsiders, Xiao Zhi and Po Xiao are even less likely to have any opinions.

Tiger King nodded: "Since you all have no objections, then it's decided."

The floating airship only stayed in mid-air for a moment, then was taken over by Tiger King, and flew towards the capital of Jialan Kingdom through the air.

"Brother Xiao Zhi, speed up!" Tiger King roared.

Xiao Zhi nodded, and accelerated it with the ability of "Words follow".

Xiao Zhi stood on the deck of the floating airship, while continuously absorbing divine power from the God Realm, while thinking about some things.

‘Why didn’t the Quicksand King take me to the Jialan World? Is it because you care about me, and you don't want me to consume a sentient being token? This is obviously impossible. '

'The reason may be - he doesn't want to reveal his true strength in front of me...'

"This quicksand king has been guarding against me from the beginning to the end..."

Soon, the airship approached a border town in Jialan Country.

With a soft buzzing sound, a purple mask like an eggshell suddenly appeared in the sky above the border town.

King Gai let out a cold snort. At this moment, a cloud of mist emerged beside him. This cloud seemed to be alive, rising and shrinking, spewing out dozens of figures like a machine gun.

Some of these spewed figures are Taoist players from Qingyuan World. In Xiao Zhi's eyes, their bodies exude a faint blue light, and some of them are god servants controlled by King Gai.

The composition of these god servants is more mixed, there are not only players from other worlds, but also aboriginal monks, and even some monsters.

Under the control of Tiger King, the speed of the floating flying boat did not decrease at all, and it quickly broke through the sky and disappeared into the distant sky.

These humans and monsters released from the God Realm, led by a Nascent Soul player from Qingyuan World, rushed towards the Jialan Border City below!

Their task is to destroy this border city, and then go everywhere to destroy it. The more people they kill, the better, and the more cities they destroy, the better.

This is just the first batch to be released to kill and destroy.

In King Gai's God Realm, there are still hundreds of thousands of people gathered!

Every time you fly a certain distance, there will be dozens of people at least, and hundreds of people at most, like machine gun bullets, will be spewed out from King Gai's God Realm, and will go to various places in Jialan Country to kill and destroy .

The floating airship controlled by King Tiger flew straight forward, approaching the capital of Jialan at an astonishing speed!

Standing on the deck, Xiao Zhi's expression suddenly moved slightly, and he sensed his Yuanlong avatar calling him again.

'Here is another news. '

While Xiao Zhizhi was spinning his thoughts, a ray of divine thoughts came out, and he got in touch with his Yuanlong avatar in an instant.

After a while, Xiao Zhi withdrew his divine thoughts.

Qingyuan World is asking his Dachang World to send troops to support it again.

This time, the number of people Qingyuan World requires is 10,000, and let 10,000 players from Dachang World invade Jialan World and assist them in this time's mission of destroying the world!

Those who have the ability to invade other players' worlds are the weakest ones.

And the Dachang World where Xiao Zhi is located currently has less than 30,000 Golden Core players...

"Qingyuan World intends to destroy the enemy and at the same time weaken the strength of the allies. Killing two birds with one stone is really a good idea..."

Xiao Zhi was angry in his heart, but on the surface he looked very calm.

He calmly transmitted a voice to the God of Dawn standing not far away: "Dawn, did Qingyuan World ask you to send troops to support them from the dawn world?"

After receiving Xiao Zhi's voice transmission, the God of Dawn did not change his expression, but secretly replied: "Qingyuan asked us to send 10,000 troops to invade the Jialan World and assist them in the battle. what about them?"

"Same, 10,000 people." Xiao Zhi replied via voice transmission.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi and the God of Dawn looked at each other, and they could see a trace of sadness in each other's eyes.

They are all allies of Qingyuan World, and their life is not easy now...

Next, neither Xiao Zhi nor the God of Dawn said much.

The communication point is over.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

With the blessing of triple speed, soon, the floating airship controlled by Tiger King was only less than 5000 miles away from Jialan Capital.

And at this moment, Xiao Zhi received a message through his Yuanlong avatar:

The Dachang World he is in has been urged by the Qingyuan World. In this short period of time, more than 2,000 Golden Core and above players have been sent to invade the Jialan World to assist the Qingyuan World in fighting.

The Jialan world is not as good as the original world with bears.

In the original bear world, when it was invaded, all the gods fell, and a large number of strong players died in battle, and there was not much resistance left.

On the other hand, the current Jialan world has not been injured yet, and its strength is still there. Under such circumstances, invading the Jialan world is definitely a tough battle!

Up to now, in Dachang World where Xiao Zhi lives, hundreds of players have been killed and returned.

According to the players who were killed and returned, the war of gods is already breaking out in Jialan World at this time.

There are turbid waves that empty out and erode the earth, and there are raging flames that burn into a sea of ​​fire in the air, burning the sky and eroding the earth.

The fighting of god-level players is more terrifying than many natural disasters. It can be described as destroying the sky and destroying the earth. Some cities were affected by the battle of gods, and the protective formation was destroyed in an instant, and turned into ruins in the blink of an eye.

There were also many players who descended on the surrounding area, because they were too close and had no time to escape. They were affected by the aftermath of this battle of gods and died on the spot.

The one who created the turbid waves that covered the sky was undoubtedly the Quicksand King, this feature was too obvious.

As for the sea of ​​flames that burned half the sky red, there are some doubts about who made it.

Because there are two gods of fire in Jialan World, the Lord of Fire Feather and the Lord of Spark.

However, the Starfire Lord is just an ordinary Vulcan according to the information, and his strength is far inferior to the Fire Feather Lord who has two different fires.

The power of the Quicksand King is beyond doubt.

Xiao Zhi felt that the Lord of Sparks was most likely not the opponent of the Quicksand King, and the one who was fighting the Quicksand King was most likely the Lord of Fire Feathers!

Of course, it is also possible that the Lord of Fire Feather and the Lord of Starfire joined forces to fight against the Quicksand King.

The players who came back from the news were not strong enough, they were just some Golden Core players, they could only see the vision that obscured the sky, and they couldn't see who was fighting with whom at all.

When Xiao Zhi was distracted by these thoughts, Yan Wang standing beside him shouted: "Jialan Capital, we're here!"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi restrained his thoughts, raised his eyes and looked forward, what he saw was a dazzling colorful light!

This is the vision presented by the Imperial City-level Heaven and Earth Nine Condensation Formation.

Below this piece of colorful light is the extremely prosperous Jialan Capital.

Under Xiao Zhi's gaze, from the bustling Jialan capital, two terrifying figures soared into the sky, their aura shaking the heavens and the earth. They are the Lord of Jialan and the Lord of Thunder in the Jialan world!

There are currently four gods in the Jialan World, namely the Lord of Jialan, the Lord of Fire Feather, the Lord of Thunder and the Lord of Spark.

'I didn't see the Lord of Fire Feather and the Lord of Starfire. It seems that the one who faced the Quicksand King in Jialan World should be the Lord of Fire Feather and the Lord of Spark, not just one Lord of Fire Feather. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

He sent a voice transmission to King Yan: "King Yan, you have not recovered from your serious injury, you'd better pay attention to this battle, don't get stuck."

King Yan nodded slightly to Xiao Zhi, and replied via voice transmission: "I know, you too."

At this time, a somewhat illusory voice came mightily: "Qingyuan World, don't bully people too much!"

This is the voice of the Lord of Jialan.

With a soft buzzing sound, the floating airship hovered less than a hundred miles away from the Jialan Kingdom, and the Tiger King said coldly: "You guys are the ones who bully people too much! How dare you intercept and kill me in the Qingyuan World on the way!" My king, you Jialan World is too arrogant! I am really impatient to live!"

"If you want to commit a crime, there is nothing to worry about!" A thunderous voice snorted coldly: "We have already explained that it is not our Jialan World who intercepted King Yan, do you believe it?"

This is the voice of the Lord of Thunder.

"I've done everything, don't you dare to admit it?" King Gai said in a low voice.

"It's not us who intercepted and killed King Yan, why should we admit it?" Lord Jialan said: "I also said that King Yan was not intercepted and killed at all, you Qingyuan World just want to find an excuse to deal with us ,right?"

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