This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1576 The Supreme God of the Heavenly Realm

Capital of Heaven...

Although Xiao Zhi has never been to this celestial realm, Xiao Zhi has a certain impression of this celestial realm.

Because this is the heaven, it is Zhen Lan's hometown, and it is also the hometown of the god and demon Liang Sheng.

In order to compete for the supremacy of the gods in this world, Zhenlan and Liangsheng fought all the way from the world of heaven to the world of sentient beings, and beat out the dog's brains. As a result, Zhenlan's strength was even better. After being killed, his remains were sealed in the world of sentient beings.

Although Zhen Lan won this battle, his strength was also greatly damaged.

The place where the remains of the gods and demons were sealed, eventually evolved into the current Mountain and Cold Absolute Territory.

The final result is: after the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole, the supreme god of Dutian Realm did not fall on Zhenlan's head in the end, but was snatched away by another powerful god.

In the end, Zhen Lan was seriously injured and killed, and fell into the Heavenly Realm. If he hadn't still had the hole card of [All Thoughts Returning to One], he might have died completely at that time...

Things about Zhen Lan flashed through Xiao Zhi's mind one by one like a revolving lantern.

'Time flies so fast, before you know it, Zhen Lan has been away from the world of sentient beings for many years. '

'Since he left, there has been no contact between me and him. '

'I don't know what's going on with him now. '

'He said that he was going back to the Heavenly Realm to find his remains so that he could make a comeback, but he didn't know if he had found them. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

At that time, I promised him that if I could become a high-level god in the future, I would go to the capital of heaven to help him. As a result, after I became a high-level god, I was involved in various things , There is no time to keep this promise, and go to the capital to find him...' Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

'This time is a good opportunity. '

'As long as I accept this task of going to the Capital Heaven Realm to clear up the invaders outside the boundary, I will be directly sent to the Capital Heaven Realm by the sentient beings system. In this way, I will not even have to travel. '

‘Well... let’s see how difficult this task is in Dutian Realm. '

The easiest way to gauge the difficulty of a task is to look at its rewards.

The higher the reward, the higher the difficulty, and vice versa, the lower the difficulty.

Soon, Xiao Zhi saw clearly the relevant content of Du Tianjie's mission.

‘Is the reward for this task 500 authority points? This means that this task is a bit difficult, but it is still within my acceptable range. '

'Then, should I take this task or not? ’ Xiao Zhi thought in his heart.

After thinking for a long time, he made a decision in his heart.

'catch! '

'Since the sentient beings system has released this task, it means that the situation in the capital world is not optimistic. '

'In this case, Zhen Lan may also be in danger. '

'Zhen Lan helped me a lot at that time, I can't just ignore death...'

Now that he had made a decision in his heart, Xiao Zhi didn't hesitate, and directly raised his hand, pointing at the line of bloody words representing the mission of Du Tianjie.

Soon, two system prompts popped up one after another:

'You have accepted this quest. '

‘The task has been accepted successfully, and the transmission will begin soon. '

A countdown appeared at the edge of Xiao Zhi's field of vision: '3...2...1...'

When the countdown reached 0, Xiao Zhi only felt his eyes go dark, and he felt in a trance.

This trance feeling came and went quickly, and when Xiao Zhi regained consciousness, the scene he saw was completely different from before.

At this time, Xiao Zhi was floating in the sky. What he could see was a clear blue sky, and below him, there were densely vegetated mountains and forests, rolling and rolling, with no end in sight, and rivers and lakes dotted among them. , a scene of green mountains and green waters.

According to the old rules, Xiao Zhi opened the [Qingming Tianmu] as soon as he came to the heaven, and his eyes instantly turned green and looked in all directions.

After looking around in all directions, Xiao Zhi didn't find anything unusual for the time being, and he couldn't help thinking in his heart: "Is this Dutian Realm... The environment of Dutian Realm is pretty good. In terms of environment alone, compared to the Heaven Realm, It's too strong. '

‘This world actually suppresses my strength to some extent, but this suppression is nothing compared to the Heaven Realm. '

Because the black umbrella is being used by the soul in the pure land of all living beings, Xiao Zhi cannot use the black umbrella for the time being.

Seeing Xiao Zhi's figure flicker, he turned into an afterimage and disappeared into the air. When he reappeared, he was already standing on the surface of a lake dozens of miles away.

Through the clear and emerald green lake water, he could see that there were big fish swimming in the lake water.

The fish looked delicious at first glance, but Xiao Zhi had no interest in them. He waved lightly, and a snow lotus petal emerged out of thin air and floated in front of his eyes.

This is the token that Zhen Lan once gave him.

Since Zhen Lan left the world of sentient beings, this token has never responded.

Xiao Zhi thinks it should be because the distance is too far away.

But now, he has come to Dutian Realm, and should already be in the same plane world as Zhen Lan. In this case, he should be able to contact Zhen Lan with the snow lotus petals, right?

Xiao Zhi began to try to contact Zhen Lan through the snow lotus petals in front of him.

As a result, a few seconds passed, and the snow lotus petals floating in front of his eyes did not change in any way.

Ten seconds passed, and the snow lotus petals floating in front of his eyes still hadn't changed in any way.

'Why can't I contact Zhenlan? '

'What exactly is going on? ’ Xiao Zhi’s face gradually became ugly.

With a thought, Xiao Zhi collected the snow lotus petals, and then his figure soared into the sky, reaching the height of ten thousand feet in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Zhi opened his blue eyes, turned his head again, and looked in all directions.

As a result, this time, Xiao Zhi still didn't find anything unusual.

Xiao Zhi continued to fly towards the sky.

As the altitude continued to increase, a strong wind began to appear in the sky. This strong wind was like an invisible bone-scraping steel knife. To Xiao Zhi, the strong wind is not worth mentioning.

Soon, Xiao Zhi had arrived at a height of 100,000 feet above the ground.

Then he heard a vast voice that only he could hear: "Make his eyesight tenfold!"

Immediately, the bluish green light that burst out from Xiao Zhi's eyes became real, like two green laser beams.

After strengthening his eyesight ten times, Xiao Zhi turned his head again and looked in all directions.

This time, Xiao Zhi finally had something to gain.

I saw that his head suddenly froze after turning half a circle.

As far as his eyes could see, in the distant sky, there was a flash of light.

Xiao Zhi could tell at a glance that this light was not lightning, but a vision of the strong when they were fighting.

'There are strong men fighting over there! '

Xiao Zhi's figure flickered, and immediately turned into a stream of afterimage, flying towards the direction from which the vision came.

Then he heard a vast voice that only he could hear: "Increase his speed by five times!"

Immediately, Xiao Zhi's flying speed skyrocketed, reaching an extremely exaggerated level, as fast as teleportation.

Relying on the speed blessed by the ability of "Speaking out the law", it didn't take long for Xiao Zhi to cross a long distance and approach the place where the battle took place.

This is a huge barren land with a radius of more than ten thousand miles. There is no vegetation, no mountains, no water source, and there is only a faint black mist that pervades the sky above it.

This barren land looks extremely abrupt in the densely-vegetated and lush capital world.

And the battle took place in this barren land.

The two warring parties, one side is a towering tree with a height of more than a thousand feet. This tree is not only huge, but its leaves are also different. It looks like a green sword, densely inserted in the on the tree body.

These leaves don't just look like swords. When this towering giant tree is fighting, these sword-like leaves are like real swords. They break away from the big tree and turn into a rain of swords, roaring in the air.

On the other side of the battle is a humanoid monster.

This humanoid monster is also huge, with a height of more than two hundred feet. It has gray-white hair, a mouth full of fangs, and sharp claws.

Whether it's the towering giant tree or this huge humanoid monster, they all exude a terrifying aura of high god level.

Especially this humanoid monster, with a faint black glow exuding from its body.

With the existence of this circle of black light, the identity of this humanoid monster is ready to be revealed: this should be a powerful invader from outside the realm!

Those who will be marked with black awns by the sentient beings system, one is a different kind, and the other is an intruder from outside the realm.

In this mission, the sentient beings system didn't mention aliens, only invaders from outside the realm, so the humanoid monster in front of me is most likely an invader from outside the realm!

Xiao Zhi, who was in a hidden state, hovered high above the sky, and was sizing up the humanoid monster in front of him.

‘It’s really hard to find a place to go through the iron shoes, and it’s easy to get here. The goal of this mission has been found. ’ Xiao Zhi could not help squinting his eyes.

‘I just don’t know if there are any other intruders from other realms in this heaven…’

At this time, the towering giant tree was waving its branches, frantically beating the humanoid monster in front of it.

At the same time, the rain of swords transformed from the leaves on its body was attacking the humanoid monster in front of it like a violent storm from all directions.

At this time, the humanoid monster also displayed extremely terrifying combat effectiveness.

Although this humanoid monster is huge in size, its body is incredibly agile. It jumped up and down in this barren land, perfectly avoiding all the branches that hit it, and also avoiding most of the green swords that attacked him.

Because of its extreme speed of dodging and moving, its afterimages can be seen everywhere on the battlefield.


The humanoid monster stopped suddenly, let out a roar like a tiger and wolf, and clenched its left arm into a fist, which instantly turned into pitch black, and blasted forward.


The space was shattered at this moment.

The several sharp branches that struck from the front were instantly blasted into sawdust.

The green swords attacking directly in front of them were instantly smashed into powder.

After one blow, the monster retracted its fists and retreated, its huge body dragged out afterimages in the air, and a series of piercing sonic booms, and perfectly avoided a series of attacks from the towering giant trees.

High above the sky, Xiao Zhi, who was in a hidden state, couldn't help but become serious when he saw this scene.

The attack power displayed by this monster is a bit scary.

As far as this attack power is concerned, let alone an ordinary high god, even if he is matched, he must be treated with caution.

The strength of the tree demon fighting this monster should not be underestimated, at least reaching the level of a powerful god.

Where is this dryad sacred?

Just when Xiao Zhi was thinking about this, the humanoid monster rushed towards the tree demon.

The figure of this humanoid monster was still extremely agile, and in an instant, it transformed into dozens of afterimages, avoiding the whipping and interception of hundreds of branches, and approached the tree demon.

After bullying, the humanoid monster once again swung its fist.


The space was bombarded once again.

It punched firmly on the tree demon's trunk.

The part of the tree trunk hit by this punch was directly shattered into sawdust.

At this moment, the dryad screamed in pain, its branches trembled, its leaves danced wildly, its huge body retreated desperately, trying to get rid of the entanglement of this humanoid monster.

However, the human-shaped monster stuck in front of the tree demon like a shadow, until countless branches stabbed at it like a spear, and then it swayed and moved thousands of feet to one side, avoiding it. The attack of these branches.

The Dryad continued to retreat, and space ripples appeared around its body that were visible to the naked eye.

The next moment, the tree demon disappeared in the same place out of thin air, and when it reappeared, it was already thousands of miles away, leaving the barren area and floating above a dense forest.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi's pupils couldn't help shrinking.

His eyes are very vicious now, he can tell at a glance that the teleportation method displayed by this tree demon is extraordinary, this tree demon is actually borrowing the power of heaven and earth to teleport!

Under normal circumstances, the only one who can teleport with the power of heaven and earth is the Supreme God of this world!

That is to say, the powerful tree demon of the high god level in front of him is very likely to be the supreme god of the heavens!

After leaving the barren area by means of teleportation, the dryad hovered over the dense forest, with a green glow full of life shining all over his body, and he was repairing the heavy injury on the trunk.

The humanoid monster floated high into the sky, and shouted at the tree demon thousands of miles away: "The so-called Supreme God in this world is nothing more than that!"

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