This Game is Unusual

Chapter 190 The World of Sentient Beings Research Group

In the real world, Xiao Zhi opened his eyes and picked up the phone next to the pillow.

The caller ID showed a series of completely unfamiliar numbers from Beihe Province.

Not being flagged is scam and marketing.

Xiao Zhi hesitated for a moment, but still connected the phone.


"Hi, may I bother you, are you Mr. Xiao Zhi?" There was a nice female voice on the other end of the phone.

Although his voice was nice, Xiao Zhi frowned. He was so big, and he had answered many sales calls and customer service calls, usually with female voices, but people generally called him Mr. Xiao, and they would not call him directly. name.

This time, the other party directly called out his name.

This phone call is a bit unusual...

With these in mind, Xiao Zhi said, "You are?"

"Hello, I still need to confirm whether you are Mr. Xiao Zhi, sir." The female voice on the other side of the phone said.

People have called and named them by name, so what's the point of denying it?

Xiao Zhi said, "Yes, I am Xiao Zhi, are you?"

Female voice: "Mr. Xiao Zhi, hello, I am the research team of the world of sentient beings in Xia Kingdom. I have some matters and I want to consult you. Is it convenient for you now?"

The Living World Research Group...

Sure enough, what should come, is still coming...

The timing is a bit coincidental, it should be related to the previous Baicuiguo incident. At that time, many players gathered around, and these players watched their group get Baicuiguo with their own eyes.

According to Li Pingfeng, this incident caused quite a stir in the exclusive game forum.

Those players who were killed by them turned into keyboard warriors who were full of justice. In the exclusive forum of the game, they kept posting posts criticizing them, insulting them, saying that they killed innocent people indiscriminately, and all kinds of vicious words and cursing words emerged endlessly .

The game-exclusive forum in the world of sentient beings is very mysterious, and there is no administrator.

When did First Young Master Li suffer such grievances? Immediately, he spent money to hire a large group of sailors, and exchanged views with these messengers of justice in the game's exclusive forum.

When I heard Duan Yi and the others talk about it before, Xiao Zhi thought it was quite interesting and didn't take it seriously.

It's all right now, the commotion is too loud, and it has successfully attracted the attention of Xia Guo's government...

With these in mind, Xiao Zhi said, "Yes, if you have any questions, just ask, and I will try my best to cooperate."

Female voice: "Well, okay, Mr. Xiao Zhi, is it convenient to reveal your strength in the world of sentient beings?"

After a few seconds of silence, Xiao Zhi said, "Of course, my strength is...innately limited."

Xiao Zhi hesitated for a moment, but still revealed his real strength.

Regarding his strength, if the government wants to investigate, it is impossible to hide it from the past. In this case, it is better to be more calm, there is no need to cover up.

After saying this, Xiao Zhi began to wait anxiously, but he waited patiently for about a minute, but there was no more sound from there.

Xiao Zhi took the phone away, looked at the screen of the phone, the phone is still on, why is there no sound?

"Hello? Are you still there?" Xiao Zhi asked tentatively.

After a few more seconds, there was finally a voice on the phone. It was still the nice female voice: "Mr. Xiao Zhi, can you tell me where you live now? If possible, tomorrow, our research team will send someone over to talk to you. You approached and wanted to ask you something in person."

After a few seconds of silence, Xiao Zhi said, "Yes, I live in Shao City now. If your people come over, we can meet at Hongxing Plaza in Shao City."

Xiao Zhi still kept his eyes open, and did not reveal the location of his rented house.

And Hongxing Grand Plaza is the square with the largest traffic in Shao City. If the other party is not a member of the government, but pretends to be a government official, in a square with the largest traffic like Hongxing Grand Plaza, it should not be possible to take how is he.

Female voice: "Okay, people from my team will come to Shao City tomorrow. I will inform you of the specific time."


After hanging up the phone, Xiao Zhi lay on the bed for a few seconds, and with a thought, his consciousness entered the world of sentient beings.

Li Pingfeng and the others were practicing innate skills in the courtyard of the mansion.

Xiao Zhi walked over and said, "People from Xia Guo's government just called me, claiming to be Xia Guo's All Beings World Research Group, a number called from Beihe Province, Li Shao, tell me, could this be Fake Xia Guo government?"

Li Pingfeng was practicing Xiantian Kungfu, and said, "The number of Beihe Province? Does it claim to be the research group of the world of sentient beings in Xia Kingdom? As far as I know, the government is in charge of managing the world of sentient beings. It is indeed called the study of the world of sentient beings." Group, a newly established official organization, their headquarters is indeed located in Beihe Province, the name and location are correct, wait... I will answer the phone first."

After saying this, Li Pingfeng stopped talking.

Duan Yi said: "Brother Zhi, did people from the government come to look for you? Actually, it's normal. After all, Brother Zhi, you are the number one player among our players. I don't think the people from the government came to you so late It was a bit of a surprise."

Xiao Zhi found a stool in the yard and sat down, ignoring him.

Xie Ke also spoke: "Brother Zhi, what was the attitude of the people from the government when they contacted you?"

Xiao Zhi thought for a while and said, "The person who contacted me was a woman, and her attitude was quite polite. They wanted to meet me in the real world and ask me some questions."

Duan Yi said: "Brother Zhi, you agree?"

Xiao Zhi glanced at him: "Can I refuse this kind of thing?"

"That's right, hahahaha." Duan Yi laughed a few times.

Xiao Zhi ignored him, but was worried.

I don't know what will happen when I meet with the government officials tomorrow, and whether it will affect his breakthrough in Dao Realm.

About two minutes later, Li Pingfeng spoke: "Xiao Zhi, it's not just you, I've also been recruited. The World of All Beings Research Group will also send people over to contact me tomorrow."

Hearing what Li Pingfeng said, Xiao Zhi, who was sitting on the stool, felt a little more relaxed.

"Young Master Li, do you feel a little flustered?" Duan Yi asked.

"Hurry up, I didn't break the law, can they lock me in?" Li Pingfeng snorted.

Just as he was talking, Xie Ke suddenly said, "I have a call from here too, a strange call from Beihe Province."

"Haha, Xie Ke, you've been tricked too." Duan Yi smiled gloatingly.

"Don't worry, we've all been recruited, and it's your turn to be next." After Xie Ke said a word, he didn't speak anymore, apparently to answer the phone.

Thanks to Don’t Know 0678, Sand Sculpture Netizen 404, and Book Friends 20171102064124526 for their rewards.

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