This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1963 Post-War Matters

Lord Ziyuan God said: "These giant chaotic beasts are also a scourge if they are left here. If you ask me, we should simply clean them up to eliminate future troubles."

The original ancestor said: "These are hundreds of chaotic beasts. Wouldn't it be a pity to kill them like this?"

Lord Linyuan said: "What a pity? Hong Ancestor cannot stably control these chaotic beasts, so we will just kill them. There is no pity."

Next, everyone spoke one after another, some of whom supported clearing out these chaotic beasts, and some who supported keeping these chaotic beasts.

No one can convince anyone.

In the end, this matter still has to be decided by Xiao Zhi, the Lord of Heaven.

Xiao Zhi listened for a long time and already had his own ideas. Seeing that the discussion gradually stopped and everyone looked at him, Xiao Zhi said: "Let's keep these chaotic beasts for the time being and let them go to the chaotic void. Wait, maybe it will be useful in the future.”

After a pause, Xiao Zhi continued: "Our enemies are not only the Yongtu Masters, but also the Star Civilization behind the True God Clan. The Star Civilization secretly parasitizes the blood core in the bodies of our players, not to fight with us. Friendly communication.”

Emperor Mengtian's expression changed slightly and he said: "God, do you think that the goal of the stellar civilization is also the essence of the universe?"

"It's very possible." Xiao Zhi said: "Besides the essence of the universe, is there anything else in our universe that they can covet?"

Hearing this, everyone had a wry smile on their faces.

Thinking about it, it's true that in the universe they live in, the only thing worth coveting is the essence of this universe.

Emperor Kongtian exhaled softly and said: "As the saying goes, the mantis stalks the cicada, and the oriole is behind. The Star Civilization may be the oriole hiding behind."

Ling'ao said with an ugly face: "If this is really the case, then when this battle is over, or maybe not over yet, the people of the Star Civilization will take action against us."

"It's possible." Emperor Meng Tian said with a gloomy expression: "The system of sentient beings can only sense the situation in the heaven and a small area of ​​chaotic void around it. If the star civilization breaks through the crystal wall of our universe and descends to other places, will we notice it? Without their presence.”

Yun Shen had a worried expression on his face and said: "With the current state of the heaven, if the Star Civilization takes action now, what are our chances of winning?"

Many people had worried expressions on their faces when they heard this.

Emperor Kongtian looked at Xiao Zhi and said: "God, you shouldn't have taken action just now. Those dozen chaotic beasts, even if you didn't take action, we could quickly get rid of them."

Xiao Zhi smiled helplessly and said, "It doesn't matter, I'm recovering now. With Yang Xu helping me recover, I'll recover quickly."

After a pause, Xiao Zhi continued: "As long as the Stellar Civilization doesn't attack now and gives us some breathing space, we still have a chance to save the heaven."

Yang Xi frowned and said, "As long as Stellar Civilization and the guy who was just arrested are not in the same group, then they shouldn't fight over now, right?"

Emperor Meng Tian said: "It is impossible to be a group. Tianfo and I have already interrogated this powerful man from another universe who was captured. His name is Zitu, and he comes from the ancient civilization. He does not know that the Xingheng civilization is related to the Xingheng civilization." There is no intersection between Hengwen civilization.”

When everyone heard this, their expressions relaxed a little.

Emperor Mengtian added: "Actually, we don't need to be too nervous. Although Zitu comes from the ancient civilization, he is just an ordinary adventurer of the ancient civilization and cannot represent the entire ancient civilization. Similarly, although the True God Clan It comes from the stellar civilization, and it cannot represent the entire stellar civilization. Therefore, even if people from the stellar civilization invade our side of the universe, what we need to face should only be a certain organization or a certain organization in the stellar civilization. A force, not an entire stellar civilization.”

"It makes sense." The original ancestor nodded and agreed with Emperor Meng Tian's words.

After hearing this, the expressions on other people's faces also relaxed a little.

Yanlong Yaoyang, who was glowing with light fire, also coiled his body on the throne like Hongzu. He looked at Emperor Mengtian and said: "Emperor Mengtian, it's time to tell you in detail what you have interrogated. Everybody.”

Emperor Mengtian nodded and said, "Okay."

Emperor Meng Tian began to tell in detail the various information he had obtained during his interrogation of Zi Tu, while everyone listened silently.

After a while, Emperor Mengtian finished speaking, and the Hall of Supreme Strength became quiet, and you could hear a needle drop.

After a while of silence, a wry smile appeared on Hui Jia's gray-white face, and he said: "Back then, I thought that the end of the road to the strong was the realm of the strongest. Who would have thought that beyond the realm of the strongest, there are more "Destruction, there is a creation level above immortality, I am really a frog in the well, ignorant."

When the others heard this, the expressions on their faces were quite complicated.

They are all the top figures in all major realms, so they have the title of the most powerful. Now it seems that their title of the most powerful is just a joke, giving people a feeling of arrogance.

Luo Yiyi whispered: "Is the Ancient Civilization very strong... How does it compare to the Immortal Civilization? How does it compare to the Stellar Civilization?"

Emperor Meng Tian said: "Judging from what this data map explains, the Ancient Civilization is indeed very powerful. It should be stronger than the Immortal Civilization, the source of the sentient system. As for the Stellar Civilization..."

Ling'ao said: "The strength of the Stellar Civilization is definitely not as good as that of the Ancient Ba Civilization. Take the True God Clan that was separated from the Stellar Civilization. Only the leader of the True God Clan is the strongest... No, it is the cosmic level. Those True Gods The elders of this clan are all at the level of top gods. If it were the ancient civilization, this team of adventurers who dared to step out of the civilization should all have cosmic-level strength."

No one refuted this.

The original ancestor said: "The original owner of the sentient system, the adventurer An Jie of the Immortal Civilization, is not the strongest...universe level, not even the top god. From this point of view, the Immortal Civilization is indeed very powerful. Maybe not as good as the ancient civilization..."

Both Ling'ao who spoke just now and the original ancestor who spoke just now subconsciously replaced the supreme level with the cosmic level.

Obviously, the two ‘new’ realms above the cosmic level are more exciting to them.

The cosmic level they are currently at is no longer worthy of being called the strongest.

Everyone was discussing with each other.

Their true bodies are all looking for a place to rest.

The avatar Xiao Zhi was listening to the discussion and the whisper report from the system elf next to him.

Then I heard the system elf's ethereal voice say: "After the battle, 79% of the areas in the original heaven were severely damaged, 11% of the areas were moderately damaged, and only 10% of the areas were undamaged or slightly damaged. If you want to completely repair these damaged areas, It needs to consume 293% of the world source in the heaven..."

"Currently, there are still 53.7% of the world's origin left in the heaven. Because the original heaven is seriously damaged, the heaven can no longer absorb the world's origin from the chaotic void. The world's origin in the heaven is constantly being lost outwards, and will continue to be lost at the current rate. The heaven is currently The remaining 53.7% of the world's origin will be lost in 107.5 days. At that time, the heaven will be destroyed, and the system of living beings will also be destroyed. "

"Manager Meng Tiandi has chosen a conservative repair plan. The system will consume 31.5% of the world's origin and repair the most damaged areas of the original heaven. When these areas are repaired, the world's origin of the heaven will stop flowing out. ”

"Because this matter is of great importance, the choice made by Emperor Meng Tian needs to be reviewed by you. Do you agree?"

"Agree." Xiao Zhi nodded and said softly.

There was a worried expression on his face.

Although this wave of counterattack by the old monsters failed to destroy the heaven, it left the original heaven full of holes.

This is because Heaven Realm's luck is good enough. If Heaven Realm's luck was worse, Heaven Realm might have been doomed.

At that time, if Lord Yongtu had found out the location of Tianwaitian from the beginning, and then controlled all the chaotic beasts to attack Tianwaitian, even if the blockade and restrictions of Waitian were doubled that day, it would be difficult to sustain such a large number. The fierce attack of the chaotic beasts, even if the original polymers existing in Tianwaitian are protected by the cosmic crystal shield, even in this case, the strongest people in the heaven will gather in Tianwaitian and fight to the death in Tianwaitian If you resist, Heaven will most likely perish.

At that time, if Lord Yongtu was determined to wreak havoc in the original heaven, but did not allocate part of his strength to attack Tianwaitian, the damage to the original heaven would only be more serious, and he might even fall into a trap because the damage was too serious. collapse.

It can be said that it is precisely because of Lord Yongtu's "hesitation" and "both wanting and wanting" that the situation in the heaven will not be too bad after this battle.

This does not mean that Yongtu Master is stupid.

Because until the dust settles on many things, no one knows whether their choice is right or wrong.

Anyone can be a Zhuge Liang after the fact, but there is only one real Zhuge Liang in history...

After nodding in agreement with Emperor Mengtian's choice, Xiao Zhi glanced at the system elf floating beside him and said softly: "Is there anything else?"

"No more for now." The system elf smiled at Xiao Zhi, and then its figure disintegrated into golden light spots and disappeared in front of Xiao Zhi.

In the original heaven, the originally broken space has healed. In the sky not far from the Supreme Palace, a huge sky-blue vortex is still slowly rotating.

This is a cosmic-level transmission channel to the giant universe.

Even now, in Xiao Zhi's perception, this cosmic-level transmission channel is still continuously absorbing the world's origin from the giant universe, and then continuously injecting these world's origin into the heaven.

After carefully sensing this cosmic-level transmission channel and confirming that its status was still stable, Xiao Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, he frowned a little.

According to their speculation, the goal of the stellar civilization behind the True God Clan should also be the essence of the universe.

That being the case, why haven't the people from the Stellar Civilization taken action yet?

Even if we don't take action now, we must at least cut off this important 'supply line' in the heaven, right?

Cutting off this supply line is not a difficult task for the True God Clan that occupies the Superstar Universe.

But the people of Xingheng Civilization did not do this.

Could it be that they thought that doing so would alert others?

Well...that's the only way it can be explained.

On the mirror-like surface of the lake, the original Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged, his body glowing with a faint milky white light.

He withdrew his attention from the distant cosmic transmission channel, raised his head slightly, and two green rays of light like substance appeared in his eyes, looking at the sky filled with white mist.

Of course, what he was looking at was not just the sky.

What he was looking at was the dark and deep chaotic void.

This battle to defend the heaven seemed to be over.

But Lord Yongtu was still alive.

Although reason told Xiao Zhi that Lord Yongtu was now alone and should not be able to make much waves, Xiao Zhi still remained vigilant against Lord Yongtu.

Lord Yongtu was too strong and too troublesome.

If Lord Yongtu's microcosm exploded again after his defeat, breaking through from the cosmic level to the immortal level in one fell swoop, the situation would probably be reversed again, and the heaven would be doomed...

Although this possibility was very small, what if it happened...

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi wanted to go to the chaotic void immediately to pull out Lord Yongtu and kill him.

But reason told him that he couldn't do that.

As the strongest fighting force in the heaven, he had to stay in the heaven. If he left the heaven at this time, especially the teleportable area of ​​the heaven, during the time he was away, if the Lord Yongtu came to steal the house, or the people of Xingheng civilization came to attack, the heaven would be in danger.

Sending other powerful people over would not work.

If the number of people sent was too small, it would not be enough for the Lord Yongtu to kill.

If the number of people sent was too large, the heaven would become empty again.

Moreover, with the Lord Yongtu's ability to save his life, even if more people were sent, the possibility of killing the Lord Yongtu was not great...

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi felt a little headache.

After thinking about it, the best way for the heaven to deal with it now is to do nothing and respond to all changes with the same...

At this time, the chaos beasts controlled by Hongzu had broken through the space and headed for the chaotic void.

Next, they will be on standby in the system's teleportable area. If necessary, they will join the battle. If not, they will remain on standby until the end of the era.

In Wangchuan Realm, Xiao Zhi's figure appeared in front of Zi Tu out of thin air.

Zi Tu was still in a big character shape, firmly nailed in the sky.

"Lord of the Heavenly Realm." Zi Tu squeezed out a somewhat flattering smile on his bloody and hideous face and shouted.

Xiao Zhi smiled slightly and nodded slightly at Zi Tu.

He was not the original body, but just a high-level god-level clone of Xiao Zhi.

On the contrary, the clone of the Great Powerful Buddha sitting on a golden cloud next to him had replaced the original body silently.

Emperor Meng Tian, ​​who was sitting on a dark cloud, said coldly: "The Lord of Heaven has something to ask you. If you answer honestly, you can live. If you dare to lie in front of the Lord of Heaven, no one can save you!"

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