This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1865 From the Endless Multiverse

Facing Xiao Zhi's question, the system elf was silent for a moment and said in an empty voice: "Because the sentient being system failed to collect the Nine-Star Immortal Technique, there is no Nine-Star Immortal Technique in the Cangqiong Store."

Xiao Zhi was startled when he heard this.

The system elf's answer was so reasonable that he was speechless.

After thinking for a while, he asked again: "Are all the immortal arts in the Sky Store collected by the Sentient System from the major world planes under the jurisdiction of the heaven?"

The system elf was silent again, and said in an ethereal voice: "Part of it is collected from the major world planes under the jurisdiction of the heaven, and some of it comes from other conquered major planes and the endless multiverse."

"Endless multiverse?" Xiao Zhi's pupils shrank slightly.

The system elf gently flapped its golden wings as thin as cicada wings, and said in an ethereal voice: "Yes, the endless multiverse."

Xiao Zhi took a deep breath and let it out again.

After staying in the original heaven for a long time, he actually forgot about this endless multiverse.

In the management interface of the sentient being system, there is an option to 'recruit the world'.

The so-called recruiting world means that managers of the sentient system can enter the endless multiverse to explore and discover the human world. After successfully discovering the human world, the manager can choose to help the sentient system and recruit the human world. If the recruitment is successful, the manager will After obtaining 100 authority points, the human world recruited by the administrator will be separated from the endless multiverse and integrated into the system of living beings. It will start a national war with another human world. The winner of the national war will be completely transformed into the player world and obtain The qualification to survive in the world of living beings. ’

This option of 'recruiting the world' has already appeared in Xiao Zhi's manager interface when he was still a junior manager of the sentient system. However, Xiao Zhi has never relied on this option of 'recruiting the world'. Traveled to the endless multiverse.

Mainly because he looked down upon the 100 authority points reward given by 'Recruiting the World'.

In his opinion at the time, for the reward of 100 authority points, he spent time traveling to the endless multiverse and worked exhaustingly to recruit the world, instead of using this time to practice and improve his strength.

His idea cannot be wrong.

It is precisely because of his perseverance and hard work that he can achieve his current strength.

But now, his thoughts have changed somewhat.

‘Some of the magical arts in the Sky Store actually come from the endless multiverse. It seems that this endless multiverse is not as simple as I imagined. ’

‘Think about it, after all, this is an endless multiverse. Taken literally, this endless multiverse is already vast and vast, much larger than the chaotic void where I am! ’

‘Or maybe the chaotic void I am in is just a part of the endless multiverse, nothing more. ’

Xiao Zhi breathed out again and asked: "System Elf, is this chaotic void part of the endless multiverse?"

The system elf chose silence and did not answer Xiao Zhi's question.

The System Elf chose to remain silent for a long time, which meant that the System Elf could not answer his question.

After waiting for more than ten seconds and still no response from the system elf, Xiao Zhi asked another question: "System elf, if the heaven is destroyed and I go to the endless multiverse through the sentient system, then what will happen in this era?" When I am about to reach the end, will I be destroyed on the spot, or will I be able to continue to survive?”

The system elf was silent for a moment, and said in an ethereal voice: "Manager, once the heaven is destroyed, the system of living beings will cease to exist, and as a player, you will also cease to exist."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he couldn't help but pursed his lips.

After thinking about it, he slightly changed his words: "If the heaven is going to perish, and I went to the endless multiverse through the sentient system before the heaven is destroyed, what will happen to me once the heaven is destroyed?"

The system elf said in an ethereal voice: "You will cease to exist."

"Okay, I understand." Xiao Zhi nodded, waved his hand, and dismissed the system elf in front of him.

‘It seems that we players have been deeply bound to the system of sentient beings, and we have long been in a relationship where everyone is prosperous and everyone suffers. ’ Xiao Zhi thought.

Once other great realms are destroyed, the strongest people living in this great realm can still be alive and kicking, and can also defect to other great realms.

The most powerful players in the heaven will not have this treatment. Once the heaven is destroyed, the sentient system will cease to exist, and the players will have to be buried with them!

Xiao Zhi didn't feel much about this.

After all, even if there are no restrictions from the sentient system, and there is no need to be buried with the sentient system, once the heaven is destroyed, they, the most powerful people of the new generation, will have no way out, and they will eventually perish along with this era.

It's just the difference between dying early and dying later...

‘After this era ends, I can go to the endless multiverse to see it, and treat it as a trip. ’ Xiao Zhi thought.

‘As for now, let’s calm down and practice hard. ’

Next, Xiao Zhi's cultivation method is still to study the system of sentient beings, study the rules of the world, and continue to improve his system in his divine world.

Who told this set of cultivation methods to have surprisingly good results?

After other powerful people reach his level of strength, it would take them thousands or even tens of thousands of years to make even the slightest progress.

More often than not, the strength of these strongest men stagnated, without even a trace of progress.

Looking back at him now, his strength is rising like a rocket.

His current progress in one day is estimated to be comparable to others' progress in tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Xiao Zhi didn't know how long he could continue with such a speed of progress.

If this rate of progress can continue, it won't be long before he can break through the ceiling above his head and enter a whole new realm...

Soon, Xiao Zhi's heart sank and he continued to practice.

Now, he has achieved the freedom of sentient beings points and the freedom of sky points. Next, his goal is authority points.

Next, he will try to modify the authority points in his name and strive to achieve freedom of authority points as soon as possible!

After calling up the character attribute panel and studying the character attribute panel in front of him for more than ten minutes with his big green eyes open, Xiao Zhi slowly raised his arms.

His arms suddenly became blurry, dragging countless afterimages in the air.

Later, his hand speed was so fast that even the afterimage disappeared.

After a moment, the ethereal voice belonging to the sentient system sounded in his ears: "It has been detected that you are trying to modify the system data! If your behavior is extremely bad, the system will destroy you in three seconds as a punishment!"

The attempt failed.

Xiao Zhi's expression looked calm because this was what he expected.

After all, this is the first time he has tried to modify the authority points in his name. The possibility of success is extremely low, and failure is normal.

When the system prompt sounded, Xiao Zhi naturally stopped what he was doing and began to wait silently.

He didn't let him wait long before the ethereal voice belonging to the All Beings System rang again: "It has been detected that you are the senior manager of the All Beings System. As a punishment, you will be demoted. The system will clear your authority points, sky points, and all beings points." Wait for all the data as punishment!”

Xiao Zhi was startled when he heard this.

Punishment escalated.

When he tried to modify the authority points in his name, once he failed, the system would no longer be cleared of the data he modified, but all the data in his name!

Xiao Zhi was stunned for a moment, and then the expression on his face returned to normal.

Just clear it.

He doesn't care.

Whether it is the points of sentient beings or the points of the sky, if he needs to, he can turn them from zero to an astronomical number in minutes.

After his mood returned to calm, Xiao Zhi began to summarize his failure experience this time and prepare for the next attempt.

Time passes day by day.

Xiao Zhi immersed himself in hard work and could not extricate himself.

The Jade Spirit Giant of the Ancient God Realm, together with the other three giants and a group of formation experts, deployed powerful formations one after another throughout the original heaven.

God-level Taoist soldiers one after another were 'bred' out of the sentient system, and they formed neat square formations in that chaotic space.

Emperor Mengtian, Lord Linyuan, and the clones of Tianfo returned to heaven from the void of chaos.

A few days later, the team of Yuanzu, Hongzu, and Black Killer also returned to the heaven from the chaotic void.

During this time, both teams gained little.

If we want to talk about harvest, it is that a large area of ​​chaotic void around the heaven has been cleaned up, and not a single chaotic beast is gone.

When there were more than ten days left before the agreed date, Xiao Zhi successfully modified the authority points for the first time, changing the authority points in his name from zero to one!

One day later, Xiao Zhi successfully modified the authority points for the second time, turning the authority points under his name into a long string of numbers 9.

If there is enough time, Xiao Zhi will continue to try to modify the authority points in his name to increase the success rate when modifying data and consolidate the results of this stage of training.

But now, there is not much time left for him.

‘My current accumulation should be almost the same, let’s start modifying the years! ’ Xiao Zhi took a deep breath.

His intuition told him that modifying the number of years of the observation period would definitely be more difficult than modifying the data in his name.

As for how difficult it is, you won’t know until you try it.

‘I hope it’s not too difficult. ’ Xiao Zhi thought.

'Also, I hope the punishment won't be too severe and should be within the range that I can bear...'

After taking a deep breath, Xiao Zhi called up the promotion page for the authority level.

In this promotion page, the note still exists, and the words '500 years' in the note are quite conspicuous.

Xiao Zhi stared at the words '500 years' and pursed his lips.

Next, he only needs to change the '500 years' to '50 years', and then he will succeed.

It has been more than 50 years since he became a person with level nine authority.

The moment the modification was completed, he had already passed the observation period.

Then, he will be promoted to the tenth level authority naturally and gain the ultimate management authority of the sentient system!

Of course, accidents may occur.

For example, if his performance during the inspection period does not meet the conditions, he cannot be promoted to a level ten authority.

This is also possible.

If this happened, there was nothing he could do.

But as long as the worst case scenario doesn't happen, the Sentient System doesn't kill him on the spot, and the Sentient System doesn't remove his senior management authority, then he still has a chance.

After all, he has already practiced that the sentient system can be modified...

Xiao Zhi stared at the translucent interface in front of him. In his perception, the translucent interface in front of him slowly turned into regular threads intertwined with each other.

These regular threads are intertwined and constantly changing.

After more than half an hour passed, Xiao Zhi slowly raised his arms and began to operate.

A few minutes later, the misty voice belonging to the sentient system sounded: "It has been detected that you are trying to modify the system data! Your behavior is extremely bad. The system will destroy you in three seconds as a punishment!"

Xiao immediately stopped what he was doing.

He had heard this system prompt countless times, and it no longer had any deterrent effect on him.

The next system prompt is what he needs to pay attention to.

A second later, the ethereal voice belonging to the All Living Beings System sounded again: "It has been detected that you are a senior manager of the All Living Beings System, and you will be punished by downgrading. The observation period for your promotion to Level 10 authority has been increased from 500 years to 5000 years! "

When the punishment results of the sentient being system came out, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and a smile appeared on his face.

He can completely accept this punishment result from the sentient system.

What about the five thousand year inspection period?

Even if the inspection period becomes 50,000 years, or even 500,000 years, it doesn't matter.

As long as he can successfully modify this data once, no matter how long the inspection period is, it will become fifty years, or even five or zero years!

After a while, Xiao Zhi started a new round of attempts...

Time passes day by day.

Soon, there were only three days left before the counterattack.

On this day, a new round of discussions about the counterattack began in the Palace of the Strongest.

The target of this counterattack is the Yongtu Realm, which has long been determined.

The reason why the counterattack target was determined to be Yongtu Realm was, first, the strong demands of Ling'ao, Yunshen, Tuming, Linyuan God Lord, Yuling Giant, etc.

The second reason is: Most of the strongest people in the heaven have been to the Yongtu Realm and have a certain understanding of the original world of the Yongtu Realm.

As for the eternal world, few people have been there.

As soon as the discussion began, Emperor Meng Tian looked at Xiao Zhi: "Emperor Zhi Tian, ​​how is your cultivation going?"

Everyone else in the hall also looked at Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi smiled slightly and said, "It's not bad. Compared with before, there has been some progress."

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