This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1687 Lord Hong

The tip of the Sky Sword stopped above the head of the illusory figure.

"Emissary of Yongtu?" Xiao Zhi said with a slight frown.

"Yes! I am the envoy of Yongtu!" The illusory figure nodded heavily and spit out a series of weird syllables.

The illusory figure then let out a series of sharp howling sounds.

This sharp whistling sound was extremely penetrating and spread throughout the entire mission space in an instant.

Xiao Zhi couldn't understand the meaning contained in this voice at all.

But he could sense that when the illusory figure in front of him let out this roar, all the monsters on the battlefield stopped attacking and began to retreat.

Seeing this scene, neither Luo Yiyi nor Lu Zhong and Zhao Yan chose to chase these monsters. Instead, they all turned their heads and looked towards Xiao Zhi.

They also heard the words shouted by the illusory figure just now.

They all heard the word 'Yongtu Realm'.

Yongtu Realm... According to the intelligence information provided by Emperor Kongtian, this Yongtu Realm is not simple. It is a powerful realm among the nine realms, second only to the Eternal Realm in strength!

In the Yongtu Realm, there are six most powerful people sitting there.

The Yongtu Realm and the Eternal Realm are the only two great realms that have survived from the previous era.

Now, Yongtu Realm actually sent an envoy.

Is this really the envoy of Yongtu Realm?

If the humanoid monster in front of me is really an envoy from the Yongtu Realm, and the Yongtu Realm sends an envoy here, what does it want to do?

Xiao Zhi stared at the humanoid monster in front of him expressionlessly and thought quickly in his mind.

Under Xiao Zhi's gaze, the figure of the humanoid monster gradually became solid.

It was also staring at Xiao Zhi.

Seeing that Xiao Zhi didn't speak, the humanoid monster opened its mouth again and spat out a series of strange syllables, which translated to: "Your Excellency should be Emperor Zhi of Heaven, right?"

Xiao Zhi had a surprised expression on his face and said, "Do you know me?"

The humanoid monster squeezed out a smile on its somewhat ferocious face: "Emperor Zhitian, your performance was very outstanding in the last battle of the Great Realm. Several masters of the Wuyongtu Realm have noticed it. You, as their most loyal servant, I will naturally pay close attention to you."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, there was no expression on his face, and he said, "Since you are the envoy of Yongtu, why are you trying to kill my teammates?"

The humanoid monster lowered its head and said, "I didn't know they were your teammates. I'm very sorry."

After a pause, the humanoid monster explained: "The reason why I took action is just to attract the powerful people from your heaven in this way."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

‘To attract a powerful person from heaven in this way? Can't you just shout directly? I think you just want to kill. ’

‘Or maybe you, Yongtu Realm, want to use this method to give me a blow to Heaven Realm. ’

At this moment, Xiao Zhi's heart boiled with murderous intent. He really wanted to kill the monster in front of him with a knife, but when he thought that this monster might really be the envoy of Yongtu, he held back.

At his current level, he can no longer act based on personal likes and dislikes, because any of his actions may be related to the life and death of this great realm.

The Yongtu Realm is an extremely powerful world plane, with six most powerful people sitting in it.

Not only that, this Yongtu Realm is also a great realm that has been inherited from the previous era, and its background is unfathomable.

Such a powerful realm, not to mention a weak realm like the Heaven Realm, even the Holy Church in its heyday must be cautious when facing envoys from the Yongtu Realm.

Killing the god-level monster in front of him was easy for Xiao Zhi. He could kill this god-level monster with just a swipe of his knife.

Then what? If the Yongtu Realm becomes furious because of this and launches a large-scale invasion of the Heaven Realm, causing countless lives to be devastated and even the Heaven Realm to perish, then he will become a sinner.

Although this possibility is extremely small, Xiao Zhi, who is cautious by nature, does not dare to take risks.

Xiao Zhi breathed out softly, stared at the high-god-level monster in front of him, and said: "You are too weak and not qualified to talk to me. Let your Yongtu Realm send an important person to talk to me. .”

As soon as Xiao Zhi said this, a look of dissatisfaction appeared on the face of the humanoid monster.

But Xiao Zhi's strength far exceeded it. Even if it was dissatisfied and felt that it was being slighted, it would not dare to explode in front of Xiao Zhi.

The dissatisfied expression on the face of the humanoid monster disappeared in a flash, and he lowered his head and said, "Your Excellency, wait a moment, I will go back and convey your wishes to the master."

After saying that, the humanoid monster looked at Xiao Zhi eagerly, wanting Xiao Zhi to put away the knife so that it could go back and deliver the message.

Xiao Zhi, however, had no intention of sheathing the knife. He just looked at it indifferently and said, "You stay and let the other monsters go back to deliver the message to your master."

The humanoid monster had no choice but to scream a few times at a mid-god-level humanoid monster thousands of miles away.

The mid-god-level humanoid monster thousands of miles away roared a few times in response, and then its body became illusory and transparent, turning into an afterimage and flying towards the nearest bloody vortex.

Soon, the figure of this humanoid monster disappeared into the bloody whirlpool and disappeared.

At this time, black water mist surged out from under Xiao Zhi's body and condensed into a black cloud.

Xiao Zhi put away his sword and naturally sat cross-legged on top of the black cloud.

At this time, there was a high-god-level terrifying monster very close to Xiao Zhi, but Xiao Zhi was not worried at all that this monster would rise up and attack him.

Because he is confident enough in his own strength.

With his current strength, even if this god-level monster were twice as strong, it would not pose any threat to him.

Seeing Xiao Zhi put away his sword, the humanoid monster who claimed to be the envoy of Yongtu did not take this opportunity to escape, but carefully retreated step by step.

After retreating several hundred feet, the humanoid monster followed Xiao Zhi's example and sat cross-legged in the void.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

Xiao Zhi sat silently above the black clouds, waiting silently.

He didn't seem to make any moves, but in fact, he had already established a communication network quietly through his absolute control over this space.

He brought all the god-level players in Dachang World into this communication network.

"Let's talk about it. People from Yongtu Realm suddenly came to us. What is their purpose?" Xiao Zhi was the first to speak in the communication network.

As soon as Xiao Zhi finished speaking, Hu Yang's voice rang out in the communication network: "I think the Yongtu Realm sent an envoy here just to win over us and promise us some benefits. Okay. Let us charge into their battles and serve as cannon fodder.”

The voice belonging to Zhao Yan echoed: "I agree. As for the cruel survival mechanism of Chaos Void, allies are a joke. Even if there are any, they are temporary. All the great realms will eventually fight. We will fight to the death, so this Yongtu realm definitely has no good intentions when it sends an envoy to come to us."

"I agree." Lu Zhong's voice said solemnly.

"If that's the case, then why are we still waiting for Yongtu Realm to send people over? We don't need to cease the war at all, just kill them all." said the voice belonging to Mai Ti.

The voice belonging to Luo Yiyi said calmly: "It doesn't matter if we wait. We can see what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of Yongtu Realm."

"Yes, let's wait and see what the Yongtu Realm wants to do. They want to use us. That's for sure. I think they can use us. If we have the chance, we can actually do it. You can use them." The voice belonging to Zhu Changwu said.

"It makes sense." Gorea's voice said.

The voice belonging to Xiao Zhi said: "Yang Xu, Yang Xi, you should also express your opinions."

The voice belonging to Yang Xi said: "You can just discuss it and I will listen."

The voice belonging to Yang Xu said dullly: "There is no point in discussing it in depth now. Let's wait and see the situation after people from Yongtu Realm come."

"Yeah." Xiao Zhi hummed, "Then this discussion will end here for the time being."

At this time, Hu Yang said: "Brother Zhi, the envoy from Yongtu Realm is here. This is a big event for our heavenly realm. Do you want to ask Emperor Kongtian and others to come and listen?"

The voice belonging to Xiao Zhi said: "I am already contacting Emperor Kongtian. As for Emperor Mengtian, I don't have his contact information, and I can't contact him even if I want to."

Although Xiao Zhi looks like a sculpture, sitting motionless on the black clouds, in fact, with his current strength and the means he has now, it is too difficult to do something without anyone noticing. Simple.

At this time, in a valley crevice thousands of miles away from him, a figure was leaning against a rock, staring at a white jade ring floating in front of him.

This figure is clearly Xiao Zhi!

As for Xiao Zhi sitting on the black cloud, it is just a clone of him.

No, it's not even a clone, because it doesn't contain a soul, it's just a polymerization of the laws of water and the power of the world, but it's enough to confuse the real with the fake, and very few people who are extremely powerful can see through its reality. few.

At least, the high god-level monster, which was only a few hundred feet away from the black cloud, was not aware of Xiao Zhi's departure, and still regarded the man sitting on the black cloud as the real Xiao Zhi. .

Under Xiao Zhi's gaze, the white jade ring as a token of Emperor Kongtian soon shimmered with light, and the voice of Emperor Kongtian came from it: "Xiao Zhi, why are you calling me?"

Xiao Zhi said: "Emperor Kongtian, just now, an envoy from Yongtu Realm came over."

"What?!" The voice belonging to Emperor Kongtian suddenly rose in pitch.

Soon, the voice belonging to Emperor Kongtian said in a deep voice: "What is going on?"

Xiao Zhi said in a deep voice: "This is what happened..."

Time passed by minute by minute.

Everyone did not wait too long. Just a few minutes later, high in the sky, there was a blood-colored vortex spinning at high speed, as if it had been driven by wind.

For a moment, the eyes of all the players, including Luo Yiyi, fell on this high-speed rotating bloody vortex.

Under the gaze of everyone, a figure slowly floated out from the bloody whirlpool.

This is a handsome young man wearing a white robe.

This young man has long black hair shawl, and his eyes are as bright as stars.

When this young man appeared, all the monsters knelt down and crawled in the air to show their submission.

Even the high-god-level monster who called himself the Messenger of Yongtu stood up at this time and saluted respectfully to the handsome young man in white robes, with a flattering smile on his ferocious face.

The figure of the white-robed young man hovered in the air. After glancing in all directions, his eyes finally landed on Xiao Zhi, who was sitting cross-legged on the black clouds thousands of miles away.

Xiao Zhi was also looking at him at this time.

Their eyes were thousands of miles apart and they looked at each other.

After looking at each other like this for a moment, the young man in white robe smiled slightly, turned into a stream of light, and flew towards Xiao Zhi.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi had a surprised expression on his face and thought to himself: "I don't know who this guy is. He is really confident. Isn't he afraid that after he comes over, the conversation breaks down and I force him to stay?" ? ’

Those who can invade through the bloody vortex cannot be the most powerful person.

Since he is not the most powerful person, why does this young man in white robe act so confident?

Under Xiao Zhi's gaze, the young man in white robe quickly flew thousands of miles and arrived at a place only a few hundred feet away from Xiao Zhi.

The high-god-level monster who called himself the Messenger of Yongtu bowed to the white-robed young man again and respectfully shouted: "Hong Lord."

The young man in white robe ignored it, but smiled at Xiao Zhi and said: "Your Excellency Emperor Zhitian, please introduce yourself. I am the Lord of the Eternal Lord. If the Lord comes to meet with you, the commotion will be great. It’s very big, so the Lord sent me over to communicate with you and ask for your understanding.”

The white-robed young Hongzhu said his words very politely. Under such circumstances, Xiao Zhi couldn't keep a cold face, so he also showed a smile on his face and said: "It doesn't matter, you will always chart the world." Why did I send you here this time?"

At this moment, the eyes of Lu Zhong and others fell on the white-robed young Hongzhu.

In the cracks in the valley thousands of miles away, Emperor Kong Tian stood quietly, with no expression on his face.

This Emperor Kongtian was transformed from the token of Emperor Kongtian.

Xiao Zhi has shared his vision and hearing with him, so he can perceive whatever Xiao Zhi sees or hears.

Facing Xiao Zhi's inquiry, Lord Hong smiled slightly and said, "I am here this time to save you."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but frowned when he heard this.

Lord Hong stared at Xiao Zhi and said: "Emperor Zhi Tian, ​​you are very strong. Although you are not the strongest, you can compete with the strongest. In terms of strength, I am not as good as you, but the heaven where you are is... Very weak. Next, the battles in the Great Realm will only become more and more intense and more frequent. With the strength of your Heaven Realm, the Heaven Realm is destined to be destroyed before the end of this era. Emperor Zhi Tian, ​​what do you think? ?”

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