This Game is Unusual

Chapter 151 Night Watch

Xiao Zhi still takes his own life very seriously.

Although with his current strength, not to mention encountering wild beasts, even fierce beasts, he can easily kill them, but what if he is unlucky and encounters even more powerful monsters?

Although this possibility is not great, what if, what if it happens?

It was precisely because Boss Ba was too confident in his own strength that he didn't take Qi Juqi Pills to replenish his true energy beforehand, so he capsized in the gutter and died in the hands of him who was only an acquired extreme warrior at that time.

This is a lesson learned.

Thinking of this in his heart, Xiao Zhi didn't feel sorry for the elixir anymore, he just raised his neck and swallowed the qi-gathering elixir in his hand.

Although the Qi Ju Pill may look black or not, it melts in the mouth, turning into a somewhat bitter liquid that flows down the throat.

Xiao Zhi only felt the warmth between his chest and abdomen, as if there was a small flame burning between his chest and abdomen, warm but not scorching hot.

This is the first time that Xiao Zhi has swallowed the elixir of Juqi Pill.

When Xiao Zhi took the Juqi Pill, he didn't avoid Li Pingfeng and the others.

Li Pingfeng couldn't help but said: "Xiao Zhi, what you just ate was a Qi-gathering pill?"

"Yes." Xiao Zhi nodded, and said with a smile: "I don't have much zhenqi left in my body, take a Qi gathering pill and replenish it."

Li Pingfeng was silent for a while, and said: "That evil cultivator has already been killed by us, so there's no need for it?"

Xiao Zhi smiled: "This is the wilderness after all, so be careful when sailing for thousands of years."

Li Pingfeng thought for a while and said, "It makes sense."

He took out the Qi Gathering Pill that Xiao Zhi had given him before, and said, "I don't have much zhenqi left in my body, 49% of the zhenqi reserves, or I'll spend it extravagantly. Swallow it?"

Duan Yi also took out his Qi Gathering Pill, and said with a smile: "The true energy reserves in my body are even less, only 29% left. If you swallow it, Young Master Li, I will swallow it with you."

Xie Ke also took out his Qi Gathering Pill: "Real Qi reserve, 45%."

"Then swallow it together." Li Pingfeng said with a smile: "Anyway, the pill was given by you brother Zhi, so I don't feel bad if I swallow it."

While speaking, he followed Xiao Zhi's example, raised his neck, and swallowed the Qi Ju Qi pill.

Xiao Zhi: "..."

"Together together." Duan Yi also smiled and swallowed the Qi Gathering Pill.

Xie Ke didn't speak, but also swallowed the Qi Gathering Pill.

The effect of gathering gas pills is still there.

After swallowing the Qi Gathering Pill, Xiao Zhi looked inside himself from time to time, and he found that, about every half minute, the percentage value representing the true energy reserve would jump.

40%... 41%... 42%...

Although this value jumps very slowly, compared to meditating and exhaling, this recovery speed is already like a rocket.

After taking the Qi Gathering Pill, several people talked about the distribution of the spoils this time.

After pondering for a while, Li Pingfeng opened his mouth and said: "Xiao Zhi will share 40% of the spoils obtained from this operation, and the three of us, Duan Yi and Xie Ke, will share 15% each, and the remaining 15% will be deposited in Changping." The club, as a fund for the team, do you have any objections?"

Xiao Zhi didn't say anything.

Duan Yi shook his head indifferently, expressing that he had no objection.

After being silent for a few seconds, Xie Ke said, "Young Master Li, I killed that evil cultivator."

Li Pingfeng glanced at him, and said: "It is true that you killed the evil cultivator, but if Duan Yi and I hadn't desperately entangled that powerful corpse puppet, would you have a chance to kill this evil cultivator? You have seen the strength of Puppet Yang Xu. He is the most powerful corpse puppet under this evil cultivator. Even if the three of us fight together, we may not be his opponent. If it weren't for your brother Zhi to hold him back , Just the three of us, can we kill that evil cultivator?"

Xie Ke fell silent, and after a few seconds he said sullenly, "I have no objection."

After about a quarter of an hour, the percentage value representing the true energy reserve finally stopped beating.

True gas reserves: 96%.

The value was finally fixed at 96%.

Before Xiao Zhi took the pill, his zhenqi reserve was 39%, and when the effect of Juqi Pill disappeared, his zhenqi reserve was 96%.

This energy-gathering pill restored 57% of his true energy.

A Qi Gathering Pill can restore full Qi to the innate early stage warriors who have exhausted their True Qi.

The true qi reserves in the body of the high-level congenital warriors obviously exceeded the early-congenital level.

To restore full qi to a congenital high-level martial artist who has exhausted his qi, it would take two energy-gathering pills.

At this time, the two official visitors had already covered their hands in their sleeves, lying down by the campfire and fell asleep.

The world of sentient beings is no more nightlife than the real world, so the aborigines in the world of sentient beings often go to bed very early.

Players like Xiao Zhi and the others don't have the habit of going to bed early.

It was only 8pm and they couldn't sleep at all.

So, Xiao Zhi and the other four sat by the campfire, practicing innate skills and chatting.

After all, strength comes from little by little cultivation, not out of thin air.

It wasn't until close to midnight that several people stopped practicing one after another.

Xiao Zhi collected some firewood from the forest beside the stream, added it to the bonfire, and said, "For the night watch, Xie Ke and I will watch the first half of the night, and Li Shao and Duan Yi will watch the second midnight. Do you have any objections?"

"No objection." Li Pingfeng and the others shook their heads, expressing that they had no objection.

After the night watch was assigned, Li Pingfeng and Duan Yi lay down beside the campfire and fell asleep.

Xiao Zhi and Xie Ke sat in front of the bonfire and started the night watch.

Xie Ke is not very talkative, and Xiao Zhi didn't bother to chat with him.

The two sat a few meters apart, both thinking about their own affairs.

After sitting there for half an hour.

Xiao Zhi got up and walked out of the area covered by the light of the fire.

Yang Xu's body was tied up with a special rope, lying quietly under a big tree.

When Xiao Zhi approached, his heart suddenly twitched.

He was a little shocked to find that Yang Xu's eyes were open at this moment!

His eyes were obviously closed before!

Is this... a fraudulent corpse?

Xiao Zhi took several deep breaths in a row, and then suppressed the throbbing in his heart.

What are you afraid of? This is not the real world, but the world of sentient beings!

In the real world, he is just an ordinary person, but in the world of sentient beings, he is a powerful innate high-level warrior!

He wasn't even afraid of the corpse puppets refined by evil cultivators, so he was afraid of this mere corpse?

Thinking of these things in his heart, Xiao Zhi gradually calmed down, and he no longer felt afraid.

He simply squatted beside Yang Xu, just staring at Yang Xu's open eyes.

Yang Xu's eyes were no longer blood red, but turned into a dark green.

He moved his eyeballs slightly, and also looked at Xiao Zhi.

The eyes can move, it really is a fraud!

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