Do whatever comes to mind.

In the pure land of all beings surrounded by black mist, Xiao Zhi was flying forward through the air holding a black umbrella.

call! His figure suddenly hovered in the air.

The hover only lasted for a moment, then Xiao Zhi changed direction and flew towards another direction through the air.

In heaven, Xiao Zhi, who was sitting cross-legged on the floating boat, frowned suddenly.

At this time, he thought of one thing.

‘The sudden appearance of Emperor Mengtian this time may be related to the destruction of the Holy Spirit Realm. '

‘If it’s irrelevant, as soon as he left, Emperor Kongtian sent a message to inform me of this matter, which is too much of a coincidence...’

A few days later, in the pure land of all beings shrouded in black mist, Xiao Zhi's figure holding a black umbrella appeared in the sealed place of Dawei Tianfo.

In the sealed place, the Buddha statue of Dawei Tianfo is still majestic, standing motionless on the earth surrounded by black mist.

Xiao Zhi's eyes were dazzling, staring at the majestic Buddha statue in front of him.

After gazing for a while, Xiao Zhi's black ring on his arm collapsed into black mist, and then he sent a voice transmission to the majestic Buddha statue of Dawei Tianfo: "Dawei Tianfo, I'm coming to see you again."

After the sound transmission, Xiao Zhi began to wait silently.

A few seconds later, a loud voice rang in his mind: "Xiao Zhi, you are here."

After hearing this voice, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but feel happy.

can communicate.

As long as there is communication, there is hope.

Xiao Zhi tried his best to control his thoughts, and with a concerned tone, he sent a message to Dawei Buddha: "Dawei Tianfo, has your condition improved?"

The loud voice belonging to Dawei Tianfo said: "Thank you for your concern, it has gotten better."

"That's good." Xiao Zhi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and continued to transmit voice transmission: "Since Dawei Tianfo's situation has improved a lot, can you pass on my supernatural power of killing demons and demons now? You should You know, I am in a bad situation now, being chased and killed by those monsters all over the world, I urgently need a powerful supernatural power to change this situation, which is beneficial to me and you."

Xiao Zhi didn't beat around the bush, and stated his purpose of coming here very straightforwardly.

After the sound transmission finished speaking, Xiao Zhi began to wait again.

‘Will Dawei Tianfo teach me the Dharma this time? ’ He felt a little uneasy.

A few seconds later, the loud voice belonging to Dawei Tianfo rang in Xiao Zhi's mind again: "Okay, I am in good condition now, and I should be able to teach the Dharma. I want to pass on your supernatural powers. For [Zhushengfoguo], this is a supernatural power created by me during the years of being sealed and suppressed, and it should be useful to you."

"All Buddhas..." Xiao Zhi murmured in his heart.

From the name alone, he couldn't tell what kind of supernatural power it was.

"Dawei Tianfo, what's so special about this [All Living Buddha Kingdom]?" Xiao Zhi didn't guess wildly in his mind, and directly asked Dawei Tianfo the doubts in his heart.

The loud voice belonging to Dawei Tianfo said: "[The Kingdom of All Living Buddhas] is a technique to seal the trap."

"Sealing technique?" Xiao Zhi had a thoughtful expression on his face.

Before he could continue to ask, the loud voice belonging to Dawei Tianfo came to his mind again: "You should not stay here for a long time, I will teach you the Dharma now, compared with [Zhushengfoguo] [The Gate of All Beings] is much more complicated. It will take some time for me to teach the Dharma this time, and it may alarm those evil Buddhas. You have to be prepared to deal with it. '

When Xiao Zhi heard the words, he couldn't help but feel a shudder in his heart. He nodded and replied via voice transmission: "Okay, I understand."

Under the black umbrella, a bit of golden paint began to emerge between Xiao Zhi's brows, and this golden paint soon spread to his whole body. In the blink of an eye, he had already turned into a golden man.

After using the Buddha's golden body, Xiao Zhi summoned his own true Buddha avatar through the magical power of "True Buddha Coming to the World".

After finishing all this, Xiao Zhi sent a voice transmission to Dawei Tianfo: "It's done."

"Okay, open your heart and guard, don't resist, I will teach you the Dharma." The grand voice belonging to Dawei Tianfo said.

In the next moment, Xiao Zhi only felt something like a stream of information coming through the air, like a trickle, directly hitting his mind.

Xiao Zhi instinctively wanted to avoid it, but held back.

Soon, this stream of information flowed straight into his mind.

At the same time, the grand voice belonging to Dawei Tianfo also rang in his mind: "Nine thousand miles, next, the distance between you and me should not exceed nine thousand miles."

Xiao Zhi didn't respond, because he was feeling the information that suddenly appeared in his mind at the moment.

At the same time, he was still thinking about something.

Heavenly Buddha Dawei said that when he taught the Dharma, those evil Buddhas responsible for suppressing him might be disturbed.

There are four evil Buddhas in charge of suppressing Dawei Tianfo, all of which are the top evil Buddhas.

Once these four evil Buddhas are disturbed, how should he deal with it?

After thinking about it quickly in his heart, Xiao Zhi already had a rough solution in his mind.

Time passed by second by second.

Xiao Zhi hovered above the sky while holding a black umbrella, feeling somewhat uneasy.

He prayed in his heart, praying that Dawei Tianfo's transmission of the Dharma would go smoothly this time, and that the Four Great Evil Buddhas would not be alarmed.

However, the sky failed as people wished, and after less than ten seconds passed, Xiao Zhi heard a loud shout: "There is a situation!"

This loud shout, like thunder, resounded through the sky.

Then a figure appeared from the shoulder of the huge Buddha statue of Dawei Tianfo.

This is a monk. As soon as he appeared, he swelled to a height of hundreds of feet like an inflated balloon. The muscles under the gray monk's clothes were like cast iron. Guanghua looked in all directions.

On the head and under the feet of the huge Buddha statue, three more figures emerged one after another.

Xiao Zhi only felt that the amount of data that came through the air, like a stream of information, suddenly increased by more than ten times.

Now that it has been exposed, there is no need to "slowly flow", and the transmission speed can be as fast as possible.

Xiao Zhi only felt that his brain was a little swollen.

At this moment, the monk with a height of one hundred feet turned his head, his eyes had already landed on Xiao Zhi, and he uttered a voice like thunder: "The alien! It really is you!"

The eyes of the other three evil Buddhas also all fell on Xiao Zhi's body.

Now that the location has been exposed, there is no need for Xiao Zhi to hide it.

Seeing him put away the black umbrella in his hand, he smiled coldly and said, "It's me."

At the same time, his clone of the real Buddha who looked exactly like him also smiled coldly and said, "It's me."

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Zhi stood side by side with the real Buddha clone, and said at the same time: "You four, just let your horse come here!"

"Kill him!" The black-robed monk standing on the head of the huge Buddha statue suddenly turned ferocious, and with a vajra glaring, he stretched out his hand to point at Xiao Zhi, who was thousands of miles away, and shouted.

"Kill!" The other three evil Buddhas roared in unison, turned into three afterimages and streamers, and rushed towards Xiao Zhi.

The black-robed monk standing on the head of the huge Buddha statue didn't move, still standing steadily.

At this moment, dense black chains emerged from under his feet.

The emerging black chains wrapped the huge Buddha statue of Dawei Tianfo layer by layer.

With the appearance of this black chain, Xiao Zhi only felt that the information flow like a mountain torrent became smaller and smaller, and soon turned into a trickle again.

And this trickle continues to decrease.

This made Xiao Zhi's face look a little ugly.

Xiao Zhi stared straight at the three afterimage streamers that came through the air.

Under his gaze, the three streams of afterimages quickly turned into golden streams of light.

The three evil Buddhas transformed into golden bodies continued to fly towards Xiao Zhi at an incredible speed.

Xiao Zhi stood with his hands behind his back, with a sneer of disdain on his face. In fact, his spirit was already highly tense.

A vast voice that only he could hear rang in his ears one after another:

"Seven times his speed."

"Makes his eyesight sevenfold."

"Make him..."

In the heavenly realm, the deity Xiao Zhi sits cross-legged on a floating flying boat.

At this moment, he paused his cultivation, and with a serious face, he began to quickly recover the divine power in his body through his own god realm and the surrounding space.

Next, in the pure land of all living beings, his sub-soul is likely to experience a high-intensity battle.

It seems that this deity cannot participate in this kind of battle that takes place in the pure land of all living beings. All he can do is to do a good job of logistics so that his souls will not be troubled by energy problems during the battle...


In the pure land of all life surrounded by black mist.

call! Xiao Zhi and the True Buddha clone separated and flew to the left and right in two different directions.

As a result, the three golden streamers all adjusted their direction and flew towards Xiao Zhi.

'Sure enough, because of the existence of this information flow, my real Buddha avatar in front of them will not be able to achieve the effect of confusing the real. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

'Since it can't confuse the opponent, then...'

Under the blessing of the ability of 'Speaking the Dharma Follow', Xiao Zhi began to circle the huge Buddha statue of Dawei Tianfo at eight times the speed from a distance of thousands of miles.

As for his true Buddha avatar, under the command of his consciousness, it turned into a stream of golden light, and rushed towards the huge Buddha statue thousands of miles away at an incredible speed.

'I have the blessing of eight times the speed. These evil Buddhas should have nothing to do with me in a short time. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

As a result, as soon as this thought came to his mind, he heard a roar like thunder: "Alien, die!"

The sound was deafening and piercing, making Xiao Zhi feel dizzy.

At this moment, in front of Xiao Zhi, a giant hammer like a mountain emerged out of thin air, and smashed towards Xiao Zhi with a monstrous momentum.

Xiao Zhi turned into an afterimage, narrowly avoided the blow, and continued to fly forward.

And in front of him, the wind was surging again, and a huge golden palm that covered the sky emerged and fell towards Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi also dodged the huge buddha handprint by relying on his speed advantage.

'These evil Buddhas are top evil Buddhas, among them there should be evil Buddhas with the ability to weaken my strength, but this weakening ability should be similar to my ability to follow the words, and they need to be at close range to be able to treat people Shi Zhan, so, I only need to keep a certain distance from them, and I will be fine, and I will be afraid if I am afraid...'

At this moment, Xiao Zhi's clone of the true Buddha was already approaching the huge Buddha statue of Dawei Tianfo.

Then he saw his true Buddha avatar raised one hand high.

As he raised his hand, in the sky in front of him, there was a sudden surge of wind and clouds, and a huge golden palm emerged from the void, which quickly became solid from illusion.


As soon as the huge Buddha's handprint emerged, it slammed down on the evil Buddha standing on the head of the huge Buddha statue.

The evil Buddha snorted coldly, and raised his hand to slap a palm, which also condensed a huge Buddha's handprint.

The two bergamot prints collided in mid-air, making a loud bang.

After a brief stalemate, the Buddha's handprint cast by the real Buddha clone shattered, and the evil Buddha's Buddha's handprint directly hit the sky, smashing the large black mist in the sky into nothingness.

It can be seen from this that this evil Buddha is worthy of being a top evil Buddha. Compared with ordinary evil Buddhas, his strength is much stronger. Without the blessing of the ability of "Speaking the Dharma", the clone of the real Buddha is not his opponent at all .

Even though he was not the opponent of the evil Buddha in front of him, Xiao Zhi's clone of the true Buddha still rushed towards the evil Buddha without hesitation.

During the charge, the True Buddha clone transformed into a thousand hands.

The thousand hands were like a thousand tentacles, hitting the evil Buddha in front of him.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and spit out a golden mantra in Sanskrit.

This mantra struck the black chains wrapped around the huge Buddha statue like lightning, smashing several black chains into black mist.

At this moment, the evil Buddha standing on the head of the huge Buddha statue let out a cold snort, and turned his thousand hands to meet the clone of the real Buddha.

At the same time, the evil Buddha also opened his mouth and spit out a golden mantra.

This mantra instantly hit the body of the real Buddha clone, directly turning the real Buddha clone into a black mist.

Seeing this scene, the evil Buddha's face couldn't help but change. He didn't expect the real Buddha's avatar to display the supernatural power of 'Golden Cicada Escapes its Shell' so quickly.

The next moment, the evil Buddha suddenly lowered his head and looked down.

Wherever he looked, Xiao Zhi's true Buddha clone was attached to the body of the huge Buddha statue.

At this time, the body of the True Buddha clone was filled with terrifying energy fluctuations.

"Not good!" Evil Buddha's complexion changed, and he blurted out.

As soon as he said these words, there was a loud bang, and Xiao Zhi's true Buddha avatar exploded.

The self-detonation of the true Buddha clone at such a close range directly shattered more than half of the black chains wrapped around the huge Buddha statue.

And as these black chains were blown to pieces, the information flow connected to Xiao Zhi suddenly increased from a state that was almost exhausted to a state that was almost like that of a flash flood.

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