This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1481 New Target

A few seconds later, the words belonging to Zhao Yan appeared in Xiao Zhi's mind: 'Wow! Brother Zhi, you have made a breakthrough, you have finally made a breakthrough, that's great, our Dachang World finally has a high god sitting in charge, hahahaha, I must hurry up and notify the United World Government of this good news! '

'Go ahead. ’ Xiao Zhi responded by typing with his divine sense.

At this time, Xiao Zhi was in a very happy mood.

Anyone who climbs the peak will feel very happy.

A few seconds later, the words belonging to Zhao Yan reappeared in Xiao Zhi's mind: "Okay! I'll go right away!"

Xiao Zhi didn't reply any more, but murmured in his heart: "I need to improve these kunyu tokens. When communicating across borders, it's so slow to communicate with the simplest text. It's unbearable." ...'

Before, he was only a mid-level god with limited strength, so it was difficult to improve his kunyu tokens.

It's different now, he is already a high-level deity, with his current strength, even if he doesn't optimize the Kunyu tokens, just re-condense a few, his communication ability will be better than those of the original Kunyu tokens Much better.

In the world of sentient beings, in a certain absolute domain, on a peak that pierces into the sky, Zhao Yan sat cross-legged with his eyes closed.

Around him, there were two divine swords exuding a faint divine light, swimming like fish, protecting his safety.

Not long after, Zhao Yan opened his eyes.

There was a strong sense of joy on his face.

For Xiao Zhi's breakthrough, his heart is full of joy, and he is sincerely happy for Xiao Zhi.

However, after a while, he seemed to think of something, and the joy on his face faded away, revealing a hint of disappointment.

He thought of himself.

His elder brother is now a high-level god, a powerful figure standing on top of the world, and what about him? He is still only a low-level god now, and there is still a relatively long distance from the middle-level gods.

It's not that he didn't practice hard enough. In fact, he has always practiced harder and harder.

However, the law of space is a relatively rare law, and it is relatively difficult to cultivate. In addition to various factors such as talent and luck, he can go as far as he wants to go in the space.

'How far can I go on this road? '

At this moment, Zhao Yan felt a little dazed in his heart.

But soon, Zhao Yan suppressed the confusion in his heart, and his eyes became firm again.

'Since you have chosen the space, you have to go on unswervingly, how can there be any reason to give up halfway? '

Zhao Yan waved his hand, and a palm-sized kun fish jumped out of the storage ring he was wearing.

Zhao Yan began to send text messages to Xiao Zhi through the Kunyu token in front of him.

A few seconds later, the text belonging to Zhao Yan appeared in Xiao Zhi's mind again: "Brother Zhi, I have notified the World United Government of your breakthrough, and the senior officials of the World United Government are also very excited." , They want to hold a grand celebration for Brother Zhi after you return, and celebrate with the whole world, to celebrate Brother Zhi's breakthrough and becoming a high god. '

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he thought for a while, and typed back with his divine sense: "No need, at the beginning, in order to deter the player world from the transferred area, I had the title of Emperor Yongchang. In the external publicity, even in the In the internal publicity, at that time, I was already a high-level god. Now, if the United World Government organizes another celebration for this matter, wouldn't it be slapping myself in the face? '

A few seconds later, a text belonging to Zhao Yan came over: 'That's right, so what's the matter? Brother Zhi, you have been promoted to a high god, which is a great thing for our Dachang world, so it is impossible not to celebrate at all, right? '

Xiao Zhi: ‘There’s no need to celebrate, I’m notifying you about this just to let you know what’s going on in your heart, I don’t care about these vain things. '

He really doesn't care.

After the strength broke through to the high god level, Xiao Zhi's heart changed again, and his mentality became more detached.

He really didn't care much about some things that ordinary people might care about.

Zhao Yan: 'Okay then, brother Zhi, when will you come back? '

Xiao Zhi: 'I'm on my way back now. '

Zhao Yan: 'Come back? Brother Zhi, why didn't you choose to send it back? It only takes 100 sky points to send it back, Brother Zhi, you have so many sky points in your name, and you still pick it up like this...'

Xiao Zhi: '100 sky points, this is half a book of immortality, anyway, I have nothing urgent to come back now, so there is no need to waste these 100 sky points. '

Zhao Yan: "Okay then, brother Zhi, remember to notify me as soon as you come back, if the whole world can't celebrate together, then let's get together and let us celebrate for you, it's okay now, right?" ? '

Xiao Zhi couldn't help laughing after 'seeing' this line of text, and typed back with divine sense: 'Yes. '

After the exchange, Xiao Zhi held the black umbrella and took Li Kuo with him, continuing to fly forward through the air at three times the speed.

Not long after, Xiao Zhi rushed out of the Tianhu Lake with Li Kuo.

After another period of time, a desolate and dead land appeared in Xiao Zhi's field of vision.

In Xiao Zhi's eyes, a bright blue light burst out, staring at the desolate and dead land ahead.

He compared what he saw in front of him with what he saw more than two months ago in his memory, and he got the result in an instant:

The desolate and dead land in front of me has expanded a little more in the past two months.

Although the expansion is not too much, it is only less than ten feet, but it has expanded after all.

This is not a good thing.

This means that the situation in his big world is still deteriorating.

This made Xiao Zhi's originally good mood suddenly turn bad.

Xiao Zhi took a deep breath and suppressed the negative emotions in his heart, and his mood improved a bit.

'The high god is not the end, above the high god, there is a supreme being like the emperor of heaven. '

'My next goal is to become a powerhouse like Emperor Kongtian! '

'Only by becoming the most powerful person, in the current bad environment, can I truly have the power to protect myself in the face of large-scale invasions from other big worlds! ’ Xiao Zhi said silently in his heart.

In this way, Xiao Zhi silently set a new goal for himself in his heart - to become the strongest!

Next, for this goal, he will work hard, work hard, and try his best to achieve this goal at the fastest speed!

One day later, in the world of sentient beings, in the Dachang Imperial City, in one of the best restaurants in the Dachang Imperial City.

Lu Zhong, Zhao Yan, Luo Yiyi, Gorea and other god-level players from Dachang World gathered here to clean up the dust for Xiao Zhi.

Not only them, even Hu Yang, a demigod who existed as a fire seed, rushed over.

In addition to Hu Yang, Xiao Zhi also specially invited Yan Wang from Qingyuan World.

In the private room of the restaurant, the atmosphere seemed very warm, and everyone presented congratulatory gifts to Xiao Zhi one after another. After presenting the congratulatory gifts, Lu Zhong and others raised their glasses together to express their congratulations to Xiao Zhi.

"Thank you." Xiao Zhi said with a smile. After finishing speaking, he raised his neck and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Lu Zhong asked: "Brother Zhi, you have already completed the law of the movement of water, so do you want to go to the sky to practice in the lake?"

Xiao Zhi shook his head with a smile, and said, "No need, I will basically stay in the world of sentient beings from now on, but..."

"But what?" Everyone looked at Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi said: "However, today's Tianhu Lake is a holy place for practicing the law of water movement. I have reached an agreement with the Lilong in Tianhu Lake. I will guide a group of people who practice the law of water movement. , go to the Tianhu to practice, and the high god-level Lilong is responsible for protecting these practitioners."

Hearing this, Zhao Yan couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and said, "That's a good relationship, brother Zhi, you can bring more people to heaven, and go to practice in the lake that day. Maybe in a few years or ten years, there will be several people like Brother Zhi." A water god like you is born."

King Yan who was sitting beside him didn't speak, but his face showed a rather excited expression.

As Xiao Zhi's friend, Dachang World was very polite to him, and never concealed many confidential matters from him. Therefore, he also knew about Tianhu.

He thought of King Quicksand.

After the rebirth of the Quicksand King, as in his previous life, he practiced the law of water movement.

"If Lord Quicksand can go to the Heavenly Lake to practice..."

Seemingly seeing what King Yan was thinking, at this moment, Xiao Zhi glanced at him with a half-smile.

Lu Zhong pondered at this moment: "I don't know if that Lilong is reliable or not, if it is not reliable, then if we lure our players there, we don't know if it will be a blessing or a curse. "

Xiao Zhi said: "This is an old-fashioned statement. To be honest, I am not completely sure whether this Lilong is trustworthy. Therefore, if our players are going to practice in Tianhu, they must take certain risks. "

Zhao Yan said: "There is no danger in what to do? Danger and opportunity coexist. At that time, when we recruit people, we can tell the danger in advance. If they are afraid, they should not go. If they insist on going, they must go." Be aware of taking risks.”

Xiao Zhi nodded and said, "Yes."

After a pause, he said: "If you want to recruit players, let's recruit 200 people for the time being. Our Dachang World has 100 places, Dachang Country's aborigines have 50 places, and our ally Qingyuan World has 50 places. What do you think?"

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, and there was no objection to this.

Only Zhao Yan wondered, "Why are there so few people?"

Xiao Zhi glanced at him and said, "Is the road to the sky so easy for you? When I was not yet a high god, it was a bit difficult for me to embark on this road to the sky alone. I just cultivated it." It is only because of Gaoshen that I dare to take so many people to the sky together, if there are more people, I may not be able to guarantee the safety of these people."

"That's it." Zhao Yan nodded and said nothing more.

"It's not too late, I will notify the United World Government of this matter now." Lu Zhong said.

After speaking, Lu Zhong, who was sitting on the seat, immediately closed his eyes.

"I will also report this matter to my Qingyuan World." After finishing speaking, King Yan smiled apologetically at Xiao Zhi and closed his eyes.

Zhao Yan said at this time: "Brother Zhi, you are already a master now, what are your plans next?"

'Intend? I definitely want to become the strongest in the future! '

Although thinking so in his heart, Xiao Zhi said: "Next, I plan to do a special task released by the sentient beings system, earn some authority points, and raise the authority level."

Hearing this, Zhao Yan nodded, and said, "Brother Zhi, you really should raise the authority level. As long as you raise the authority level to level 3, you will be eligible to exchange for the Six-Star Immortal Art. This is the Six-Star Immortal. Art, brother Zhi, your [Dawei Tianwang Dharma] is just a five-star fairy art, which is already beyond compare. I really want to take a look and see how powerful the six-star fairy art can be, and how powerful it is. I really look forward to it..."

Luo Yiyi said at this time: "Zhishen, the sky points under your name should be enough to exchange for two six-star fairy arts, right?"

"It's not enough." Xiao Zhi shook his head lightly, and said, "It takes a bit more to exchange two six-star fairy arts, and I'm still a little short of it, but it shouldn't take too long, in another one or two years It looks like it should be able to get together."

"At that time, Brother Zhi, you have two six-star immortal arts in hand, and your strength will be improved to a higher level. You will definitely be able to block and kill gods and Buddhas. Even those heavenly emperors will have to be afraid of you when they see you!" Zhao Yan said with a smile.

"It's not so exaggerated." Xiao Zhi smiled and shook his head upon hearing this.

Although he was full of vigor and self-confidence after breaking through to become a high god, he still had a clear understanding of his own strength.

Once he has mastered two six-star celestial arts at the same time, and has cultivated these two six-star celestial arts to a high level, he should be able to meet those veteran masters of the overlord world. After becoming the strongest person at the emperor level, he still only has the role of being crushed.

The existence of a Celestial Emperor Xeon is really terrifying. He only needs to change the rules of the world a little bit, and his strength will be pushed to the end, making him completely unbeatable.

Goreya said: "After the return of the great emperor, once the seven-colored treasure appears in the Sumeru world of all lives, we will also be able to compete."

Xiao Zhi smiled and said, "The next time the colorful treasure appears, I will take it."

More than an hour passed, and after drinking and eating, everyone left the restaurant.

Everyone is a powerful generation, and soon, the figures of the people dispersed and disappeared in the Dachang Imperial City.

Hu Yang walked silently on the streets of Dachang Imperial City.

As he was walking, a voice suddenly rang in his ears: "Huyang, I haven't seen you for a long time, follow me to the mansion, how about it?"

This voice belongs to Xiao Zhi.

Thank you Xiaobaga who rides a dragon for the reward. To be honest, I have been in pain for more than a month. My dad’s blood pressure soared to 230 during the physical examination. Such a high blood pressure scared me at the time. When I got down, my mother had diabetes, and my eyes were blurred. I confirmed it was diabetes through Baidu. After I went to the hospital, I was diagnosed with diabetes and was hospitalized immediately. I thought it was not too serious at the time, but it was written in the discharge report The diagnosis result gave me a slap in the face-adult late-onset diabetes, which is also type 1.5 diabetes.

This is a disease that is infinitely close to type 1 diabetes.

When my mother was hospitalized, I prayed every day not to be type 1.

As a result, hahahaha, fucking type 1!

At that time, I really felt that the sky was going to fall, but when I faced my mother, I could only cry to my heart, and smiled and told her that it was all right. Now that the technology is so advanced, the disease may come back after a few years. hoped.

I was most afraid of injections in my life, but for the next month or so, I used needles to inject insulin and measure blood sugar for my mother every day.

After more than a month, I went to the hospital for a re-examination. The doctor prescribed medicine and said to try to take the medicine to see if it can be controlled. After all, according to the saying on the Internet, this thing may last for another year or a half. .

As a result, the first and second days were fine, but today her blood sugar exploded, it was after 21:00!

I can't hold back the medicine.

I was in the worst mood at the time.

Why is this happening?

I was very depressed during this time, and I felt much better when I said it, and let everyone see the joke.

May the world be disease-free.

May you all be well.

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