This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1595 Large-Scale Invasion

For a moment, everyone's eyes, including Xiao Zhi's, fell on the battlefield where Luo Yiyi was.

‘It’s been a few years since I’ve seen you, and Luo Yiyi’s strength has become stronger again. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

Under his gaze, Luo Yiyi seemed to be the reincarnation of a killing god, killing those faceless monsters like chopping melons and vegetables.

Soon, Roy Yi killed all the faceless monsters on the battlefield.

When the faceless monster no longer emerged from the bloody vortex, Roy Yi dragged her magic iron epee backwards and flew towards the original place.

Xiao Zhi asked at this time: "Luo Yiyi, you have become stronger again, you are now not far from the high god level, right?"

The others were also looking at Luo Yiyi from a distance.

Luo Yiyi respectfully replied: "Zhishen, there is still a gap between me and the high god level."

Xiao Zhi nodded, and said with a smile: "Keep working hard. When you become a high god, there will be two high gods in my Dachang world. Judging from your fighting power at the middle god level, when you break through to After the high god level, your combat power may be stronger than mine."

Luo Yiyi hurriedly said: "I dare not compare myself with Zhishen you."

Xiao Zhi smiled and said no more.

In a flash, several hours passed.

Among the bloody vortexes hanging in the sky, another one sped up and spun, and one after another bloody figures flew out of the bloody vortex like cannonballs.

"Finally it's our turn." Hu Yang shouted loudly.

"Kill the enemy!" Zhu Changwu's body crackled, and a dazzling blue and white arc emerged from his body.

"Kill the enemy!" The new god Maiti also roared, and his body instantly glowed with a golden luster, turning into a silvery white.

Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged on top of the black cloud, his eyes fell on Hu Yang.

This was Hu Yang's first battle after breaking through to become a Central God, so he wanted to take a look to see what level of strength Hu Yang had reached.

'What a speed! ’ Xiao Zhi’s face soon showed a hint of surprise.

‘However, it is normal for Hu Yang to have such a speed. After all, he also has the ability to make wishes, and can rely on the ability to bless his own speed. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

'Hmm... The speed that Hu Yang blesses himself through the wish-making ability should be about double. '

‘The reason for the double is probably because he doesn’t want to spend too much power on it. '

Soon, Hu Yang brought Zhu Changwu and Mai Ti to fight with those faceless monsters.

Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged on top of the black cloud to watch the battle, with a satisfied expression on his face.

Overall, Hu Yang's combat prowess is still very good, barely reaching the level of a top god.

This is because the time for him to break through to the middle god level is still short, and his background is not deep enough.

Over time, his strength will only become stronger and stronger. Because of the wish-making immortal art of [Small Words and Great Justice], it is possible for his strength in the middle god stage to reach Luo Yiyi's current level. .

Xiao Zhi was satisfied with the fighting power shown by Hu Yang.

Zhu Changwu also played very fiercely. All kinds of lightning-type magical powers should not be thrown out like money. The lightning-type magical powers he cast had a large coverage area and high damage. Only the faceless monster was turned into coke by electricity.

Although the new God Maiti is weak, he is still fighting very hard.

He is the only god-level player in India and the hope of the entire India.

Although the current Dachang world has become unprecedentedly unified, the boundaries between countries have become increasingly blurred.

But the thoughts and concepts engraved in people's bones are not so easy to change.

The small country is better. Gorea, who was born in a small country, has already transferred his body to the Kyoto defense circle, and then moved his family to the Kyoto defense circle.

It was not so easy for Maiti, who was born in a big country like India, to really integrate into it.

It's not that Lu Zhong and the others are unwilling to accept him, but that as the only god-level player in India, he has too many burdens to bear.

Bearing these burdens, Mai Ti had to practice hard and fight hard.

After all, the stronger he is, the higher the voice of the Indian country behind him will be in the world's joint government.

The current world joint government is almost decided by Xia Guo's family.

Lu Zhong and the others are actually well aware of Mai Ti's little thoughts.

In this regard, they don't take it very seriously.

It's just a newly promoted Chushen, how much trouble can it cause in the current Dachang world?

If Maiti can be more powerful and become a central god or even a high god in the future, it is actually not impossible to give India behind him more say.

Let's see if Matty has this ability...

Soon after, the Faceless Monster was wiped out, the battle ended smoothly, and the three of Huyang returned to their original positions.

The whole process was watched by Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi didn't make a move.

As long as Hu Yang and the others did not encounter a crisis that could threaten their lives, he would not take action.

In the following time, every once in a while, one or two bloody vortexes will rotate at an accelerated speed, from which dozens or hundreds of faceless monsters will spew out.

These invading faceless monsters were quickly wiped out by everyone in Dachang World.

Xiao Zhi never made a move, even if the faceless monster invaded the area he was in charge of, he would not do it himself.

After all, those high-level thugs under his command are not decorations.

Xiao Zhi just sat quietly on top of a cloud of black clouds, observing the overall situation while silently thinking about some things in his heart.

Suddenly, he said: "When killing these faceless monsters in the future, try to use long-range attacks and avoid close combat."

His voice was not loud, but it was easily transmitted to everyone's ears, as if he was speaking in the ears of everyone.

But in a place a little far away from the crowd, his voice could not be heard.

Let the sound spread thousands of miles, thousands of miles, let alone god-level players, even Nascent Soul players and even Golden Core players can do it.

One-on-one voice transmission, everyone knows how to do it.

But they couldn't achieve Xiao Zhi's precise projection of voice, so that the voice appeared in the ears of several people at the same time without leaking out.

Xiao Zhi couldn't do this before, but now, relying on the Dacheng-level [Tian Yu Sheng Physique], he can easily do this in this heaven.

"Yes!" Everyone nodded when they heard the words.

They didn't notice anything unusual, and thought it was just an ordinary call from Xiao Zhi.

Lu Zhong said at this time: "Brother Zhi is right. Next, when we are fighting, it is safer to keep the distance between us and these faceless monsters as far as possible to prevent accidents."

Everyone agrees.

A day passed like this.

Sitting cross-legged on a black cloud, Xiao Zhi raised his head as if feeling something, and looked somewhere ahead.

As far as his eyes could see, at a distance of more than a thousand miles from him, the slowly rotating bloody vortex suddenly sped up and spit out one after another bloody afterimage.

In the next moment, hundreds of miles away from this bloody vortex, another bloody vortex began to spin at an accelerated speed.

Immediately afterwards, the third regiment, the fourth regiment, and the fifth regiment...

While breathing, all the bloody vortexes floating in the sky accelerated and spun.

A series of bloody figures spit out from these bloody vortexes like cannonballs.

"Here we come!" Xiao Zhi stood up suddenly at this moment, with a serious expression on his face.

At this moment, everyone can see that the invaders are about to launch a general attack on them.

"Get ready to fight!" Zhao Yan shouted loudly, waving the divine sword in his hand.

It can be heard from his voice that he is quite excited and excited at this time.

"Get ready to fight!" Lu Zhong also said in a deep voice.

Without saying a word, Luo Yiyi rushed straight to the bloody vortex closest to her.

The battle broke out soon, and after the outbreak, it quickly entered a white-hot stage.

All kinds of visions keep shining in this mission area.

All the blood-colored vortexes were twirling crazily like a gust of wind, spitting out Faceless Monsters continuously, with no intention of stopping at all, which made the number of Faceless Monsters invading become more and more. more and more.

Before, everyone felt that the number of Faceless Monsters invading was too small, not enough to kill them at all.

Now, no one has such an idea.

There are too many monsters in front of him, and it is impossible to kill them all.

Even the Qinglong and Pengniao that Xiao Zhi arranged next to Lu Zhong, Hu Yang and the others joined the battle and began to fight with full firepower.

Yuanlong clone is fighting.

The Dawei Buddha transformed by Yuanshen Xiao Zhi is also fighting.

Under the command of Xiao Zhi's consciousness, Li Kuo, the demon, appeared and charged towards a group of faceless monsters with a snowstorm all over the sky.

Everyone was fighting, even Xiao Zhi himself.

At this moment, the deity Xiao Zhi is walking around the battlefield with a pair of bright blue eyes.

He sees all directions, hears all directions, and plays the role of a firefighter.

His target is the existence of the middle god level and above among these faceless monsters.

He held a black sword in his hand. This black sword didn't seem to have many visions, but it was extremely terrifying.

The god-level faceless monsters discovered by Xiao Zhi were all cut into two pieces by the black sword in Xiao Zhi's hand, and then melted into a thick black puddle at a speed visible to the naked eye. water.

In just a few seconds, several god-level faceless monsters were killed by Xiao Zhi.

It was another faceless monster of the middle god level, chopped into two pieces by Xiao Zhi wielding the clear water knife.

After one blow, Xiao Zhi didn't even look at the faceless monster who was still struggling in front of him and was melting into black water, then turned his head and looked in other directions.

'The number of these faceless monsters is really too much. If there is any monster of high god level hidden in it, it will be difficult for me to find it out in the first place. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

‘There must be a high-level monster hidden in it. '

'After all, if there are no monsters of high god level, then these intruders are not here to test, but to come to die...'

'So, where is this high god-level monster hiding? '

Xiao Zhi scanned the surroundings with his eyes, full of vigilance in his heart.

Then I saw him shouting: "Be vigilant! Lu Zhong, Hu Yang, you two teams, stay by my side of my contemplation. If you are in danger, call for help. I will be there Came here at the first time!"

His voice sounded in everyone's ears at the same time, without the slightest leakage.

"Yes!" Everyone agreed in unison.

Time passed by second by second, and the fierce battle continued. One after another, the faceless monsters died in the hands of Xiao Zhi and others, and their bodies fell to the ground like dumplings.

"Ah!..." A scream sounded.

The new God Maiti was accidentally bullied by a middle god-level faceless monster and approached him, unable to dodge, an arm was forcibly torn off by the middle god-level faceless monster with its claws. Suddenly, golden blood spattered.

The god-level faceless monster that jumped out suddenly, grabbed another claw, and grabbed Maitie's head like lightning.

At this moment, an electric glow suddenly flashed on its body and crackled.

The Faceless Monster was stunned for a moment by the shock.

At this moment, Hu Yang shot out like lightning, stabbing the faceless monster's chest.

A little black glow flashed on the faceless monster's chest, and an invisible gravitational ripple rippled around.

Under the effect of this terrifying gravity, the whole body of this god-level faceless monster creaked, and its body was forcibly twisted into a ball.

Xiao Zhi saw this scene in his eyes through his visualization Kunpeng.

He immediately manipulated Kunpeng, his imaginary object, with his thoughts, spread his wings and flew towards Mai Ti, protecting Mai Ti under his wings.

In the next second, a blood-colored figure jumped out from the crowd of faceless monsters at an incredible speed, waving its long and pointed claws and flew towards Luo Yiyi.

Luo Yiyi's reaction speed was extremely fast, and he turned around and slashed out with a sword, slashing towards the bloody figure.

boom! The magic iron epee collided with the claw, making a loud clang.

At the moment of the collision, the space became distorted, and the terrifying energy fluctuations spread in all directions

The bloody faceless monster who wanted to attack Luo Yiyi unexpectedly was not killed by Luo Yiyi's sword, and he was not even seriously injured. He just staggered back tens of feet, and regained his stability.

Ordinary faceless monsters can't do this, this is a high god level faceless monster!

At this moment, the high god-level monster finally appeared.

It didn't choose to attack Lu Zhong, Hu Yang and the others, but set Luo Yiyi as the target of a sneak attack, but it didn't expect that it would kick the iron plate.

The sneak attack failed, and the high god-level faceless monster immediately turned into a bloody afterimage and fled to the sky.

Luo Yiyi was dragging the magic iron epee backwards, chasing after it.

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