This Game is Unusual

Chapter 174 Qishan County

Xiao Zhi said with a dark face: "Just follow me, there is so much nonsense."

Duan Yi laughed dryly, "I'm not worried."

Xiao Zhi said: "What are you worried about? If I go straight on this horse road, can I still get lost?"

Linwu County is about 1,200 miles away from the mountain forest where the Baique fruit tree grows.

It's not that Xiao Zhi can't do other things while manipulating the character to practice during this period of time.

He asked Li Pingfeng to get him a map of Longyan County, took a picture, and sent it to him via WeChat.

This is only a relatively rough map, but through this map, Xiao Zhi confirmed the approximate location of the Baicui fruit tree, and planned the route in his mind.

Although the straight line is the shortest between two points, the straight line needs to pass through countless mountains and rivers and several rivers of different sizes. There may still be some unknown dangers hidden in these mountains and rivers.

Finally, after some consideration, Xiao Zhi gave up going straight and chose another route.

In the world of sentient beings, in Dachang Kingdom, there are horse trails between counties, and there are horse trails between counties.

He planned to follow the bridle path from Linwu County to Qishan County. After reaching Qishan County, he would get off the bridle path and enter the forest, to the forest where the Baicui fruit tree grew.

Walking along the horse path, there will be some twists and turns. Although it is no longer the shortest straight-line distance, when the green horse runs on the horse path, it can explode faster and reduce the bumps. Arrive at your destination earlier.

A group of people galloped along the horse path.

Although the green horse in the world of sentient beings has great stamina, it still needs to rest after running for a while.

After running for more than a hundred miles along the bridle path, everyone took a rest by a small river beside the bridle path.

The people led the green horses to drink water by the small river.

Li Pingfeng walked up to Xiao Zhi, and handed the two pill bottles to Xiao Zhi: "The celadon bottle contains Qi-gathering pills, 2 pills, and the white porcelain bottle contains detoxification pills, also 2 pills. Prepare more, but our club has limited funds, so we can only prepare so much."

"It's already a lot." Xiao Zhi took the bottle containing the pill and said with a smile.

After sitting down on the bank of the river, Xiao Zhi took out the water bag and food from the gift bag hanging on the back of the green horse, drank the water, and ate the jerky meat of the beast.

With a thought, Xiao Zhi called out his character attribute panel.

Name: Xiao Zhi

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Title: Hero of Linwu County

Strength: Congenital Ninth Stage Martial Artist

Attributes: Constitution 272, Strength 442, Dexterity 236.

Gongfa: "Ten Elephant True Power Jue" Dacheng (basic innate skills), "Nine Bulls Explosive Power Jue" complete (basic acquired skills), "Canglong Breaking Seal" entry (combat merit), "Whale Swallowing Gong" minor success (auxiliary skills) )

Mystery: Boiling Blood Mystery

Bloodline: None

Compared with before, his measurement attribute has increased a bit. The strength of the main attribute has already exceeded the 400 mark, reaching 442 points.

With this three-dimensional attribute, even if he doesn't use the innate energy in his body, he should be able to defeat most of the acquired middle-level warriors just by relying on physical strength.

Swiping away the character attribute panel in front of him, Xiao Zhi glanced at Yang Xu who was sitting a few meters away, silent and not speaking.

He was thinking, if the current self broke out with all his strength, would he be able to fight this boy Yang Xu?

After thinking about it, Xiao Zhi shook his head.

Should still not be able to beat.

After all, this boy Yang Xu can trigger a catastrophe when he explodes with all his strength.

And he, even if he broke out with all his strength, he couldn't arouse the catastrophe.

When he reached his innate limit, mastered the secret technique of 'burning blood', and exploded with all his strength, he might be able to trigger a catastrophe, right?

At that time, maybe he will be able to fight this kid Yang Xu.

It can be said that in this operation, the strongest combat power in the team was not him, a native ninth-level warrior, but Yang Xu.

Apart from the two of them, Li Pingfeng is now an innate fifth-rank martial artist, and has already learned the low-level combat skill "Gathering Strength".

Duan Yi is a congenital fourth-level martial artist who has learned the combat exploit "Golden Body Art". In addition to a sharp weapon-level long knife, he is also equipped with a set of sharp-tool-level armor.

Xie Ke is also an innate fourth-level warrior, and has learned the combat exploit "Cloud Steps". The weapon is a sharp weapon-level long sword.

After more than ten days, whether it is Xiao Zhi, Li Pingfeng or the other three, their strength has improved significantly.

Coupled with the strongest combat power in Yang Xu's team, Xiao Zhi felt that their team was quite powerful.

Of course, the premise is that you don't encounter Taoist monks or big monsters.

If you're unlucky and meet Daoist cultivators or big monsters, their team is still not enough.

'I hope this time I can be lucky, and don't encounter such an enemy that I can't deal with. ’ Xiao Zhi said silently in his heart.

On this day, a group of people rode horses and galloped on the horse track, and traveled a total of more than 800 miles.

If it weren't for horsepower, they could go further.

There is a tea pavilion and an inn beside the horse road, so the group of people don't need to spend the night in the open air.

A group of people only opened a large room for five people, not to save that little money, but because it would be safer for everyone to get together.

The inn beside the road is far less safe than the county seat. After Xiao Zhi checked into the inn, his consciousness returned to the real world. After solving the problem of eating, drinking and drinking, he consciously re-entered the world of sentient beings.

Not only him, Li Pingfeng and the others also did the same.

In the big guest room of the five-person room, Yang Xu's bed was empty. At night, Yang Xu did not rest, but opened the window of the guest room, sat cross-legged in front of the window, began to illuminate the moonlight and starlight, and vomited. Na absorbs the dead air.

"I'm not used to sleeping in this crappy place. The damn hard bed, and this quilt, why does it smell musty?" Duan Yi tossed and turned on the bed, unable to sleep, complaining repeatedly.

"It's just that you talk a lot of nonsense. If you're not used to sleeping, you can just lie on the ground. Anyway, you are following the physical route. If you have a high physique, you won't catch a cold if you lie on the ground." Xie Ke couldn't help but say something to him.

"Okay, stop talking and sleep peacefully!" Li Pingfeng rolled over on the bed and shouted impatiently.

As for Xiao Zhi, as soon as Xiao Zhi lay on the bed, he fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, it was still around 7:00 in the morning, and everyone started to hurry.

Near noon, everyone rode their horses to Qishan County, and deposited 5 green horses in a horse shop in Qishan County.

This is also a lesson learned from the previous time.

The price of green horses is not cheap. Five green horses together are worth at least 70,000 to 80,000 yuan. It would be a pity if they were affected by the battle and died in the wild like last time.

After depositing the horses, Li Pingfeng paid for it, and they had a good meal in an inn in Qishan County.

After eating and drinking enough, the group of people, under the leadership of Xiao Zhi, left Qishan County with salutes.

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