This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1610 The Supreme God of the World of All Beings

The words belonging to Yang Xu still surfaced in Xiao Zhi's mind line by line.

The story belonging to Feng Nanyan continues.

After becoming a god, Feng Nanyan has an endless lifespan, but still has that kind of temperament that does not contend with the world, and still lives in seclusion in the mountains and forests, living a life that does not contend with the world.

This seclusion lasted for hundreds of years.

Even gods would feel tired of staying in the same place for hundreds of years, so Feng Nanyan walked out of the mountains and forests, came back to the human world, and began to walk in the human world.

This walk, hundreds of years have passed.

During these hundreds of years, Feng Nanyan walked in the world and saw all kinds of life. Later, he even hid his identity as a god, married wives and had children like ordinary people.

The wife he married was gentle and virtuous, and he loved his wife very much.

His wife bore him another son.

His son was smart and gifted since he was a child, and he was deeply loved by him.

Under Feng Nanyan's careful training, his son was only nine years old, and he entered the Dao realm through martial arts.

In order to raise her son, Feng Nanyan did not hesitate to disclose her identity as a god, joined a big tribe, and became the minister of this big tribe, just to obtain more and better cultivation resources for her son Practice.

As a result, his son failed when he crossed the Nascent Soul Tribulation, and was wiped out under the terrifying thunder.

Affected by this, Feng Nanyan's wife died in depression.

Feng Nanyan once again left the human world and hid in the mountains.

First, the elder brother who was close to him died in the thunder disaster, and then the father who loved him since childhood died in the thunder disaster. This time, it was his beloved son who died in the thunder disaster. A deep hatred arose!

It would be great if human beings practiced to avoid this catastrophe.

Next, Feng Nanyan seemed to be in a daze, frantically studying how to avoid the catastrophe.

It turns out that cultivation is an act against the heavens to change one's fate. As long as human beings are unwilling to be ordinary and want to become stronger through cultivation, and to gain longevity or even eternal life through cultivation, they will surely encounter catastrophe.

This way does not work.

Feng Nanyan began to find another way.

The success rate of Tian Jie's crossing the tribulation is too low, so Feng Nanyan tried every means to increase the success rate of crossing the tribulation.

In order to study the catastrophe and how to improve the success rate of crossing the catastrophe, he walked out of the mountains again and came back to the world.

In order to study how to improve the success rate of crossing the catastrophe, he provided free protection for those monks who were about to cross the catastrophe, helping them to overcome the catastrophe.

Feng Nanyan is a god, and some gods were willing to protect the Dharma for those who passed the tribulation for free. This incident caused a sensation at the time. Countless monks who were about to cross the tribulation came here especially for Feng Nanyan, who is a god, to protect him.

Feng Nanyan's fame gradually spread throughout the area where he was active.

With the passage of time, the ancient gods and demons were completely defeated by the human gods, and gradually disappeared in the world of sentient beings, and in the world of sentient beings, society is constantly changing.

The original tribal system gradually disintegrated, and various dynasties and cultivation sects sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

With the popularity of cultivation sects, Taoist names gradually became popular.

Feng Nanyan also conformed to the trend of the times, and gave herself a dao name——Qianjizi.

With the passage of time, his real name was gradually forgotten by the world, and the Dao name of Qianjizi was known by more and more people.

Hard work pays off, after countless years of research, finally, the Heavenly Tribulation Array, which can increase the success rate of crossing the tribulation, was successfully created by Qianjizi.

At this time, Qian Jizi made a very bold decision, he directly disclosed the method of making the Heavenly Tribulation Formation to the public.

At that time, when various sects of cultivation and powerful families regarded their own skills and supernatural powers as treasures and kept them hidden, it directly caused a sensation.

The world was amazed at the magic of the Heavenly Tribulation Formation, and at the same time amazed at what Qian Jizi did.

Although the former Qianjizi was quite famous, his fame was limited to a corner.

This time, because of the Heavenly Tribulation Formation, the entire world of sentient beings knew his name.

Decades later, Qianjizi created the Thunder Fire Pill.

Just like decades ago, Qian Jizi also made the method of making Thunder Fire Pill public.

This once again caused an uproar in the world of sentient beings.

Since then, with the dual assistance of the Heavenly Tribulation Formation and the Thunder Fire Pill, the success rate of monks at all stages of crossing the Heavenly Tribulation has been greatly improved.

Coupled with the various precious and rare crossing objects that have been discovered long ago, some monks can even achieve a 100% success rate when crossing the catastrophe.

Then, the Heavenly Tribulation Formation and Thunder Fire Pill gradually spread from the world of sentient beings to other world planes, which benefited the human beings in other world planes, and greatly increased the success rate of crossing the catastrophe...

When he 'saw' this, Xiao Zhi seemed to have thought of something, and typed with his divine sense and asked: "Xiao Xu, you have said so much, I still don't know what law you cultivated in your previous life."

A few seconds later, the words belonging to Yang Xu appeared in Xiao Zhi's mind: 'The first thing Qianjizi realized was the law of the earth. '

Xiao Zhi: ‘At the very beginning? It means that your previous life was later, and you practiced other laws? '

Yang Xu: "Yes, Qianjizi became a god by relying on the law of earth movement. After becoming a god, in order to study the heavenly tribulation, he realized the law of thunder and lightning. Later, after creating the heavenly tribulation formation and the thunder fire pill, he And realized the law of life. '

'This Tianjizi has realized three laws successively. ’ Xiao Zhi ‘looked’ at this line of text in his mind, feeling a little surprised.

Immediately, I felt a little emotional: "It is good to have enough time. Qianjizi has lived for such a long time and mastered the three laws at the same time. This is also a normal thing. If it were me, if I could live for such a long time, I would It is also possible to do this. '

Thinking so in his heart, Xiao Zhi typed with his divine sense: 'Zhen Lan and the others said that only the existence of a high god and above can have a reincarnation body, is this true? '

Yang Xu: 'It's true. '

Xiao Zhi: 'That means, Qian Jizi later became a high god? '

Yang Xu: 'Yes, Qianjizi later became a high god, he became a high god by relying on the law of life. '

Before Xiao Zhi asked, the words belonging to Yang Xu appeared in Xiao Zhi's mind again: 'Qian Jizi later became not only the supreme god, but also the supreme god of the world of sentient beings. '

‘God Most High? ! '

‘Qianjizi is actually the supreme god of the world of all living beings? ! ’ Xiao Zhi’s pupils shrank suddenly.

Before, he had always been curious about who is the Supreme God in the world of sentient beings?

Or, the plane world of the world of sentient beings is quite special, and there is no supreme god.

Who would have thought that the supreme god of the world of sentient beings is actually Qianjizi!

This really surprised him a little.

Yang Xu: "Yes, Qianjizi is the supreme god of the world of sentient beings. The reason why Qianjizi was able to become the supreme god of the world of sentient beings at that time was not only that he was a supreme god and his strength was relatively strong, but more importantly, he had an atmosphere. Good luck. '

'Great luck blessing? ’ Xiao Zhi had a pensive expression on his face, and he typed with his divine sense: ‘Could it be because of the popularity of the Heavenly Tribulation Formation and the Thunder Fire Pill that Qianjizi has great luck? '

Yang Xu: 'Yes, that's exactly the case. '

Xiao Zhi: 'Since Qianjizi is the supreme god of the world of all living beings, why are few people aware of this? Zhen Lan and Yu Xuzi didn't know about this. '

Yang Xu: 'Well, big brother, as I said before, Qian Jizi's character is a bit indifferent to the world. '

Xiao Zhi: ‘Well, this makes sense. '

The personality of the Supreme God and the Supreme God are different.

Some supreme gods have a strong desire to control and like to show their holiness everywhere, so this supreme person will be very well-known in this world plane, and all the gods in this world have to revolve around him.

The former Celestial Realm Lord had this kind of virtue.

But when a person with a personality like Tianjizi becomes the Supreme God, the situation becomes completely different.

This kind of person becomes the supreme god, and he may not show his face once in the world for thousands of years. In this case, let alone ordinary people, even the new gods in this world may not necessarily know that Qianjizi is He is the supreme god of this world.

Yang Xu: 'I was actually very puzzled before, wondering why my perception ability is so strong, now I sort of figure it out. '

Xiao Zhi thought for a while, then typed with his divine sense: 'Because your previous life was Qianjizi, and Qianjizi was the supreme god of the world of all living beings? '

Yang Xu: "Yes, Qianjizi became a high-level god by relying on the law of life. He is also the supreme god in the world of all living beings and can use the power of the world. Inspired by qi, this makes me have a perception ability that far exceeds that of others when I perceive life and death. '

'I see. ’ Xiao Zhi had a thoughtful expression on his face.

Xiao Zhi is a master, and he captured a key message from Yang Xu's words in an instant.

Xiao Zhi: ‘Xiao Xu, you said that the power belonging to the Supreme God is still hidden in your body? It means, you are still the Supreme God of the world of living beings? Or in other words, after the fall of the Supreme God, its reincarnated body can still have part or even all of the authority of the Supreme God? '

This time, Yang Xu did not immediately answer Xiao Zhi's question.

After more than a minute passed, the words belonging to Yang Xu appeared in Xiao Zhi's mind again: "There is indeed some power of the Supreme God in my body. As for why this is so?" , I don't know about this, but I just thought about this issue carefully, and I think there should be two reasons for this situation. '

'Which two? ’ Xiao Zhi asked curiously.

Yang Xu: "The first reason is that Qianjizi, as the supreme god of the world of all living beings, is not completely dead, because my reincarnated body is still there. Only after his reincarnated body has experienced repeated reincarnations can he be completely dead." Only when the supreme god dies, he, the supreme god, is completely dead. '

'The second reason is that after the fall of Qianjizi, there was no new supreme god born in the world of sentient beings, so my reincarnated body can have a trace of the power of the supreme god. '

Xiao Zhi had a thoughtful expression on his face again, trying to think about the two lines of text sent by Yang Xu.

Yang Xu: 'Well, big brother, can I make an opinion? '

Xiao Zhi: ‘What opinion? '

Yang Xu: 'Well... you can call me Yang Xu from now on, but I feel a little uncomfortable if you call me Xiao Xu. '

Xiao Zhi was stunned, and typed with his spiritual sense: 'This one, okay, no problem. '

He sighed softly in his heart: "I called him that before, but Yang Xu didn't have any objection. After awakening the memory of his past life, Yang Xu felt that I called him that, which made him feel awkward. It seems that Yang Xu's past life memory , it still had some impact on him. '

Yang Xu: 'Brother, you don't mind, do you? '

Xiao Zhi: ‘How could it be? How could I mind this? '

He said in his heart: 'Yang Xu said that, it means that he still cares about my feelings, it means that Yang Xu is still the same Yang Xu, the change is not too big. '

Yang Xu: 'That's good. '

Xiao Zhi: 'Yang Xu, since you have awakened the memories of your previous life, have you also inherited Qian Jizi's understanding of the law? '

Yang Xu: 'Well, I not only have memories about the laws of life, but also about the laws of earth and lightning in my mind, but these memories are not complete, and it takes time to awaken slowly. '

Xiao Zhi: 'That's pretty good too. With this part of memory, your future cultivation path can be called a smooth one. '

If one compares the path of practice to learning, there is no textbook for the path of other people's practice, and everything has to be explored slowly by oneself.

As for Yang Xu's future path of cultivation, there are textbooks. He only needs to follow the textbook step by step. , much simpler.

It can be said that after awakening those memories of the previous life, as long as Yang Xu is given enough time, as long as there are no accidents, Yang Xu will definitely become a high god.

He even has a certain possibility to inherit the supreme god position in his previous life and become the new supreme god in the world of sentient beings!

‘If Yang Xu can really become the Supreme God in the world of all living beings, that would be great. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

In the past, although he took good care of Yang Xuyangxi and his brother and sister, he never felt that Yang Xuyangxi and the others could help him. After all, he is now a top-notch god, and ordinary gods are nothing to him. It doesn't help anymore.

Although Yang Xi has an innate spiritual body and excellent cultivation aptitude, she is an aborigine in the world of sentient beings after all, and her cultivation speed is far slower than that of players, so it is difficult to grow up in a short period of time.

Yang Xi is like this, Yang Xu can't count on it.

Yang Xu's awakening was a big surprise for him.

If Yang Xu can really become a high god and inherit the supreme god position in his previous life, then Yang Xu can definitely be a great help to him.

In the troubled times that followed, he dared not say anything else, but at least his Dachang Kingdom was safe.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help showing an expression of anticipation on his face.

At this time, he suddenly thought of something, and he couldn't help frowning.

Tianjizi is not only the supreme god, but also the supreme god of the world of sentient beings. Such a powerful person died in the end?

How did he die?

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