This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1786 Opportunity

In the heaven, under the dim sky, on the dome of a grand palace, Xiao Zhi and four others were sitting side by side, all looking ahead.

Wherever they looked, there was a golden Buddha bead floating in the air, blooming with bright golden Buddha light.

This Buddhist bead is one of the tokens left by the mighty Buddha.

At this time, the voice belonging to the mighty Buddha came out from the bead: "The Jade Spirit Giant has been found. If nothing else happens, the matter of recruiting the Jade Spirit Giant should be secure."

When Xiao Zhi, Emperor Mengtian, and Emperor Kongtian heard this, joy appeared on their faces.

As for the mighty Buddha, after hearing the news, he just smiled and seemed not surprised by it.

The voice belonging to the mighty Buddha paused and continued: "People from the Yongtu Realm have also descended on the Ancient God Realm."

"How many?" Xiao Zhi asked.

"Three." The voice belonging to the mighty Buddha said.

"Three..." Xiao Zhi frowned and murmured: "It would be okay if only one or two people came from the Yongtu Realm. Emperor Kongtian and Dawei Tianfo would join forces, plus the original ancestor and the There is still hope for the Jade Spirit Giant to completely keep them in the Ancient God Realm, but if there are three of them, it will be a bit difficult."

What he didn't know was that his clone who existed in the Ancient God Realm also thought the same way.

"Only three. This is the best opportunity to weaken the Yongtu Realm. Such a good opportunity must not be missed." Emperor Mengtian said coldly.

Xiao Zhi glanced at Emperor Mengtian and said nothing.

He was cautious by nature and never liked taking risks, but Emperor Meng Tian was right. It would be a pity if such a good opportunity was missed.

Once this opportunity is missed, we can only passively defend and wait for the Yongtu Realm army to press on.

At that time, what they need to face is not the three most powerful masters of the Yongtu Realm, but six most powerful masters!

Moreover, such a local battle will definitely lead to the destruction of all life in the heavens...

Emperor Kongtian on the side said: "The Jade Spirit Giant should have informed us that people from the Yongtu Realm came to the Ancient God Realm."

"Yes." said the voice belonging to the mighty Buddha.

Emperor Mengtian said: "After the three people from Yongtu Realm came to the Ancient God Realm, they will definitely use magical powers and secret methods to cover their own energy. In this way, can the Jade Spirit Giant still sense the existence of these three people from Yongtu Realm?"

"Yes." The voice belonging to the mighty Buddha said.

"Can you sense it... It seems that this Jade Spirit Giant is really something." Xiao Zhi said.

The voice belonging to the mighty Buddha explained: "The other three giants from the ancient god world are also there. Although their strength has fallen from the strongest level, they still control the ancient god world. Only when the four giants can sense together can they I vaguely sensed the presence of those people in Yongtu Realm."

"That's it." Xiao Zhi nodded and said.

The voice belonging to the mighty Buddha said: "The four giants have strong control over the ancient god world. I have asked the Jade Spirit Giant to contact the people in the Super Star Realm and Aoyun Batu Realm to surround and kill these people in the Yongtu Realm. The three most powerful masters are also good for them, and they should agree to help us."

Xiao Zhi said: "It would be great if they could help us deal with Yongtu Realm together. Unfortunately, they and we are not in the same boat after all, and they may not be reliable."

Emperor Mengtian said at this time: "My true self is already on the way here."

Xiao Zhi's expression changed slightly, he looked at Emperor Mengtian and said, "Are you also planning to go to the Ancient God Realm?"

Emperor Meng Tian said in a deep voice: "I have to go to the Ancient God Realm. Since we have decided to take action, there is no room for error!"

"There is indeed no room for error." Xiao Zhi nodded, his expression a little grim.

This time, they set out to kill the three most powerful masters of the Yongtu Realm. Once they succeed, the situation in their heavenly realm will suddenly open up. There is no need to live with their tail between their legs. The chance of surviving this era will be Huge improvements!

Once they fail, the situation in Tianjie will take a turn for the worse, and what they need to face will be crazy revenge from Yongtu Realm!

The voice belonging to the mighty Buddha said: "Emperor Zhi Tian, ​​please inform Ancestor Hong so that he can also go to the Ancient God Realm."

Xiao Zhi nodded and said, "I'm already informing Ancestor Hong."

Just one breath later, Xiao Zhi said again: "The clone of Hong Ancestor stationed in our heaven has returned to Cang Qing Realm to contact his true self. It should not be long before Hong Ancestor can descend to the Ancient God Realm. "

"Very good." The voice belonging to the mighty Buddha said.

Xiao Zhi thought for a while and then said: "The Lord Ziyuan is currently in the Ancient God Realm. Tianfo, please ask the Jade Spirit Giant to contact him to see if he can be of use to us."

The voice belonging to the mighty Buddha said: "No need to contact me, Lord Ziyuan is by my side now."

Xiao Zhi was startled when he heard this, and then a trace of joy appeared on his face, and he said: "Has the Lord Ziyuan completely surrendered to my heaven? What about the Lord Linyuan? Is the Lord Linyuan also by your side?"

The voice belonging to the mighty Buddha fell silent for a moment and said, "Lord Linyuan is not here."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he couldn't help but have a disappointed expression on his face.

The absence of Lord Linyuan means that only Lord Ziyuan has completely surrendered to the heaven. As for Lord Linyuan... it is estimated that the probability of him surrendering to the heaven has become very slim.

"This God Lord Linyuan is really hopeless!" Emperor Mengtian snorted coldly and said.

"It can only be said that everyone has his own ambitions." Emperor Kongtian, who was sitting aside, sighed and said.

Time passed by second by second.

Ten seconds later, a thick, ink-like shadow surged from the distant sky.

This thick, ink-like shadow was transformed by the true form of Emperor Meng Tian.

Soon, the figure of Emperor Mengtian appeared in the sky above the grand palace, and then disappeared into the huge sky-blue vortex next to the grand palace.

Looking at Emperor Meng Tian's figure disappearing into the blue vortex, Xiao Zhi took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled it.

At this moment, he only felt a fire burning fiercely in his chest.

The next battle was very crucial to the heaven where he was located, and it was even related to the life and death of the heaven.

In such a crucial battle, he also wanted to go to the Ancient God Realm to participate in the battle like Emperor Mengtian.

However, he does not have this strength.

He can only have the strongest level of strength if he stays in the heaven. Once he leaves the heaven, he is nothing.

Therefore, he is not suitable to participate in this battle.

The voice belonging to the mighty Buddha said: "Emperor Zhi Tian, ​​remember to take good care of our home and wait for our triumphant return!"

"Okay." Xiao Zhiman nodded solemnly and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely protect the heaven. I'm waiting for your triumphant return!"

After hesitating for a moment, Xiao Zhi said again: "I still have two quasi-powerful clones. Do you want to send them to the Ancient God Realm?"

Once he leaves the heaven, he will only have these two quasi-powerful clones that he can use.

This time, since they have decided to go all out, there is no need to hide his two quasi-powerful clones. Sending them to the Ancient God Realm will more or less have some effect. usefulness.

The voice belonging to the mighty Buddha fell silent for a moment and said, "Okay, just send them over."

"Okay." Xiao Zhi nodded: "I will send them over right away."

As soon as Xiao Zhi finished speaking, spatial ripples visible to the naked eye appeared in the space beside him.

The next moment, two figures who looked exactly like Xiao Zhi appeared out of thin air.

It is the separated soul Xiao Zhi and the true Buddha Xiao Zhi.

"Go." Xiao Zhi waved his hand.

The split soul Xiao Zhi and the real Buddha Xiao Zhi nodded, and their figures instantly turned into afterimages and disappeared into the sky-blue vortex not far away.

Somewhere in heaven.

The clone Xiao Zhi still accompanied Si Wei and wandered around.

The clone Xiao Zhi seemed a little absent-minded.

Si Wei glanced at Xiao Zhi beside her and said worriedly: "Emperor of Heaven, what are you worried about?"

Xiao Zhi was silent for a moment and said: "Next, a big war will break out in the Ancient God Realm. This battle is of great significance to our heaven."

"Ancient God Realm?" Si Wei frowned slightly and said, "Isn't the Ancient God Realm already destroyed?"

Xiao Zhi said in a deep voice: "Let's take a rest here first. This battle... I will tell you in detail after everything is settled."

After saying that, Xiao Zhi sat down cross-legged. As he sat down, a black cloud suddenly appeared under his feet.

"Yeah, okay." Si Wei nodded obediently and sat on top of the black cloud.

She didn't ask any more questions, she just sat silently next to Xiao Zhi.

Although Xiao Zhi just said a simple sentence to her, she could also find out a lot of useful information from this sentence.

For example, the Ancient God Realm.

Since the war broke out in the Ancient God Realm, it should be related to the Jade Spirit Giant who was still alive in the Ancient God Realm.

For another example, Xiao Zhi said that this battle is of great importance to the heaven, so this battle should involve many powerful people. She has no ability to participate in a battle of this level. The only thing she can do is , just stay with Xiao Zhi silently and not disturb Xiao Zhi.

At this time, in the distance, a wandering soul with an extremely ferocious appearance floated towards this side on the black mist.

This is a wandering soul at the junior god level.

Wandering souls like this can be seen everywhere in the heaven.

When the distance reached a certain level, the wandering soul sensed the presence of Xiao Zhi and Si Wei, and a hint of excitement appeared on his hideous face. He waved his claws and accelerated towards Xiao Zhi and Si Wei.

Seeing that the wandering spirit was about to float over, Si Weiyu raised her hand slightly and pointed at the wandering spirit.

Suddenly, a tiny purple thunderbolt sprang out from her fingertips like a snake, hitting the wandering spirit in an instant.

Before the wandering soul could scream, the soul turned into nothingness and dissipated in the air.

"I can't participate in the battle of the strongest, so I can't deal with you." Si Wei snorted and retracted her arm.

Tens of thousands of miles away from the sky-blue vortex, a jade-colored floating airship was slowly floating forward in the high air.

This deity, Xiao Zhi, is sitting cross-legged on the floating boat with a stern expression.

At this time, he had no intention of practicing anymore.

He was quickly measuring the strength gap between the enemy and ourselves in his mind.

'Our most powerful combat forces include: Great Mighty Heavenly Buddha, Kongtian Emperor, Mengtian Emperor, Yuanzu, Hongzu, Ziyuan God Lord and Jade Spirit Giant. In addition, there are also my two most powerful ones. There are super clones, and the two of them together can be regarded as half of the strongest level combat power. Together, they are seven and a half supreme level combat power. ’

'On one side of the Yongtu Realm, there are three supreme masters. When these supreme masters face ordinary supreme masters, each of them can defeat one against two, which is equivalent to six supreme level combat powers. . ’

‘Seven and a half against six, there is definitely an advantage, but this advantage is far from being able to crush the opponent. ’

‘So, in this battle, people from the Super Star Realm and the Oyunbatu Realm must be called to participate together, so that it is possible to completely keep these three powerful masters of the Yongtu Realm in the Ancient God Realm...'

‘However, the people in the Super Star Realm and the Oyun Batu Realm have their own agendas and may not necessarily cooperate with us in fighting this battle. Even if they are willing to cooperate, the extent to which they can cooperate is unknown. ’

‘Not to mention the people from the Super Star Realm and Aoyun Batu Realm, even the Lord Ziyuan and the Jade Spirit Giant who are their own people are not worthy of complete trust. ’

‘The battlefield is changing rapidly, and anything can happen. When fighting these powerful masters of the Yongtu Realm, even if our combat power is superior, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no casualties. ’

'Once there are casualties on our side during this battle, especially casualties on our core combat force, then even if this battle can kill all three of the strongest masters of Yongtu Realm, this result will not be ours. The world of heaven is unbearable...'

As he thought about it, Xiao Zhi felt that there were thousands of thoughts in his heart, and various emotions such as anxiety and uneasiness filled his heart.

To be honest, this battle is very risky, but it has to be fought.

Because although this battle is risky, it is already the best opportunity they can find to take the initiative.

Opportunities are fleeting.

If they don't take action this time, they will have no choice but to huddle in the Heaven Realm, fully defend themselves, and wait for the Yongtu Realm to come and attack the Heaven Realm...

‘I hope this battle can go smoothly. ’ Xiao Zhi said silently in his heart.

At this time, the Ancient God Realm was filled with black mist.

A flash of night was moving quickly through the black mist.

This touch of night blends in with the surrounding black mist, making it difficult for even high-level gods to perceive its existence at close range.

In this night, there are three very faint figures. These three figures are the Lord of Yongye, the Lord of Huiyue and the Lord of Wandering Dragon in the Yongtu Realm!

These three powerful masters were hidden in the night and were communicating rapidly with consciousness.

‘Yongye, have you found the prey? ’ The wandering dragon mastered the message through his thoughts.

'not yet. ’ Yongye’s master thought transmitted the message.

'Wandering Dragon, you have to be patient. The original world of the Ancient God Realm is not that small. We have just arrived in the Ancient God Realm not long ago. It is normal that we haven't found prey yet. ' Belongs to the thoughts of Huiyue's ruler.

The three most powerful masters of the Yongtu Realm came to the Ancient God Realm at this time for one purpose, and that was to hunt!

At this time, all the strongest people in the Ancient God Realm are their hunting targets!

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