This Game is Unusual

Chapter 17 Isn't it amazing?

Not long after, a player wearing only a pair of gray underpants walked slowly past Xiao Zhi, through the gate of the village, and out of the village.

Xiao Zhi's eyelids twitched again.

The mobile phone has already turned on the airplane mode, and has cut off any contact with the outside world. The game can still run normally, and it is very smooth.

This game is not normal, really not normal.

Xiao Zhi frowned, and suddenly remembered some questions that he had ignored before.

A Heping Village alone is so big. The combined area of ​​the village, the crops outside the village, and the forests outside the village has far exceeded the total area of ​​many mobile game worlds. Moreover, these are not only composed of They are just stickers. They can be touched and destroyed. This is just a Heping Village. In the 'World of All Beings', there are many other novice villages like Heping Village. This is really just a 3G-sized village. game?

And the villagers in the village, are they really just as simple as the intelligent NPCs he thought before?

Can a smart NPC be so smart?

And each one is so smart?

As far as Yang Xu and Yang Xi, the brothers and sisters he has been in contact with the most, he feels that they are no different from real people. Even the most advanced intelligent robot in the world cannot be so intelligent, right?

Whether future science will be able to do this, he doesn't know, but current science is absolutely unable to do this!

Since none of these can be explained by science, then...

Xiao Zhi's eyelids jumped a few more times.

Could it be that some kind of mysterious power descended into this world, and this game was born?

Or, this so-called 'world of living beings' is not just a virtual game world, but a real world?

Or, is an alien civilization that is much more advanced than human civilization created this game on Earth for some purpose?

All of a sudden, countless thoughts emerged from Xiao Zhi's mind.

This era is an era of information explosion. On the Internet, there are countless novels such as time travel, rebirth, myth invasion, and spiritual recovery.

As an old bookworm for more than ten years, and an online literature creator who prefers this aspect, even if Xiao Zhi has never eaten pork, has he never seen a pig run?

He even fantasized in his heart more than once, if he could be reborn like the protagonist in the novel, time travel, or live in an era of myth invasion and aura recovery, that would be great.

However, as an adult with a sound mind, he clearly knows that novels are just novels after all, and the worlds in novels all come from the fantasy of the novelist, which are all fake and cannot be regarded as real.

If you take the world in the novel seriously, you will be a fool.

This world is cold, and it is impossible for any supernatural power to exist. This is the cognition of almost everyone in this world. Xiao Zhi also thought so.

But now, this unbelievable scene, which cannot be explained by science, just appeared in front of Xiao Zhi, constantly impacting Xiao Zhi's cognition of the world over the years.

After all, Xiao Zhi is not an ordinary person. He has read countless fantasy novels, and his ability to accept such abnormal things is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

He quickly woke up from the shock and confusion.

He was lost in thought.

Not only was there no fear in his heart, but even a feeling of excitement and anticipation.

If, as he guessed, this 'world of sentient beings' is actually a real world, or a game designed by an alien civilization far stronger than human civilization, then...

Xiao Zhi's heart was burning. He had no time to appreciate the beautiful scenery of the mountains. Instead, he stood up, ran all the way down the mountain, then started the car, and drove all the way to the county town.

During the driving process, the blood gradually cooled down, and Xiao Zhi thought about more things.

Based on the signals alone, some of his previous guesses could not be completely confirmed, and he had to make some other attempts.

For example, can his character in the game be manipulated by others?

After logging in to a normal game, anyone can manipulate their character at will.

If his character in the game can be manipulated by other people, it doesn't mean much.

But if his character cannot be manipulated by others, it can undoubtedly prove once again that this game is unusual!

Xiao Zhi drove to the small shop run by his parents and stopped in front of the shop.

"Dad, come and do me a favor." Xiao Zhi got out of the car and called out to his father in the store.

"What's the matter?" Father Xiao came out of the shop, a little confused.

"Come in and talk about it." Xiao Zhi pulled his father into his shop, and he didn't let go until he entered the inner room.

The inner room is a place to store goods, and no outsiders will come in.

The doubt on Xiao's father's face grew stronger. His son's behavior today is a bit abnormal.

"Help me play this game." Xiao Zhi took out his mobile phone and logged into the 'World of All Beings'. After successful login, Xiao Zhi handed the mobile phone to his father.

"What are you doing? I don't play games." Xiao's father glanced at Xiao Zhi's phone screen and shook his head. He is in his fifties, and he is not interested in the things these young people like. None.

"Dad, you don't need to play for long, you just need to try to play, this is very important to me!" Xiao Zhi said sincerely.

"Very important?" Father Xiao was a little baffled. It's just a game, how could it be so important? He always felt that his son was acting weird and abnormal today. Could it be because of a broken relationship or some kind of stimulation? If this is the case, it will be troublesome.

Thinking of this, his heart couldn't help sinking, and he also felt a bit of resentment towards his son-in-law.

If you introduce someone so unreliable, can't you introduce someone more reliable to your brother-in-law?

"Yes, it's very important." Xiao Zhi nodded vigorously, with a serious expression on his face.

Father Xiao sighed in his heart. His son must have been stimulated by something. In this case, he could not continue to stimulate him, and could only follow him.

"Okay, it doesn't take long to play, right? Give me your phone, and I'll play it for you. By the way, how do you play this game?"

"This is walking, this is turning, this is..." Xiao Zhi explained some of the simplest control methods to his father, and demonstrated it live, before handing the phone to his father.

Father Xiao took the phone, and tried to operate it according to what Xiao Zhi had just taught.

"Hey, why is there no response? Could it be a crash?" Father Xiao tried to control the character, but no matter how he swiped and pulled the screen, the character in the game world did not respond at all. Like a dead machine.

Standing by the side, Xiao Zhi tried to stretch out his hand and swipe on the phone screen.

Even if the game character turned around and looked elsewhere, the picture on the screen also had a 180-degree rotation.

Xiao Zhi moved his finger away, and Xiao's father continued to try. The character on the screen was still the same as before, motionless, as if stuck.

Xiao Zhi pointed the front camera of the phone at his face again, and let Father Xiao continue to try to control the character. The character on the screen remained motionless and did not respond.

"Hey, why is this happening? You can turn the screen around, why didn't I respond?" Father Xiao had a surprised expression on his face.

Although he has never played games, and has never understood the game 'World of All Beings', he has also noticed that things are unusual.

Xiao Zhi took the phone from his father, and said with a smile: "Dad, this game comes with a lock screen mode. Once this mode is turned on, only the owner of the account can play the game. Even if other people get the phone I can’t control the characters in the game, I think it’s very interesting, so I came to ask you to try it out, isn’t it amazing?”

Thanks to Yaya Yaxiansen, Disturbance ↑, Light Blue Scars, Color Qilin from Fengyue Street, Assault Blade, Talents, Talents, New Day, Conventions, please collect, please recommend tickets~

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