This Game is Unusual

Chapter 136 Attack and Kill

One hit kill!

It was a somewhat thin figure who attacked and killed the black-robed youth.

His face was pale, his eyes were blood red, it was Yang Xu!

Plop, the head of the young man in black fell to the ground. His eyes were wide open, and there was a look of astonishment and disbelief on his face.

The attack and killing came unexpectedly, and until now, he was a little at a loss.

He's not quite dead yet.

The ferocious corpse puppet who was in charge of protecting the black-robed young man instinctively let out a low growl, brought a gust of wind, and rushed towards the corpse puppet Yang Xu.

The corpse puppet Yang Xu moved swiftly, dodging the attack of the beast corpse puppet, stepped up to the black-robed youth's head that had fallen to the ground, and stepped on it!

Pooh! The head was crushed, and the black-robed youth died completely!

Roaring and pounced on the beast puppet Yang Xu's beast puppet, at this moment, the blood light in his eyes suddenly dimmed, and then he fell to the ground as if he had lost all his strength, and remained motionless.

Hundreds of feet away, the red light in the eyes of the corpse puppets besieging Li Kai also dimmed, as if they had been drained of all their strength, they all fell to the ground with a plop, looking like an ordinary place. corpse.

But at this time, there were only two human corpse puppets holding fine iron long knives guarding Li Wei's side.

There were three of them before, and just last second, a corpse puppet guarding him was entangled by a beast corpse puppet, and then its head was chopped off with a knife.

Li Kai, who had been pierced through his shoulder blades and almost disemboweled, was seriously injured. His body was covered in blood. The blood had already stained his black robe red, making him look like a blood man.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

At this moment, he was convulsed by the pain, his face was distorted, and he needed the support of his corpse puppets to barely stand up, but he was laughing, gasping for breath, laughing hysterically.

Twenty feet away from Li Kai, behind a pile of chaotic rocks, among the withered grass, a head poked out, followed by the second, and the third, exactly the three warrior players.

The rancid smell here is strong and disgusting, but the three of them are all controlling their characters through the screen, so they can't smell the rancid smell in the air at all.

The three of them only showed half of their heads, staring at Li Kai who was twenty feet away.

A distance of twenty feet is neither too far nor too short. At this distance, you can still see some things.

In the university dormitory, the young man with earphones looked forward for a while, then lowered his voice and said, "Brother Zhang, Brother Li, this guy in black robe, have you noticed that he and the 'world of living beings' game forum Inside, does the guy who offered the bounty look alike?"

"It seems to be quite similar. This black robe is not common. Although this guy's face is a little distorted, you can still vaguely see his appearance." The young man called Xiao Lizi said in a low voice, with With unconcealable excitement.

"Well, it does look a bit like it." The one called Brother Zhang was the oldest of the three, about thirty years old, and he also lowered his voice and said something.

"Then what are you waiting for, take pictures, take pictures at a high speed." The young man with headphones suppressed his excitement and roared.

They groped all the way, although they shouted that the rare treasures appeared in the world, and wealth and wealth were sought in danger, but they didn't have much hope.

Unexpectedly, the gold ingot dropped from the sky really happened!

The online reward for this black-robed man is a total of 600,000 yuan!

600,000 yuan, even if the three people share it equally, each person can get 200,000 yuan!

200,000 yuan is definitely an astronomical fortune for an ordinary college student like him.

After yelling these words at the two teammates, the young man temporarily took off his earphones, turned his head and shouted at the other young man who was lying on the bed next to him and watching a movie with his mobile phone: "Professor Liu, Don't watch short movies yet, let me borrow your phone!"

At this time, the winter vacation of the university was early, but there were still a small number of students who chose to stay in school and planned to go back near the end of the year.

In this dormitory, apart from the young man who was playing games, there happened to be one person who did not go back. It was the 'Professor Liu' that the young man called out.

"What are you doing?" "Professor Liu" who was lying on the bed got up, took off an earphone, and asked suspiciously.

"Don't talk nonsense, speed up, give me your phone, and I'll treat you to a big meal tomorrow!" The young man urged impatiently, this could be related to hundreds of thousands of dollars, he was really in a hurry.

"This is what you said. If you dare to speak, I will beat you to death!" Professor Liu smiled when he heard that there was a big meal, pulled out his earphones, and threw his mobile phone to the young man.

The young man took the mobile phone, directly called out the camera that came with the mobile phone, and stared at the screen of his mobile phone, just snapping pictures.

After taking a few pictures in succession, the young man put down his phone, put on his earphones again, then picked up his phone, and suggested to the phone: "Brother Zhang, Brother Li, the distance is still too far, the photos are not clear enough, or Shall we get closer?"

"Don't do it, it's too dangerous." Brother Zhang, the oldest, was more cautious.

Brother Xiao Li also spoke at this time: "I looked at the photos I took, and it's really not clear enough. The face is a little blurry. We are begging for wealth and insurance, or we..."

Brother Li hadn't finished speaking when the blade flashed, and his body was split in half obliquely.

The sword light flashed again, and the elder brother Zhang was also separated from his head, blood splashing on Lao Gao.

The sudden change caused the young man in front of the phone screen to let out a scream and his heart twitched.

He didn't have time to manipulate the character to do anything, the sword light flashed on the screen, and then the picture on the screen spun.

When the picture is fixed, it has become black and white.

Black and white, and then turned into a complete black.

Several bright red characters appeared on the screen - you are dead.

Below the big bright red characters, there is a small countdown, beating up and down.

Countdown - 23 hours 59 minutes 58 seconds...

This countdown represents the resurrection time of the character.

The young man just held the phone like this, staring at the line of scarlet characters on the screen, dazed.

He couldn't believe that his character died just like that?

Characters die so suddenly.

After a long time, the young man took off the earphones, threw the phone on the desk, leaned back on the armchair, and uttered a word: "Grass!"

At this time, the corpse puppet Yang Xu drew back his knife, his pale face was full of numbness, and walked towards the black-robed youth Li Wei.

A crow with blood pupils hovered silently above the corpse puppet Yang Xu's head.

Li Wei's forehead was covered with sweat, and the wound on his body was still bleeding profusely. Because of the pain, his face was distorted to the point of deformity.

Even so, he still maintained a certain degree of sobriety.

He had already discovered these three warriors who approached sneakily through the blood-eyed crow.

It's just that he had to deal with his fellow disciples with all his strength just now, and he didn't have time to pay attention to these three miscellaneous fish.

Now that he was finally free, he asked Yang Xu, the corpse puppet, to get rid of the three small miscellaneous fish.

At the same time, Xiao Zhi pushed open the door of the Canggong Building in Linwu County, and walked in.

It’s a new week again, please recommend tickets~

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