This Game is Unusual

Chapter 2001 Suppression

As soon as Xiao Zhi received the message from the mighty Buddha, the giant cicada in his hand began to struggle violently. The face that appeared on its head also changed from an old face to a handsome one. Middle-aged face.

The middle-aged man said with a somewhat difficult expression: "God, save me!"

One wants to kill, the other wants to save.

Xiao Zhi frowned, not knowing who to believe for a moment.

He looked at Yang Xu.

Yang Xu pursed his lips tightly, trying to feel it.

He sent a message to Xiao Zhi and said, "Brother, another wave of breath suddenly appeared in the body of this giant cicada, which seemed to be fighting for control of the body with the giant cicada. This wave of breath was consistent with the wave of Tianfo's breath." . ’

Xiao Zhi sent a message and replied: 'Is it possible that the changes in the giant cicada's body are simulated? ’

Yang Xu was startled: 'I...I don't know...'

The power of cause and effect was so weird that even Yang Xu was not completely sure whether the situation inside the giant cicada was true or false.

Xiao Zhi breathed out lightly, having already made a decision in his heart.

His green eyes once again showed a layer of gradient color.

This is the vision he presented by blessing his own eyes with immortal matter.

The severe stinging sensation struck again, causing the expression on Xiao Zhi's face to become a little distorted.

With the blessing of the immortal substance, Xiao Zhi's eyesight increased sharply, and he could instantly see through the giant cicada in his hand.

Xiao Zhi closed his eyes. While closing his eyes, he took the giant cicada's hand and squeezed it hard, crushing the giant cicada to pieces, and then burned the indestructible matter to refine the giant cicada's corpse. For nothingness.

There was dark golden blood flowing out from Xiao Zhi's closed eyes.

When Xiao Zhi wiped the blood from the corners of his eyes and opened his eyes again, his eyes were already stained with a grayish white color.

"Brother, your eyes..." Yang Xu said worriedly.

"It's okay, it's just temporary blindness. After I go back, I can make it return to its original state within a year at most." Xiao Zhi said.

"That's good." Yang Xu couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

Xiao Zhi stretched out his hand, grabbed Yang Xu's shoulder, and said, "Yang Xu, next, you will be my eyes."

In fact, at his level, even if he can't see, he can clearly perceive the surrounding situation through the expanded universe level field and even the radiated spiritual thoughts, which is even better than the eyes.

But these methods can only be used at close range. Once you need to detect things in the distance, these methods are not easy to use.

"Okay." Yang Xu nodded calmly.

A vast voice that only Xiao Zhi could hear sounded: "It will improve his vision tenfold!"

Immediately, a dazzling brilliance like substance burst out from Yang Xu's eyes.

Yang Xu turned his head and looked in all directions.

The communication bracelet on Xiao Zhi's wrist vibrated slightly at this time, the screen lit up, and a line of text appeared on it.

This is another message sent by the Mighty Heavenly Buddha.

Xiao Zhi said: "The mighty Buddha asked us to go over and join him."

"Yeah." Yang Xu hummed, and he also saw the text displayed on Xiao Zhi's communication bracelet.

"This way." Yang Xu pointed in one direction.

As soon as Yang Xu finished speaking, the figures of him and Xiao Zhi turned into nothing and disappeared into the sky.

There was a muffled sound in the extremely distant sky, and the entire sky trembled. This was a strange phenomenon caused by the wall of the world being penetrated.

Not long after, on a small island in a world almost entirely filled with water, a handsome middle-aged man sat cross-legged and closed his eyes like an old monk in trance.

This handsome middle-aged man is none other than the mighty Buddha.

The figures of Xiao Zhi and Yang Xu appeared out of thin air in this world full of water.

The two of them did not get close to the island.

Yang Xu sent a message to Xiao Zhi: 'This man's Qi fluctuations are exactly the same as those of the Heavenly Buddha, but I dare not judge arbitrarily whether this person is a Heavenly Buddha or not. ’

Just now, he was tricked by the giant cicada, which made Yang Xu have some doubts about his own perception ability.

Xiao Zhi smiled slightly and said: "Whether it is true or not, you will know if you go and take a look."

With that said, he took Yang Xu with him and floated to the island where the mighty Buddha was.

While floating towards the island, Xiao Zhi unfolded his universe-level domain.

On the small island, the mighty Buddha opened his eyes, stood up from the gravel ground, smiled and said: "God, you are finally here."

As Xiao Zhi and the two approached, gray ripples passed over the island like water waves, and these ripples also passed over the body of the mighty Buddha.

The mighty Buddha did not hide, but stood quietly on the gravel ground.

The next moment, the figures of Xiao Zhi and Yang Xu appeared in front of him out of thin air, less than ten feet away from him.

Xiao Zhi said: "Tell me, what happened to you."

The mighty Buddha nodded.

He clasped his hands together and began to talk: "I entered this great realm to find those golden hoops. This golden hoop is a Buddhist instrument that I refined. It is full of cause and effect. Once I Once you find them, you will know what happened to Na Zitu.”

Xiao Zhi nodded and signaled the mighty Buddha to continue speaking.

The Great Power Buddha continued, "I passed through the world planes and easily found the golden hoop. When I was about to check the golden hoop, it suddenly turned into a giant golden cicada and swallowed me. When I broke out of the cicada, the world plane I was in had turned into a bloody world."

"Our experiences are similar to yours." Yang Xu said.

The Great Powerful Buddha nodded and said, "This is a killing game set up by the Lord of Yongtu based on a world and cause and effect. I am not as strong as him, so I am trapped in this game and slowly eroded by his cause and effect power. If no reinforcements come, it will be difficult for me to survive. I may be refined by this killing game."

"I can only fight with the Lord of Yongtu here with the power of cause and effect to delay time."

"Until the moment before, this killing game suddenly showed obvious loosening. I took this opportunity to launch a counterattack, and luckily turned the tables and took the Lord of Yongtu in."

Xiao Zhi's expression moved slightly, and he said, "Did you take the Lord of Yongtu into the Buddha Kingdom of All Living Beings?"

"Yes." The Great Powerful Buddha nodded.

Xiao Zhi nodded and said, "Yes, it seems that your refining of the Mountain and River Map and integrating it into your Buddha Kingdom of All Living Things has an effect."

Yang Xu stared at the Great Power Buddha and said, "Just now, how did you know that my elder brother caught a giant cicada?"

The Great Power Buddha said, "The causal connection between me and the Lord of Heaven is very deep. I can vaguely sense some of the Lord of Heaven's actions."

Xiao Zhi nodded.

The reason given by the Great Power Buddha is reasonable.

Yang Xu asked again, "What is this giant cicada, and why do you want to kill it?"

The Great Power Buddha replied, "The giant cicada is the body outside the body of the Lord of Yongtu. Killing it can backfire on its original body and weaken its strength."

Xiao Zhi nodded again and said, "Do you need us to enter the Buddha Kingdom of All Living Things to help you deal with the Lord of Yongtu?"

The Great Power Buddha shook his head gently, "No."

Xiao Zhi showed a hint of surprise on his face, but soon, this hint of surprise disappeared from his face.

Xiao Zhi said, "Do you want to use the Lord of Yongtu as a whetstone to hone your causal power?"

The Great Power Buddha nodded.

Xiao Zhi nodded and said, "Okay, then you continue. Yang Xu and I will protect you here."

"Thank you." The Great Power Buddha put his hands together, thanked him, and sat down again, closing his eyes.

Xiao Zhi and Yang Xu stepped back a little and stood on the water outside the island.

The water surface, which was originally rippled, immediately became as smooth as a mirror and calm.

Yang Xu secretly sent a message to Xiao Zhi: 'Brother, is the person in front of you really the Great Power Buddha? '

The power of cause and effect is too strange, so Yang Xu can never be 100% sure that the person in front of him is the Great Power Buddha.

Xiao Zhi sent a message back: 'It should be. I just tested it with the indestructible substance. The indestructible substance can break all laws. If the Buddha is disguised by the Lord of Yongtu, he should have revealed his true form just now. ’

After listening to Xiao Zhi’s explanation, Yang Xu nodded and said no more.

At this time, the communication bracelet on Yang Xu’s wrist also vibrated slightly.

This was Yang Xi sending him a message, asking about his situation.

Yang Xu typed with his mind and replied to Yang Xi’s message.

Xiao Zhi closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the cold water.

During this trip, his eyes were severely damaged. While he was free now, he had to take care of his injured eyes.

Yang Xu walked into Xiao Zhi, stretched out a hand, and gently pressed on Xiao Zhi’s eyes. The palm of his hand was full of milky white light.

He was using the law of life he mastered to help Xiao Zhi heal his wounds.

Time passed by.

From Xiao Zhi’s closed eyes, dark golden blood flowed out again.

This was blood stasis.

When the blood stasis was drained, the gray in Xiao Zhi’s eyes obviously faded a little, and he could already vaguely see some things.

The Great Powerful Buddha sat on the island for seven days and seven nights before slowly opening his eyes.

"How is it?" Xiao Zhi asked.

Yang Xu also looked at the Great Powerful Buddha.

The Great Powerful Buddha put his hands together and said with a smile: "I have suppressed him in the Buddha Kingdom of All Living Beings."

"Congratulations." Xiao Zhi showed a smile on his face.

Yang Xu said in a muffled voice: "Where is Zitu?"

The Great Powerful Buddha said: "It is also suppressed in the Buddha Kingdom of All Living Beings."

"Can I go in and take a look?" Yang Xu asked.

"Of course." The Great Powerful Buddha said with a smile.

Not long after, the Buddha Kingdom of All Living Beings.

The Buddha Kingdom of All Living Beings became dilapidated again, and many places have become white.

The sky was a little dim, floating with dense black cracks.

On a field, a black cicada that was bigger than a hill was suppressed below by a towering mountain with a glazed color.

Not far away, there was a slightly smaller golden mountain.

This golden mountain suppressed the Zitu.

Xiao Zhi and Yang Xu appeared in front of the towering mountain.

The towering mountain was shining with golden light and gradually became transparent, revealing the huge black cicada suppressed in it.

"Lord Yongtu, I'm here to see you." Xiao Zhi said.

The huge black cicada was suppressed and could not move. The old voice of Lord Yongtu came from the towering mountain: "The winner is the loser, the winner is the loser..."

Xiao Zhi said: "I'm actually very curious about how you survived from the previous era."

The giant black cicada was silent, obviously not intending to answer Xiao Zhi's question.

A stool appeared behind Xiao Zhi. Xiao Zhi sat on the stool and said, "I have been thinking about you in the past few days, and I have figured out some things."

"What's going on?" asked the old voice belonging to Lord Yongtu.

"Chaos behemoths should be strictly restricted by rules. They could not appear in the chaotic void at the beginning of the era, but you appeared. In order to do this, you have spent a lot of time and paid a lot of price. Yes, right?"

The old voice belonging to the master of Yongtu did not speak, which was regarded as acquiescence to this.

Xiao Zhi continued: "As soon as you returned to the Chaos Void, you were eager to devise a killing plan, trying to trap and kill the Mighty Buddha and me. Either you had a limited time to escape the rules and you would be captured soon. Either you have exhausted your potential after becoming a chaotic beast and can no longer break through to the immortal level. You can only take action as soon as possible, because once I become the immortal level, you will no longer have the possibility of revenge. "

The old voice belonging to the master of Yongtu was silent for a moment, and said with a wry smile: "Your current strength should have one foot on the immortal level."

"Not bad." Xiao Zhi said calmly.

"What a pity... hateful..." the old voice said.

Yang Xudao asked: "Where are all the chaos beasts imprisoned?"

No one answered Yang Xu's question.

Yang Xu added: "My elder brother said that our universe is probably a huge breeding farm. He guessed that there is a powerful force that has sealed our universe and formulated various rules in our universe for the purpose of In order to harvest the essence of the universe, you are now a chaotic beast. You should know some inside information. Tell me, is this guess of my elder brother true? "

Xiao Zhi corrected him on the side: "This guess was not made by me, but by Tianfo."

The old voice belonging to the master of Yongtu said: "Guess, is this true?"

Yang Xu said: "I can't guess it, so I have to ask you."

The old voice belonging to the master of Yongtu said: "I know the answer, but why should I tell you?"

Obviously, he did not intend to tell Xiao Zhi the answer to their question.

Xiao Zhi sighed and said, "Let's go out."

"Okay." Yang Xu nodded and agreed.

At this time, a voice faintly came from the golden mountain not far away: "Let me out! Let me out! I am innocent, I am innocent! As soon as I escaped here, I was captured by Yongtu The bastard Master was caught, and he forced me to do the next thing, and I had no choice but to do it!”

This is Zitu's voice.

The voice seemed hoarse.

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