This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1761 The original ancestor comes to help

Emperor Kongtian was silent for a moment, turned his head slightly, looked at Xiao Zhi, and asked via voice transmission: 'Ask the system elf, how fast is the origin of the world in my heaven passing by? ’

'good. ’ Xiao Zhi nodded and immediately asked the system elf this question through his mind.

The system elf said in an ethereal voice: "Manager, according to the current speed of the world's origin, in another 132 minutes, the world's origin in my heaven will be cleared."

"132 minutes..." Xiao Zhi pursed his lips.

After thinking about it, Xiao Zhi asked again: 'System Elf, is the speed of the origin of the world becoming faster and faster? ’

"Yes, manager." The system elf nodded and gave Xiao Zhi a positive reply.

Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth and asked again: "System Elf, can you prevent the origin of my world from being swallowed by these snow trees?" ’

"Sorry, manager, I can't do this." The system elf shook his head slightly and said.

"What did the system elf say?" Emperor Kong Tian asked.

Xiao Zhi repeated the system elf's answer to Emperor Kongtian.

Emperor Kongtian's face suddenly turned gloomy.

In the distance, in the relatively complete palace, the clone Xiao Zhi was not only projecting, but also retelling the entire conversation between the main body and the system spirit.

As the saying goes, three cobblers are better than one Zhuge Liang.

The current situation in heaven is, to be honest, very dangerous.

Tianjie must take some measures. If it doesn't make some measures, Tianjie will probably be doomed.

In addition to Emperor Kongtian, Xiao Zhi also wanted to hear the opinions of Emperor Mengtian and Mighty Buddha.

Under the gaze of the clone Xiao Zhi, Emperor Mengtian's face was as gloomy as water, while the mighty Tianfo had a worried expression.

After a moment of silence, Emperor Mengtian said: "The origin of the world must be preserved, and we must take some actions."

The clone Xiao Zhi said: "Emperor Meng Tian, ​​what do you think we should do?"

Emperor Mengtian said with a gloomy face: "We have to find a way to kill him as a Holy Lord! Even if doing so may expose me and Tianfo, we must kill him!"

"How to kill?" Xiao Zhi asked.

Emperor Mengtian glanced at the mighty Heavenly Buddha sitting next to him and said: "The Heavenly Buddha can use the Kingdom of All Living Buddhas to force a Holy Lord in. In the Kingdom of All Living Buddhas, we can join forces to kill a Holy Lord. , it shouldn’t be difficult.”

The mighty Buddha nodded and said: "You can give it a try. Emperor Mengtian's illusion skills are unparalleled. When the time comes, you can disguise me as Emperor Zhitian and let me participate in the battle as the clone of Emperor Zhitian."

When the clone Xiao Zhi heard this, his eyes couldn't help but light up.

The original Xiao Zhi is good at the clone technique. Now, on the battlefield, there are already two quasi-powerful clones participating in the battle. At this time, if the mighty Buddha disguises himself as a clone of Xiao Zhi and enters the battlefield, he will be able to do it very easily. It conceals his identity well and doesn't look too obtrusive.

After all, what the split soul Xiao Zhi and the true Buddha Xiao Zhi are good at are Buddhist magical powers, and what the Mighty Heavenly Buddha is good at is also Buddhist magical powers.

Emperor Mengtian said: "Okay, I will do my best to disguise you as Emperor Zhitian. As for me, I will continue to hide it until you, Tianfo, successfully pull a certain Holy Lord from the eternal world into you. After the Buddha’s Kingdom of All Rebirths, you can drag me into it.”

"Okay." The mighty Buddha nodded.

"Without further ado, let's go over there now." Emperor Mengtian stood up and said in a deep voice.

The mighty Buddha also stood up.

The distance between the palace they were in and the battlefield was not too far, but it was also beyond Xiao Zhi's absolute control over space. In this case, Xiao Zhi could not control the space between the mighty Buddha and Mengtian Emperor. Teleport.

If they just fly over like this, even if the Mighty Heavenly Buddha and Mengtian Emperor are both extremely powerful, and their speed far exceeds that of the high gods, reaching an incredible level, they still need to fly for a while before they can reach the battlefield.

Nowadays, every second, a large amount of world origin passes through the heaven and is swallowed up and absorbed by those snow trees.

In this case, every second is particularly precious.

In this case, the sooner the mighty Buddha and Mengtian Emperor rush to the battlefield, the better.

Fortunately, this problem is not a problem for Xiao Zhi.

He is now the senior manager of the sentient being system. Since he cannot directly teleport to the Great Mighty Buddha and others, he can let the sentient being system teleport for him.

Isn't it just consuming some authority points? It's not like he can't afford it.

Then the clone Xiao Zhi said at this moment: "I will teleport you two to the battlefield right now."

"Okay." Emperor Meng Tian and Mighty Heavenly Buddha both nodded after hearing this.

Soon, spatial ripples visible to the naked eye appeared on the bodies of Emperor Meng Tian and the Great Mighty Buddha.

In the next moment, their figures turned into nothing and disappeared into this grand palace.

Tens of thousands of miles away from the bloody crack in the eternal world, in a canyon, the figures of Emperor Meng Tian and the Great Mighty Buddha appeared here out of thin air.

A voice sounded above the two people's heads: "You two, start pretending."

This is Xiao Zhi's voice.

The mighty Buddha nodded slightly, clasped his hands together, and a golden Buddha light lit up on his body.

As the Buddha's light lights up, the appearance of the mighty Buddha is changing visibly to the naked eye.

Soon, the appearance of the mighty Buddha became exactly the same as that of Xiao Zhi, and even his aura was 90% similar to Xiao Zhi's.

But this is not enough. This level of disguise can only deceive ordinary gods, but it cannot deceive the most powerful ones like Holy Lord Daoyuan and Holy Lord Qingshuang who have lived for countless years.

Then I saw a shadow as thick as ink shrouding the mighty Buddha, and soon the figure of the mighty Buddha was swallowed up in it...

At this time, tens of thousands of miles away, the cold wind was howling, and there was a scene of ice and snow.

The land of wind and snow belonging to Holy Lord Qingshuang has not stopped its pace of expansion, and is still expanding in all directions.

Emperor Kongtian had a gloomy face, and then retreated hundreds of miles away in a flash.

Xiao Zhi's figure also followed closely behind, retreating hundreds of miles away.

‘Emperor Mengtian and the mighty Buddha have already arrived, and the mighty Buddha has already begun to disguise himself. ’ Xiao Zhi sent a message to Emperor Kongtian.

'Um. Emperor Kongtian hummed and said through a message: "Next, let's see how to lure Holy Lord Qingshuang or Holy Lord Daoyuan out. Only by leading them out of the Snowy Realm can the Heavenly Buddha have any chance." An opportunity will pull one of them into the Buddha Kingdom of all living beings. ’

Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth and said, 'Let me do it. I'll send a clone as a bait to lure them out. ’

Emperor Kongtian sent a message: "It's better for me to do it. My life-saving ability is relatively strong. As long as I'm careful, there shouldn't be any problem. The strength of your two clones is not weak. They should be useful in the future. No." Necessary loss here. ’

'All right. ’ Xiao Zhi said in a message.

He did not refute Kongtian Emperor, because what Emperor Kongtian said also made some sense.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi seemed to sense something, and a hint of joy appeared on his face.

'What's wrong? ’ Emperor Kongtian asked through a message.

Before Xiao Zhi could speak, Emperor Kong Tian seemed to sense something, and a hint of surprise appeared on his face!

In the canyon tens of thousands of miles away, the voice belonging to Xiao Zhi said happily: "You two, the original ancestor is here!"

'real? ’ Deep in the canyon, in the ink-like shadow, the voice of Emperor Meng Tian came out.

‘Of course, the original ancestor really came! ’ The voice belonging to Xiao Zhi said in a very affirmative tone.

At this time, in the distance, the bloody whirlpool belonging to the Cang Qing Realm had turned into a huge bloody crack at some point.

A young man as delicate as a jade carving stepped out of this huge bloody crack.

This young man is the original ancestor!

"Original Ancestor!" The clone Xiao Zhi and the clone Emperor Kongtian stood up from the black clouds and faced the Original Ancestor.

"Original Ancestor!" Qingzu and his followers also stood up from the towering green trees and saluted respectfully to the Original Ancestor.

A hint of complexity appeared on Qingzu's face.

He originally thought that the original ancestor would not come over, but who would have thought, the original ancestor actually came over.

The original ancestor turned his head slightly, and after nodding towards Qingzu, he floated towards Xiao Zhi and Emperor Kong Tian, ​​and asked: "What is the current situation in your heaven?"

Xiao Zhi looked at Emperor Kongtian, and Emperor Kongtian's expression became solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "The situation is very bad. There are two most powerful holy masters in the eternal world, one is the holy master of Tao Yuan, and the other is Holy Lord Qingshuang, Emperor Zhitian and I are no match for them."

The original ancestor frowned and said, "Didn't you ask for help from Yongtu Realm?"

Xiao Zhi said: "I have asked for help, but until now, there has been no response from Yongtu Realm."

Hearing this, the original ancestor frowned even more tightly.

Emperor Kong Tian bowed deeply to the original ancestor and said with a sincere expression: "For the sake of the alliance, please allow the original ancestor to help the heaven!"

The original ancestor was silent for a moment and said: "Since I have appeared here, I am here to help you resist the invasion of the eternal world. However, before I take action, I still have something to say."

"Please tell me!" Xiao Zhi said.

The original ancestor said: "This time you in the Heaven Realm are in trouble, I came to support you. If my Cang Qing Realm is in trouble in the future, I hope that your Heaven Realm can also rush over and support my Cang Qing Realm."

"That's natural!" Emperor Kong Tian said solemnly: "If you are in trouble in the Cangqing Realm, I, the Heaven Realm, will definitely do our best to rush over to support you."

The original ancestor nodded when he heard this, and said: "There is one more thing that I must make clear. If the situation in your heaven is very bad and you are unable to recover, I will choose to retreat for the continuation of the Cangqing realm. I hope You can understand.”

"Understood, of course I understand." Emperor Kong Tian nodded and said: "Original Ancestor, you are able to take such a huge risk and come to support our heaven. It is already very interesting. We are already very grateful. We will never ask for anything from you, Original Ancestor." One who can live and die with the heaven."

The original ancestor nodded and said: "Since everything that needs to be said has been said, let's not delay. Where is the battlefield, you can take me there right now."

"Okay, original ancestor." Xiao Zhi nodded and said, "I will teleport you there right now."

The original ancestor nodded and said no more.

Xiao Zhi immediately spoke through his mind and commanded: "System Elf, teleport the original ancestor to my true self. You can just deduct the required authority points from my name." ’

Although he is only a clone, his true form and the clone are connected mentally and physically, and he can also summon the system elves.

A golden light flashed.

The petite figure of the system elf appeared beside Xiao Zhi out of thin air. He flapped his wings gently and said in an ethereal voice: "Okay, manager."

As soon as the system elf finished speaking, spatial ripples visible to the naked eye appeared on the original ancestor's body.

The next moment, the figure of the original ancestor turned into nothing and disappeared into the air.

When he reappeared, the original ancestor was already beside Xiao Zhi.

The moment the original ancestor appeared, Emperor Kongtian laughed and shouted: "Holy Lord Daoyuan, Holy Lord Qingshuang, and the reinforcements from Yongtu Realm have arrived, why don't you retreat?"

Xiao Zhi was slightly startled when he heard this.

Are the reinforcements from Yongtu Realm coming? Where? Why didn't he know?

The next moment, he realized that Emperor Kongtian was trying to deceive people in the eternal world!

The original ancestor's reaction speed was also extremely fast. He glared at Emperor Kongtian and said: "Emperor Kongtian, the Eternal Lord's order is to let me help you delay them as much as possible, and wait for the Eternal Lord to bring people over so that they can be caught in one fell swoop. But you want them to leave, do you want to let the tiger go home?"

Emperor Kongtian looked shocked when he heard this, and said quickly: "I made a mistake. I didn't know the plan of the Eternal Lord. Please forgive me, original ancestor!"

The two sang together and stared blankly at Xiao Zhi next to them.

He didn't expect that Emperor Kongtian and Yuan Zu were so good at acting, and they acted with such tacit understanding, as if they were real.

Fortunately, his current city is deep enough. Although he was surprised in his heart, he did not show it at all. Instead, he acted like a qualified 'group performer', making various expressions such as surprise, eagerness, worry, etc. , in order to make this scene more realistic.

‘Emperor Kongtian, do you think the eternal world will be scared off by your words? ’ Xiao Zhi stared at the wind and snow in front of him and sent a message to Emperor Kongtian.

‘It’s basically impossible. ’ Emperor Kongtian sent a message and replied.

‘I also think it’s impossible. Emperor Kongtian, you just want to put pressure on those guys in the eternal world in this way, so that they will have a sense of urgency, and then take the initiative to show up and attack us, right? ’ Xiao Zhi said in a message.

'Right, that is it. ’ Emperor Kongtian sent a message and said: ‘It’s a bit risky for us to take the initiative to enter this snowstorm. It would be great if they could take the initiative to show up and attack us. ’

Xiao Zhi sent a message: "Now that the original ancestors have come to support us, we also need to change our battle plan. Well... the origin of the world is very important and cannot be lost. Therefore, through the Buddha Kingdom of All Living Beings, we must encircle and kill the eternal world saints." The Lord's plan cannot be changed, but I think Emperor Mengtian can be hidden. This time, he won't have to take action. ’

'Um. ’ Emperor Kongtian hummed, affirming Xiao Zhi’s words.

‘How is Tianfo pretending to be? ’ Emperor Kongtian asked through a message.

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