This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1616 Knife Test

Xiao Zhi has been aggrieved for too long in this pure land of life.

During these years, he was hunted down and intercepted by those evil Buddhas in various ways, so he could only run around like a lost dog.

He had had enough of this.

He also thought about fighting back.

It's just that the opponent never gave him the chance to single out, and they always rushed forward.

In this case, if he is determined to fight against the crowd with one head, there is a high probability that he will die under the siege of these evil Buddhas.

In this case, he can only run away with his head in his arms.

But now, after Xiao Zhi has mastered the supernatural power of 'All Living Buddha Kingdom', the situation has become different...

‘Don’t you want to fight me one-on-one? '

‘Don’t you always like to beat me up? '

'Now, I have to fight you one-on-one, what can you do with me? ’ Xiao Zhi thought viciously in his heart.

After mastering the 'Nation of Buddhas of All Living Beings', Xiao Zhi suddenly hoped that those evil Buddhas would appear and come to surround and kill him.

He couldn't wait to test the power of the 'All Living Buddha Kingdom'.

‘Should I take this black umbrella? As long as I take this black umbrella, those evil Buddhas will rush over like a pack of mad dogs in a short time. '

'Let's bear with it, after all, this is a bit deliberate, and it may arouse the vigilance of those evil Buddhas. '

These evil Buddhas are not monsters in the game. When Xiao Zhi faced them, he was always full of energy.

‘I’ve endured it for such a long time, and there’s no need to be in a hurry now. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

Time passed, and a few days passed in a flash.

In the pure land of all beings shrouded in black mist, Xiao Zhi, holding a black umbrella, was flying forward without haste.

Suddenly, his heart moved, and he had a feeling of being stared at.

The intuition of the gods is very accurate, and it is almost impossible to make mistakes.

'coming! ’ The corners of Xiao Zhi’s mouth curled up slightly, revealing a smile.

Then he saw a smiling face visible to the naked eye at the back of his head.

This smiling face looked very strange, and as soon as it emerged, he turned his eyes and scanned the direction behind Xiao Zhi.

As a result, the smiling face behind Xiao Zhi's head didn't see anything.

This is actually within Xiao Zhi's expectation, because many evil Buddhas have the ability to be invisible, and this smiling face has ordinary eyesight, and does not have any supernatural powers and secret methods of detection, so it is impossible to detect invisible evil Buddhas. normal.

At this moment, the brilliance that bloomed from Xiao Zhi's eyes suddenly increased several levels and became dazzling.

After buffing Tianyantong's power several times with the ability of "speaking the law", Xiao Zhi turned his head and looked around in all directions.

Soon, Xiao Zhi's eyes fixed on somewhere behind him.

As far as he could see, about 3000 miles away from him, there was a gray-robed monk with a vague figure floating like a ghost.

The gray-robed monk just floated behind Xiao Zhi, without any intention of approaching him.

He is waiting for reinforcements.

Under the black umbrella, Xiao Zhi was staring at the gray-robed monk, but the gray-robed monk did not stare at him. Obviously, the gray-robed monk could only sense his approximate position, and could not see him under the black umbrella. .

If it was before, at this time, Xiao Zhi would have to consider running away and resetting his hatred.

Today is different.

Xiao Zhi stared at the gray-robed monk with a hint of excitement on his face.

'Today, I will take you under the knife! ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

It seems that this kind of evil Buddha who acts as a vanguard is generally neither too strong nor too weak, so it is just a good test.

Xiao Zhi immediately started preparations before the battle.

From the center of Xiao Zhi's brow, a little golden paint soon emerged and spread to the whole body.

After displaying the Buddha's golden body, Xiao Zhi summoned his own true Buddha avatar through the supernatural power of 'True Buddha is coming to the world'.

Immediately afterwards, he heard a vast voice that only Xiao Zhi could hear: "Make his speed increase eight times!"

Under the blessing of eight times the speed, Xiao Zhi rushed straight to the gray-robed monk who was following him with the real Buddha clone.

The distance between the two is getting closer at an astonishing speed.

The grey-robed monk seemed to sense something, his face changed suddenly, and immediately turned into an afterimage of a stream of light, piercing through the air and flying into the distant sky.

A golden color appeared on his body visible to the naked eye.

‘Now you know how to run away? late! ’ Xiao Zhi thought coldly in his heart.

At this time, he has shortened the distance between each other to within 1,000 miles, and 1,000 miles is the limit distance for casting spells in the 'All Living Buddha Kingdom'.

Xiao Zhi resolutely displayed the supernatural power of the 'Buddha Kingdom of All Living Beings'.

I saw that his body quickly became unreal.

The body of the evil Buddha pursued by him was frozen in the air, and quickly became illusory.

In the blink of an eye, only a vague outline remained of Xiao Zhi's body in the original place. As for the evil Buddha that he forcibly pulled into the kingdom of all living Buddhas, his figure completely disappeared into the air. Not even the blurry outlines can be seen.

When Xiao Zhi successfully pulled this evil Buddha into Zhusheng Buddha's kingdom, he floated aside, and the real Buddha avatar that looked exactly like Xiao Zhi immediately floated towards Xiao Zhi's phantom silhouette.

Soon, the real Buddha and Xiao Zhi merged with this phantom silhouette.

With a slap, Zhenfo Xiaozhi stretched the black umbrella in his hand above his head, and then it turned into an afterimage, and quickly flew into the sky.

At this time, the speed displayed by True Buddha Xiao Zhi far exceeded his normal speed. Obviously, his speed was strengthened by the ability of "Speaking the Dharma".

At this time, the illusion of the Buddha Kingdom... No, in the Buddha Kingdom of All Living Beings, a big Buddha sits upright on the clouds, and the Buddha's light around him is shining brightly, dyeing the entire sky golden.

This big Buddha sitting upright on the clouds has the face of Xiao Zhi, and it is obviously transformed by Xiao Zhi.

The giant Buddha transformed by Xiao Zhi is looking down.

In his field of vision, there are monasteries one after another, and pagodas one after another.

In these monasteries, around the pagodas, there are monks chanting scriptures and believers kneeling and praying. It is a quiet and peaceful scene with a lot of incense.

In this peaceful environment, there is one person who seems out of place.

This is a gray-robed monk, half of his body has turned into gold. He is standing among the bustling crowd, looking up at the clouds with a sullen expression on his face. big buddha.

The eyes of the two, at this moment, were separated by dozens of miles, and they looked at each other.

After staring at each other for only a moment, Xiao Zhi made a move.

He raised a hand and slapped the gray-robed monk standing among the crowd.

All of a sudden, the wind rose and the clouds were torn apart. A golden palm that covered the sky emerged out of thin air. It changed from illusion to solidity, and slapped down on the gray-robed monk standing below with a thunderous force.

The gray-robed monk's body instantly turned into gold, and the monk's robe bulged, and suddenly turned into a bubble and disappeared in place.

boom! Huge golden palms were printed on the ground, crushing large buildings and monks and believers on the ground into powder.

With one blow, thousands of people were wiped out.

Seeing this scene, the expression on Xiao Zhi's face did not change at all.

He is not cold-blooded, but the human beings in the Buddha Kingdom are all illusory and untrue.

No matter how many times he kills a virtual person like this, he won't feel the slightest psychological burden.

The gray-robed monk turned into a streamer and fled into the distance through the air.

"Want to escape?" Xiao Zhi snorted coldly: "This is my world, where can you escape to?"

There is no exaggeration in his words, this is indeed his world.

Here, he is like the Supreme God.

Xiao Zhi's figure suddenly blurred, and when he reappeared, he was standing firmly in front of this evil Buddha.

"Surrender!" Xiao Zhi yelled, the black sword in his hand looked endlessly black, and stabbed straight at the evil Buddha in front of him.

The evil Buddhas all have high god-level strength, and he is not the kind of weak person who can be squeezed by others.

When Xiao Zhi stabbed at him with this sword, he immediately transformed into a thousand hands and stood in front of him. At the same time, he opened his mouth and spit out a golden word.

This golden text turned into a golden knife like a scalpel in an instant, and it touched the black magic sword pierced by Xiao Zhi.

However, the power contained in Xiao Zhi's sword was too terrifying. The golden knife shattered instantly, and the thousand hands blocking the evil Buddha were like paper, unable to resist Xiao Zhi's sword at all.

Boom! The black sword pierced the evil Buddha's head, making the sound of gold and iron clashing.

The evil Buddha staggered back, a terrifying sword wound appeared on the golden head.

There was a hint of surprise on Xiao Zhi's face.

He used all his strength in this sword, but he couldn't even get rid of the opponent's golden cicada. It can be seen that this evil Buddha still has something.

If one sword is not enough, then two swords!

Xiao Zhi began to gather momentum again, and the black magic sword in his hand became endlessly dark again.

The figure of the evil Buddha burst back.

The thousand arms transformed by him, holding all kinds of weapons and instruments, waved frantically in the air.

At the same time, above the head of this evil Buddha, suddenly a storm surged, and a huge golden palm emerged out of thin air.

As soon as this huge golden palm emerged, it hit the sky directly, as if it wanted to blow a hole out of the sky!

For a moment, the whole world trembled faintly, showing signs of instability.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi's face changed, thinking that this evil Buddha is really scary, and he found a way out so quickly.

This evil Buddha did not choose to attack Xiao Zhi, but chose to attack the surrounding space. He wanted to smash the Buddha Kingdom.

Once the Zhusheng Buddha Kingdom is broken, he will naturally be able to escape and ascend to heaven.

If he can't escape, he will die here sooner or later.

Xiao Zhi worked hard to maintain the stability of this side of the world, but under the crazy attack of this evil Buddha, the Buddha Kingdom he condensed became more and more unstable.

At this rate, it won't be long before his kingdom of living beings and Buddhas will be shattered.

‘It must be done quickly! He must be killed before he breaks through the Buddha Kingdom! ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

Thinking of this in his heart, Xiao Zhi flashed his figure, traveled hundreds of miles in an instant, and appeared in front of this evil Buddha again, stabbing out the black sword in his hand without hesitation!

Time passed by second by second.

In this kingdom of living beings and Buddhas, the battle is still going on fiercely.

A few seconds later, the golden cicada shell of this evil Buddha with extremely strong defense was finally ejected.

The air fluctuated, and the figure of the evil Buddha appeared dozens of miles away out of thin air.

Xiao Zhi immediately locked onto the figure of this evil Buddha, with a rare smile on his face, and said in his heart: "It seems that the ability of the evil Buddha's golden cicada to shed its shell can't make him escape from the kingdom of all living Buddhas, then I Don't worry. '

Seconds passed.

Xiao Zhi finally completely killed this evil Buddha.

A prompt appeared at the edge of Xiao Zhi's field of vision: 'karma +250000'

A sphere glowing with bright light floated out from the broken corpse of the evil Buddha.

A gleam of joy appeared on Xiao Zhi's face, and he held the radiant ball tightly in his hand.

But at this time, in the pure land of all beings shrouded in black mist, the true Buddha's Xiao Zhizheng turned into a streamer of afterimages, flying forward desperately.

Behind him, there are several terrifying figures, chasing after him.

Suddenly, the real Buddha Xiao Zhi's figure blurred for a moment, and when his figure became clear again, there was already a figure that looked exactly like him beside him.

As soon as he broke away from the kingdom of all living Buddhas, Xiao Zhi immediately flew forward through the air at a faster speed with his real Buddha avatar.

Not long after, Xiao Zhi, who had already reset a wave of hatred, held a black umbrella, and while merging and absorbing the Buddha fruit in his hand, he flew unhurriedly in the air.

'The actual combat effect of the Zhusheng Buddha Kingdom is still there, but it is a little fragile. It is okay to use it to trap and kill ordinary evil Buddhas. If it is used to trap and kill top evil Buddhas, it may not be enough. '

‘Another point is that after being destroyed, the Buddha Kingdom cannot repair itself, and I need to spend time and use my strength to repair it bit by bit. '

'This is a world. Although this world is not that big, if I want to completely restore it, it will take a long time. '

‘More than a month is definitely needed. '

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi had a bitter look on his face.

‘Generally speaking, the Buddha Kingdom of All Living Beings is not bad. After having it, I have a certain ability to fight back when facing those evil Buddhas who chased me down. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

Not long after, the Buddha Fruit Bit in Xiao Zhi's hand was fused by Xiao Zhi.

The fruit bit of the Buddha fused by him is called the fruit bit of Guangxian Great Buddha.

This Guangxian Great Buddha fruit position has a total of seven supernatural powers, namely: the golden body of the Buddha, the mantra of the Buddha, the Buddha's handprint, the supernatural power of a thousand hands, the golden cicada's shell, the heavenly ear and the immortal Buddha body.

After perceiving the seven supernatural powers contained in the Guangxian Great Buddha's fruit status, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but think to himself, "No wonder this evil Buddha has such strong defensive power. It turns out that he possesses two defensive supernatural powers at the same time." '

'The Great Rong Buddha Fruit Bit that I am using now also possesses seven kinds of supernatural powers. '

‘Should I replace my Great Rong Buddha’s fruit position with this Guangxian Great Buddha’s fruit position? '

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