This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1993 Tiancheng

An hour later, in the outer world, on the blue star.

Xiao Zhi floated in the sky, followed by a young boy who looked only eleven or twelve years old.

Xiao Zhi looked down at the vast mountains and forests below and said, "From now on, you will practice on this blue star of your teacher. You can designate an area on this blue star as your place of practice."

"Yes." Jing Yuan replied respectfully.

Xiao Zhi continued, "After the construction of Tiancheng, I will ask the master of Yuling Palace to build a space teleportation array leading to Changshan Realm in your mansion. If you want to go to Changshan Realm in the future, you can go through this space teleportation array."

Lu Zhong was right. He did plan to build a large number of space teleportation arrays in Tiancheng, but these space teleportation arrays would not be built in private houses, but in a public area, guarded by the silver armored army of the heaven.

Those who obtain the permanent residence right of the heaven can go to any world plane under the jurisdiction of the heaven through these teleportation arrays. Of course, this is not free, but requires money, and the fee is not low.

After all, the space teleportation array will be damaged when it is used, and the damage is not small. The Strongest Hall is not a charity organization, so necessary fees must be charged.

As for those who have not obtained the permanent residence right of the heaven, they can also use these space teleportation arrays, but the cost for them to use the teleportation arrays is slightly higher, about 30% higher.

Only a very small number of people can arrange space teleportation arrays in their mansions.

For example, Xiao Zhi and the hall masters of the Strongest Hall.

For example, the Lord of Tiancheng and several deputy city lords.

For example, Jing Yuan, the eldest disciple of the Lord of Heaven...

"Thank you for your kindness, Master." Jing Yuan said gratefully.

"You can wander around on Blue Star first, have a good rest, and then practice." Xiao Zhi said with a smile.

"Yes, Master!" Jing Yuan replied respectfully.

At this time, in the main hall of the Strongest Hall, the hall masters of the heaven were sitting on various thrones.

Hong Zu said in a hoarse voice: "God, you promised us that in our world, if anyone breaks into the top ten, he will get an extra cosmic essence."

The hall masters whose subordinates broke into the top ten also looked at Xiao Zhi with sharp eyes.

Xiao Zhi smiled faintly and said: "How could I forget this matter."

As he said, he waved his hand lightly, and several cosmic essences flowed with brilliant light and appeared in the air.

After these cosmic essences appeared, they quickly dispersed and floated towards several hall masters.

One of them floated towards Hong Zu.

Hong Zu's expression was delighted, and his scarlet snake tongue turned into a red afterimage and shot out, wrapping tightly around a cosmic essence that was floating towards him, then he pulled it back and swallowed it into his mouth, hissing: "Qing Zu has hope, I hope his luck can be better, and he can rely on this cosmic essence to return to the cosmic level."

Obviously, he swallowed this cosmic essence, not intending to refine it himself, but intending to give it to Qing Zu for refining.

After receiving the cosmic essence, the other hall masters also showed joy on their faces.

Among them was Yang Xi.

Yang Xu's performance in the Ascension Conference was counted on her head, so she also got a cosmic essence.

She planned to keep this cosmic essence and give it to her second brother.

The one in her hand, plus the one obtained by her second brother, plus the one that her second brother was still digesting, a total of three cosmic essences,

With so many cosmic essences, with her second brother's qualifications, there will be no suspense in breaking through to the cosmic level.

Ling Ao's face was very ugly.

Yun Shen had a gloomy expression on his face.

They also sent people to participate in this Ascension Conference.

But none of the people they sent could make it into the top ten.

One was 39th, and the other was 25th.

This ranking was not low, but for them, as long as they did not make it into the top ten, no matter what the ranking was, it was meaningless.

The two felt that there was a shady deal in the competition. It was Xiao Zhi who secretly manipulated the system of all living beings, so that their players encountered strong enemies in advance, and were eliminated early.

They felt that Xiao Zhi was deliberately making things difficult for them.

They dared not speak out, and their resentment towards Xiao Zhi increased by one point.

In fact, Xiao Zhi did not do any shady operations in this Ascension Conference.

If he really wanted to do shady operations, there would not be only two people in the heaven who broke into the top ten.

If he did shady operations, at least Luo Yiyi, who ranked eleventh, would definitely be able to enter the top ten.

After distributing the Essence of the Universe, Xiao Zhi continued to say: "Those who have received the Essence of the Universe, don't go back, just practice on your origin continents and origin planets. So much Essence of the Universe is distributed to help them reach the Universe level, so it can't be wasted."

The hall masters who received the Essence of the Universe nodded when they heard this.

Even if Xiao Zhi didn't remind them, they would do this.

Everyone gathered together and discussed some things about Tiancheng, and the meeting was about to end.

At this time, Xiao Zhi said: "Tiancheng is newly built, and it is in need of a city lord to manage Tiancheng on behalf of the Strongest Hall. I think Lu Zhong from the Dachang World is the best choice in terms of strength and ability, and he is capable of great tasks. He will not disappoint us if he serves as the city lord of Tiancheng. What do you think?"

Many hall masters looked at Xiao Zhi with a rather resentful look, and complained in their hearts: ‘How can we look at it? You have said it so bluntly, how can we look at it? ’

Seeing that everyone was silent, Xiao Zhi called out: “Emperor Meng Tian, ​​you say something.”

The Emperor Meng Tian, ​​who was called out, showed a trace of helplessness on his face and said: “I have also seen this boy Lu Chong. He has a steady personality and strong ability to do things. I have no objection to him being the Lord of Tiancheng.”

Xiao Zhi nodded with satisfaction and looked at Emperor Kong Tian again.

Emperor Kong Tian also praised him a few words.

Then, the position of the Lord of the City was decided.

Xiao Zhi said to a silver-armored guard standing at the door: “Call Lu Chong over to meet the hall masters.”

“Yes.” The silver-armored guard bowed and responded, turned into a residual shadow, and ran away outside the hall.

Nowadays, the area where the Strongest Hall is located is a no-fly zone. Not to mention this silver-armored guard, even the hall masters of the Strongest Hall cannot fly at will.

Soon, a young man in black robes and with a heroic face came to the outside of the main hall under the leadership of the silver-armored guard.

Lv Zhong walked steadily into the main hall of the Strongest Hall. He first knelt on one knee and saluted Xiao Zhi, and then saluted the other hall masters one by one, with a respectful and meticulous attitude.

Xiao Zhi was quite satisfied with Lv Zhong's performance. After Lv Zhong finished saluting, Xiao Zhi said: "Lv Zhong, from now on, you are the Lord of Tiancheng. Do a good job and don't let me and the other hall masters down."

Lv Zhong said solemnly: "I will do my best to manage Tiancheng and will never let the Lord of Heaven and the Lords of Heaven down!"

After that, Emperor Meng Tian, ​​Emperor Kong Tian, ​​Yuan Zu and others spoke one after another and encouraged Lv Zhong a few words.

Not long after, Lv Zhong withdrew.

After a while, the meeting ended and everyone dispersed.

Above the blue star, above a forest, Xiao Zhi was teaching his eldest disciple Jing Yuan some experience and precautions on breaking through from the high god level to the universe level.

Jing Yuan stood with his head bowed, listening respectfully.

After that, Xiao Zhi said gently: "Jing Yuan, there are no outsiders here, you can be more casual, and you don't have to be so restrained in front of me."

"Yes, Master." Jing Yuan nodded, still very respectful.

Xiao Zhi felt a little helpless.

This is how the natives are.

Once the ideas and concepts are solidified, it will be difficult to change them.

Xiao Zhi speculated that it would take a few years, or even more than ten years, before Jing Yuan and he could get along like friends.

Somewhere in the heaven, this is a wasteland with no end in sight.

On this wasteland, there is a huge city under construction.

This huge city is the new capital of the heaven, Tiancheng.

At this time, there were construction teams everywhere in Tiancheng. These construction teams came from various player worlds, and several of them came from the Dachang world.

The Ancient God Realm sent the most construction teams, without a doubt.

Among these construction teams sent by the Ancient God Realm, there are many masters of construction and formations.

Next, the defense array and space teleportation array of Tiancheng will be built by these construction teams sent by the Ancient God Realm.

After being appointed as the first Lord of Tiancheng by Xiao Zhi, Lu Zhong did not return to the world of all living beings, but went straight to Tiancheng.

At this time, he was patrolling in Tiancheng with several silver-armored soldiers, looking here and there, and occasionally talking to some construction teams and asking about some situations.

The several silver-armored soldiers following him were all high-level Taoist soldiers, specially equipped by Xiao Zhi for him to serve as guards.

Although Lu Zhong's strength was not weak, he was the Lord of Tiancheng, and he still had to have the necessary entourage.

Time passed day by day.

Jing Yuan started practicing on Blue Star.

He had already swallowed his cosmic essence, and under Xiao Zhi's guidance, he was already trying to reach the cosmic level.

The Great Powerful Buddha, Emperor Kong Tian, ​​Yang Xi and even Emperor Meng Tian all quietly came to Xiao Zhi's Blue Star.

They all chose to practice on Blue Star.

Blue Star is very big, and there is no problem accommodating them.

Since Jing Yuan appeared, Xiao Zhi's premonition of an upcoming breakthrough has become stronger and stronger.

Si Wei also swallowed a cosmic essence, and she was also trying to reach the cosmic level.

And Yang Xu.

Yang Xu was also trying to reach the cosmic level.

One day, Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged above a mountain on Blue Star and was practicing.

In front of him, a colorful dragon was flying and circling.

Suddenly, the colorful dragon froze in mid-air.

Xiao Zhi said, "Heavenly Buddha, what do you want from me?"

Then a figure came in the air, and it was the Great Powerful Buddha wearing a golden robe.

In a moment, the Great Power Buddha came to Xiao Zhi, sat down casually, and said: "Lord of Heaven, the hundred-year period has come, Zi Tu wants us to fulfill our promise to him and release him."

Xiao Zhi's face was calm, and he said: "Heavenly Buddha, do you think we should release him?"

The Great Power Buddha put his hands together and said: "You are the Lord of Heaven, this matter still has to be decided by you, Lord of Heaven."

Xiao Zhi pondered for a moment and said: "Let him go, since we promised him this, we should keep our promise. You can plant a cause and effect mark on him, so that no matter where he goes, we can sense his existence."

Dawei Tianfo said: "It's okay to plant the causal mark, but Zitu is quite powerful. I can't guarantee that the causal mark I planted will always exist on him."

Xiao Zhi said: "If he can break free from the causal mark, it's his luck."

Dawei Tianfo nodded.

Dawei Tianfo stood up and was about to leave when Xiao Zhi called him: "Wait."

Dawei Tianfo stopped and looked at Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi said: "Before letting him out, I have a guess I want to verify."

"What guess?" Dawei Tianfo was puzzled.

Not long after, five high-level gods appeared out of thin air on Blue Star.

These five high-level gods all had puzzled expressions on their faces.

They were teleported here after receiving a task from the sentient beings system. The task reward was 200 sky points. What exactly the task was, the sentient beings system has not yet announced.

Where is this?

The five people who were teleported here were vigilantly observing the surrounding environment, and even vigilantly guarding against each other.

A light blue light shield enveloped them.

According to the instructions of the sentient beings system, they can only stay in this light blue light shield. Once they leave without permission, it means that the mission has failed. Not only will they not be rewarded, but they will also be punished by the sentient beings system.

The five people did not know that outside the blue light shield, there were two people watching them silently.

An illusory golden lotus was slowly rotating, sprinkling a little golden light. Under the golden lotus, there were two people standing, Xiao Zhi and the Great Power Buddha.

"How?" Xiao Zhi asked.

There seemed to be nebulae rotating in the eyes of the Great Power Buddha, and he seemed to be calculating something with his fingers.

After calculating for a while, the Great Power Buddha shook his head gently and said, "No, there is no connection, no resonance."

Xiao Zhi did not feel disappointed when he heard this, and said, "After I leave, Tianfo, you can sense it carefully again."

"Okay." The Great Power Buddha nodded.

Xiao Zhi's figure immediately turned into a bubble and disappeared.

When he reappeared, Xiao Zhi was already in the dark and deep chaotic void.

He left the heaven and came to the edge of the teleportable area of ​​the living beings system.

In the dark and deep chaotic void, Xiao Zhi sat down cross-legged.

He did not unfold his own strongest divine domain, but let the violent energy in the chaotic void rage around him.

The violent spatial turbulence in the chaotic void was enough to crush medium and low-grade artifacts, but it could not leave even a scar on his body.

Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged like this, supporting his head with his hands, muttering: "The five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth can constitute all things in the world. Now that the five laws are gathered together, the effect should be similar to the power of rules that I have mastered. In theory, the five elements of law gathered together should be able to resonate with the law of time, the law of space, and the power of cause and effect."

"However, this is just my guess. Whether it can resonate or not, we will know later."

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