This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1744 The Holy Lord of Tao Yuan

Time passed by second by second.

In the dark space, the battle is still fierce.

The clone Xiao Zhi could feel that under the crazy siege of Emperor Kongtian and Emperor Mengtian, Minglong Supreme was becoming visibly weaker, and the injuries on his body were becoming more and more heavy.

Despite this, the Minglong Supreme is still surviving tenaciously and is still immortal.

The huge dragon body of Minglong Supreme is not just a decoration, his defense is really too strong.

The clone Xiao Zhi wished he could rush forward and chop at Minglong Supreme several times.

However, the strength does not allow it.

His little strength is too insignificant in the battle of the strongest.

‘It would be nice if I was here. ’

‘If I were here, I would have joined forces with Emperor Kong and Meng, and Minglong Supreme would probably have been killed. How could he survive until now? ’ Such an idea suddenly appeared in the clone Xiao Zhi’s heart.

'No, it won't work if I am here. I can only have the strongest level of combat power if I stay in the heaven. Once I leave the heaven and come to the Yongtu world, my strength is equivalent to that of a top god. In this kind of world, In the battle of the strongest, it also doesn't play a big role...'

At this moment, Emperor Kongtian struck down with his sword, almost piercing the huge dragon body of Supreme Minglong.

Emperor Mengtian was in a close combat with Minglong Supreme. He pulled hard with his ghost claws and tore off a large piece of flesh and blood from Minglong Supreme's huge dragon body.

For a moment, golden blood spread all over the void, and then was annihilated into nothingness by the ubiquitous violent energy.

Minglong Supreme roared in pain and became even weaker.

‘The Minglong Supreme Lord has run out of gas. ’

‘If this trend continues, it will take another one or two seconds at most for Minglong Supreme to be executed. ’ Xiao Zhi thought.

"Don't push me. If you push me, you will all die!" Minglong Supreme roared in pain.

At this moment, the Minglong Supreme, whose body was covered in blood and flesh, suddenly turned into blood red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, the depressed aura of Minglong Supreme began to surge.

When the clone Xiao Zhi saw this scene, his expression suddenly changed!

A word emerged in his mind: self-destruct!

Minglong Supreme was forced into a corner and wanted to self-destruct!

Not only Xiao Zhi, but also the faces of Emperor Kongtian and Emperor Mengtian also became extremely ugly at this moment.

They can naturally think of things that the clone Xiao Zhi can think of.

The dark space they are now in is an extremely small confined space. In this environment, once Minglong Supreme chooses to self-destruct, then everyone in this dark space will be destroyed. Done!

At this moment, Emperor Kongtian hesitated, and the transparent sword that was originally intended to stab the head of Supreme Minglong also stopped in the air.

The purpose of his coming to the Yongtu Realm was not to fight for his life.

Although he wanted to kill Minglong Supreme.

But if you risk your own life here in order to kill Minglong Supreme, it would be a waste.

Unlike Kongtian Emperor, after sensing that Minglong Supreme was about to self-destruct, Mengtian Emperor and the monsters under his control were still frantically attacking Minglong Supreme without any intention of stopping.

Emperor Kongtian shouted to the sky: "Lord of Yongye, Lord of Minglong are about to self-destruct, let us out!"

He believed that in this case, as long as the Lord of Eternal Night was not stupid, he would let them out.

Because the war has just begun, at this time, Yongtu Realm exchanges his life and Emperor Mengtian's life for the life of the Minglong Supreme, who is seriously injured and dying in Yongtu Realm. This is a loss no matter how you say it.

This is not in the interest of Yongtujie.

However, before Lord Yong Ye could respond, Emperor Mengtian shouted at this moment: "Kill him quickly! Just kill him before he explodes, that's all!"

Emperor Mengtian's roar caused Emperor Kongtian's expression to change slightly.

The clone Xiao Zhi also changed his expression!

What does Emperor Meng Tian want to do?

At this moment, the various monsters condensed by Emperor Mengtian and crawling on Minglong Supreme like tarsal maggots exploded like bombs one after another, exploding into A mass of thick, ink-like shadows.

As these monsters self-destructed, strange ripples spread out from the explosion.

'This is...' The clone Xiao Zhi was slightly startled when he saw this scene.

The next moment, a circle of strange ripples spread across his body.

The clone Xiao Zhi felt like the world was spinning for a while, and his consciousness suddenly became blurred.

The strange ripples produced by these monsters' self-destruction are actually a terrifying spiritual attack!

The clone Xiao Zhi was only a little affected by the strange ripples, and his consciousness became blurred and he almost lost the ability to think.

He is still in the most powerful divine domain of Emperor Mengtian, and is protected by Emperor Mengtian. Without this layer of protection, his situation will only be worse.

The clone Xiao Zhi was only slightly affected by the strange ripples, that's all.

Minglong Supreme was attacked by dozens of strange ripples at the same time!

No, these were not the only attacks Minglong Supreme endured.

At this moment, the huge monster transformed by Emperor Mengtian rushed in front of Supreme Minglong. Four arms like ghost hands clung to Supreme Minglong's body, and a pair of strange eyes exuded a ghostly light. , staring intently at Minglong Supreme’s dark golden dragon eyes glowing with blood!

This time when he came to participate in the battle in Yongtu Realm, Emperor Meng Tian used either summoning abilities or actual attack methods.

This is the first time he has used spiritual attacks!

As the most powerful person who practices the Law of Illusion, Emperor Meng Tian is best at these spiritual attacks!

Under the series of mental attacks by Emperor Mengtian, Minglong Supreme's body froze in place, his eyes became dull and blinded, and the process of self-destruction also came to a standstill.

Emperor Kongtian reacted instantly when he saw this scene. With a low shout, he raised his sword and stabbed one of Minglong Supreme's eyes.

The eyes are a relatively fragile part of any living creature.

The same is true for the strongest.

Under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible for the sword in Emperor Kongtian's hand to stab Minglong Supreme in the eye.

But now it's different.

In an instant, the transparent sword in Emperor Kongtian's hand pierced the eyes of Supreme Minglong, and then the tip of the sword followed Supreme Minglong's eye sockets and penetrated into Supreme Minglong's brain.

Then, the terrifying space power contained in the transparent sword exploded in the brain of Supreme Minglong, instantly turning Supreme Minglong's brain into a ball of paste.

A shrill scream sounded at this moment.

At this moment, Minglong Supreme screamed miserably, and his huge dragon body began to twitch crazily.

An ordinary dragon would definitely be dead after his brain was smashed, but Minglong Supreme is still alive.

"Go to hell!" Emperor Kong Tian slashed down with his sword again, cutting Minglong Supreme's wildly twisting dragon body into two pieces with one sword strike.

After sheathing his sword, Emperor Kongtian raised his sword again. The transparent sword in his hand distorted the surrounding space, emitting extremely terrifying energy fluctuations.

Just when Emperor Kongtian was about to draw his sword again, he seemed to sense something and looked up.

What he saw was an extremely deep darkness.

It's just that this darkness is protruding downwards at the moment, as if something wants to tear it apart, break through it, and enter this dark world.

The next moment, the darkness was torn apart, and a bit of colorful light bloomed from it.

This is a huge finger glowing with colorful light.

At the same time, a faint voice followed into the dark space: "Finally found it."

Emperor Kong Tian instantly heard it, it was the voice of the Holy Lord of Tao Yuan!

Holy Lord Daoyuan is here!

Emperor Kong Tian's reaction speed was extremely fast. The transparent sword in his hand immediately changed the target of attack, and slashed at the huge finger of the Holy Lord Daoyuan that was glowing with colorful light!

Then there was a loud sound, and the sword in Emperor Kong Tian's hand struck hard on the huge finger of Holy Lord Daoyuan.

Space trembles!

Holy Master Daoyuan snorted and retracted the finger.

However, in the next moment, the dark space trembled, and a huge palm glowing with colorful light tore through the darkness and poked in from the outside world.

Emperor Kongtian shouted softly, and struck out with another sword, hitting the huge palm glowing with colorful light!

"Holy Master Daoyuan, save me." Minglong Supreme, with only half of his body left and even his brain shattered, is not dead yet. He is seen screaming miserably, twisting his remaining body desperately, struggling towards The Holy Lord of Taoyuan traveled away.

"Want to leave?" The strange light in Emperor Mengtian's eyes disappeared, and he stretched out his four arms to tightly restrain the body of Supreme Minglong. He actually tore a few pieces off Supreme Minglong's body. A piece of meat.


The sword in Emperor Kong Tian's hand collided with the seven-colored giant palm thrust in by Holy Master Daoyuan.

The space trembles again!

After the collision, the colorful palm shrank back a little, and in the next moment, another colorful palm tore through the darkness and poked in from the outside world.

After this colorful palm penetrated into the dark space from the outside world, it grabbed directly at Minglong Supreme.

"Save me!" At this moment, Minglong Supreme, the blood and golden light on his body bloomed together, and he broke free from Emperor Mengtian's imprisonment and flew towards this colorful palm.

"Damn it!" The huge monster transformed by Emperor Mengtian was chasing after Minglong Supreme.

At this moment, a huge head blooming with colorful light broke through the darkness and poked in from the outside world.

The eyes of this huge head belonging to the Holy Lord Daoyuan turned and fell on Emperor Mengtian. He opened his mouth and spat out a stream of colorful light at Emperor Mengtian.

The speed of this colorful light was so fast that Emperor Meng Tian was hit by this colorful light before he could react.

Emperor Mengtian, who was hit by this colorful light, trembled, and his size shrank by a circle visible to the naked eye. The black scales, bone spurs on his body, and the two dark ghost hands under his ribs were all visible to the naked eye. The speed left him.

Emperor Meng Tian was almost knocked back to his original form at this moment!

The clone Xiao Zhi, who was attached to Emperor Mengtian, had just escaped from the aftermath of Emperor Mengtian's mental attack. His head was still a little confused. Before he realized what happened, he followed Emperor Mengtian and suffered a disaster.

Emperor Mengtian, who was hit by the seven-colored light of the Holy Lord Daoyuan, was only almost knocked back to his original form.

The clone Xiao Zhi's strength was far inferior to that of Emperor Mengtian. He was hit by the seven-colored light and didn't even say a word. His body collapsed silently and collapsed into a thick black water...

Origin of heaven.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi, who was standing on the top of the peak, turned pale again.

Soon, the trace of paleness on Xiao Zhi's face disappeared, but his face became extremely ugly.

"Emperor Zhi Tian, ​​your other clone was also killed?" Not far away, the mighty Buddha sitting on a group of auspicious clouds said.

"Yeah." Xiao Zhi nodded with a gloomy face.

After a moment of silence, the mighty Buddha said: "Emperor Zhitian, you don't need to worry too much. At least the clone left by Emperor Kongtian here is still intact."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Zhi turned his head slightly and glanced at the clone of Emperor Kongtian sitting not far away, the expression on his face softened slightly.

If Emperor Kongtian is killed in the Yongtu Realm, the high god clone he left behind in the original heaven realm will collapse and dissipate soon.

Before the collapse dissipates, there are usually some signs of imminent collapse in this high god's clone.

As for the avatar of Emperor Kongtian, as the mighty Buddha said, it is still intact as of now.

This means that, at least for now, Emperor Kongtian is still alive and has not died in the Yongtu Realm.

Xiao Zhi let out a breath of turbid air, moved his eyes away from the avatar of Emperor Kongtian, looked at the huge blue vortex in front of him again, and said: "My avatar is still too fragile. In the fierce battle, In the battle of the strongest, any aftermath of the battle can kill them."

He is telling the truth.

The ordinary clones he can condense now can only have the strength of the middle god level.

A clone of this strength is indeed too weak to be considered cannon fodder in a battle at the strongest level.

In fact, he has the ability to send out more powerful clones.

For example, his split soul possesses the most powerful magical power, and the true Buddha clone that can be derived from his split soul. The strength of these two far exceeds the intermediate god level and has reached the level of quasi-powerful level.

But with this ability, Xiao Zhi will not send out these two quasi-powerful clones no matter what.

Because these are his support and his support in guarding the heaven.

After this unprecedented war between the Eternal Realm and the Eternal Picture Realm ends, no one knows what the pattern between the major realms will look like.

After this battle, no one knows whether his heaven will be invaded.

In this case, he must preserve his strength to deal with crises that may arise at any time.

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