This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1344 Qingming Tianmu

Xiao Zhi said at this time: "Okay, Lu Zhong, he is also a high-level demon god, so save him some face."

There is a saying: stay on the front line in life, so that we can meet each other in the future.

Although it was really cool to see Ku Luoxian knelt in front of him, but this Ku Luoxian would be regarded as a powerful thug on his side in the future, and he had to give him the necessary face.

After listening to Xiao Zhi's words, Lu Zhong snorted and relaxed his control over Ku Luo Xian.

After Ku Luoxian stood up, he still stared fiercely at Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi smiled lightly and said: "Ku Luoxian, although I have fought you twice, you must know that you and I have no enmity, the ones who have enmity with me are those two people who summoned you before, you don't have to If you hate me so much, winning or losing depends on your ability, doesn't it?"

Ku Luoxian stared fiercely at Xiao Zhi, and opened his mouth to spit out a few strange syllables: "If I come here in person, none of you small human beings will be my opponent."

"I believe." Xiao Zhi nodded, and said with a faint smile, "If Ku Luoxian came here in person, none of us would be your opponents. Even if we add them together, they won't be enough for you to kill."

Seeing that Xiao Zhi's attitude was not bad, Ku Luoxian's face looked a little better, and he opened his mouth again to spit out a few weird syllables: "Apologize to me, and sacrifice one billion lives to me, and I will forgive you for your treatment of me." offend."

Xiao Zhi said: "Okay, I apologize. I apologize to you on behalf of everyone. As for compensation, what do you think of the ten demon masters?"

Ku Luoxian stared, and spit out a few weird syllables: "Ten demon venerables? Ten demon venerables and you want to dismiss me? I am a high-level demon god!"

Xiao Zhi smiled lightly, and said, "Then eleven Yaozun, what do you think of Ku Luo Xian?"

The bargaining begins.

After some bargaining, finally, between Ku Luoxian and Xiao Zhi, a deal was made with fifteen demon masters.

Satisfied, Ku Luoxian left and returned to his world.

Xiao Zhi glanced at Lu Zhong, whose face was as pale as a sheet of paper, and said, "Lu Zhong, follow me."

After finishing speaking, he took Lu Zhong together and disappeared in front of everyone.

Not long after, the gray-black light like water flickered away, and Xiao Zhi reappeared in front of everyone with Lu Zhong.

At this time, Lu Zhong looked a little weak, but his face had almost returned to normal.

Zhao Yan walked over, patted Lu Zhong on the shoulder heavily, and said, "Lu Zhong, you were really a man just now, and you just knelt down that Ku Luoxian. I was shocked at the time."

"A real man!"

"Mr. Lu Zhong, you are really amazing!"

The other players also walked towards this side, and they all spoke in agreement.

Hearing this, Lu Chong shook his head and smiled wryly, "I was really happy at the time, but I got Brother Zhi in trouble, and Brother Zhi had to bow his head and apologize to that Ku Luoxian."

When he looked at Xiao Zhi, he was apologetic.

Xiao Zhi smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, the overall situation is the top priority. We will need this Ku Luo Xian in the future, so what's the point of a mere apology? I'm not that precious."

After a pause, he continued: "The fifteen demon masters who promised to be sacrificed to him still have to be arranged for him. For this kind of thing, we still have to keep our promise. I will find a way."

Lu Zhong said: "Brother Zhi, let me do this, and treat it as my actual combat training."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he nodded and said, "That's fine, then I'll leave this matter to you."

Soon after, Xiao Zhi took Li Kuo and left here.

When he left Shanhan Road and returned to Cangzhou Road, he still chose to travel through the chaotic space.

After successfully returning to the sea, Li Kuo entered the ice and snow cave in Iceland, where he continued to ponder his original magical powers.

Xiao Zhi sank to the bottom of the sea.

He didn't start practicing immediately, but sat cross-legged in the deep water, thinking about something.

"Lu Zhong is indeed very suitable for practicing summoning. If it is an ordinary demigod, after practicing [Kura Immortal], it would be good to be able to barely summon Kuluo Immortal, but he can forcibly control Kuluo Immortal, it is very rare to keep Ku Luoxian from going berserk and out of control. His spiritual body is still very powerful. '

"On the other hand, my obedient spirit body is useless after I become a god..."

‘It’s been more than ten days since the guard mission this time, and I don’t know what’s going on…’

'Qingyuan World has promised me that this time when the guardian mission is over, it can be exchanged for a three-star fairy art for me. '

‘I hope their guarding task this time will go well. If so, I will be able to obtain my three-star fairy art smoothly. '

'I don't know what this three-star fairy art will be. After all, it is random. I hope my luck will be better, and I can randomly find a fairy art that is useful to me, whether it is pupil art, invisibility, or defense art. I also admit it, in short, as long as it is useful...'

After sitting in the deep water and thinking wildly for a while, Xiao Zhi put away the distracting thoughts in his mind, calmed down, and started his cultivation.

In this way, several days passed.

On this day, Xiao Zhi was holding the Ziji Saber, and when he was studying his original supernatural power [Xuan Shui Dao], his expression suddenly moved slightly, and he sensed something calling him.

It is a sound transmission jade talisman.

Xiao Zhi immediately had a thought, and the sound transmission jade talisman that belonged to him appeared in front of him out of thin air.

The sound transmission jade talisman floated in the deep sea water, emitting a faint light, and the voice of Xiao Zhi's information specialist came out from it: "Zhishen, just now, the air wall at the border of the Qingyuan Empire has disappeared. Gone."

The disappearance of the air wall at the border of the Qingyuan Empire means that this time the defense mission has come to an end.

Xiao Zhi said, "Okay, I see."

As he spoke, he quickly calculated the time in his mind.

‘This time the defense mission lasts for 17 days, not more than 20 days, so this should be a regular defense mission. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

'Since it is a routine defense task, the kings of Qingyuan should not encounter any dangers, and there will be no casualties. '

'In this case, my three-star immortal technique should be safe, right? '

'I hope Qingyuan World can keep its promise and don't let me go. '

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but feel a little anticipation in his heart, but at the same time he was a little apprehensive.

Half a day passed in a flash, Xiao Zhi's heart skipped a beat, and he sensed something calling him.

Xiao Zhi immediately separated a ray of divine sense, and across a long distance, established contact with his divine avatar stationed in the dangerous land of Lingyun Mountain.

Deep in the perilous place of Lingyun Mountain, a transparent figure emerged from the pool, and quickly took on color. It was the clone Xiao Zhi.

At this time, King Yan's avatar was already standing on the surface of the pool.

Under the control of Xiao Zhi's spiritual thoughts, the avatar Xiao Zhi said, "King Yan, is the guard mission going well this time?"

Yan Wang said: "It's pretty smooth, this time it's just an ordinary defense mission, there's not much risk, we're having a pretty easy time."

"That's good." Xiao Zhi said with a smile.

After saying a few more words, Xiao Zhi asked: "King Yan, what are you talking about when you come to see me this time?"

King Yan glanced at Xiao Zhi, and said, "Brother Xiao Zhi, Lord Liusha has kept his promise and exchanged a three-star fairy art for you. I will send you this three-star fairy art later."

Already redeemed?

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this, and said, "What kind of fairy art has been exchanged?"

King Yan glanced at Xiao Zhi again, and said, "Brother Xiao Zhi, your luck is very good. Didn't you want to exchange for a pupil art-like fairy art before? What was exchanged was a pupil technique-like immortal technique."

"Really?" Xiao Zhi was overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly asked, "Then what is the name of this fairy art?"

Yan Wang paused and said: "Qingming Tianmu."

"Qingming Tianmu..." Xiao Zhi murmured, only thinking that the name of this fairy technique suits his liking, and felt even more delighted in his heart.

Half a day later, at the border of Dachang Kingdom, Xiao Zhi welcomed King Yan here.

"Brother Xiao Zhi, this is your fairy art." As King Yan said, he threw a green jade tablet at Xiao Zhi.

After Xiao Zhi took it, he looked carefully, and soon, a line of text appeared in front of him like flowing water:

[Qingming Tianmu]: Auxiliary three-star fairy art. Practicing this fairy art can greatly enhance your eyesight. When you practice to a high level, your eyes will evolve into the third eye. .

Xiao Zhi accepted the jade token satisfied, and said, "King Yan, would you like to go to Dachang Imperial City for a drink with me?"

King Yan shook his head with a smile on the other hand, and said, "No, next time, I'm about to make a breakthrough in one of my skills, and I have to go back and practice hard to strive for an early breakthrough."

Xiao Zhi nodded when he heard this, and said, "Cultivation is still important, so I'll give it to you."

Xiao Zhi sent Yan Wang thousands of miles away before returning.

Before returning to Canghai, he opened the entrance to his God Realm, and threw the green jade tablet with the [Qingming Tianmu] directly into his God Realm.

In Xiao Zhi's God Realm, there is a vast expanse of blue waves, and many people practice and understand the law of water movement in it. Among them are players and some aboriginal monks from the world of sentient beings.

It's just that Xiao Zhi's God Realm is extremely vast, and these people are just a drop in the ocean when they are in it.

As soon as the blue jade tablet entered the God Realm, the figure of Primordial Spirit Xiao Zhi appeared beside it out of thin air, holding it in his hand.

This is Xiao Zhi's God Realm. As long as Yuanshen Xiao Zhi wants, he can appear anywhere in this God Realm instantly.

【Qingming Tianmu】With the cheat book in hand, Yuanshen Xiao Zhi immediately chose a secluded place where no one would be disturbed, and began to study it.

[Qingming Tianmu] is studied by Yuanshen Xiao Zhi. In this way, Xiao Zhi himself does not need to study the cheats himself, and then is forced to be kicked offline by the sentient beings system.

This time for the return trip, Xiao Zhi still chose to travel through the chaotic space, so that he could not only become more familiar with the environment in the chaotic space, but also shorten the return time by more than double.

Three days later, in the deep sea, Xiao Zhi was in the deep water, comprehending the law of water flow, and suddenly felt something in his heart.

In the next second, a line of golden text appeared in front of his eyes like water:

‘Congratulations, player, after some study, you have started with the immortal art 【Qingming Tianmu】. '

All of a sudden, a force that was close to the rules was forcibly poured into Xiao Zhi's mind like an enlightenment.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help frowning and closed his eyes.

After a few seconds, he opened his eyes again.

At this time, his eyes have become different from before, with a blue light.

'It feels like...'

Xiao Zhi glanced in all directions, and then looked up to the top of his head.

'This [Qingming Tianmu] is only an entry-level one, and it feels like it is a bit stronger than my consummation-level [King Kong Dazzling Eye]. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

'It's not bad, but if that's all, it's still a bit disappointing...'

‘It’s not that it’s not strong enough, it’s that there’s nothing amazing about it. '

'After all, this is a three-star fairy art...'

'Try the ability to follow the law with words, and strengthen your eyesight. '

Xiao Zhi is an activist.

Immediately, he heard a vast voice that only Xiao Zhi could hear: "Make his vision five times better!"

Immediately, Xiao Zhi's field of vision became much wider, and everything he looked at appeared to be finely detailed. At the same time, the divine power in his body was also passing away at a terrifying speed.

Immediately afterwards, another vast voice said: "It will increase his eyesight by eight times!"

Xiao Zhi's field of vision has become wider, but that's all.

ten times!

Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth.

Immediately, another vast voice sounded: "Make his vision tenfold!"

At this moment, Xiao Zhi's eyes were like two blue gemstones, and the blue light that emerged reflected the dark sea water around him in blue.

At this moment, the quantitative change finally produced a qualitative change, and Xiao Zhi vaguely saw a dark world.

This is……

Xiao Zhi realized in an instant, this is the scene in the chaotic space!

He actually crossed the space and saw the scene in the chaotic space!

In the next second, the blue light in Xiao Zhi's eyes dimmed suddenly.

Ten times the eyesight, the consumption of divine power is too great.

Especially after he replaced [King Kong Dazzling Eye] with [Qingming Tianmu], his consumption became even greater.

Although the consumption increased, there was a smile on Xiao Zhi's face.

This [Qingming Tianmu] is indeed a three-star fairy art, and he can even see the scene in the chaotic space. Doesn't that mean that when he shuttles in the chaotic space, he can also rely on this [Qingming Tianmu]? Celestial Eye] to see the scene in the world of sentient beings?

You can give it a try!

Xiao Zhi is a man of action, and immediately started the experiment.

Seeing him cast [Wishful Body], his figure instantly shrank to the size of a peanut, and then he tore apart the space and entered the chaotic space.

In the chaotic space, Xiao Zhi, who was only the size of a peanut, opened a pair of blue eyes and looked at the huge silhouette of light and shadow in front of him.

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