This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1929 Xiao Zhi's Speculation

The strongest divine domain of the Eternal Lord is a brilliant golden light.

This brilliant golden light forcibly created a small space in the gray sea.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi raised his mouth slightly and a sneer appeared on his face.

The Eternal Lord was forced into a desperate situation and had to deploy the strongest divine domain to fight with him.

And what he was least afraid of was the battle of divine domains.

As long as he was given enough time, he had the confidence to crush the strongest divine domain deployed by the Eternal Lord!

Moreover, he was not fighting alone.

Emperor Meng Tian, ​​Lord Ziyuan, and Yang Xi had all entered Xiao Zhi's gray sea at this time.

Next, they will assist Xiao Zhi to deal with the Eternal Lord together.

In the brilliant golden light, the Eternal Lord was trying his best to maintain the stability of the strongest divine domain and resist the erosion of the gray sea water.

After the Eternal Lord glanced around, a trace of miserable expression appeared on his face.

He knew that he had no hope of escaping.

The gray water fluctuated, and Xiao Zhi appeared not far from the Eternal Lord. He rubbed his eyebrows with his hands and said lightly: "Eternal Lord, you have been abandoned by them. Give up resistance and choose to surrender. I can guarantee that you will live until the end of the era."

The figures of Emperor Meng Tian, ​​Lord Ziyuan, and Yang Xi all appeared behind Xiao Zhi at this time, looking coldly at the Eternal Lord in the golden light.

Outside the gray sea, the Great Power Buddha was also looking at the Eternal Lord through the gray sea.

This is the Eternal Lord, the controller of the Eternal Realm, an old monster who has lived for who knows how many years.

And now, this old monster has become a trapped beast and is about to end.

"Surrender?" After hearing Xiao Zhi's words, the Eternal Lord laughed as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world: "Just based on you, are you worthy of me surrendering to you?"

When the Eternal Lord looked at Xiao Zhi, his eyes were full of contempt and disdain.

"Insolent!" Emperor Meng Tian shouted.

Xiao Zhi sighed: "There are still about two years before the end of the era. Isn't it good to live a few more years?"

The Eternal Saint sneered: "I have lived long enough, and I don't care about these few years."

Just as Xiao Zhi was about to say something else, a golden rapier flew out of the brilliant golden light at an incredible speed and pierced Xiao Zhi.

Without waiting for Xiao Zhi to make a move, the Purple Abyss Divine Lord took a step forward and swung the Divine Punishment Spear in his hand to block the golden rapier.

The battle between Xiao Zhi and the Eternal Saint suddenly broke out!

Time passed second by second.

In the gray sea, under the siege of Xiao Zhi and his men, the strongest divine domain held up by the Eternal Saint became smaller and smaller, and the Eternal Saint began to be injured, and then the injury became more and more serious.

Not long after, the Linyuan Divine Lord and others returned.

The Yongtu Lord and the Qingshuang Saint Lord finally escaped.

Still tracing back the cause and effect, the figures of Lord Yongtu and Saint Qingshuang suddenly disappeared, completely disappeared in the perception of the living beings system, as if they evaporated out of thin air.

Some of the people who returned killed the two surviving Chaos Beasts, and others entered Xiao Zhi's gray sea, wanting to help Xiao Zhi to kill the Eternal Saint.

The seriously injured Eternal Saint showed a trace of resolute expression on his face.

Boom! The golden rapier that the Eternal Saint stabbed at Xiao Zhi exploded like a bomb.

Almost at the same time, the Eternal Saint also chose to self-destruct.

The brilliant golden light filled the entire chaotic void in an instant.

When the golden light dimmed, Xiao Zhi's gray sea was turbulent and could not calm down for a long time.

Even if the Eternal Saint self-destructed, it could not shatter Xiao Zhi's strongest divine domain.

At the edge of the gray sea, Xiao Zhi, Emperor Meng Tian, ​​Lord Ziyuan, Yang Xi and others were all floating here, and they were only slightly injured.

"The system has confirmed that the Eternal Lord is dead." Emperor Meng Tian said.

Xiao Zhi just nodded and said nothing.

Not long after, the gray sea returned to calm, then slowly became illusory, and finally turned into gray ripples like water, which were absorbed by Xiao Zhi into his body.

Yang Xi said with concern: "Brother, the wound on your forehead..."

"It's okay, the system can easily repair this injury for me." Xiao Zhi shook his head gently, indicating that he was fine.

Yang Xi said again: "Brother, the Eternal Lord was killed by us, which is a great thing. Why do you seem not very happy?"

"No." Xiao Zhi shook his head gently again.

At this time, the two chaos beasts had all been killed.

Xiao Zhi exhaled lightly and said: "Okay, let's go back."

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

After returning to the origin heaven, Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged on a gray cloud and rubbed his eyebrows gently with his hands.

Even though the wound on his forehead had been repaired by the system of all living things, he still felt a dull pain in his forehead.

He was recalling the entire process of the battle just now.

It was obvious that in this battle, the Holy Lord Qingshuang was a bait, and her impulsiveness and recklessness were all pretended.

This was a killing game against him, Xiao Zhi.

Fortunately, his life was tough enough and his strength was strong enough, so the killing game set up by the Lord of Yongtu did not kill him.

Not only did they fail to kill him, but they also left the Holy Lord of Yongheng behind, which was a loss of both the wife and the army.

This is undoubtedly a great thing for heaven.

But Xiao Zhi just couldn't be happy.

Just because Holy Lord Qingshuang's performance in this battle was really beyond the standard...

In the main hall of the Palace of the Strongest, the strongest men in the heaven gathered together.

Hong Ancestor hissed: "They failed to kill the Black Killer this time, and they wanted to kill the Lord of God, but how could they kill the Lord of God? It's good now, they finally paid the price, and the most powerful person in the Eternal Realm is The strong old monster was killed by us."

Yang Xi said: "This Eternal Holy Lord is really worthy of his death. How could he want to kill my elder brother?"

"It's a pity that Master Yongtu still ran away." God Master Linyuan said with some regret.

"And Holy Lord Qingshuang also ran away for her."

The most powerful men who had followed Lord Linyuan to hunt down Lord Yongtu also had expressions of regret on their faces.

Xiao Zhidao: "The death of the Eternal Holy Lord should be celebrated by the whole world. Each person in the Supreme Palace has twenty quotas for introduction. Those who don't want the quota can be exchanged for equivalent authority points or sky points. What do you think?"

There are rewards to be won, so naturally no one will have any objections.

After distributing the rewards, Xiao Zhi suppressed the smile on his face and said in a deep voice: "In this battle just now, there was something that really concerned me."

The mighty Buddha clasped his hands together and said, "What God cares about is the Holy Lord Qingshuang?"

"Not bad." Xiao Zhi nodded.

Dawei Tianfo said: "Holy Lord Qingshuang has become stronger than before, and so has Lord Yongtu. These old monsters who have lived for countless years suddenly became stronger in a short period of time after they were destroyed. A lot of it, it’s a bit unreasonable.”

"It is indeed a bit unreasonable." Emperor Mengtian frowned and said: "These old monsters have lived for too long, and their potential has long been reached. Even though they were stimulated by the destruction of their great realm, one of them has the strength The sudden increase is unbelievable, two people..." When he said this, Emperor Mengtian shook his head and stopped talking.

Emperor Kongtian couldn't help but said: "What's wrong with Holy Lord Qingshuang? Has she become as strong as Lord Yongtu?"

The true form of Emperor Kongtian is still staying in Wangchuan and has not participated in this battle. Therefore, now he is full of doubts.

The same is true for the Jade Spirit Giant.

Heisha said: "The Holy Lord Qingshuang froze God's divine domain as soon as she took action. Her move almost put God into a desperate situation."

Hearing this, Emperor Kong Tian had a look of astonishment on his face: "The Divine Realm of the Frozen God? This... how is this possible?!"

Xiao Zhi smiled bitterly and said: "My divine realm was indeed frozen by her, and I find it incredible."

At this time, the Great Mighty Heavenly Buddha slowly said: "I want to pull her into the Buddha Kingdom of All Lives. I should have been able to pull her in before, but now I can't."

"Why is this happening?" Emperor Kongtian asked.

"I don't know." Xiao Zhi shook his head.

"Tell me, did these old monsters have any adventures when they crossed the chaotic void, and then the small universe exploded?" Yang Xi said.

"Maybe." Xiao Zhi said.

At this time, he was thinking of another possibility.

This possibility made him feel a little uneasy.

The possibility that came to his mind was: Did these old monsters from the Eternal Realm and the Eternal Picture Realm hook up with people from other universes, and were inspired by people from other universes, and their strength increased explosively?

This is also possible.

After all, at his request, the sentient system is conducting low-power exploration of the endless multiverse all the time.

According to the System Elf, low-power scanning is relatively invisible, and the scanning will hardly be noticed by other universes, but what if it happens? What if someone from another universe notices it?

Just like the heavens invaded the giant universe, other universes also invaded the heavens...

The invading powerful men from different universes, for unknown purposes, are connected with the old monsters in the Eternal Realm and the Yongtu Realm, and want to help the old monsters in the Eternal Realm and the Yongtu Realm to destroy the Heaven Realm...

If this is the case, the heavenly world is really in danger...

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi, who was sitting on a gray cloud, suddenly said to the sky: "System Elf, when the sentient system conducts low-power scanning of the endless universe, what is the probability of being noticed by other universes?" ?”

With a flash of golden light, the petite figure of the system elf appeared in front of Xiao Zhi, and said in an ethereal voice: "When the sentient system performs low-power scanning, it will hardly be noticed by other universes, but it cannot be ruled out that there are other universes in the endless multiverse. We are being scanned and observed.”

Xiao Zhi asked: "If there are powerful people from other universes who invade our universe, will you be able to detect their existence?"

Without even thinking about it, the system elf replied: "Sorry, manager, I can't do this. The chaotic void where the heaven is located is very vast, and the area that the rules of the sentient system can affect is smaller than the entire area. It’s too small to come out of a chaotic void.”

Xiao Zhi asked: "Then if there are powerful people from other universes who enter the area affected by the rules of the system, can you sense their existence?"

The system elf said: "It should be possible."

Xiao Zhi frowned and said, "You mean, if the opponent is too strong, has too weird abilities, and is beyond your ability, you may not be able to sense their existence?"

The system elf nodded: "Yes, manager."

Xiao Zhi exhaled and said, "Turn off the low-power scan."

The system elf nodded: "Okay, administrator."

Xiao Zhi didn't say anything more, but waved his hand gently, waving away the system elf in front of him.

A bitter smile appeared on Xiao Zhi's face: 'Am I too sensitive? The system elf has made it very clear that low-power scans will hardly be detected by other universes. As for whether other universes will scan this chaotic void... So many years have passed. If the powerful beings from other universes want to invade, they would have invaded long ago. Why would they wait until now? '

'It should be that I am too suspicious. 'Xiao Zhi shook his head.

Time passed day by day.

Perhaps because the Eternal Saint died in battle, the old monsters were afraid and dared not attack the heaven easily anymore. It may also be for some other reason. In the following time, no more Chaos Beasts appeared frequently outside the heaven.

Occasionally, one or two Chaos Beasts appeared, but they were only non-strong Chaos Beasts.

Xiao Zhi didn't need to take action against this kind of non-strong Chaos beasts. They were easily killed by Heisha and Linyuan God Lord with long-range attacks.

As time passed, Xiao Zhi's mood gradually calmed down, and he began to devote more and more energy to optimizing the sentient beings system and the transmission channel.

When Xiao Zhi just became the ultimate manager of the sentient beings system, he optimized the sentient beings system, and the effect was immediate. He cleaned up a lot of "redundancy" in the sentient beings system and reduced a lot of "internal friction" in the sentient beings system.

Now, he is trying to optimize the sentient beings system again, but the effect is much worse than before.

It's not that his strength has regressed, but the optimization of the system is more difficult to see the effect later.

It's like cleaning a room full of garbage. At the beginning, you can easily clean out a lot of garbage, and the effect is immediate, but when it comes to mopping the floor, the amount of garbage that can be swept out is much less.

As for optimizing the transmission array, the effect is even more unsatisfactory.

There are two possibilities. The first possibility is that the teleportation array of the sentient beings system is already very complete and does not need to be optimized.

The second possibility is that Xiao Zhi's level is not enough to optimize such a complex thing.

Xiao Zhi is more inclined to the second possibility, which is his intuition.

In fact, the optimization system is also.

His optimization of the sentient beings system is still in the surface optimization link of "cleaning up garbage", and the real optimization has hardly begun.

After all, he has been on the road of rules for too short a time, and his foundation is too shallow to deeply optimize the sentient beings system.

Time passes, and before he knows it, a year has passed.

At this time, there is less than a year left before the end of this era.

Thanks to the book friend 20240609232909226 for the reward.

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