This Game is Unusual

Chapter 166 Heavenly Tribulation (3 updates, 700 orders plus updates)

"Damn it!" Xiao Zhi cursed in a low voice, bursting out of his true anger, he stepped forward a few steps, and came to the place where Xie Ke was bounced back before.

True energy erupted, the secret technique of 'boiling blood' erupted, and the combat achievement "Break the Dragon" erupted.

Xiao Zhi, who was blushing, held a horizontal knife in his hand, and slashed forward fiercely!

He is trying to break through with strength.

The horizontal knife slashed with a sonic boom, and slashed into the dark place ahead.

The darkness fluctuated obviously like flowing water, but it was not cut through by this knife.

Xiao Zhi was sent flying upside down by the force of the rebound, and fell hard to the ground, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

The bleeding from the corner of the mouth is a sign of trauma to the internal organs.

"Let's attack together and see if we can break through this formation!" Xiao Zhi didn't care to wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth, jumped up and shouted.

The shadow of death shrouded his head.

The sense of danger was so strong that he felt suffocated.

This aroused his strong desire to survive.

He doesn't want to die!

If he died here, then all his hard work in the past few months will be in vain, and everything will be in vain!

"Okay! Let's attack a point together and see if we can break the formation!" Li Pingfeng and the others agreed very simply.

A few of them are also full of desire to survive.

Nobody wants to die here.

Xiao Zhi didn't want to, and neither did they.

At this moment, a strong wind pressure hit from the sky, causing the surrounding vegetation to fall down, making Xiao Zhi and the others breathless.

The darkness above his head seemed to get even darker.

Xiao Zhi raised his head subconsciously, and could vaguely see a huge black silhouette coming down from the sky and attacking them!

Before Xiao Zhi and the others could make a move, Yang Xu jumped up and slashed at the drowsy sky!

A knife pierced the air, bringing up a black knife aura tens of meters long.

This is the saber energy transformed from death energy.

The black saber energy seemed to hit the huge black shadow, and there was a piercing hissing sound in the sky.

A liquid with a strong rancid smell fell like rain from the sky.

A somewhat annoyed voice shouted loudly: "Corpse monster, court death!"

Yang Xu ignored the voice, and after landing, he stepped ten meters away in one step, and swung his knife towards the darkness in front of him.

One knife, two knife, three knife.

Every time the knife is cut, it will cause the darkness in front of him to fluctuate violently.

Xiao Zhi reacted, and shouted: "Go! Let's go together!"

After all, he was the first to charge forward, bursting out with all his strength again, the horizontal knife in his hand exuded a blue light, and slashed forward fiercely!

Li Pingfeng and the others also reacted, and rushed over with weapons in hand.

Even the two county visitors were no exception.

At this time, Yang Xu slashed out the fourth knife, but just after he slashed, countless chains appeared on his body out of thin air. These black chains glowed with black light, binding Yang Xu firmly in in it!

What's this?

Is this chain that appeared out of nowhere a magic weapon or a Taoist technique?

"Ah..." Yang Xu's pale face was full of ferocity, and he roared hoarsely.

He began to struggle violently, and black death energy penetrated from his body like smoke.

The dead air erodes everything, and the dead grass and leaves on the ground are corroded into black ash without a sound.

The bodies of Xiao Zhi and the others all shimmered, which was a sign that the body-protecting zhenqi was activated.

Even if they were protected by true energy, the few of them retreated again and again, unable to gain a foothold in this strong death energy.

The two visitors from the county government performed even worse. They retreated to the place farthest from Yang Xu, and there were still signs of corrosion on their bodies.

Strong wind pressure hit from the sky again.

The huge black shadow reappeared, brought a strong wind pressure, and rushed to the ground.

Xiao Zhi held the horizontal knife tightly, raised his head slightly and stared at the sky, feeling powerless like never before.

Evil cultivators in the Dao Realm are really terrifying, and they are simply not something he can deal with now.

But even so, he won't let it go.

Since Yang Xu was trapped by chains and couldn't resist this huge monster high in the sky, let him come this time!

Xiao Zhi also jumped high like Yang Xu did before.

Regardless of consumption, he exploded with true energy, and his whole body was glowing with a faint white light.

After using the secret technique of 'boiling blood', his face was flushed, and his eyes were bloodshot.

With the blessing of the military achievement "Canglong Breaking the Seal", the horizontal knife in Xiao Zhi's hand, which looked like a pool of autumn water, turned dark blue, and the knife's aura was also dark blue.

The dark blue saber energy barely dispelled the darkness, finally allowing Xiao Zhi to see clearly what kind of monster it was that rushed down from the sky.

This is a huge black bat. The bat has a pair of blood-colored pupils. It is more than ten feet long. It is ugly and ferocious!

In the next moment, the dark blue saber energy slashed at the giant bat.

Yang Xu's previous knife wounded the giant bat puppet and forced it back temporarily.

Xiao Zhi's full-strength slash left a deep wound on the huge bat, but he couldn't force it back.

The black claws of the bat corpse clawed towards Xiao Zhi like an afterimage.

Xiao Zhi hurriedly resisted with a horizontal knife.

With a bang, Xiao Zhi's body fell from the air and hit the ground hard. His whole body sank deeply into the soil, and he couldn't help but spit out another mouthful of blood.

"Ah!..." Yang Xu's face twisted, he screamed louder, and struggled harder.

The black death energy emanating from his body was so thick that it seemed to be liquefied.

The chains that bound him made some harsh creaking sounds.

Around, it seems to be windy.

In the high sky, the thick lead cloud seemed to be pulled by some kind of force, and began to rotate slowly.

An invisible coercion descended from the sky, grand and vast, making people unable to resist in the slightest!

Xiao Zhi and the others were not the only ones deterred by this coercion, the huge bat corpse also let out a hiss, stopped rushing down, but turned around and flew to the sky again, fleeing into the distance.

Almost at the same time, the darkness that surrounded Xiao Zhi and the others melted and disintegrated in an instant, like snow that had encountered a scorching sun.

The formation that trapped Xiao Zhi and the others broke down without attack.

"Heavenly Tribulation! Corpse Monster, you want to cross the Heavenly Tribulation?!" In the darkness, the somewhat gloomy voice exclaimed.

Catastrophe? Several players were a little dazed.

Not long after, that somewhat gloomy voice eagerly spoke again: "Honorable One, spare...forgive me, I..."

The voice was full of panic and despair.

A cyan light lit up, and the surrounding darkness was instantly dispelled.

Xiao Zhi, who was lying on the ground with his body sunk deeply in the mud, saw a middle-aged man in a loose green robe floating in the air tens of feet above the ground, stretching out his hand towards the sky in front of him. .

At a distance of tens of feet away from him, a huge cyan palm emerged, and in this cyan palm was holding a terrified old man in black robe.

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