This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1960: Fighting Again

The red circle that suddenly appeared in the holographic image represents the Lord of Yongtu!

Yes, the red circle is still a red circle.

Even though the Lord of Yongtu has descended to the Origin Heaven, the system of all living things still cannot locate his exact position, and can only use the red circle to indicate his current vague position.

This is because there is an anti-locator on the Lord of Yongtu.

This small instrument is a technological product of the ancient civilization. It is cheap and is specially used to prevent being accurately locked by the system. It is suitable for most systems in the multiverse.

Before the outbreak of this war, Zitu gave each of the old monsters one of these things. Unfortunately, this thing can only be used to prevent being locked by the system, not to save lives. Except for the Lord of Yongtu, the other old monsters were killed by Xiao Zhi as soon as they appeared...

"Lord!" Emperor Kongtian looked at Xiao Zhi.

The others in the Strongest Hall also looked at Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi sat quietly on his throne and uttered two words: "No hurry."

At this time, his original body was facing the siege of dozens of chaos beasts at the same time, and also had to face the extremely powerful old monster Yongtu Lord.

If it were the previous him, he would definitely not dare to be so arrogant.

It's different now.

Now, with the help of Yang Xu, he has recovered a little of his origin.

This little bit of restored origin is the capital for him to dare to be "arrogant".

At this time, the absolute domain where Hong Zu hid had already become completely different. The space was broken, the earth was broken, and the layers of light shields protected Hong Zu and a small area around him. It looked like a small isolated island in a storm.

"Where is he?" Xiao Zhi looked up at the sky and asked Yang Xu who was standing beside him.

The location Yang Xu pointed to was the body of a chaos beast that covered the sky and the sun.

Above the head of this chaos beast, there was another even bigger chaos beast floating.

In this case, the position pointed by Yang Xu has become meaningless.

Xiao Zhi looked up and shouted: "Master Yongtu, since you are here, why don't you show up and meet me?"

His words did not get a response.

Those chaotic beasts gathered outside the restriction, like chicken blood, attacked the defensive restriction above Xiao Zhi's head like crazy.

Under the crazy attack of these chaotic beasts, the defensive restrictions were broken one after another. In just a few seconds, there were less than ten left.

'Is it preparing to break the defensive restrictions first, and then attack Hong Zu? ' Xiao Zhi thought.

'God, those chaotic beasts that I finally controlled are out of control again. ' The voice of Hong Zu sounded in Xiao Zhi's ears.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but frowned, but he was not surprised.

Because this was within his expectations.

Before, Lord Yongtu was in the chaotic void, controlling these chaotic beasts with his mind from a distance of hundreds of millions of miles.

Now, Lord Yongtu has descended to the Origin Heaven Realm, and the distance of hundreds of millions of miles is gone. Lord Yongtu's control over these chaotic beasts will definitely become much stronger.

'Just do your best.' Xiao Zhi replied to Hong Zu.

'Lord, the situation seems a little bad, what are you going to do next?' Hong Zu couldn't help but ask in a voice transmission.

'Go all out, do your job well, don't be distracted!' Xiao Zhi shouted in a voice transmission.

Hong Zu stopped talking after being shouted by Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi took a deep breath, jumped up from Hong Zu's huge head, and unfolded his strongest divine domain.

Then circles of gray ripples like water spread from his body, and instantly passed through layers of blockades and restrictions, sweeping towards the chaotic beasts in the sky.

The strongest divine domain that Xiao Zhi unfolded had a very wide range, and soon all the chaos beasts in this area were covered in it.

The space in this area was suppressed immediately, and the originally broken space gradually showed a tendency to heal.

The chaos beasts covered by Xiao Zhi's strongest divine domain instinctively showed a little disturbance.

But this little disturbance was instantly suppressed by a strong will.

Xiao Zhi's figure suddenly disappeared, and Yang Xu, who was standing on Hong Zu's head, disappeared with him.

The next moment, the figures of the two appeared in front of a chaos beast like a giant lizard, and they were only more than a thousand miles away from the chaos beast.

Yang Xu pointed at the chaos beast and shouted: "He is in it."

Xiao Zhi did not speak, and he saw him raise the Kaitian Knife in his hand high.

The blade of the Kaitian Knife, like a pool of autumn water, instantly turned into a pitch-black color.

At the same time, there was an endless amount of world power, madly rushing from all directions, rushing towards the Heaven-Opening Sword.

"Cut!" Xiao Zhi shouted, and slashed a black sword energy that seemed to tear the sky apart at the Chaos Beast in front of him.

The terrifying sword energy instantly broke through the air and slashed on the head of the Chaos Beast, leaving a terrible sword mark like a rift valley on the Chaos Beast's head that was as huge as a continent.

The Chaos Beast let out a deafening howl, and its huge body was chopped back repeatedly.

While Xiao Zhi was gathering strength, he followed like a shadow, and soon chopped again, slashing on the Chaos Beast's thick neck.

"He has left. Over there, he is there!" Yang Xu, who was floating beside Xiao Zhi, pointed to another Chaos Beast thousands of miles away and shouted.

Xiao Zhi's face was a little ugly. He disappeared again with Yang Xu.

When he reappeared, he had come to the Chaos Beast pointed by Yang Xu. He held the knife in both hands and slashed at the Chaos Beast in front of him after a short period of accumulation.

As a result, Xiao Zhi had just slashed the strongest Chaos Beast twice, and Yang Xu pointed to another direction and shouted: "Over there! He is over there!"

At this moment, the Lord of Yongtu changed his position again and teleported into the body of another Chaos Beast.

The strongest divine domain that Xiao Zhi unfolded could not stop his teleportation at all.

At this moment, under the crazy attack of the Chaos Beasts, the last blockade that protected Hongzu was also broken, disintegrated into small light spots, and dissipated in the air.

Xiao Zhi's face changed, and his figure suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, he and Yang Xu were standing on Hong Zu's huge snake head again.

At this moment, visible spatial ripples appeared on Hong Zu's body.

At the same moment, a somewhat thin figure appeared out of thin air behind Hong Zu, and knocked the cane in his hand towards Hong Zu in mid-air!

The moment the figure of Yongtu Lord appeared, Xiao Zhi had already sensed the existence of Yongtu Lord through his strongest divine domain.

'You are finally willing to come out! '

Huh! Xiao Zhi's figure disappeared in an instant, and when he reappeared, he had come to the direction behind Hong Zu, slashing out a black knife aura like a silk thread, facing the cane phantom of Yongtu Lord.

The knife light collided with the cane phantom, annihilated each other, and disappeared into thin air.

After slashing out this knife, Xiao Zhi rushed towards Yongtu Lord with the knife.

The Lord of Yongtu ignored Xiao Zhi who was rushing towards him, but his figure floated to one side like a ghost.

A pitch-black long sword slashed out from behind the Lord of Yongtu, but only hit a residual image left by the Lord of Yongtu.

In the air, gray ripples like water were rippling slightly.

This was Xiao Zhi restraining his strongest divine domain.

Even Xiao Zhi, when he expanded his strongest divine domain to a large enough size, his strongest divine domain could no longer threaten a strong enemy like the Lord of Yongtu.

After dodging Xiao Zhi's attack, the Lord of Yongtu soared into the sky, and his figure became illusory and blurred at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He wanted to rely on causal tracing back to quickly escape from here.

At this moment, a golden light curtain emerged out of thin air and appeared above the head of the Lord of Yongtu.

The Lord of Yongtu waved the crutch in his hand and knocked at the suddenly appeared blockade barrier.

However, the blockade barrier did not break, but trapped the Lord Yongtu in the barrier.

This blockade barrier was the blockade barrier that Xiao Zhi had injected the power of rules into before!

Xiao Zhi's figure appeared out of thin air behind the Lord Yongtu, and chopped at the Lord Yongtu's head again!

This time, he used the power of rules, which was a sure-kill knife that he had hidden for a long time!

He had been "acting" for so long before, just to kill the Lord Yongtu with one blow at this moment!

The Lord Yongtu was caught off guard, and his head and body were cut into two parts by Xiao Zhi's knife.

The incision was pitch black, and soon black fog emerged, and black water flowed out.

The corrosive power contained in Xiao Zhi's knife could melt even the huge and extremely powerful Chaos Beast, let alone the thin and small hunchbacked old man in front of him.

After one strike, Xiao Zhi raised the Kaitian Sword in his hand high again, and the blade of the Kaitian Sword turned black again.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi felt a trance in his heart, and felt that the thin old man who was split in half in front of him became extremely unfamiliar.

Who is this old man?

How was he split in half?

In an instant, Xiao Zhi came back to his senses.

He saw that a small hole had been melted in the blockade barrier in front of him.

The body of the Lord Yongtu, which was split in half by him, had been combined together at some point. His body was billowing black smoke, and while flying towards those chaotic beasts, his body quickly became illusory and turned into a bubble.

Xiao Zhi's figure flashed, and he appeared in front of the Lord Yongtu, swinging his sword and slashing!

But what he chopped was only the afterimage of the Lord Yongtu, and the real Lord Yongtu had disappeared.

"Damn it! He escaped again!" Xiao Zhi looked ugly and cursed in a low voice.

Yang Xu's figure appeared out of thin air beside Xiao Zhi.

"Where is he now?" Xiao Zhi asked.

Yang Xu shook his head gently and said in a muffled voice: "I can no longer sense his presence."

"Damn it!" Xiao Zhi couldn't help cursing again.

Below, Hong Zu looked up at this scene and couldn't help spitting out his scarlet snake tongue, hissing and cursing: "He's not dead yet, what a pervert!"

Yongtu Lord escaped, but the Chaos Beasts were still there.

These Chaos Beasts, at this time, were like puppets that had lost control, and they all froze in the air.

However, this state did not last long, and these Chaos Beasts screamed and attacked Hong Zu below again.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Yongtu Lord is not dead...

If the Lord of Yongtu died, these chaos beasts in front of them should have scattered like birds and beasts, and would not continue to attack Hong Zu below like they are now.

‘This old man is really tough. He was hit by my knife and still survived.’ Xiao Zhi couldn’t help cursing in his heart again.

‘Let’s change places.’ Xiao Zhi’s voice sounded in Hong Zu’s ears.

‘Okay.’ Hong Zu nodded decisively.

He didn’t want to stay in this place any longer.

Soon, Hong Zu’s figure turned into a bubble and disappeared.

As soon as Hong Zu’s figure disappeared, countless attacks fell on the place where he had just been, blowing this place into nothingness.

“Let’s go too.” Xiao Zhi took a deep look at the dozens of chaos beasts in front of him and said to Yang Xu.

“Okay.” Yang Xu nodded.

The area where the Strongest Hall is located.

The space fluctuated like water, and Hong Zu’s huge figure, which was more majestic than a mountain, appeared out of thin air on a wasteland next to the Strongest Hall.

He finally came here.

As for Xiao Zhi, he brought Yang Xu to an unknown small lake in the Origin Heaven Realm.

This small lake is like the Heavenly Lake, and there is always white mist on the surface of the lake.

The Heavenly Lake has been destroyed by the Chaos Beast that invaded the Heaven Realm.

This small lake is lucky. There is no Supreme Sky-supporting Array around it, and no Chaos Beast came, so it survived.

Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged on the lake.

As he sat down, the lake surface suddenly became calm, like a smooth mirror.

Yang Xu stretched out his hand and pressed on Xiao Zhi's back.

A milky white light suddenly emerged from Xiao Zhi's body.

Xiao Zhi is quickly recovering the origin in his body in this way.

In the main hall of the Strongest Hall.

The clone Xiao Zhi had a gloomy face and briefly described the battle just now. Everyone showed regretful expressions on their faces.

They all wanted the Lord of Yongtu to die.

If the Lord of Yongtu dies, this war will be over.

If this war continues like this, even if they can win, the Origin Heaven will be reduced to ruins and become riddled with holes.

As the Origin Heaven becomes riddled with holes, the Origin of the Heaven will also become scarce.

In fact, at this point in the war, the Origin of the Heaven has begun to disappear in large quantities.

In the absence of the death of the strongest, the Heaven simply replenishes the energy of the players and repairs some simple injuries. In theory, the Origin of the Heaven should still have more than 90% left.

But now, the Origin of the Heaven is about to fall below 80%.

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