This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1317 Rescue

The demigod avatar of the blue demon snake is cruising near Gaoling City. Its current location is less than 1000 miles away from Gaoling City.

It has rushed to Gaoling City urgently under the consciousness order of the deity.

Xiao Zhi also knew this news immediately.

Xiao Zhi was a little surprised by this.

He didn't expect that this blue demon snake would be willing to consume its own foundation and condense a demigod clone to assist in patrolling the border.

You must know that for ordinary early gods, the consumption of condensing the demigod clone is very high, and it may even cause some permanent trauma to the deity.

What the Cangqing Demon Snake did made Xiao Zhi look at him differently.

After learning the news from the Information Commissioner, Xiao Zhi said: "Tell the Cangqing Demon Snake to let his demigod clone delay as much as possible. He doesn't need to think about killing the enemy, just delay the time. He was able to delay the time until I rushed over, he is a great achievement!"

The voice belonging to the information commissioner said: "Okay, I will immediately convey your instructions to Cang Qing Yaoshen!"

After finishing the call with the information commissioner, Xiao Zhi couldn't help pursing his lips.

He is quite far away from Gaoling City now, under normal circumstances, when he rushed to Gaoling City, Gaoling City must have been destroyed.

After all, it was a demigod who attacked.

The purple sky hexagonal formation standard in border cities like Gaoling City may be very hard for ordinary monks, but for demigods, it is like paper, and can stop demigods for a second. That's pretty good.

All he could do was rush over as soon as possible to kill the demigod who attacked the city and avenge those victims.

But now, the situation is different.

As long as the demigod avatar of the blue demon snake can delay this attacking demigod, it doesn't need to be delayed for a long time, it only needs to be delayed for a moment, and the 100,000 people in Gaoling City will not have to die.

As the saying goes, saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, let alone a hundred thousand people?

With this thought in mind, Xiao Zhi was no longer trying his best to rush to Gaoling City, but was desperately rushing to Gaoling City.

Then he heard a vast voice that only he could hear: "Make his speed eight times faster!"

With the blessing of eight times the speed, Xiao Zhi's speed has increased a lot compared to before!

At the same time as his speed soared, the divine power he consumed also soared to an extremely exaggerated level.

In this case, not to mention replenishing his true energy while flying, it would be pretty good if he could use about 3% of his divine power to fight after arriving at his destination.

'About 3% of the divine power should be more than enough to deal with a demigod and a few Nascent Souls. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

As long as you don't use the ability of "speaking the law to follow" to increase your combat power, and just fight some regular battles, the divine power of the gods is still very durable.

What's more, he is not fighting alone, Li Kuo is also following him.

Although Li Kuo hadn't had time to transform into a central god, his combat prowess should not be underestimated with the light-chasing sword in hand. It shouldn't be difficult to deal with a mere powerful demigod.

Time passed by, and as the distance to the destination got closer, Xiao Zhi was able to see clearly some of the situation in the area where Gaoling City was located through his [Diamond Dazzling] supernatural power.

In the sky above Gaoling City, a great battle is erupting at this time.

On one side is a big green snake over a hundred feet long and surrounded by green mist.

On the other side is a white wolf. The length of this white wolf is also more than a hundred feet long. Its eyes emit a strange light, and its minions are like blades, extremely sharp!

The snake and the wolf were entangled together, fighting fiercely in mid-air, and several Nascent Souls were floating around, each showing their magical powers, assisting the giant wolf to attack the giant snake.

It can be seen that in this fight, the giant snake is at an absolute disadvantage.

If it wasn't for the fact that the poisonous mist permeating its body was so poisonous that it caused some trouble to the giant wolf, making those Nascent Soul monks who participated in the besieging of it dare not approach it, and only dared to attack it with long-range means, it would have already been severely injured , or even killed.

Another Nascent Soul cultivator was controlling several flying swords, and was bombarding the deep purple mask above Gaoling City, making the mask vibrate non-stop.

Inside the deep purple mask, whether it is the aboriginal monks headed by Gaoling City Lord, or those Taoist players stationed here, they are all blushing at this time, frantically outputting true energy, and maintaining the city defense formation with all their strength of stability.

With the efforts of a group of Taoist monks, the protective formation that appeared above Gaoling City turned into a dark purple color, and its defense power soared that it forcibly blocked the flying sword attack of this Nascent Soul monk , was not defeated by the flying sword of this Nascent Soul player.

In Gaoling City, a Jindan player from the Dachang World shouted towards the sky: "The Bloody Moon Witch won't be dancing for long, how long are you going to help the evildoers?"

The Nascent Soul player who was driving the flying sword had a cold face and did not speak. Instead, he struck harder. Under the control of his mind, several flying swords issued bursts of ear-piercing piercing sharpness in the air. The sound made the deep purple mask over Gaoling City tremble violently.

Under the frequent bombardment of the flying sword, the light of the deep purple light shield above Gaoling City is visibly dimming with the naked eye.

If things go on like this, it won't be long before the large defensive formation above Gaoling City will be breached.

At this moment, something that made the people in the city even more desperate happened.

Seeing this Nascent Soul player driving the flying sword, he suddenly shouted: "These bastards are dying, I can't break this rubbish formation for a while, and someone will help me break it!"

"I'm coming!" Immediately, a Nascent Soul player responded.

But at this moment, the giant snake was bitten seven inches by the giant wolf, and it was almost bitten in two!

After breaking free, the giant snake hissed mournfully and wanted to escape, but was entangled tightly by the giant wolf and could not escape at all.

Those Nascent Soul monks all approached at this time, and launched a more violent attack on the giant snake.

The situation suddenly took a turn for the worse.

The seriously injured big green snake was surrounded and beaten, and might die on the spot at any time.

The situation in Gaoling City below is also very grim.

After all, the Zixiao six-square formation is only a county-level defensive formation. Even after the national war, it has been optimized by the sentient beings system. It can rely on the blessings of the monks in the city to have a stronger defense, but its The defense is still not enough to withstand the attack of a Nascent Soul cultivator for a long time.

What's more, it's not one Nascent Soul attacking the Zixiao six-square formation at this time, but two!

One is driving a flying sword, and the other is using fire.

Under the joint attack of the two Nascent Soul players, the purple light curtain above Gaoling City trembled like a small boat in a storm. The original deep purple quickly turned into lavender, and then quickly became transparent.

In Gaoling City, from time to time, arrows would make piercing screams and shoot into the sky.

These arrows were shot by the innate warriors in the city, and their power was not weak. The power of each arrow almost surpassed the bullets of sniper rifles in the real world, but they couldn't hurt those figures outside the formation at all.

Even before they got close, these arrows had already turned into powder.

In this level of battle, the arrows shot by these innate warriors are useless.

Not to mention the attacks of these innate warriors, even the attacks of the Foundation Establishment monks in the city, or even the Golden Core monks, are useless in this level of battle.

The strength gap is really too big.

The strongest among them is only Jindan, and they are not even qualified to go out of the city to fight.

Once the protective formation is breached, they will surely die!

In the next second, a light chirp was heard.

The protective formation above Gaoling City finally couldn't hold on, and shattered into dim light spots all over the sky.

"It's over!" Inside Gaoling City, the Lord Gaoling in military uniform looked up at the sky with a desperate expression on his face.

Not only him, but other Dao realm monks in the city, including those Dao realm players, also had expressions of despair and unwillingness on their faces.

The moment the protective formation was broken, a sea of ​​flames burned the sky red and pressed down on Gaoling City below.

At the same time, the Nascent Soul player driving the flying sword controlled his flying swords to behead those Golden Core cultivators in Gaoling City!

At this moment, in the sky, a gray-black light like water flickered.

The tumbling fire cloud was immediately frozen in midair, and similarly, the flying sword was also frozen in midair.

Then, a purple awn appeared and disappeared in the air.

Almost at the same time, the two Nascent Soul players who attacked the city burst their heads like watermelons falling on the ground!

The blazing fire cloud was extinguished in the blink of an eye, and the metallic luster of the flying swords that were frozen in mid-air quickly showed signs of corrosion, and quickly melted into thick black water .

The two Nascent Soul players who attacked the city were not the only ones who were frozen.

The other incoming players from other worlds were also imprisoned in mid-air by the light that suddenly appeared like black water.

These Nascent Soul players seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, making it difficult to move.

Only the huge white wolf was less affected and could still move relatively freely.

The huge white wolf sensed something was wrong, and resolutely gave up entanglement with the seriously injured giant snake, trying to escape through the air.

It's just that it has just escaped hundreds of feet away, and its speed has also dropped sharply.

The air fluctuated, and a black-clothed youth appeared in front of it with wind and snow.

The young man in black held a lightsaber covered with frost, and stabbed the head of this huge white wolf fiercely with his sword!

A huge ice and snow sword energy emerged and directly penetrated the head of this huge white wolf.

The huge white wolf let out a miserable howl, and its body exploded suddenly, flesh and bones shot out in all directions like bullets and cannonballs!

However, before the splattered flesh and blood had time to spread, they were all frozen in midair, and the purple light flashed, shooting into the distant sky like a teleportation.

In the next second, an illusory white shadow that was escaping was hit by the purple light piercing the sky, and let out a soul-piercing scream!

Only then did Xiao Zhi's figure appear in midair.

There was a hint of coldness on his face, and he snorted coldly and said: "It's ridiculous that a mere demigod wants to escape from under my nose!"

This demigod who turned into a wolf is still very strong, definitely a powerful demigod, but in front of Xiao Zhi, he is so vulnerable that Xiao Zhi doesn't even need to make a move himself. He was killed with only one Ziji Saber.

Soon, Ziji Saber returned.

Li Kuo, who was dressed in a dark black robe, also approached at this time, and said to Xiao Zhi: "Master, what should we do with these people? Kill them or not?"

"You put it in custody first, and I'll deal with it later." Xiao Zhi said.

"Okay." Li Kuo nodded, and flew towards the Nascent Soul players who were imprisoned by Xiao Zhi with the Water God Realm in mid-air.

Soon, these Nascent Soul players were frozen by Li Kuo with the power of ice and snow, and they were frozen into ice sculptures.

It wasn't until this time that cheers came from Gaoling City below.

The cheers became louder and louder, many monks wept with joy and bowed to Xiao Zhi one after another.

The border residents in the city knelt down even more! Pay homage to Xiao!

"Master, if you come later, I will die." A cold voice said.

The demigod avatar of the Cangqing Demon Snake also slowly swam over with its remnant body at this time.

Xiao Zhi restrained his grim expression, smiled lightly and said to the big green snake in front of him: "Cangqing, you have worked hard, the 100,000 people in Gaoling City can survive this time, you should be the first one! Tell me, What reward do you want?"

Hearing the words, the big green snake lowered its huge snake head towards Xiao Zhi, made a submissive look, and replied through voice transmission: "Congratulations, Lord, for breaking the realm and becoming the middle god, I will use this as a gift , Congratulations master, you have achieved the middle god realm, I wish you more and more power, master, and break through to become a high-level god as soon as possible!"

"Thank you." Xiao Zhidan said with a smile.

Not long after, in the City Lord's Mansion of Gaoling City, the demigod avatar of the Cangqing Demon Snake had been treated by Xiao Zhi. At this time, he turned into a young man in green robes and sat in the hall not far from Xiao Zhi. place, looking at Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi is using the supernatural power of [Soul Searching] to search for the souls of those captured Nascent Soul players one by one.

However, after searching and searching, his face became a little ugly.

These Nascent Soul players are all under the command of Wolf Venerable, and they know little about some confidential matters.

The so-called wolf master was the demigod who led the team in this attack, and was killed by Xiao Zhi, and his soul was completely destroyed. Xiao Zhi couldn't find his soul even if he wanted to search for it.

However, even if the wolf master is not dead, it would be very difficult for Xiao Zhi to search for his soul.

A demigod is between the realm of Taoism and the realm of gods, and has completed the demigod's soul. Although the body has not undergone the transformation of the thunder catastrophe, the strength of its soul is not weaker than that of a real god.

It is extremely difficult to search for the soul of a demigod.

After searching the souls of these Nascent Soul players from different worlds, Xiao Zhi waved his hands and said, "Let's deal with them all."

Before Li Kuo could make a move, the green-robed young man transformed into the green snake avatar stood up and said, "I'm coming!"

After finishing speaking, he opened his mouth, and his mouth widened to an extremely exaggerated extent. When he opened his mouth and sucked in, he sucked these Nascent Soul players from different worlds into his mouth and swallowed them into his stomach!

These Nascent Soul players from different worlds attacked it a lot before, but the Cangqing Demon Snake has a strong desire for revenge. If Xiao Zhi hadn't used them to search for their souls, it would have wanted to swallow them long ago!

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