This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1934 Return

Time passed day by day. On this day, including Xiao Zhi, all the strongest people in the heaven gathered beside the universe-level transmission channel leading to the giant star universe, waiting silently.

Soon, all the players in the heaven who went to the giant star universe to perform tasks will return to the heaven through this transmission channel in front of them.

In Xiao Zhi's view, these players are heroes of the heaven, and they should be welcomed by the Strongest Hall when they return.

In the Strongest Hall, there must be people who think that Xiao Zhi is making a fuss.

After all, in the eyes of many strong people, these god-level players are no different from ants.

If it weren't for Xiao Zhi's request, they would never come.

But since it was Xiao Zhi's request, there was nothing he could do.

After all, in the current heaven, Xiao Zhi is the Lord of Heaven, and Xiao Zhi is the greatest.

The main reason is that Xiao Zhi's strength is strong enough.

Uniquely strong.

In the entire heaven, only the Great Powerful Buddha can barely touch it. As for other strong people, none of them are Xiao Zhi's opponents.

After all, this is still a world where strength is respected.

If Xiao Zhi had not been strong enough, he would not have been able to sit so firmly in the position of the Lord of the Heavenly Realm.

Time passed by.

"Here it comes!" Yang Xi shouted, looking a little excited.

Everyone looked closely and saw figures flying out of the huge sky-blue vortex in front of them.

"Second brother, here!" Yang Xi actually ignored the majesty of the strongest and waved at Yang Xu who had just flown out of the transmission channel.

After hearing the voice, Yang Xu looked over here. He did not fly over immediately to reunite with his sister, but showed a respectful expression on his face, bowed and saluted from a distance: "Greetings to the Lord of Heaven! Greetings to all the Heavenly Emperors!"

"Greetings to the Lord of Heaven! Greetings to all the Heavenly Emperors!" The figures of other players also hovered in the air and saluted respectfully.

"No need to be polite, you have worked hard." Xiao Zhi smiled and raised his hand to support.

All of a sudden, all the players felt a gentle force, gently helping them up.

Xiao Zhi did not speak a lot of words like some leaders in reality. He just said a few simple words and then said to the air: "System elf, quickly give you rewards."

"Okay, manager." A golden light flashed, and the petite figure of the system elf emerged out of thin air, and said in an ethereal voice.

"Calculating, please wait..."

"Calculation is completed, start to distribute rewards..."

At this moment, many players showed joy on their faces.

They took risks and left their homes to go to the Superstar Universe. What was it for? Wasn't it for the task rewards of the Living Beings System?

Now, not only did the rewards go out as promised, but the Lord also gave each of them an additional 1,000 Sky Points!

This is 1,000 Sky Points. If it is used to exchange for one-star fairy arts, it can be exchanged for 5 one-star fairy arts.

"Thank you for the reward from the Lord!" A player bowed deeply to Xiao Zhi, with a grateful face.

He was really grateful to Xiao Zhi.

It was too difficult for a beginner god-level player like him who was not in the dominant world to get the Sky Points. The Lord was so generous that after he returned to the world of all living beings, he could exchange the Sky Points he had accumulated for a good fairy art and a good artifact.

With these two things, his strength will be greatly improved!

And as his strength improves, his life in the player world will be better...

"Thank you for the reward from the Lord!" The other players also bowed deeply to Xiao Zhi, full of gratitude.

"I said, no need to be polite." Xiao Zhi smiled, raised his hand and helped all the players up.

He turned his head slightly and looked at Emperor Meng Tian.

Emperor Meng Tian understood, stepped forward, smiled and said: "After you return, you don't have to rush back to the world of all living beings. The Lord is holding a banquet in the Strongest Hall. Everyone, please go to the Strongest Hall for the banquet."

As he said, Emperor Meng Tian made a gesture of invitation.

Xiao Zhi, the Lord of Heaven, personally hosted the banquet, so the players naturally could not refuse to give him face. Immediately, everyone turned into streams of light and flew towards the Strongest Hall under the guidance of Emperor Meng Tian.

The Strongest Hall was very large and could accommodate all these players.

Then a stream of light flew towards Xiao Zhi.

This was the avatar Xiao Zhi who followed Yang Xu to the Superstar Universe.

Compared with the previous visit, the avatar Xiao Zhi who returned from the Superstar Universe had a much weaker aura, and his energy intensity was about to fall from the high god level.

Mainly because he could not get energy replenishment in the Superstar Universe, he became like this.

Soon, the avatar Xiao Zhi turned into a ball of black water, hit Xiao Zhi, and was absorbed into his body by Xiao Zhi.

At this time, Yang Xi's high god-level avatar also flew over.

Yang Xi's way of merging avatars was much more elegant.

Then Yang Xi's avatar flew over, stood in front of the original body, and gently raised his hand.

Yang Xi's original body also raised his hand gently, and just like that, the two hands touched each other in the air.

Yang Xi's clone immediately collapsed into a large green light spot, floated towards the original body, and finally merged into the original body.

Although the fusion method is different, the result of the fusion is the same.

Xiao Zhi's face was dazed for a moment, and then his eyes regained clarity. At this time, he had obtained all the memories of the clone.

Yang Xi was the same.

Soon after, the grand hall of the Strongest Palace was bustling with activity.

White jade tables were placed here, and on them were all kinds of fine wines and rare delicacies.

This was a banquet from God, and it was of a very high quality. Even the god-level players would be amazed by the food served on the table.

Some players were a little nervous when they ate the spiritual fruits.

After all, this was the Strongest Palace, the most sacred place in heaven.

Some players seemed carefree, drinking and eating with big mouthfuls, chatting and laughing with the people around them.

Maids like fairies, carrying plates, shuttled lightly between the white jade tables, replenishing food for the players in the palace.

These maids were all illusions created by Emperor Meng Tian. Xiao Zhi and other powerful people could see that it was an illusion at a glance, but the players in the hall were limited in strength and it was extremely difficult to see the clues. Some players might not see women when they were performing tasks in the Superstar Universe, so when they looked at these beautiful maids, their eyes were a little straight.

Outside the hall, a group of powerful people came from the air and looked down at the grand palace below.

The tiles and brick walls could not block their sight, and everything that happened in the hall could not escape their perception.

Xiao Zhi said: "Everyone, are there any abnormalities among our players?"

"I can't see anything abnormal." Yuanzu said.

"Me too." Hongzu said in a hissing voice.

The powerful people spoke one after another, and they all said that they could not see anything abnormal.

"Next, it's my turn to take action." Emperor Meng Tian said.

"Go." Xiao Zhi nodded.

Emperor Meng Tian bowed slightly to Xiao Zhi, his figure fell down, and soon came to the ground.

He stepped on the jade bricks and slowly walked towards the magnificent hall in front of him.

A very faint shadow emanated from his body and floated towards the magnificent hall in front of him.

The figure of Emperor Meng Tian was fading at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon, his figure became transparent and disappeared into the air.

At this time, a layer of shadow was already permeating the grand hall.

The players in the hall seemed unaware of this and continued to eat and drink.

Time passed second by second.

In the corner of the hall, a beginner god-level player seemed to be drunk, his eyes became blurred and trance, and not long after, he had already fallen on the white jade table and fell asleep.

Soon, the second player also fell on the white jade table with a blurred look.

Then the third, fourth, fifth...

In just a few seconds, a large group of players fell on the white jade table and fell asleep.

As time passed, the shadow in the hall became thicker and thicker.

More and more players fell into coma.

Those who were not yet unconscious still seemed unaware of the strange scene in front of them, eating and drinking as usual.

Some players were even talking and laughing loudly to the air, in high spirits.

However, as they talked, their expressions became blurred, some fell on the white jade table, and some fell on the cold jade floor with their backs facing the sky.

Xiao Zhi flashed and came to the magnificent hall, and said to the shadow in front of him: "Emperor Meng Tian, ​​your illusion has improved again."

The voice of Emperor Meng Tian sounded in Xiao Zhi's ears: "God, you are too kind. My illusion is not worth mentioning in front of you, God."

Xiao Zhi smiled and asked: "How long will it take?"

The voice of Emperor Meng Tian said: "A quarter of an hour."

Xiao Zhi nodded.

At this moment, a voice came from the hall in front of him: "Who is it!"

"Who are you?!"

The voice was cold and sharp, belonging to Yang Xu.

In the grand hall, everyone fell down, except Yang Xu.

Then Yang Xu's body was intertwined with black and white light, and his figure turned into a flash of lightning, trying to escape from the dim hall.

In the thick shadow, a black shadow emerged out of thin air and blocked Yang Xu's way.

Yang Xu's figure suddenly stopped in the air, and before he could move, a hand came out of the shadow behind him and pressed on his head.

At this moment, Yang Xu's eyes suddenly became blurred and lost focus.

Even a top god like Yang Xu still seemed vulnerable when facing Emperor Meng Tian.

"Second brother!" Yang Xi exclaimed.

At some point, Yang Xi also came over, and instinctively wanted to rush over to "save" his brother, but was pulled by Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi said, "Calm down. This is just a procedure for those who return. Yang Xu will be fine."

Xiao Zhi's voice was very calm, and contained a magical power that made people feel at ease.

Yang Xi nodded and retreated to Xiao Zhi's side.

At this time, the Great Powerful Buddha, wearing a golden robe, slowly walked towards the grand palace in front of him. Soon, his figure was swallowed by the thick shadow and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Time passed by.

Except for Emperor Meng Tian and the Great Powerful Buddha, everyone else in the Strongest Hall was waiting outside silently.

Unknowingly, a quarter of an hour passed.

Yang Xi couldn't help but ask, "What was the result?"

She was worried about Yang Xu.

Xiao Zhi said: "Don't worry, Yang Xu will definitely be fine. After all, our clones are with him. We know better than anyone whether he has any problems."

"Well, the second brother will definitely be fine." Yang Xi nodded.

In this way, a few minutes later, a black shadow slowly walked out of the dark and dim hall.

Then, a bald man wearing a golden robe also walked out of the thick shadow.

It was Emperor Meng Tian and the Great Power Buddha.

"How?" Xiao Zhi asked.

In fact, he didn't need to ask at all, because everything that happened in this grand palace in front of him was in his perception and he "saw" it in his eyes.

He asked this question for the others around him.

"Found three people with problems." Emperor Meng Tian said with a gloomy expression.

Then he saw him wave his hand lightly, and three figures tied tightly with ropes floated out of the thick shadow.

These are three players, two middle-level players and one high-level player.

The three players were all in a coma and looked normal.

Three shadows appeared in front of the three players.

The shadows reached out to the three players, their hands went directly into the chests of the three players, and then forcibly pulled out three fist-sized blood balls.

The three blood balls exuded a strange aura and twisted and struggled in the claws of the shadows.

When the three blood balls were forcibly pulled out, the faces of the three players showed painful expressions, and then their bodies became withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and later only blood-colored skeletons were left, and their vitality was completely cut off.

The three players died tragically on the spot, which looked both weird and frightening.

But the strongest people present only glanced at the three blood-colored skeletons, and their eyes soon fell on the three blood balls that exuded a strange aura.

"It seems that our worries are not unnecessary. Some of our players have indeed been planted in their bodies." The original ancestor said.

"What on earth are these? They look disgusting." Yang Xi frowned.

"Do you know about Gu worms? This thing is somewhat similar to Gu worms, but it is much more advanced than Gu worms. If it weren't for Emperor Meng Tian and Tian Fo working together, it would be difficult to find this thing." Xiao Zhi said.

'True God Clan, this thing wants to use this thing to control our players and infiltrate us...' Xiao Zhi thought.

"Lord, how should we deal with these three things?" Emperor Meng Tian asked Xiao Zhi.

Before Xiao Zhi could speak, Hong Zu spoke first: "You can give them to me! These things contain strong blood power, and what I am good at is the power of blood!"

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