This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1668: Surrounding and Killing Supreme Mingyu

Just when Xiao Zhi was about to summon the true Buddha's clone, Emperor Kongtian and Emperor Mengtian once again launched a fierce attack on the giant with divine patterns.

The twisted and transparent space sword passed through the red light in the sky and pierced the head of the giant with divine patterns. Although it failed to pierce the head of the giant with divine patterns, it left his head bloody and bloody.

Dozens of terrifying and ferocious monsters lay all over the body of the divine-patterned giant, biting crazily.

Every time a monster is killed, a new monster rushes into the red light in the sky and bites the giant with divine patterns.

These monsters possess not only tangible physical attacks, but their attacks also contain terrifying soul-level attacks. Each of their blows can tear apart the soul, create an illusion, and make the person being attacked miserable.

Blood spilled across the void.

The giant with the divine pattern screamed and took a step back. The red light on his body swelled, temporarily forcing the flying sword and the monster back. He suddenly raised his bloody arm, and a bloody long sword glowing with blood appeared in his hand. spear.

"Die!" The giant with divine patterns roared like thunder, his arms suddenly blurred, and he threw the bloody spear.

The spear thrown by him disappeared instantly, and when it reappeared, it was already close to the split soul Xiao Zhi.

The speed of the spear breaking through the air was so fast that Xiao Zhi, the split soul, had no time to react before he was stabbed by the bloody spear.

The clone Xiao Zhi's glazed golden body trembled violently, and his whole body flew backwards like a cannonball.

After throwing this spear, the scarred giant with divine patterns finally stopped holding on. His huge and majestic body turned into an afterimage and ran towards the bloody crack not far away.

Soon, the giant with divine patterns escaped into the bloody crack and disappeared.

The giant with divine patterns finally retreated.

Before leaving, he suddenly got angry and gave Xiao Zhi a hard blow.

Thousands of miles away, the split soul Xiao Zhi managed to stabilize his figure. His figure seemed a bit illusory, and his golden body was dim. The dark golden blood he coughed up did not fall to the ground; , and turned into nothingness.

"Xiao Zhi, are you okay?" Emperor Kong Tian looked at the separated soul Xiao Zhi with some concern.

The split soul Xiao Zhi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, and his illusory body gradually became solid, and he said: "It's okay, I can't die."

"The giant with divine patterns has retreated. Let's continue as planned." Emperor Mengtian's eyes moved away from the bloody crack not far away and looked at the light in the distance. His voice seemed a bit illusory.

Emperor Kongtian also looked at the light in the distance, and said with a solemn expression: "Sovereign Mingyu has flown to the edge of this mission space. We rush over and must not let him destroy the defensive restrictions of the sentient system!"

"I'll do the teleportation." The split soul Xiao Zhi coughed up another small mouthful of dark golden blood and said.

As he spoke, spatial ripples visible to the naked eye appeared on his body.

Almost at the same time, spatial ripples visible to the naked eye appeared on the bodies of Emperor Kong Tian and Emperor Meng Tian.

In the distance, Supreme Mingyu, with soft light all over the sky, was still flying forward through the sky at an incredible speed.

The real Xiao Zhi and the fake Emperor Yuan Tian, ​​whether they were quarreling with each other with words or attacking, had no effect on Supreme Mingyu.

The most powerful person in the Cangqing Realm, Hong Zu, climbed out of the bloody crack and swam into the distance at an incredible speed.

Ling Ao, the most powerful person in the Oyun Batu world, did not pause at all after he walked out of the bloody crack. He walked elegantly into the sky and walked into the distance.

Their goal seems to be the same as that of Supreme Mingyu, they both want to break the blockade and restriction of the sentient system.

Once the defensive restrictions of the sentient system are broken, the middle gate of heaven will be opened wide.

At that time, all the invading monsters can invade the original heaven without restraint, and even invade the entire heaven.

As Hong Ancestor and Ling Ao left through the air, the Vine Snakes under Hong Ancestor and the Spirit Birds under Ling Ao's command were as if they had been beaten to death, and they flew towards them at the fastest speed they could achieve. in all directions.

Among the blood-colored cracks belonging to these two great realms, vine snakes and spirit birds emerged continuously from them.

Not only these two bloody cracks, but the other two bloody cracks were also causing strange things at this time.

In the bloody crack belonging to the temple, what emerged at this time was still the Winged Guard.

It's just that these emerging wing guards no longer line up to guard the bloody cracks at the rear, but turn into streams of white light and fly in all directions.

What emerged from the bloody crack that belonged to the Ancient God Realm was no longer the blood-striped giant, but another kind of monster.

This monster has blue-gray skin, sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, as if it were carved from stone. It also has a pair of bat-like wings, a bit like the gargoyles in Western legends in Xiao Zhi's world.

There are so many of these monsters that from a distance, they look like a large piece of blue-gray mist, spreading out from the blood-colored cracks.

Obviously, Xiao Zhi had a plan, and the invaders also had a plan.

The goal of the invaders is very clear, that is to break through the blockade of the heaven, and then let the monsters sweep the world, thereby consuming the original power of the heaven.

This is the safest way to destroy the heaven.

Once the origin of the heavenly world returns to zero, the heavenly world will be destroyed...

At this time, Mingyu Supreme, filled with soft brilliance, was less than 2,000 miles away from the edge of the mission space.

A golden light curtain emerged out of thin air and blocked Mingyu Supreme.

The soft brilliance emanating from Supreme Mingyu soon touched this golden light curtain.

The light emitted from Supreme Mingyu's body seemed gentle, but was extremely aggressive. The moment this soft light touched the golden light curtain, the golden light curtain began to tremble, showing signs of instability.

At this moment, the air fluctuated like water, and the figure of Emperor Kongtian appeared out of thin air in front of the golden light curtain.

The moment he appeared, Emperor Kongtian expanded his divine domain of space, and saw a circle of space ripples spreading in all directions like water waves, instantly dispersing the soft light that was eroding the golden light curtain.

Mingyu Supreme quickly restrained the light around him.

His figure hovered in the air, turning his head to look behind him.

He saw a large shadow floating quietly in his field of vision.

In another direction, a young man with a glaze golden light all over his body was also floating quietly.

Mingyu Supreme's white beard and robe were motionless, and a sneer appeared on his face: "Are you trying to kill me?"

"That's right!" Xiao Zhi, the split soul glowing with glazed golden light, said with a cold face: "Sovereign Mingyu, you have gone too far. You only want to destroy our heaven. You are the mortal enemy of our heaven. Since We are mortal enemies, so let us die!"

Supreme Mingyu turned his head slightly, and his eyes fell on the body of the split soul Xiao Zhi, with a look of disdain on his face: "Just a few of you, you want to kill me?"

"Stop talking nonsense to him and do it!" The voice belonging to Emperor Meng Tian came out from the large shadow.

"Do it!" Emperor Kong Tian also shouted.

Then he saw that the space around Emperor Kongtian fluctuated violently, and in an instant, countless transparent swords appeared in the space around him.

"I want to leave, can you stop me?" Supreme Mingyu snorted coldly, and his figure suddenly blurred. With the soft light around him, he bypassed the shadow transformed by Emperor Meng Tian at an incredible speed. Escape towards the bloody crack belonging to the temple.

The speed that Supreme Mingyu broke out at this moment was so fast that Emperor Mengtian, who was also the strongest, was unable to stop him for a moment.

"Stop him!" Emperor Kong Tian shouted.

The figure of the separated soul Xiao Zhi suddenly disappeared into the air. When he reappeared, he had crossed a distance of more than 2,000 miles and was firmly in front of Supreme Mingyu.

The moment he appeared, the split soul Xiao Zhi opened his mouth and spit out a stream of golden light.

If your eyesight is strong enough, you can vaguely see that this is the Sanskrit word "ding".

This golden stream of light instantly penetrated the soft light around Mingyu Supreme and hit Mingyu Supreme.

Supreme Mingyu's body trembled, and his figure was frozen in the air.

After opening his mouth and spitting out a 'universal mantra', Xiao Zhi raised one of his arms high.

In an instant, a huge golden hand appeared out of thin air in front of him.

The moment the golden palm emerged, it was like a mountain bearing down on the top, and with overwhelming power, it struck at Supreme Mingyu in front of him!

Mingyu Supreme, who was pinned in mid-air by Xiao Zhi with the 'universal mantra', his face became distorted, his energy surged, his whole body was radiant, and he struggled hard.

Mingyu Supreme is the most powerful person after all. In the blink of an eye, he has broken free from the confinement of Xiao Zhi's universal mantra.

However, as soon as he broke free from the confinement, before he could do anything, a huge golden palm fell from the sky and slapped him hard.

Hearing a loud bang, Supreme Mingyu was struck by this huge golden palm and fell to the ground. Finally, he was suppressed by this huge golden palm on the earth. For a moment, the earth shook and smoke and dust rose everywhere!

'Cool! ’ After sensing this scene, Xiao Zhi couldn’t help shouting in his heart.

When he was responsible for restraining Supreme Mingyu with Emperor Jia Yuan before, he frequently used killing moves, but he couldn't even break Supreme Mingyu's defense. It was frustrating and powerless.

But now, he split his mind and slapped the old man over, knocking the old man into the dust. Xiao Zhi suddenly felt much relieved.

Xiao Zhi's 'hands of war' obviously cannot suppress the most powerful person at the level of Supreme Mingyu.

The next moment, before the golden palm could transform into a mountain, it became torn into pieces. The figure of Supreme Mingyu rose into the air in a somewhat embarrassed manner. What greeted him was the space sword that filled the sky and the mental illusion attack of Emperor Mengtian.

The separated soul Xiao Zhi opened his mouth again, and spat out a golden stream of light, hitting the embarrassed Mingyu Supreme.

At the same time, at the bloody crack belonging to the temple, the wing guards under Mingyu Supreme formed a neat array, shining brightly, and were waiting in strict formation.

"The Supreme is in danger! All armies, follow me to rescue the Supreme!" a voice shouted.

Suddenly, several phalanxes broke away from the main force, like white clouds blooming with light, floating towards the direction of Supreme Mingyu.

However, at this moment, a figure appeared out of thin air in front of these wing guards.

This figure, like the split soul Xiao Zhi, was glowing with glazed golden light.

This figure is the real Buddha Xiao Zhi who was 'summoned' by the split soul Xiao Zhi.

The moment True Buddha Xiao Zhi appeared, he raised one of his arms high.

In an instant, in the sky in front of the true Buddha, a huge golden hand glowing with glaze appeared out of thin air, and it instantly became solid from illusion.

The moment the golden palm emerged, it struck down the formations of winged guards in front of them.

Each of the winged guard formations had no time to do anything before they were covered by this golden palm that covered the sky. For a while, screams broke out everywhere.

Almost at the same time, the air around the bloody crack belonging to the temple fluctuated one after another, and figures with powerful auras emerged out of thin air.

These figures that appeared out of thin air are all high-level players, and they also include the mighty Buddha transformed by Yuan Shen Xiao Zhi, the demon Li Kuo, and Xiao Zhi's three major imaginary objects: Yuanlong clone, imaginary object The green dragon and the visualization object Kunpeng.

The air fluctuated like water again, and the figure of Xiao Zhi emerged out of thin air.

The moment he appeared, Xiao Zhi raised the pitch-black sword in his hand high. In an instant, wind surged around him, and a massive amount of world power rushed toward him from all directions.

‘My killing move can’t do anything to your master, but it’s more than enough to deal with you, so go to hell! ’

After a short period of gathering momentum, Xiao Zhi fiercely slashed out the long black sword in his hand, and slashed forward a terrifying sword energy across the sky!

More than a thousand miles away, the figure of the fake Emperor Yuan Tian also appeared.

She still maintained the appearance of Emperor Yuantian, wearing a golden battle armor, and the dazzling golden light emanating from her body illuminated a large area of ​​the sky in gold.

She was concentrating her golden sword again.

This time, she concentrated her killing move extremely quickly.

In her breath, a towering golden giant sword was condensed by her.

The moment it condensed, Emperor Yuan Tian swung the golden giant sword towards the winged guards gathered in front of him...

Those high-level players who were teleported by Xiao Zhi also took action, including Emperor Cang Yan and Emperor Si Yu.

The war broke out instantly!

On this battlefield, the Tianjie side invested almost all high-level combat forces except Emperor Kong Tian, ​​Emperor Meng Tian, ​​and Soul Split Xiao Zhi!

The reason why we invest so much is very simple.

They must destroy the winged army of Supreme Mingyu as quickly as possible!

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