This Game is Unusual

Chapter 187 One in a million

In Dachang Kingdom, only high-end warriors are qualified to become county guerrillas.

These two guerrillas from Qishan County are both middle-aged, and they don't look too young.

The innate high-level warriors who have reached a certain age should be regarded as the group of aboriginal warriors in the world who have the strongest desire for Baicuiguo.

As guerrillas in the county government, these two people are considered to be in high positions, and they should have a lot of savings.

When Xiao Zhi left the forest, one of the guerrillas also expressed to Xiao Zhi a strong desire to buy 'Bai Cui Guo'.

From a purely profit point of view, at that time, if Xiao Zhi sold Baicuiguo to this guerrilla from Qishan County, it might not have been a good choice.

But Xiao Zhi didn't do that, and just left.

The reason is also very simple, Xiao Zhi is not happy with them.

Since they are not happy to see them, why did you sell Baicuiguo to them?

Baicui fruit, a rare spiritual fruit, has no worries about selling it.

Xiao Zhi felt that it would be a good choice to sell the 'Baicuiguo' to Guerrilla He Cheng, who had a good relationship with him in Linwu County.

He Cheng is a congenital eighth-level martial artist, and he is now nearly fifty years old. He will definitely be very interested in the Baicuiguo in his hand.

Guerrilla He Cheng counts as one, as for what to do with the other two Hundred Quenching Fruits...

The other three guerrillas in Linwu County went to Yanyun Mountain with the county venerable Wei Ruhai. They haven’t returned yet, and they don’t know when they will be able to come back. If they can come back, these three guerrillas are also three potential big client.

In addition to them, Linwu County is not big, but there are quite a few small ones. There are also some wealthy businessmen from aristocratic families in the county. Who doesn't have innate warriors in the county?

Don't these innate warriors aspire to go further in cultivation and become innate mid-level or innate high-level warriors?

I want to, I definitely want to.

It depends on whether they are willing to spend their money...

Placing his hands on his head and thinking about this in his heart, Xiao Zhi vaguely felt the urge to urinate.

This is him in the real world, a little bit peeing.

With a thought, Xiao Zhi's consciousness instantly returned to reality. Then he got up from the bed, ran to the bathroom to go to the toilet, climbed back on the bed again, and covered himself with a quilt.

With another thought, Xiao Zhi's consciousness instantly 'switched' to the world of sentient beings, and everything in the real world became blurred again.

This is the ability obtained after the strength is raised to the innate limit.

At the beginning of using it, Xiao Zhi still felt a little uncomfortable when his consciousness switched between reality and the world of sentient beings, and he felt dizzy in his head.

But after getting used to it, he felt that the ability obtained by breaking through to the innate limit was really easy to use, and the more he used it, the more useful it became.

As for the mobile phone loaded with the game "The World of All Beings", he no longer needs it.

Lying on the bed in the guest room, after thinking about it for a while, sleepiness gradually hit him. Xiao Zhi turned over on the bed, changed to a comfortable sleeping position, and fell into a deep sleep.

This night passed quickly.

The next day, Xiao Zhi and the others returned to Linwu County safely.

Not long after returning to Linwu County, Xiao Zhi went to the Canggong Building of Linwu County Mansion and met the old man in brown.

"Master, I'm here to visit you." Xiao Zhi greeted the old man in brown with a smile all over his face.

The old man in brown clothes sat cross-legged on the futon, closed his eyes and rested his mind, and ignored Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi didn't care, he still smiled and said, "My lord, I have some good news for you, I'm already a congenital ultimate warrior."

The brown-clothed old man finally reacted. A look of shock appeared on his face, but he quickly regained his composure. He snorted and said, "Breakthrough to the innate limit so quickly? It's because of the Venerable's previous The opportunity left behind, right?"

"Yes, if it weren't for the opportunity left by the Venerable, I wouldn't have broken through to the innate limit so quickly." Xiao Zhi said.

The brown-clothed old man's expression was a bit unsightly, and he said lightly: "Okay, I understand, boy, you can leave now."

Xiao Zhi had no intention of leaving, but stood where he was, and continued with a smile on his face: "My lord, please help me see, how can my current qualifications rank among all living beings?" geometry?"

"Didn't I already read it for you before?" The old man in brown clothes said impatiently: "Aptitude is natural, and it is extremely difficult to change the day after tomorrow. Don't say that you are a mere innate martial artist, even if you reach the level of the venerable, it is difficult for Gengu Qualifications, that cannot be changed.”

"My lord, just help me take another look, it's just a little effort, and you won't lose anything." Xiao Zhi said.

The old man in brown snorted, and slowly opened his eyes, which shimmered with light.

At the same time, in the corner of the Canggong Building of the county government, the closed eyes of the sculpture-like Taoist soldier opened slightly, and a gleam of light shone in it.

If the old man in brown wants to accurately judge a person's cultivation aptitude, he does not rely on his own eyes, but the eyes of the Taoist soldiers.

After staring at Xiao Zhi for a while, the brown-clothed old man said with horror, "How could it be! How could it be possible! Why did your cultivation aptitude change..."

When he said this, the voice stopped abruptly, and the horrified expression on the old man's face disappeared, and he returned to calm.

Xiao Zhi saw this scene.

Obviously, just now, the game system of the world of sentient beings intervened in the behavior and emotions of the brown-clothed old man, and made things that were unreasonable to the brown-clothed old man reasonable again.

Just as Xiao Zhi was thinking about this, the brown-clothed old man calmly said, "Choose one out of a hundred thousand, and your cultivation aptitude is not bad. If you are ten years younger, the old man can introduce you to my Dachang Shenmen and become a foreigner. Disciple, now..."

When he said this, the old man in brown shook his head.

Although he didn't continue, the meaning he wanted to express was very clear. Although your cultivation aptitude is weak, but you are already old, and you have missed the best time for cultivation. People like you, we Dachang Shenmen have already seen no more.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help laughing when he heard that, he didn't care the slightest bit about what the old man in brown clothes meant.

The old man in brown clothes showed him his qualifications before and said he was one in a million.

Now, after adding 5 points to the root value, the old man in brown changed his tune, saying that he was one in a hundred thousand.

It seems that the root value added to him by the system still has some effect.

One in a million, one in a hundred thousand...

Xiao Zhi pondered secretly in his heart.

What is the algorithm for this hidden attribute 'root value'?

The current him has only increased his bone value by 5 points, and his cultivation aptitude has been "evolved" from one in ten thousand to one in one hundred thousand.

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