This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1639 Junior Management Permissions

Soon, the management interface of the sentient being system was summoned by Xiao Zhi.

This is a translucent light curtain.

What appears above the light curtain is a huge luminous body.

This huge luminous body is roughly spherical in shape, exists in darkness, and is slowly rotating.

Xiao Zhi could tell at a glance that this huge luminous body was the great realm he was in - the heaven!


Origin: 63%

Number of world planes: 35321.

Number of player worlds: 1039.

Number of intruders: less than 1,000.

Safety situation assessment: Good.

Guard missions in progress: 0

Special tasks in progress: 7

Whether it is a guard mission option or a special mission option, there are the words 'View details' behind it.

With a thought in his mind, Xiao Zhi raised his hand and clicked on the 'view details' behind the special mission.

Soon, a slightly smaller translucent light curtain appeared in front of his eyes.

There were seven tasks presented in the translucent light curtain, and Xiao Zhi casually clicked on the first task.

Special mission: Player world No. 5950 has been invaded by a large number of outside invaders. A powerful person is now called to kill the invaders. Those who complete this mission will receive 220 authority points.

The task is in progress.

Execution location: Player World No. 5950.

Executor: Mengge (Affiliation: Cangmeng World, Strength: The Strongest.)

‘It turns out that Emperor Mengtian’s name is Mengge. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

The mission in player world No. 5950 is the mission he failed to take before. He had guessed before that one of the two Heavenly Emperors Kong and Meng was competing with him for the mission. Now it seems that his guess at the time was correct. .

The person competing with him for the task was none other than Emperor Mengtian.

‘Although Emperor Meng Tian is the most powerful person, his efficiency in executing tasks is really slow. All the tasks I received two hours after him have been completed, and he is still tossing around in the task world. ’ Xiao Zhi couldn’t help but thought with some satisfaction in his heart.

Although his strength is not as good as that of Emperor Mengtian, he is very efficient in performing tasks.

His current efficiency in performing special tasks cannot be compared to those of ordinary high gods, even the most powerful ones like Emperor Mengtian.

Xiao Zhi's eyes continued to look down.

Below the executor, there is also a spectator option and an intervention option.

Xiao Zhi hesitated for a moment, stretched out his finger, and clicked on the option of watching the battle.

Soon, a system prompt appeared in front of him: 'To turn on the spectator mode, you need to consume 100 authority points. After entering the spectator mode, 1 authority point will be consumed every second. '

Immediately afterwards, another system prompt appeared in front of him: 'The other party has turned on the shielding mode. The other party's authority level is higher than or equal to yours, and you cannot watch the battle. '

"Can't you watch the battle..." Xiao Zhi let out a breath.

In fact, even if he can watch the battle, he can't watch it now, because after upgrading the authority level to level seven, the authority points he has in his name are only a pitiful 26 points. These 26 authority points are simply not enough. Not enough for him to activate this so-called spectator mode.

Xiao Zhi thought for a moment and clicked on the intervention option.

It was not that he wanted to interfere with Emperor Meng Tian's mission, but he was curious about what the option of 'intervening' meant.

Soon, Xiao Zhi knew what the option of 'intervention' meant.

Then a line of prompts appeared in front of Xiao Zhi's eyes: 'When the task executor is killed while performing the task, or the task execution time exceeds 72 hours, you can choose to intervene in this task. You can choose to enter in person and participate in this task. Task, you can also choose to assign people to participate in this task. In the end, the reward of the task will be received by the person who finally completes the task. '

Immediately afterwards, another system prompt appeared in front of Xiao Zhi: 'The current task does not meet the intervention conditions, and you cannot intervene. '

'So, this is what is called intervention...' Xiao Zhi murmured in his mouth.

Xiao Zhi closed the special task management interface and continued to look down.

He saw two more options.

The first option is: recruit the world

The second option is: Recruit talented people

‘Soliciting the world, recruiting talents, what the hell are these...’ Xiao Zhi’s face showed an expression of interest, and he opened the option of ‘soliciting the world’.

Soon, a slightly smaller translucent light curtain popped up in front of him.

'As the junior manager of the sentient system, you can enter the endless multiverse and explore the human world. After successfully discovering the human world, you can choose to help the sentient system and recruit the human world. If the recruitment is successful, you will receive 100 authority points. The human world that you have recruited will be separated from the endless multiverse and integrated into the system of living beings. It will start a national war with another human world. The winner of the national war will be completely transformed into the player world and gain the ability to survive in the world of living beings. qualifications. '

Xiao Zhi stared at the line of text in front of him, his eyes widened in shock, and he was speechless.

‘To recruit the world…it turns out this is to recruit the world…’

'Civil war……'

Xiao Zhi thought of his real world.

To be honest, the real world he lives in is somewhat incompatible with the world of sentient beings.

Not only the real world he is in, but also the other player worlds are incompatible with the world of sentient beings.

Most of the player world is a technological world, while the world of living beings, no, not just the world of living beings, but other world planes under the jurisdiction of the heavens, are all worlds of cultivation and immortality.

Most of the player worlds exist on planets and in the deep space of the universe. These world planes, including the world of living beings, all belong to the kind of world where the sky is round and the earth is round, and they all exist in chaotic spaces. .

The difference between the two is too obvious.

Before, Xiao Zhi was a little strange about this.

Now, he suddenly understood.

These player worlds do not actually belong to the great realm of the heavens, they are outsiders! They were recruited by the sentient beings system from the "endless multiverse"!

No, not a solicitation!

To put it nicely, this is solicitation.

In fact, these player worlds were forcibly kidnapped by the sentient beings system!

Xiao Zhi looked at the words in front of him and had a lot of thoughts in his mind. After a while, he opened his mouth and cursed: "I don't know which bastard was the one who forcibly pulled my world over. It's such a shame!"

He couldn't help but miss the days when, many years ago, the world of sentient beings had not yet come.

At that time, he was just an unknown online writer, making a living by coding. Although there were all kinds of unsatisfactory life, he lived a relatively comfortable life.

If at that time, the world of sentient beings had never come, then he would probably have passed this life in a mediocre way.

Some people may not be content with being ordinary.

But after reaching the pinnacle, Xiao Zhi felt that it might be a good thing to be able to live such an ordinary life.

To be honest, he is now worried about the safety of the heaven every day, fearing that those outside invaders will attack one day. He is really tired.

Heart tired.

If the world of sentient beings had never come, how could the real world where he was prospering and developing be at risk of being destroyed? How could it be as precarious as it is now?

After scolding a few words, Xiao Zhi's mood gradually calmed down.

The matter has come to this, and there is no point in saying anything now.

What he needs to focus on now is whether the option of 'recruiting the world' can bring him benefits.

The answer is yes.

According to the rules of the sentient system, every time he pulls a human world from the endless multiverse, he can get a reward of 100 authority points.

The reward of 100 authority points may not seem like much, but it adds up to a lot.

A person with level seven authority needs 60,000 authority points to upgrade to level eight.

Theoretically, he only needs to trick 600 human worlds from the endless multiverse, and he can successfully advance to become an eighth-level authority.

‘No wonder there are a steady stream of player worlds appearing in the world of living beings. Emperor Kongtian, Emperor Mengtian and those with high authority probably contributed a lot! After all, there are rewards for recruiting the world. If there were no rewards, they would not be so active. '

'I just don't know how much time it takes to recruit a world. If it takes less time, this can be a good way to earn authority points, but it is a bit cruel to those human worlds that are attracted...'

'After all, this great realm is now in danger...'

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He gently waved his hand to disperse the translucent light screen in front of his eyes, and then looked at the option of 'recruiting talented people'.

Soon, another smaller translucent light curtain appeared in front of him.

'As the junior manager of the sentient system, you have the right to recruit the talents you value in the player country where you are, and use them for your use. The recruited people will obtain the player status and become a member of the player world where you are. To fight in the player world you are in, the cost of recruiting talents is: 30,000 authority points, or 300,000 sky points. '

After seeing the words in front of him clearly, Xiao Zhi's eyes widened again.

'Recruit talents...'

‘This so-called recruitment of talents is to transform the natives of the world of sentient beings into players! '

‘The conversion fee is really a bit high. Whether it is 30,000 authority points or 300,000 sky points, it is ridiculously high. '

Not to mention anything else, the 300,000 Sky Points, with his current discount for a seventh-level authority, are enough to exchange for an eight-star magic, and there is still some balance left.

If there were really so many sky points that could be exchanged for an eight-star magic, wouldn't it be delicious?

An eight-star celestial art is much more useful than an aboriginal god.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but shook his head.

‘If the conversion fee is not so high, only about 100,000 Sky Points, we can consider it. '

Suddenly, Xiao Zhi seemed to have thought of something, and his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

He suddenly thought of someone - Yang Xi!

Yang Xi is the sister he recognizes in the world of living beings.

Yang Xi's cultivation talent is extremely high, and what she possesses is an innate smooth spirit body!

'The Shunling body is the most suitable spiritual body for cultivation. What I have is just the acquired Shunling body. I have already excelled on the road of cultivation, surpassing the innate spirits of Lu Zhong and Zhao Yan. The owner of the physical body is far behind. What Yangxi has is an innate spiritual body. If she can become a player, her cultivation talent will only be stronger than mine. Wouldn't it be... the most powerful thing can be expected? ! ? '

When the words 'The most powerful can be expected' appeared in Xiao Zhi's mind, Xiao Zhi's heart beat a few times uncontrollably!

‘There are still more than a hundred years before the end of this era. If Yang Xi really becomes a player, in these hundred years, she does have a great possibility of cultivating and growing to the most powerful state! '

'Using 300,000 sky points to exchange for an ordinary aboriginal god is a blood loss, but if you use these 300,000 sky points to exchange for an aboriginal god who has the hope of growing into the most powerful person, this is not a loss, it is simply a loss. It's blood money! '

'If Yang Xi can become the strongest, there will be three strongest in the world of heaven. In addition, I also hope to grow into the strongest, that will be four strongest! '

‘If the Heaven Realm can have four powerful men sitting in command, its strength will greatly increase, and the possibility of extending to the next era will be greatly increased! '

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi's eyes became brighter and brighter!

With a thought, he summoned his character attribute list.

Permission points: 26.

Sky point: 311830.

‘The sky points in my name are just enough to transform an aboriginal into a player, Yang Xi, it’s you! ’ Xiao Zhi murmured in his heart.

At this time, he had already made up his mind and decided to transform Yang Xi into a player.

If he were to pull the human world from the endless multiverse for the reward of 100 authority points, he might hesitate.

After all, the current situation in the heaven is not optimistic. It would be cruel and inhumane to bring the human world over at this time.

And if Yang Xi is transformed into a player, he will not have any psychological burden.

Because Yangxi is originally an aboriginal of the world of living beings and a part of the heaven.

If the heavens perish, Yang Xi will only perish along with it.

In this case, he converted Yang Xi into a player, which was regarded as giving Yang Xi a chance, a chance to change his fate against the sky and save the world!

Do as soon as you think of it, this has always been Xiao Zhi's style.

'It's not too late, I'm going back to the world of sentient beings to transform Yang Xi into a player! '

Xiao Zhi's body soon had spatial ripples visible to the naked eye. The next moment, Xiao Zhi's figure turned into nothing and disappeared into the dim sky of heaven.

In the world of sentient beings, Dachang Imperial City, and the Yongchang Palace belonging to Xiao Zhi, the air fluctuated like water, and Xiao Zhi's figure emerged out of thin air.

Xiao Zhi's sudden return made all the players stationed in the palace stunned.

These players quickly reacted, stood up one after another, and saluted Xiao Zhi respectfully: "Great Emperor!"

"Great Emperor, you are back."

"Yes." Xiao Zhi nodded lightly, and ordered: "Notify Lu Zhong and other god-level players to come over to discuss matters."

Xiao Zhi felt that turning Yangxi into a player was no small matter, so it would be better to ask Lu Zhong and others to come over and say hello to them in advance.

Thanks for the reward from the Immortal Hero Hobby.

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