This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1691 Special Task Release Process

After Xiao Zhi heard this, he couldn't help but be startled.

This mighty Buddha has been sealed away for many years, but the Buddhist kingdom still exists?

There are billions of living beings in the Buddha’s kingdom of Mighty Heavenly Buddha? !

But it’s normal to think about it.

He is a high god, and there are a large number of humans and even larger numbers of other creatures living in the God Realm.

The Mighty Heavenly Buddha is the most powerful person. There are hundreds of millions of living beings in his Buddha Kingdom. That is normal...

So, how should we arrange the hundreds of millions of living beings in the Kingdom of the Mighty Heavenly Buddha?

This made Xiao Zhi somewhat difficult.

No, it is very difficult.

These are billions of living beings!

According to the information he learned, not to mention these billions of living beings, even if a few people, or even one person, wants to join the heavenly realm and be branded with the mark of the heavenly realm, the heavenly realm will have to pay a heavy price. .

Precisely because the price is too high, there are only a few places for introductions to the Yongtu Realm, and the distribution of more than a dozen seems to be very fussy.

This is still the Yongtu world where the family has a big business.

If it were the Heaven Realm, the number of places that could be offered would probably be even less.

"Let me think about it." Xiao Zhi said.

Heaven, under the dark sky.

I, Xiao Zhi, sat on the floating flying boat and repeated the last question raised by the mighty Buddha to the two heavenly emperors, Kong and Meng.

After listening to Xiao Zhi's retelling, Emperor Kong Tian frowned tightly and remained silent.

Emperor Mengtian's face became extremely gloomy, and he said coldly: "Does this mighty Buddha still want to mark all the creatures in his Buddhist kingdom with the brand of my heaven? How is this possible? Don't talk about our heaven. Even with the size and foundation of the Eternal Realm, it is absolutely impossible to achieve this."

"Too many, there are too many billions of creatures." Emperor Kongtian shook his head: "With the size of our heaven, we can only give him at most thirty places to join the heaven, no more."

I, Xiao Zhi, nodded: "Okay, I understand."

All are born in the pure land.

Xiao Zhi's figure floated in the air, staring at the huge Buddha statue not far away, and said: "Mighty Buddha, you have asked me before about the imprint of the Great Realm. You should know that, and you want to give me It is unrealistic for all the hundreds of millions of living beings in your Buddhist kingdom to be stamped with the heavenly realm."

"I know." The giant Buddha nodded its huge head and said, "So, if I choose to join you in heaven, how should I deal with these hundreds of millions of creatures?"

Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth, raised his hand and held up three fingers, and said: "Thirty, our heaven can provide thirty quotas for introduction. You, the mighty Buddha, can choose three in your dreamland of Buddhaland. What do you think of the ten people you think are the most important coming out and following you to join the heavenly realm, the mighty Buddha?"

The huge Buddha statue heard this and sighed: "There are hundreds of millions of living beings in my Buddhist kingdom. If we follow the conditions set by your heaven, only thirty people can live, and the others will die. As a result, I Can not accept."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, his heart sank!

Pursing his lips, Xiao Zhi said in a deep voice: "Then according to your wishes, the mighty Buddha, how should we deal with these billions of living beings?"

The huge Buddha statue chose silence. After a while of silence, the huge Buddha statue said in a grand voice: "Let me think about it carefully."

"Okay." Xiao Zhi nodded.

Xiao Zhi originally thought that he only had to wait for a moment before the mighty Buddha in front of him would tell him how to deal with these billions of living beings. As a result, half an hour later, the mighty Buddha seemed to have really become a statue. Statue-like, motionless.

"Mighty Buddha? What do you think?" Xiao Zhi asked tentatively.

This was the third time he had asked in the past half hour. As a result, he still did not receive any response after he asked this question.

In the heaven, under the gloomy sky, Emperor Kongtian sat on a floating flying boat and asked, "How is it?"

"Still no response." I, Xiao Zhi, said helplessly.

A few feet away, Emperor Meng Tian was sitting cross-legged on a cloud of clouds, his face so gloomy that he was about to drip with water.

Emperor Mengtian looked ugly and said: "This mighty Buddha is clearly trying to make things difficult for us."

As soon as Emperor Mengtian said this, both Xiao Zhi and Emperor Kongtian chose to remain silent.

Emperor Meng Tian threw something towards Xiao Zhi and said, "This is my token. If there is any progress regarding the mighty Buddha, you can use this to contact me."

After saying this, before Xiao Zhi could reply, Emperor Mengtian's figure quickly became illusory and finally disappeared into the air.

What was thrown by Emperor Meng Tian was a gray-black ball. After the gray-black ball flew several feet away towards Xiao Zhi, it hovered in the air and could not make any progress.

A phantom floated out from Xiao Zhi's body, and instantly passed through the defensive restrictions of the sentient system and came to the gray-black ball.

This phantom is a spiritual clone created by Xiao Zhi.

Emperor Mengtian's token cannot pass through this layer of defensive restrictions in the sentient system.

But after being held by Xiao Zhi's clone, it was okay.

The shadow quickly solidified, taking the form of Xiao Zhi, and then stretched out his hand to hold the gray-black ball in his hand.

With just a flash, the clone Xiao Zhi returned to the mission space and handed the gray-black ball to Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi took the gray-black ball as a token and remained silent.

Emperor Kong Tian stood up at this time and said: "I'm leaving too, Xiao Zhi, if you have anything, you can contact me at any time."

"Wait a minute." Xiao Zhi shouted.

"What?" Emperor Kongtian looked at Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi touched his nose and said: "Well... if the mighty Buddha decides to join our heavenly realm, how should we attract him? How should we prepare for him and the thirty people on the quota list? The mark of heaven?"

Xiao Zhi had been holding this question in his heart for a long time, and at this moment, he finally asked it.

Although his current strength is not as good as Emperor Kongtian and the others, his authority level and management authority of the sentient system are no lower than Emperor Kongtian and Emperor Mengtian.

But among the powers he has, there are only two options: recruiting the world and recruiting talents. There is no such option as "recruiting other great world creatures"...

Therefore, Xiao Zhi was very confused, how should they handle this matter?

Emperor Kongtian couldn't help but smile when he heard this. He glanced at Xiao Zhi, opened his mouth and spat out four words: "Special mission."

After saying these four words, his figure turned into nothing and disappeared into the air, leaving only a white jade ring floating in the air.

"Special mission..." Xiao Zhi murmured, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

After storing all the tokens of Emperor Kongtian and Emperor Mengtian into the storage ring, Xiao Zhi summoned the management interface of the sentient system with a thought.

After obtaining the intermediate management authority of the sentient system, Xiao Zhi became qualified to issue tasks.

There are three types of tasks he can issue, namely: ordinary tasks, special tasks and temporary guard tasks.

Xiao Zhi's eyes quickly fell on the option of 'Issue a special mission'.

Instantly, a line of prompts appeared in front of Xiao Zhi: "To publish a special task, you need to consume 20,000 authority points. The authority points in your name are higher than or equal to 20,000 points, and you can release special tasks. Please fill in what you need to publish. The system will generate a special task based on the content you fill in, and calculate the cost of the task, which will be borne by you and the system."

Suddenly, a blank translucent light screen appeared in front of Xiao Zhi, waiting for Xiao Zhi to fill in the content.

‘It should be fine for me to fill in the content here now. After all, the task has not been generated yet. Before the task is generated, the sentient system should not deduct my authority points...’ Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

He gritted his teeth and began to fill in the content on the blank light screen in front of him with his spiritual thoughts.

Soon, words appeared one by one on the blank screen of light: 'Invite the mighty Buddha of all rebirths in the Pure Land and the thirty people in his Buddha Kingdom to join the heavenly realm. ’

After entering this text, Xiao Zhi waited with some anxiety.

Soon, below the line of text he entered, a line of golden text appeared: 'The description is too vague to generate a special task. Please refill the task content. ’

After seeing this line of text, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

After thinking about it, Xiao Zhi started to re-enter the text on the light screen in front of him: 'The Pure Land of All Lives is a great realm. It has been destroyed now, but there is still a powerful person sealed in it. This powerful person His name is Majesty Heavenly Buddha. Majesty Heavenly Buddha also owns a Buddha Kingdom. There are hundreds of millions of living beings in the Buddha Kingdom. I would like to invite Majesty Heavenly Buddha and thirty people from his Buddha Kingdom to join the heavenly realm. ’

‘Am I writing this in detail enough? ’ Xiao Zhi thought.

After editing the text, Xiao Zhi began to wait with some anxiety.

Not long after, another line of golden text appeared below the text he entered: 'Special mission is being generated...'

A few seconds later, another line of golden text appeared: 'The special task was generated successfully. After generating this task, you need to pay an additional 31,000 authority points. The system will consume the source of heaven and imprint the mark of heaven on these 31 people. ’

Immediately afterwards, another line of golden text appeared in front of Xiao Zhi: ‘Do you want to issue this special mission? ’

"No." Xiao Zhi decisively chose no.

Just kidding, this horoscope has not been revealed yet. Now that you are releasing this task, doesn’t it mean that you have too many authority points in your name?

Even if everything goes well and the mighty Buddha agrees to join the heaven, Xiao Zhi feels that this task should be issued by Emperor Kongtian or Emperor Mengtian.

As for him... he still has to save authority points to reach the ninth level of authority.

If Emperor Kongtian's guess is correct, and the hidden condition required to reach the ninth level of authority is really related to the level of the Holy Body, then [Tianji Holy Body] has been cultivated to the perfection level by him, and once he has gathered enough With the 180,000 authority points required for upgrade, he will most likely become a ninth-level authority, obtain advanced management authority for the sentient system, and then completely control the sentient system and the entire heaven!

Xiao Zhi is not the kind of person with a strong desire for power. This can be seen from the fact that he handed over the management of Dachang World to Lu Zhong, while he became the hands-off shopkeeper and barely asked about the affairs of Dachang World.

But if he could obtain the supreme authority of the sentient system, he would definitely strive for it.

Just because this supreme authority is very important.

Once he obtains the supreme authority of the sentient system, he will be able to change many things...

At this time, in the pure land of all living beings shrouded in black mist.

After waiting for a while, Xiao Zhi shouted again: "Mighty Buddha? What do you think?"

This time, Xiao Zhi still didn't get any response.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and retreated silently.

After retreating a thousand miles, Xiao Zhi stopped retreating.

A black mist quickly appeared around his body and legs.

Xiao Zhi sat on top of the black mist, closed his eyes, and began to wait silently.

Now, he has no intention of looking for the Sumeru space where the Pure Land BOSS hides.

He was so motivated and motivated before, because he thought that the power he gained in the Pure Land belonged to himself.

If you work hard for yourself and gain strength, then of course you have motivation.

Now, he already knows that he is just a free wage earner. All the power he gained in the Pure Land is not his own, but was lent to him by the mighty Buddha. These powers, the mighty Buddha Tianfo can take it back at any time...

After learning the truth, how could Xiao Zhi still have the heart to be a free wage earner?

Whoever wants to look for the Sumeru space where the Pure Land BOSS hides, he won't look for it anymore anyway.

In the heaven, the two heavenly emperors Kong and Meng had already left, and Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged on the floating airship that belonged to him.

Before, his mind was full of the pure land of all rebirths and the affairs of the mighty Buddha, and he had no intention of practicing.

As time went by, his heart gradually calmed down, and he began to practice his [Tianji Holy Body] again.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The communication network built by Xiao Zhi was not removed by Xiao Zhi, but was retained by Xiao Zhi.

Because building and maintaining this communication network is also a kind of practice for Xiao Zhi.

In this communication network, Lu Zhong and others would exchange words from time to time to pass the time.

Since Lord Na Hong left, there has been no invasion from the Yongtu Realm's elite soldiers.

Thinking about it, during this guard mission, there should be no more monsters invading. Therefore, everyone seemed quite relaxed when chatting in the communication network built by Xiao Zhi.

In the pure land of all lives shrouded in black mist.

Xiao Zhi closed his eyes and sat on a black cloud, like a sculpture.

Thousands of miles away from him, the mighty Buddha remained motionless, like a sculpture.

At this time, in the vast and boundless Buddhist kingdom, a giant Buddha slowly emerged from the sky with a golden light.

This radiant Buddha is none other than the mighty Buddha!

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