This Game is Unusual

Chapter 19 Control

"I'm back, Captain Wang and the others are back!"

"The ferocious beast Hanging Eye Tiger has been killed by Captain Wang and the others!"

Some villagers shouted loudly, and their words were full of joy.

They are really happy about it.

The ferocious beast is more intelligent than wild beasts, and it also holds grudges. Captain Wang and his team of warriors killed it. In the deep forest, waiting for an opportunity to attack the villagers who entered the mountain, and even turning back to attack the villagers working in the fields, this is troublesome.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly. This scourge was successfully eliminated by Captain Wang and his men.

Following the shouts of these villagers, many villagers put down their work and gathered towards Captain Wang and his party.

The old people who stayed in the village also walked out of the village with their children to watch the fun.

This is a ferocious beast. It is rare to see it. Some younger children saw the corpse of a ferocious beast for the first time.

Xiao Zhi also followed behind these old people and children, and walked out of the village.

When some old people saw Xiao Zhi, they hurriedly pulled their children to their side, protected them, and watched Xiao Zhi warily.

Previously, there were precedents of outsiders killing children, which put families with children in the village at risk.

For a while, every family dared not let their children go out alone.

I don't know what Yu Cun was thinking. He would let these damn outsiders enter the village, and Captain Wang didn't stop him...

Facing the vigilant gaze cast by the village elders, what could Xiao Zhi say, he could only shake his head and smile wryly.

The thing was committed by other players, and all the players in Heping Village were implicated.

Speaking of players, it seems that there are not many players left in Heping Village, and the number of players will not exceed 10.

The vast majority of players enter this game just for a fresh look, and have no intention of playing it for a long time.

Don't talk about them, even Xiao Zhi, last night, planned to give up this game and return to reality after becoming a warrior.

However, some experiences today made him truly realize the extraordinaryness of the "world of living beings", which changed his previous thinking and made up his mind to continue playing this game, wanting to seize this opportunity that might change his life.

As the distance drew closer, Xiao Zhi finally saw clearly the true face of this ferocious beast.

Carried away by four strong villagers, this ferocious tiger with eye-catching eyes is about the size of a full-grown buffalo. Compared with ordinary tigers, it is significantly larger in size. A penetrating wound to the neck.

As for the appearance, except for its larger size and sharper teeth and claws, it is not much different from ordinary tigers.

In this way, surrounded by more than two hundred villagers watching the excitement and the few players, Diaojinghu was carried into the village.

Wang Ji, the patrol captain who was walking in the front, had a flushed face and a happy spring breeze, and Yu Cunzheng, who was beside him, also had a smile on his face.

Xiao Zhi intentionally wanted to talk to the patrol captain Wang Ji, but it was not easy for him to go forward on this occasion.

After all, it would be a disappointment for Wang Ji and the others if he went forward to ask Wang Ji for Hou Tian Gong at this time.

Considering that this so-called game world is very likely to be a real world, Xiao Zhi resisted the urge for the time being.

wait a little longer...

He has been waiting for several hours, and he is not in a hurry now.

Half an hour later, patrol captain Wang Ji walked out from the crowd of onlookers.

He was covered in blood, although his face was still red, but he couldn't hide the tiredness on his face. He was going to go back and wash his body, and then had a good sleep.

As for how to deal with the ferocious beast that was carried back, he didn't have to worry about it. His subordinates would deal with it on their own, and there would be no shortage of benefits for him.

After waiting for a long time, Xiao Zhi, who finally got his chance, hurriedly manipulated the character and trotted to follow.

After staying away from the crowd, Xiao Zhi shouted: "Captain Wang, please stay still."

Wang Ji, who was walking in front, stopped when he heard the words. He turned around and looked at Xiao Zhi: "Young man, what do you want from me?"

Patrol Captain Wang Ji's attitude towards these 'outsiders' like Xiao Zhi can't be said to be good, but it's not bad either.

"It's like this, my strength has reached the standard, and I should be able to practice your "Nine Bull Explosive Power Jue" Captain Wang." Xiao Zhi said after deliberation.

He was thinking, on this matter, Wang Ji, the patrol captain, shouldn't embarrass himself, right?

"You said your strength has reached the standard?" Wang Ji's expression suddenly became indifferent.

Before Xiao Zhi could speak again, Wang Ji came to Xiao Zhi like a gust of wind.

He stood still when he was only half a meter away from Xiao Zhi's character. His eyes were as sharp as blades, as if they were shining, and he just stared at Xiao Zhi's character.

Even through the phone screen, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but hold his breath, even his heart skipped a few beats.

This look is really too fierce.

Director Xiao is so old, and he has never seen such fierce eyes.

A few seconds later, Wang Ji's eyes returned to normal. He took a step back and said indifferently: "Yes, your strength has indeed reached the standard, and you can practice Houtian Kungfu "Nine Bulls Explosive Power Jue"."

When he said these words, Wang Ji looked like a cold robot, with an indifferent expression and no emotion in his words.

This is completely different from him before.

He seemed to be controlled by some kind of force and turned into a completely different person.

Xiao Zhi could not help but twitch his brows.

Who on earth controlled the thinking and emotions of the patrol captain Wang Ji?

Does it belong to the rules of the game?

It should be the power of the rules of the game...

Yu Cunzheng should also be controlled by the power of the rules of the game, so he "kindly" took in the players, and provided them with a big pot of rice and a bonfire to keep the cold out at night...

Xiao Zhi thought silently in his heart.

"Come with me, the secret book of "Nine Bulls Explosive Power Jue" is in my residence, you can study it there, and after you have memorized it, return the secret book to me." Wang Ji said with a blank expression and an indifferent tone. He opened his mouth and said something. .

"Okay, Captain Wang." Xiao Zhi said hastily.

He was thinking, how to study this secret book? Do you need him to memorize it word by word? If so, he would have a headache.

If it was before, Xiao Zhi would definitely not have such an idea.

As for the cheats in the game, the character can learn it with just a slap of the hand, study it? nonexistent.

Even if a player has a bad taste and really wants to study a certain cheat book, the planners in the game company are unable to compile a cheat book.

However, the 'world of living beings' is different, it is very likely to be a real world.

Xiao Zhi has never experienced what kind of experience it is to practice a skill in a real game world.

Thank you little zzg for killing God and Yaoji for rewarding, a new day, please collect, please recommend tickets, please ask for various~

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