This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1850 Building System

Before the portrait, the old father was kowtowing to the portrait, with tears streaming down his face. His forehead hit the hard ground hard, and blood soon flowed out.

Xiao Zhi looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but feel a little moved.

It's okay if he didn't see this scene. Now that he saw it, he didn't mind helping this poor old father.

After all, this is just a piece of cake for him.

Xiao Zhi's figure suddenly blurred and disappeared into the sky.

When he reappeared, he had arrived at a somewhat dilapidated wooden house.

In the wooden house, the old father was still kowtowing to the portrait. In the pool of blood, the young man's face had become paler and he could only breathe.

If this trend continues, he will be dead in less than a minute.

More and more people gathered at the door of the wooden house.

Some people looked sad, while others looked like they were watching the fun.

At this time, an old man with a cane separated the crowd and came to the door of the wooden house. He shouted into the house: "Old Li, stop kowtowing. It's useless. You might as well take Li Ling home and give it to him." Pack it up properly and send him on his last journey."

"Yes, Lao Li, many people in our village worship this portrait of the Supreme Emperor every day and pray to him, but they have never seen him appear. These gods and Buddhas are all illusory things and cannot be taken seriously. "Another middle-aged man also said something.

In the wooden house, when the old father heard this, he just paused and continued to kowtow hard at the portrait, making a banging sound.

While kowtowing, he shouted hoarsely: "One life for another life, one life for one life, Supreme Emperor, as long as you can let my son live, you can take my old life, take it away !”

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but shook his head and murmured: "What should I do with your life?"

At this time, he was floating above the old man's head, but no one could detect his existence.

Xiao Zhi waved his hand gently, and a trace of divine power came out and rushed towards the young man in the pool of blood.

Then, a magical scene occurred.

The young man's missing arm grew back in the blink of an eye, and the hideous wound on the young man's stomach disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The young man's pale and bloodless face also had blood visible to the naked eye.

After just a few seconds, the young man's eyelashes trembled a few times, and then he opened his eyes.

"I...I am..." After the young man opened his eyes, he was a little confused.

Then, he got up from the pool of blood.

Everyone standing at the door looked like they had seen a ghost.

Soon someone shouted: "The Emperor of Heaven has appeared! This is the Emperor of Heaven who has appeared!"

The old man also saw this scene, with an expression of ecstasy on his face. He hugged the young man in his arms and said with tears: "The Emperor of Heaven has opened his eyes, the Emperor of Heaven has opened his eyes!"

I don’t know who took the lead. The villagers standing in front of the door knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the portrait of Xiao Zhi hanging in the wooden house.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi could sense that there was a trace of smoke-like willpower floating out of the bodies of these villagers and rushing toward him.

Quite a few of these villagers were not actually his believers, but now, they have all become his believers...

As for that old man, the will power that emerged from his body was several times that of other people!

"Dad, wasn't my arm torn off by a ferocious wolf? Why did it grow back again?" the young man asked with some confusion.

"It was the Supreme Heavenly Emperor who showed up and saved you. Why don't you kowtow to the Supreme Heavenly Emperor quickly!" the old man urged after letting go of his son.

The young man obeyed the instructions and knelt down, kowtowing to the portrait.

At this time, Xiao Zhi had long disappeared from the wooden house.

On the endless blue sea, Xiao Zhi stood with his hands behind his hands. Next to him, the space fluctuated like water, and figures appeared in front of him out of thin air.

These are all his avatars, responsible for developing believers in the divine world and collecting the wishes of all living beings for him.

Xiao Zhi's eyes swept over his clones one by one, and he murmured: "If you want to respond to the wishes of my believers one by one, the number of my clones will definitely not be enough. of."

"Not to mention responding to all wishes and prayers, even if I respond to one percent of them, the number of my clones is not enough."

"Do you need to increase the number of clones..."

" is not advisable to blindly increase the number of clones. Even for me, it would be a big burden to condense too many clones..."

Xiao Zhi's face couldn't help but reveal a thoughtful expression.

Although he is not a good person, he is not the kind of person who has a heart of stone and is cold and heartless.

Those who don't work hard but want to gain glory and wealth by praying to him can just ignore it.

But when a poor person encounters injustice and prays to him, he cannot ignore it.

These poor people are all his believers, and he still has to respond to the normal demands of his believers.

‘So, what should be done so that the prayers of these poor people get the response they deserve? ’

Xiao Zhi fell into thinking.

Xiao Zhi's clones were all floating quietly in front of Xiao Zhi, like ghosts, waiting quietly.

After a moment, Xiao Zhi clapped his hands: "Yes!"

The method he thought of was to construct a set of rules similar to the sentient system in his divine world, and use this system to manage his followers!

Once this system is built, it will save trouble.

Just like games in the real world, they all run according to a set of systems.

As long as the game system is stable enough and the game server is powerful enough, no matter how many characters there are in the game or how complex the various functions in the game are, there will be no problems.

When this game system is developed and put into use, game developers only need to perform routine monitoring, routine maintenance and upgrades. A game team of dozens of people can easily operate in this mode. A very large game with tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people online!

‘If I can really formulate such a set of rules similar to a game system in my divine realm, then all problems will be solved! ’

'In the game, player characters can gain experience by fighting monsters and upgrade to obtain stronger attributes. My followers can gain strength and some things they want by praying to me...'

‘So, where does this power come from? Is it up to me to do it, or...'

Xiao Zhi quickly thought of a solution.

‘As the saying goes, wool comes from the sheep. When these believers of mine pray to me, I only take half of the will power, and the remaining half can be fed back to them through the system, allowing them to gain strength. ’

'As for the prayers issued by these believers, they can also be screened by the system. Those unrealistic wishes can be ignored directly. Those reasonable wishes can be presented to these clones of me by the sentient system, and then processed by these clones of mine. First screen, and then fulfill the wishes of these believers on my behalf...'

The more Xiao Zhi thought about it, the more he felt that this method was feasible!

He is no longer what he used to be.

As the most powerful person, he has already dabbled in the rules of the world.

When the mighty Buddha was still in a sealed state, he formulated a set of simple system rules in the destroyed pure land of all living beings, and even created a simple attribute panel to fool him. Go kill monsters to earn karma points.

Since the mighty Buddha can do this kind of thing, he should be able to do it too!

Just do what comes to mind.

Xiao Zhidang began to think about building a system.

Building a system in Guangmao's world of gods is much more difficult than editing a game system on a computer.

Xiao Zhi no longer practices. He is sitting on the gray cloud, just like an old monk in meditation, motionless, his mind filled with things to build the system.

He has a hunch that once he successfully builds the system he needs in his divine world, his understanding of the rules of the world will rise to a higher level, and his strength will also rise to a higher level. !

Perhaps, he can also use this to get a glimpse of the secrets of the system of sentient beings!

With this in mind, Xiao Zhi became even more motivated in building the system.

A few days later, Si Wei saw something was wrong with Xiao Zhi's state, and said worriedly: "Husband, why haven't you practiced in the past few days? Do you have something on your mind?"

Xiao Zhi was slightly startled when he heard this, then shook his head and said, "It's okay, I'm just practicing now, studying and pondering the rules of this world."

"That's it." When Si Wei heard this, she nodded and said nothing more.

Time passed, and before you knew it, more than a month had passed.

In Xiao Zhi's divine realm.

Xiao Zhi's spiritual projection was sitting cross-legged over the boundless ocean. His hands were constantly lighting something in the air in front of him. From time to time, he would catch something in the air, as if he had caught something next to him.

After this operation, the space around him gradually bloomed with various lights and became radiant.

However, at this moment, the space exploded without warning and became fragmented. The projection of Xiao Zhi inside was also blown to pieces.

Even the ocean below was affected, and a large area of ​​seawater evaporated and disappeared instantly.

A few seconds later, the broken space gradually healed, and Xiao Zhi's projection reappeared. He touched his chin with his hand and murmured: "Why is this happening? Where is the problem?"

After thinking for a while, Xiao Zhi stretched out his hands again and touched the air in front of him. From time to time, he would fiddle with and capture the air in front of him.

Time passed by minute by minute.

In the air around him, light gradually bloomed, and finally a light blue translucent light curtain condensed in front of him.

When this light blue light screen appeared, a smile appeared on Xiao Zhi's face.

He stretched out his hand, wanting to touch this translucent light curtain.

However, as soon as he stretched out his hand, the light curtain became distorted, and then collapsed into a little blue light dot, which dissipated in the air.

Xiao Zhi's smile froze on his face.

‘Failed again. ’ Xiao Zhi sighed lightly.

But soon, he regained his energy, stretched out his hands, and began to nod in the air again.

A few days passed in a flash.

Above the gray clouds, Xiao Zhi, who was sitting like a sculpture, suddenly changed his expression slightly.

At this moment, he sensed that someone was trying to call him through his Kunyu token.

The person calling him is Yang Xi.

Yang Xi: ‘Brother, didn’t you say you would come to me for discussion after half a month? How long has it been? ’

‘Why did you forget this? ’ Xiao Zhi felt a little embarrassed, but he said: ‘Don’t I give you more time to improve your strength? Just wait, I will come over now. ’

In an instant, Xiao Zhi crossed an extremely long distance and appeared not far from Yangxi.

Xiao Zhi smiled slightly and unfolded his most powerful divine realm.

At this moment, Yang Xi also unfolded his powerful divine domain, then stepped into the air, walking towards Xiao Zhi step by step...

After a while, the competition ended, Xiao Zhi said with a smile: "Not bad, Yang Xi, you have made progress again."

Yang Xi said: "Brother, the same goes for you. Your divine domain seems to have become more stable than before."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little happy, and said to himself: "It seems that my guess is right. Trying to build a system through various rules in the divine world can indeed deepen my understanding of the rules of this world." understanding, thereby improving my strength to a certain extent. ’

‘You can tell Emperor Kongtian and others about this and let them try it too, and their strength can be improved a little bit. ’

Now is not the time to be self-conscious, Xiao Zhi is still happy to share these things he has figured out.

After all, there is still a tough battle to be fought next. The stronger their own side is, the greater their chances of winning this tough battle will be.

In the Hall of Power, the avatar Xiao Zhi opened his eyes and said, "Everyone, I have gained some experience in cultivation recently, and I want to share it with you."

After hearing Xiao Zhi's words, all the 'statues' in the hall opened their eyes and looked at Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi cleared his throat and started talking.

After Xiao Zhi finished speaking, all the powerful men in the palace showed thoughtful expressions.

After a while, Emperor Kongtian smiled and said: "Emperor Zhitian, thank you for sharing."

Others also expressed their gratitude verbally.

‘I have shared everything that should be shared. As for whether you will try it or not, it’s up to you. ’ Xiao Zhi thought.

‘Brother, does this really work? ’ Yang Xi sent a message to Xiao Zhi.

‘You’ll know once you try it. ’ Xiao Zhi replied via message.

‘Okay, I’ll try. ’

For Xiao Zhi, this was just a small episode.

Soon, Xiao Zhi sank his spiritual thoughts into his own divine realm and continued to try to build a system in his divine realm.

Huangtian paid off. After countless failures, Xiao Zhi finally built a relatively simple system in the vast and boundless divine world.

When the system took shape, Xiao Zhi was in a trance, and he felt like he was about to transcend!

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