This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1306 World Protection is On

'I hope that the next period of time can be passed smoothly...' Xiao Zhixin said.

‘As long as you can last until the world protection is turned on, you will be considered a victory. '

'There is less than an hour left before the world protection is activated...'

As for what to do after the world protection is activated, Xiao Zhi has already thought about it.

Once the world protection is turned on, his Dachang world will be protected by the sentient beings system for the next three days, so there is no need to worry.

And he will not immediately liquidate the player worlds that have invaded the Dachang world.

Because, he still has a more important thing to do, which is to improve his cultivation level!

Let's raise your cultivation level to the mid-level of the gods first!

As long as he is given a few more days, his water movement law should be complete.

If three days is not enough, then use the sentient beings order to exchange for three days of safe time, that is six days, six days is the head office, right?

If six days is not enough, then nine days!

Anyway, he has a lot of sentient beings orders on him, enough for it!

The cultivation level of Chushen is still too reluctant. Only when he breaks through to the middle level of the gods can he truly rise up and not be afraid of any challenges!

Time is still passing by every minute and every second.

Xiao Zhi sat quietly in the deep water, and suddenly his body shook slightly!

The weak state that lasted for a long time began to disappear little by little...

This is a process, during this process, his strength will be restored little by little, until the side effects completely disappear, his strength will reach the peak state again!

"Zhishen, I've finished it." A little while later, inside the Ice God's restraint, under the black umbrella, Luo Yiyi said.

Xiao Zhi, the avatar beside her, hummed, and said, "I've added it up, let's go to the real world to garrison."

"Okay." Luo Yiyi nodded and said.

Not long after, her figure turned into a bubble and disappeared into the air.

A few more seconds passed, and Xiao Zhi's figure also disappeared into the deep water.

There is less than half an hour left before the world protection starts.

Dachang World, Kyoto Defense Circle.

The pale golden light curtain above the Kyoto defense circle has disappeared.

Xiao Zhi sat quietly on the roof of the World United Government Headquarters building, his condition was still recovering little by little.

In the real world, he just can't absorb energy, and the side effects left by using the Bodhisattva status can still be slowly recovered here.

Luo Yiyi sat not far from him.

Besides Luo Yiyi, Lu Zhong, Yang Bin, Zhu Changwu and other dozens of Nascent Soul players from Dachang World were standing or sitting beside him.

At this time, there was no fighting in the capital defense circle, so everyone gathered around Xiao Zhi's side.

‘The number of players from other worlds has become less and less. A staff member in a black uniform was reporting the situation to Xiao Zhi and the top players around Xiao Zhi: "As of now, the major defense circles in our world have basically escaped from a dangerous state. "

"It's been so long, the true energy in those guys' bodies should have been exhausted, even if the true energy has not been exhausted, their sentient beings points are probably exhausted, especially those Golden Core players. That's the case, this kind of super-large-scale player invasion cannot last for too long, and it is inevitable to choose to evacuate when the attack cannot be defeated for a long time." Lu Zhong said.

The players present all nodded their heads when they heard the words, expressing their agreement.

Yang Bin said: "It's a pity that we have far fewer players than them. After more than two hours, our state has been exhausted. We can only watch them withdraw. We can't kill many of them. Think about it." It's depressing."

Many players present also had uncomfortable and depressed expressions on their faces when they heard the words, and they echoed their words one after another.

Zhu Changwu said: "Brother Zhi, this is a hatred to destroy the world, such a deep hatred, we should fight back, right?"

Xiao Zhi calmly said: "Of course we have to fight back. After I break through and become a mid-level god, we will start to fight back. But any player world that has invaded our Dachang world counts as one, and I will not let go of any of them! I want them to pay in blood!"

When Xiao Zhi said this, although the expression on Xiao Zhi's face was calm, there was a serious killing intent in his voice!

As soon as Xiao Zhi said this, the players present all showed excited and excited expressions.

At this moment, Luo Yiyi stood up and shouted: "Zhishen, Luo Yiyi requests to fight!"

Xiao Zhi glanced at her and said: "Don't worry, you are indispensable, you are a demigod, and your combat power is even comparable to some gods. Some player worlds without gods will be handed over to you to lead the team to deal with. "

Compared with the god level, the biggest advantage of the demigod level is that when invading other worlds, there is no need to consume sentient beings.

This is very scary, especially for those player worlds without god-level players, the threat of demigods to their world is even greater than that of gods!

Luo Yiyi nodded and said: "Since Zhishen said so, then I can rest assured."

"Zhao Yan is back." Lu Zhong looked up at the sky at this moment and said.

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi also looked towards the sky.

As far as his eyes could see, on the extremely high sky, there was a small black dot flying towards this direction at an extremely fast speed.

This is indeed Zhao Yan.

Zhao Yan practiced the laws of space and was very good at speed, so he was arranged by the defense command center to transport satellites.

He transported the satellites to the sky, not only fast, but also able to transport a large number of satellites. Compared with those launch vehicles, the efficiency was not only a little bit higher.

In less than an hour, he has transported dozens of satellites of various types into the sky.

It's not like the time when Xiao Zhi took the satellite to the sky.

At that time, the invasion of players from other worlds had just begun, and the number of enemies was overwhelming, and the satellites sent up could be shot down at any time. In order to ensure the most basic communication between the defense circles, Xiao Zhi It even specially differentiated three gods to protect them.

Now, the situation has been completely reversed, there are not many players left in the other world, and they are running around like bereaved dogs. How can they have time to plan for these satellites in the sky?

With the launch of these dozens of satellites, the communication network of Dachang World has been further restored.

Next, the major defense circles will launch more satellites into the sky to restore civilian network communications.

Soon, Zhao Yan came in front of Xiao Zhi and the others.

"It's all done, I'm really exhausted." Zhao Yan said.

Xiao Zhi said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work, you should go back to the world of sentient beings and replenish your true energy."

At a close distance, Xiao Zhi could tell at a glance that the true energy in Zhao Yan's body was running low.

"Well, good." Zhao Yan nodded, and soon his figure became transparent and dissipated into the air.

"Report, the number of different world players in our real world is less than a thousand." A staff member of the United World Government reported to Xiao Zhi and the top players around Xiao Zhi.

Soon, another staff member of the United World Government came over to report: "There is a team of dozens of players from another world approaching us, and they are less than a thousand kilometers away from us."

Xiao Zhi's eyes suddenly lit up with a bright golden light, and he scanned the sky. Finally, his eyes locked on a certain direction, and he said: "This is a team of pure Nascent Souls. Although the number is small, they are all Elite, who will clean them up?"

Luo Yiyi was the first to stand up and said, "Zhishen, I'll deal with them!"

"Zhishen, I'll go."

"Zhishen, I'll kill them all!" Lu Zhong and Yang Bin also stood up and said.

Xiao Zhi thought for a while, and said: "You all stay here, Luo Yiyi, you can go alone, take this with you."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and a long knife wrapped in purple mist appeared out of thin air, quickly shrunk to the size of a finger, and floated towards Luo Yiyi.

This is his Ziji Saber.

He was still a little worried about Luo Yiyi, fearing that this team of pure Nascent Souls would come from bad people, because powerful demigods were hidden inside, and as long as Luo Yiyi had this Ziji Saber on his body, he could pass through with the Ziji Saber at any time. Switch positions and provide instant support to Roy Yi.

"Okay." Luo Yiyi took the Ziji Saber, and his figure flew into the sky and disappeared into the distant sky.

After Luo Yiyi left, Zhu Changwu said with some emotion: "Miss Luo Yiyi is really... brave and invincible, and women do not give way to men."

The other players nodded when they heard the words, deeply agreeing with it.

Xiao Zhi smiled lightly and said, "If it wasn't for that, she wouldn't have passed the test of the Kunshan Demon Palace and obtained the Kunshan Demon Lord's inheritance."

Now that Luo Yiyi's identity has been disclosed to the public, there is no need to conceal the inheritance of the Kunshan Demon Lord.

Facts have proved that Xiao Zhi's worries are a little unnecessary. There is no demigod hiding in this team of pure Nascent Souls. Killed them all like chopping vegetables, and then returned in style.

Not long after, a figure shining with lightning appeared above the Kyoto defense circle.

There was a faint blue light emitting from this figure, which meant that this person was a friend rather than an enemy.

This figure with thunder and lightning shining all over his body is exactly Lei Zun of Qingyuan World.

Facing Lei Zun, Xiao Zhi still gave him enough respect, and immediately his figure soared out of the sky, passed through the great formation of all beings, and appeared in front of Lei Zun.

After taking a deep look at Xiao Zhi, Lei Zun bowed slightly, and saluted Xiao Zhi, "Zhishen, the foreign enemies have basically been wiped out, and we should go back."

Xiao Zhi nodded and said, "Thanks for your hard work."

After just exchanging a few words, Lei Zun's figure turned into nothingness and disappeared into the air. He had left the world of Dachang and returned to the world of sentient beings.

After Lei Zun left, other players in Qingyuan World also withdrew one after another.

Not long after, the countdown at the edge of Xiao Zhi's field of vision finally returned to zero.

At the moment when the countdown reached zero, a system notification sounded in Xiao Zhi's ears: "World protection is on! In the next three days, your Dachang World will be protected by the system, and any players from other worlds will not be able to Players from other worlds who have come to your Dachang world and are still stranded in Dachang world will be forcibly driven away."

After hearing this system prompt, Xiao Zhi couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Until this moment, his hanging heart was truly relieved.

At this moment, Luo Yiyi, Lu Zhong, Zhu Changwu and the others also cheered, all with expressions of relief.

Obviously, at this moment, they have all received this system prompt from the sentient beings system.

Xiao Zhi stood up and said: "Since the protection of the world has been successfully opened, we don't need to continue stationing in the real world. Let's all return to the world of sentient beings. In the next few days, if you have nothing to do, go to Zhushengxumi Raise monsters in the world to earn more sentient beings points to prepare for the next counterattack, and after I break through and become a middle-level god, we will start to counterattack!"

All the players suddenly agreed.

Xiao Zhi looked at several staff members standing not far away, and said: "When you are dealing with the aftermath, also go to count and see which player worlds have invaded our Dachang world. How many players came here, and what did they do in our Dachang World, you all go and count them for me."

"Okay, Zhishen." A staff member immediately stood up and answered.

A middle-aged man in his fifties who seemed to be an official was a little confused: "Zhishen, some things are not easy to count, we..."

Xiao Zhi said: "I know, you just need to make a rough estimate."

"Okay, okay..." The middle-aged man couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief and nodded yes.

After giving some more instructions, Xiao Zhi stood up and said, "Let's leave it at that for now, let's go."

With that said, he started the return process through the sentient beings system and was ready to return to the sentient beings world.

Soon, his figure vanished into thin air and disappeared into the world of Dachang.

After a slight trance, Xiao Zhi opened his eyes again, and what he saw was already a deep ocean.

As soon as Xiao Zhi waved his hand, the magic weapon black umbrella of Dawei Tianwang Dharma Xiang was condensed again by him, and flew to the ice god's restriction not far away, and was quickly held by his god clone hands.

In the next second, Luo Yiyi's figure appeared in the Ice God's Restriction, and his illusion quickly became solid.

Xiao Zhi's avatar appeared next to Luo Yiyi, opened the black umbrella in his hand, and propped it above her head.

In the deep water, with a thought, Xiao Zhi took out his sound transmission jade talisman.

The sound-transmitting jade talisman floated in the deep water, and soon shimmered, and the voice of his information specialist came out from it: "Zhishen, what are your orders?"

Xiao Zhi said: "During this time, nothing happened in the world of sentient beings, right?"

Thanks to the book friends 20220809204701282 for the reward, I wish the great motherland prosperity and strength, I wish everyone a happy National Day, now it is double monthly tickets~ Please ask for a few tickets~

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